Lost and Found Ch. 02 Pt. 01

20 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Alex smiled at the memory as he watched his slave. He walked over to her and tweaked her right nipple. She jumped and then leaned in as he continued on caressing her breast. It had been an amazing summer. They had spent all their extra time together. When they weren’t together he had her reading different material on all kinds of subjects from bdsm to proper etiquette.

She loved it. Never before had she felt more alive than when she was with Alex. He made her feel things she didn’t know were possible. She loved the training and found the reading fascinating. Who knew there was this whole other world out there? He had taken her to a few clubs just to show her that they weren’t alone in their pursuits. She actually saw a couple of acquaintances there and had blushed furiously. However, they just looked her over and continued what they were doing.

Now, her body weak with desire, she leaned against her restraints. Anxious for him to touch her again, she made mewling sounds and wriggled her body. Alex rewarded her efforts with a caress that went from her cheek, slowly down her body to her wet pussy. She thrust against his hand as he slid his fingers into her wetness, probing her and stroking her clit. She moaned through the panties.

Rock hard, Alex smelled the scent of her lust. Unable to suppress his desire any longer, he released her from her bonds and pushed her down onto the carpet. He took her off her gag and blindfold. She stared at him with those dark brown eyes and as he lunged into her she gasped her pleasure and shut her eyes.

“Open your eyes, slave, and look at me!” Alex commanded. She obeys immediately and her eyes are locked on his. He loves the look of lust in her eyes and immediately started thrusting his cock in and out of her hot, wet pussy. She gasped and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in deeper. Her hands were on his strong shoulders, her nails dug into his skin. As he continued to fuck her he lowered his head down and sucked a nipple into his mouth. She cried out as she crested the top of her orgasm. Riding it down until it hit the shore and languid waves washed over her in jolts of pleasure.

She had been staring into Master Alex’s eyes the whole time, which only made the pleasure more intense. His hazel eyes looked very green tonight and very determined. He slowly slid in and out of her, building up the pressure again. Rubbing her g-spot with his cock he felt her tightening up and it felt so good.

“Don’t cum until I tell you too” He commanded.

She nods her head to show she understands. He slams his cock in her hard a couple of times and then pulls back so that he is just sliding in and out of her opening. She arches up to try and get more of him, but he is relentless. Teasing her with short strokes. Teasing himself in the process.

“Play with your tits” He growled at her.

“Yes, Master” She said in a low, trembling voice.

She blushed a little as she raised her hands to her breasts and started massaging them. She soon forgot her embarrassment as he started to fuck her long and hard. Squeezing her breasts and tugging on the nipples only made things more intense. She was close to cumming. She heard a roaring noise fill her ears and knew it was going to be good.

“Please Master Alex, may I cum?” she begs.

“Not yet.” Alex replies and he redoubles his efforts pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

“Master, please, oh please!”

Alex feels himself get harder with each stroke and knows he is about to cum too. He is fucking her hard and fast and it feels too good to last much longer. He releases her first.

“Cum slave!” He commands.

Kelli’s world is focused only on her release. She meets each thrust with one of her own and as she finally explodes on her Master’s cock. She soaks him with her juices and she cries out in relief. Then, with his balls dripping with her cum Master Alex starts shooting his load into her pussy. He finishes and gazes down at her. It’s been a wonderful summer and he has never been happier or more satisfied. He wants more than just this. He wants it all.

It’s been a few minutes and he hasn’t moved. He’s just been staring at her and Kelli is getting a little nervous. He looks so serious, she isn’t sure what is going on, but she senses that something is changing. She smiles up at him and the words come out.

“I love you, Kelli. I love our life. I don’t want it to end.”

“End? Why would it end?”

“You gave me the summer to help you find yourself.”

“Yes and I’ve never been so happy. This is who I am, this is what I want.” Kelli declared.

“That may be, but I don’t want you to regret your decision. So, I’m giving you some time. I’m going away on a trip for ten days. During that time we will have no contact. You will take that time to explore your options. When I return you will make your choice. It’s either all or nothing. I want you with me all the time. I want you to move in with me.”

“What? I don’t need ten days! I know what I want! I want you!” Kelli cried.

