The Manipulatrix Ch. 01

28 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Hi, my name’s Jenna. I’m 25 years old, and I live in a very posh apartment in the Pantana Towers in Trentstown. My balcony has a fabulous view of downtown, the Belle River, the Ward Building, and all that. I love it, and I can easily afford it, because I have a six-figure income from my career, which is I’m an online dominatrix and fetish video merchant. I have a website where I sell my videos; I make custom videos for all my little pervy slaves, catering to all their fetishes; I do skype shows with them; they can call on my live phone chat line … you know, that kind of thing. They send me regular cash tributes all the time, in addition to all the money they spend to call me, skype me, buy my videos, all the things they buy for me from my Amazon wishlist, etc. Money and merchandise rolls in for me around the clock.

It’s a great career. I only work three or four hours a day, and then I have plenty of time to shop, run around with my girlfriends, get my hair and nails done, go out for fabulous meals, etc. So yeah… I’m living the high life, but that’s my professional life. My personal life is totally different. As my boyfriend can tell you, I’m nothing like my online persona. To all my little pay-piggy minions out there, I’m demanding, greedy, selfish… you know… but in my personal life, with my boyfriend, I’m much more traditional, and I’m always thinking of ways to please him.

You know, girls, it’s really important to please your man and make sure he feels good about himself, and confident, and satisfied. And of course you don’t want him to stray, right? So let me share with you some things I do to keep my man happy.

First of all, my boyfriend is 41, and when I met him, he’d just gotten divorced. His wife got their house, and he had to pay her alimony, and he got stuck with credit card debt they had, so he was living in a crummy little place in the Whitestone Apartments. You know where those are? Yeah, not the nicest place to live.

Of course my income is MORE than plenty to support us both. I make over 10 times what he makes, so I could have easily paid off his credit card debt, or let him move in with me so he wouldn’t have living expenses. But that would be emasculating for him to have me just bail him out like that. You know? He would feel like a failure, like he couldn’t make it on his own. So when we started dating, I let him take me out, and pay for our dates. I’d make sure we went out to eat at really nice places, really expensive ones, like Mancini’s, so he could feel like a man, you know?

And I let him take me shopping, too. I wanted us to have lots of time together, you know, just the two of us, in various clothing stores, and shoe stores, and salons. I mean, I have two huge walk-in closets full of clothes and shoes, that I’ve bought myself, or my slaves have bought me, but again, I wanted him to feel special, you know, like he was contributing. So a lot of times I’d devote the whole day to him, and let him take me from place to place, and buy me things. Or we’d go to the salon, and I’d get my hair done and let him be a gentleman and hold all my shopping bags on his lap while he waited for me.

When his alimony payments stopped, and he didn’t have to pay them anymore, I suggested he start taking that amount, and give it to me each month. You know, ’cause before, he had to fork over that money to his ex-wife, who had hurt him by kicking him out of his house. She already had a new man when she did that, and she let the new guy move in with her right away. That’s so sad, isn’t it? I knew all of that was really painful for him, so I said, “Well, you know, honey, now that you’re free of having her take that money from you each month, giving it to me will help heal all those painful memories. It will remind you that this is a new, happier chapter in your life. And to really help you move on and get over her, why don’t we change the amount, and make it 200 dollars more? That way it won’t be the same amount, so it won’t bring back those painful memories of her.”

That’s the same reason why I helped him get his credit card debt back up to what it was, you know, because before, he was still paying off stuff his ex-wife had bought. But now I made it so whenever he got those credit card statements each month, he’d see all the things he’d bought me, and it would make him happy to have a new, loving woman in his life.

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning, is go to my laptop to see how many hundreds of dollars I made while I was sleeping, from guys buying videos, sending tributes, etc. That’s usually around 11:00, and of course by then my boyfriend’s been at work for a few hours. He works downtown, not far from my apartment building, but a little too far to walk. I know by 11:00 he’s dying to talk to me, but I don’t want to interrupt him at work by calling him, so instead I’ll send a text and say, “when will u be here 2 make me breakfast?” He’ll respond and say “20 mins” or however long it will be. Then, when he can get away, he’ll leave work and come to my apartment.