“Ten days Starzbet isn’t such a long time. You need a break from the intensity. If this is what you truly want then this is what you will have.” Alex rolled over and sat up. He untied her breasts and pulled her into his arms. “I don’t want you to ever look back and say “I wish I had done something different.” You are young and should have every opportunity. Talk to your friends and family.”

Kelli looked at Alex with sadness in her eyes, “Yes Master”

Two days later Alex has loaded up his truck with all the gear he needed for his ten day camping trip. He’s meeting a couple of old buddies and they’re heading up into the mountains. Hopefully his friends will keep his mind busy because this is going to be a long ten days. Kelli had been fighting off tears and trying to be brave as the time for his departure nears. She was gazing out his kitchen window when he approached her and gently said, “It’s time, Kelli.”

She turned and went to him. Wrapping herself around him, she tried not to cry. He hugged her tight and kissed her. Then he got in the truck and drove away. She felt lost and alone. She got in her car and drove to her home. Once there she went straight to her room. She laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She began to think about all this summer has meant to her and she is amazed at the woman she has become. All because she said “yes”. She closed her eyes and thought back to her first real orgasm…

Alex had come by and picked her up after he got off work. They had seen each other every night for a week. He had spent each evening teaching her different aspects of submission. How to sit, where to sit, what it meant to serve, what his expectations were. She listened, she practiced, she learned, but most of all she wanted. Wanted him to take her, to touch her, to release the pressure that had been building up. Well, he did touch her. He gently showed her how to do things to please him. He had lightly caressed different parts of her body talking about erogenous zones. She had seen how hard he had gotten as she sat at his feet and looked up at him.

She knew that night would be different. Alex was quiet when he picked her up, he seemed lost in thought as they drove to his house. Once inside he told her to strip, she had hesitated for a moment, then quickly did as he asked. Tonight was her first test, he had told her. He wanted to know how well she had been listening.

He had placed her in the middle of the living room. She sat as instructed; hands behind her back, chest thrust out, knees spread wide. Next he asked her what her safe words were and when she was to use them. After that he had her explain what her role as a submissive was so that he was sure that she understood what he was asking of her. All the while he walked around her lightly touching her shoulders, her hair, caressing her breast. He made it hard for her to think straight, but she managed to answer all of his questions. He smiled at her, pleased with her efforts.

He sat down on a chair and looked at her. Then he said “And when I am displeased I will punish you. Now crawl over to me.”

Kelli had been feeling proud of herself for answering his questions, but now she felt nervous as she slowly crawled to his feet. He pulled her up over his lap. “Not only will I punish you when I am displeased, but I will also punish you for my own pleasure. Remember all you have to do is use your safe word to make it stop.”

With that he smacked her left cheek and then her right in rapid succession. It stung and it stunned Kelli, who had never had more than her hand smacked as a child. He was hitting her deliberately and continuously and it hurt! Yet, even though there were tears in her eyes, she wanted to please him. Even though it hurt she felt a warmth building, growing from her ass to pussy. She felt his hard cock press against her belly and that excited her even more. Then, just when she was going to use her safe word, he stopped. He caressed her hot cheeks and she felt tears fall from her eyes. He helped her up and took her in his arms as she cried. He told her how well she had done, how proud of her he was. He kissed her mouth, her neck, shoulders. He thumbed her nipple which sent a shock of pleasure to her pussy. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She looked up at him with tear stained eyes.

“Where there is pain, there is also pleasure. The two go hand in hand.” He sucked a nipple into his mouth and then bit it just hard enough to make her squirm. He slid his other hand down over her belly to her cunt. His fingers danced around her clit giving her sensations that she had never felt before. She was wet and his fingers soon found their way to her honey hole. He dipped his fingers in there and felt her muscles clench. He took his hand and lightly slapped her pussy which made her squirm even more. Her breathing was ragged.

She reached for him. Touching him hesitantly at first. Her hands on his broad shoulders, then Starzbet Giriş running down his muscled arms. She had not had much experience with oral sex. Truthfully, she had never been on the receiving end. So when he lowered his head and she felt his tongue lick her labia she was shocked and excited. He spread apart her legs and flicked his tongue against her clit. She didn’t know what to do or think all she could do was feel. Feel him sucking on her clit, feel his fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy. It was unlike anything she had even imagined. The pressure kept building and building. Before she could thing about it she had her hands in his hair and was thrusting herself against his face. Suddenly the world exploded in a white hot heat. Like all the air got sucked out of the room for a moment. Then she was falling and dancing and throbbing…

She awoke to a knocking at her door. It was her father.

“Kelli, are you there?”

“Yes Papa, I’m home.”

“Well that’s a first! Dinner is in half an hour.”

“I’ll be down.” Kelli answered.

Might as well get it over with, she thought to herself. She knew she was going to have to answer a lot of questions. She sighed deeply and got up. She looked a fright, so she brushed her hair and touched up her make-up. At least now she looked presentable. She made her way down to the dining room.

“So to what do we owe the honor of your presence tonight?” Kelli’s father asked.

“Oh Papa, very funny. Alex has gone out of town for ten days, so I guess you’ll see me around for a little while.”

“Really? Is everything okay between you two?” He looked concerned.

“Yes, everything is fine. I just have to make some decisions. It’s almost the end of the summer, you know.”

“I know and the offer of a job still stands. You could start whenever you like or even Bill, you remember Bill Athey? He was talking about how much he’d like to hire you the other day. I guess the question is have you found yourself yet?” He raised his eyebrows as he looked at his wayward daughter.

“Honestly? I think I have, but I need a few days to think about it. I need something to occupy my mind for a few days.”

“Well, I have just the thing! Your mother is coming into town the day after tomorrow and wants to spend some time with you. She’ll only be here a few days so please just say yes.”

“Oh Papa, really? That’s perfect!” She could really use her mother’s advice right now.

Her father was surprised at her response. The last time her mother came to visit it didn’t go so well, but he wasn’t about to complain. He smiled at her response and began eating his dinner. He and his wife had divorced ten years ago and he had gotten custody of Kelli. She usually came around once or twice a year and tried to play “mom”, but Kelli didn’t usually tolerate that very well. Leila was spoiled and expected everything to be handed to her. What a disappointment he had turned out to be!

They finished dinner in companionable silence and after dinner they watched some television before Kelli excused herself and went back to her room. She was thinking about her mother’s visit. Finally she had questions that her mother could possibly answer. After all, Leila had been in and out of love a half dozen times. She would help Kelli make her decision. Kelli was thinking about Alex as she drifted off to sleep.

The next day Kelli didn’t know what to do with herself. She was so used to planning her days around Alex. Her father suggested a trip to the spa and that sounded like a good idea. She made the appointment and went upstairs to get ready.

She arrived a few minutes early and was surprised to see a couple of girls she knew. They started talking about their summers and their future plans. Their jobs and their boyfriends. Kelli listened and nodded but didn’t say much. By the time the girls turned their attention to her she was being called back. She gave a little regretful smile, shrugged her shoulders and followed and older woman back to get a facial.

By the time she was done the girls were gone and the afternoon had passed pleasantly. She was very relaxed as she drove home. Out of habit she drove by Alex’s house. It looked forlorn and empty without him there. Eight more days to go.

The next day her mother arrived. She looked wonderful. Long, chestnut hair and a slender body made her look younger than her 45 years. She was staying at the house in the guest room. Kelli went to help her unpack.

“Wow mom, two suitcases for three days?”

“You never know!” Leila laughed “So how is my grown up daughter?”

“A little confused about life. I was wondering if we could talk?”

“Really?” Leila looked surprised, then happy. “Sure!”

“Well, it’s like this. I’ve met the most wonderful guy. We’ve spent the summer together and had a terrific time. He’s everything I want.”

“Sounds divine! What’s the problem?”

“We want to take it to the next level, but he wants me to be sure that I’m ready.”

Leila’s eyes narrowed, Starzbet Güncel Giriş “What’s the next level?”

“We move in together. He’s got a lovely house! A great job and everything is so great!”

“What are you not telling me?”