It’s a short bus ride, but yalova escort that’s faster than getting his car from the one parking garage, driving in the downtown traffic, then parking it in the Pantana garage, and all that. So he just takes the bus over. Anyway, once he gets to my place, we can have a little mid-day togetherness time, which is nice for him. I tell him what I want for breakfast and let him cook it. I know cooking is a nice way for him to gather his thoughts and de-stress from work a little, so I leave him alone while I lounge in my living room, watching my enormous flatscreen TV, or I’ll mess around on my laptop or something.

By the time my breakfast is ready, it’s getting close to time for him to catch the bus back, so I always keep a loaf of white bread on hand, and some bologna in the fridge. That way, after he serves me my breakfast, he can slap together a sandwich he can eat on the bus ride back. I mean, obviously he has to eat, too!

When he gets off work, a lot of times I’m out shopping, or running around with my friends. I know he needs some down time, so I don’t bother him. I don’t pester him with calls or texts. Some evenings we don’t get together, so I’ve told him, “Honey, if I don’t call, why don’t you just enjoy your evening, and stay home and watch TV or something. You need your down time.” But if I do call, then he can take me out to eat or something.

Some nights, I’ll call him and say, “Why don’t we go to the club?” I’ll get dressed up in a really super-hot skimpy outfit, and put on really sexy heels for him, and let him come to the towers to pick me up. To make it an extra-fun time, I call or text my girlfriends and have them meet us at the club, and after he drives me there, I’ll say, “Honey, I know you’re probably really tired, and stressed from work. Plus you have to work tomorrow, so I wouldn’t want you hung over or something. So why don’t you just sit here in the car, and relax, and enjoy yourself. I don’t want to put pressure on you to entertain me tonight; Zoe and Mandy and Katrina are all here, they can keep me company. You just wait here and relax. Here, let me put your phone here, right here down your pants in the front, that way if you fall asleep, but I need you for something, you’ll feel the phone buzz. It’s so sweet of you to bring me out tonight, and I know you wanted to be a big man and be the big spender, and show me a great time. But I don’t want to wear you out. Here, I’ll just go ahead and take your credit card in with me, and how about I just use it to pay for all four of us, so you won’t be disappointed by our date.”

I think it’s really important not to make him feel inadequate, and self-conscious about the income gap between me and him. So it would be really selfish and inconsiderate of me to pay for me and all my friends at the club myself. I let him do that, so he feels like he’s contributing something.

Sometimes there are really hot guys in the club who slide up to me while I’m dancing, and some of them get really bold: They’ll put their hands on my hips, they might start grinding against me, feeling up my ass… sometimes a guy will even just have both his hands brazenly cupping my breasts through my top. I know my boyfriend wouldn’t want to see that, so that’s another good reason to let him just wait in the car, you know, so he doesn’t have to be bothered with that kind of thing. I mean, I’m sure he would be super-jealous, and there could be an unpleasant incident. Like, he might confront the guy, and then the guy would end up kicking his ass. That wouldn’t be good.

So then after my girlfriends and I have spent two or three hours in the club and had our fun, and I pay our tab with my boyfriend’s credit card, I come back out to the car, and let him drive me home. Then I invite him to come in for a while. I know he’s probably had a little nap in the car, so even though it’s late by then, I know he’s up for a little nightcap. Also, since I’m looking so hot, I know he’s ready for some intimacy, too.

So we’ll go in, and I’ll lie down on my back on my king-sized bed, and relax, and let him kneel beside the bed, and slip off my heels, and rub my sore, tired feet. Mmmm, it feels so good after a few hours of dancing. And I know he’s getting excited and turned on by my sexy painted toenails, so I let him kiss my toes, and then kiss my feet all over while he’s rubbing. I know being trapped in heels and getting a little sweaty from dancing has probably made them taste really good, too, so I’ll let him stick his tongue out as far as he can, and I’ll rub them along his tongue, over and over and over. Then I’ll treat him to tasting as much of my lovely feet as he can: I’ll plant one foot against his face, with my heel on his nose, and the ball of the foot pressing against his forehead, while I put the other foot as far into his mouth as I can. And I’ll pull that foot out of his mouth, and put it back in again, over and over, to give him as much pleasure as I can from the full flavor of it. Then I’ll switch feet and do that some more edirne escort for him. Sometimes I’ll curl one foot around the back of his neck, and use it to pull him closer, while I put the other foot as far into his mouth as I can. These are just some little things I do to intensify his pleasure, and show him how much I appreciate him taking me out that night and showing me such a good time.

But obviously, I know he wants to show love to more than just my feet. He’s eager to show me what a skilled lover he is in other ways, too, and I want to give him that chance. So I’ll flip over and lie on my stomach, and put my head down and relax, and I’ll let him slide his face up between my legs. I let him relax, too, by stretching his arms out and laying them flat on the bed, under my legs. Then I let him show what a great kisser he is, and he showers my butt cheeks with kiss after kiss. I know it makes him feel so good, too, when I tell him I want passionate deep kisses from him, and he’ll slide his tongue into my butthole and kiss me deeply. He is such a great lover! Believe me, after 10 or 15 minutes of his loving kisses, I am soooo turned on, and wild with desire for him. When I lift my ass up off the mattress, and start to grind up and down, he knows I want him to slip his tongue into my pussy, which is so wet by then.

At that point I’ll let him lick my pussy, and he will get me so hot, it will only take me 20 or 30 minutes to cum all over his face. Sometimes I’m so relaxed after that, I could probably fall right to sleep. But I know that would be really rude, so I let him continue to tongue me softly, kissing or gently licking my pussy some more, and he’s so good, before long I’m ready to go for another orgasm. I’ll cum again in 15 or 20 minutes. Some nights I even cum a third time.

Anyway, by that time it’s usually really late, and I know my boyfriend must be really tired. I thank him for the wonderful evening, and allow him to let himself out. I usually stay put, lying on my belly on the bed and relaxing. I don’t walk him to the door, because, I mean, he’s not stupid, I don’t wanna be rude and make him feel like a dumbass, like he’s forgotten where my apartment door is. Also I don’t want him to feel self-conscious about how his face smells, so I don’t make him kiss me before he leaves. I let him just slide off the bed and go.

I tell him not to wash his face until he showers in the morning, because I know when he gets home and gets in bed, he’s going to want to think about me, and think about our relationship, and how much he loves me. So that’s why I leave my scent on his face like that. I want to give him something, you know, to make him feel good. I tell him, too, that he shouldn’t masturbate when he gets home, because he has to get up early for work and really needs his rest. He shouldn’t do it in the morning, either, because that’s not really any different; it would still take up time he doesn’t have. I know he appreciates those little reminders, and it makes him feel good, knowing I’m so considerate of his time.

A few months ago his car broke down, and the repairs he needed were going to be really expensive (well, I mean expensive for him; I could pay the amount with about one hour of work). He was coming up short and didn’t have the money. I know it made him feel just terrible to do so, but he broke down and asked me if I could help him out with the repairs. Or could he borrow one of my three cars to use, until he saved enough for the repairs? Well, of course I didn’t do either of those. That would be like a slap in the face to him. It would make him feel so inadequate. I said, “Honey, I have a much better idea. You know that car is getting really old. The whole car is hardly worth what they’re gonna charge you to fix it. Why don’t you just let them have it, and junk it? Why don’t we get you a new car instead!”


“Yes, really! I’ll come pick you up right now, and we’ll go car-shopping.”

“You would do that for me?”

“Go car-shopping with you, of course I would. Why wouldn’t I do that for you? And we’ll get you something that’s just perfect!”