Kelli blushed, she wasn’t sure how much detail she could give her mother without her freaking out. Time to test the water a little bit. “Mom, you’ve been in love a lot. How did you know when it was love and how did you know when it was over?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say I was in love a lot! I mean including your father there were only…seven. Okay so maybe seven is a lot. I love being in love! I love the butterflies and the freshness. Where everything is new and exciting. There’s no dull routine or boring habits. That’s my problem, you see. When I get bored is when everything goes downhill. I try, but I have to get out. I don’t think I meant to be a housewife.” Leila looked chagrined.

“So, what if I told you that he is never boring? That he makes life incredible every day? That I love taking care of him and being with him?”

“I’d say move over, sister! Just kidding! He sounds great! I’d like to meet him.”

“Unfortunately he’s out of town for the next seven days. I’m to give him my decision when he gets back.” Kelli sighed.

“What else is there, Kelli? What’s holding you back, really?”

She can’t do it. She can’t tell her mother. “I don’t know. I do know that I want this. Do you think Papa will be upset?”

“You mean you haven’t told him?”

“Not exactly…”

“What did you tell him?

“Just that Alex is out of town for the week, which is why I’m home.”

“So his name is Alex? That’s a nice strong name. Well, tell your father tonight at dinner. I’ll back you up. The worst that will happen is that he’ll get mad, but he’ll get over it. You’re not a little girl anymore.” Leila finished putting her clothes away and sank onto the bed, “I’m going to take a nap before dinner. Wake me up at four o’clock?”

“Sure mom.” Kelli left the room, closing the door behind her. She thought about what they had talked about and realized that she was still sure about what she wanted. She didn’t need to talk to friends and family. This was her life and her choice. She would like to work and she would talk to Alex about that. She wasn’t sure where, but she didn’t think she would work with her father.

She told her father at dinner that night. He took it rather well. He said since she had been spending all her time with Alex anyway he figured it might be something like that. He really liked Alex and as long as she was happy, he was happy.

“Wow, your dad is really mellowing out in his old age!” Leila exclaimed. “I figured he would have a meltdown over this.”

“Papa is pretty cool.” Kelli admitted. She and her mother were going out for the evening to visit some of Leila’s old friends. They got dressed and went downstairs. Her father whistled at them and wished them a good evening.

“Now, you remember Martha King? She used to come over all the time when you were little?” Leila was talking as they got in Kelli’s car. “Well, she always comes across like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but I’ll tell you what, she’s a tricky one! She’s very bossy, but very subtle. Her poor husband waits on her hand and foot!”

Kelli remembered Martha King, she was a buxom lady with a big smile who smelled like cotton candy. She had always been kind to Kelli. She remembered Martha’s husband too. He was always doing special little things for her. They seemed to have a great relationship.

They arrived at Martha’s and there were a couple of other cars there. Her mother looked a little disappointed.

“Oh, I had hoped to spend some time alone with her…”

“Don’t worry, mom, I’ll run interference for you!” Kelli laughed.

They rang the bell and a few moments later Martha’s husband opened the door. He looked flushed and was breathing a little heavy. “Come in! Come in!” he beckoned.

They entered and he took their coats. They heard laughter in the living room so they headed that way. As soon as they stepped into the room Kelli knew she was in trouble. One of the couples sitting there had seen her at one of the clubs, would they recognize her? The woman leaned over and whispered something in Martha’s ear. Martha looked surprised, but then looked Kelli over and smiled.

“Hello Leila!” she called out.

Leila made her way over and gave her friend a hug and was introduced to the other two couples. Linda and Jeremy were the couple who had recognized Kelli.

“What a beautiful daughter you have!” Linda exclaimed. “She looks so familiar!”

Kelli blushed and said “Thank you!” She took a seat and hoped that Linda was done with her.

Luckily Leila was regaling them with a story so the focus was off Kelli. However she couldn’t help but notice the sly glances that Martha kept throwing her way. Robert, Martha’s husband came in with some hot hors d’oeuvres. He went around serving everyone individually. After he was done Martha told him to freshen up everyone’s drinks and he scurried to do so. Kelli found this a little odd. Robert wasn’t a small man, he was at least five ten and was of average build, yet Martha ordered him around and he took it. It was a bit unusual, but no one else seemed to notice or care.

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