I put on a short skirt he’d like, sexy heels, my designer sunglasses, and drove to his place and picked him up. When he got in, I said, “Honey, you just leave everything to me today. I know this whole car thing, and your finances and all, have really been stressing you out, and sometimes dealing with car salesmen can be stressful, too, so you just relax today and leave everything to me. I’ll pick out the perfect car for you, and I’ll do all the talking and bargaining and all that. You just relax today, OK?”

He agreed, and we went to the Mercedes-Benz dealership. I said, “Honey, you just sit here and relax, and have some coffee, while the salesman shows me around the lot.” After a while I came back in and told him, “Honey, I’m gonna go with the salesman on a test drive, so while I’m doing that, you and the business manager can sit down and work out the financing, in case I’m sure about the erzurum escort one I picked.”

He said, “It needs to be financed?”

“Of course,” I said.

“Oh. Well, then doesn’t he need you, to work out the financing?”

I was a little confused about why he asked that, but I said, “No, he can get all the information he needs from you.”

After the test-drive I was sure of my choice: A brand new pink Mercedes SLK350 convertible. I knew my boyfriend would be soooo proud to be able to drive me to the club in it, or take me out to Mancini’s in it. It would be perfect!

When I came back in to the dealership, my boyfriend said, “I guess I didn’t realize you meant a new car … um … that I’d pay for…”

“Oh, my goodness, honey, you ARE stressed, aren’t you? Do you hear what you’re saying? Of course you have to PAY for it, they don’t just GIVE away cars here! Haha.”

“No, but I mean…. the, uh… the payments are gonna be kinda high…”

“Honey, what did I tell you? You don’t need all this stress right now. You just need to leave this to me, sweetie. As long as they approve you for financing, there’s nothing to worry about. Everything will work out. So you go ahead back in there, and let’s finish up with the business manager and close this deal. I’ll be out here talking with the salesman if you need me.”

When he finally came out, and had all the papers in hand, he said, “It’s pink?”

“Yes! It’s sooo cute. Are you ready to see it now? Let’s go. Here, let me drive, so you can just relax and enjoy the breeze. We’ll have the top down.”

I drove him home, and as he sat clutching all his paperwork, I said, “OK, honey, why don’t you go in and unwind and relax. You’ve had a big day. And you know, this is too nice a car to park outside the Whitestone Apartments, don’t you think? Someone would steal it tonight, or trash it or something. We’ll need to keep it in the garage in my building. I’ll pay for a spot for just tonight, but tomorrow, when you come by, before you come in to make me breakfast, stop in to the office and buy a spot at the monthly rate, or annual rate if you have the money to do that.”

“Um… well, how will I get to work tomorrow?”

“The bus, of course. You’ll need to ride the bus from now on, because we can’t keep this car over here. Good night, honey, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I know you’re probably thinking my boyfriend is not that bright. But he really is. It’s just that his job is stressful, and when he’s off work, his brain is just kinda fried, you know? I don’t make him feel bad about it. You don’t want to belittle and embarrass your man, ladies. Just because he didn’t think of the bus right away doesn’t make him stupid. When he needs my help, I give it to him; I don’t try to make him feel silly.

Like I said, I have three other vehicles, an SUV, a sedan, and a sporty little two-seater. It’s good to have different cars for different purposes, obviously. But I couldn’t resist borrowing my boyfriend’s car every time I went out, for the next several weeks. It was so cute, and it was always available, since he couldn’t park it at his apartment building. Whenever it needed gas, I filled it up, because I didn’t want to be rude and leave his car in the garage with an empty tank. I would always print out the receipt so he could reimburse me later. I didn’t want to make him feel like he was so strapped he couldn’t even afford gas for his own car! It’s really important to guard your man’s pride like that.

One day he said, “The old car was paid for, so I didn’t have a payment, and now, if you take the Mercedes payment, plus the insurance, plus my rent, the combined amount would almost be enough for me to afford an apartment in *your* building.” I don’t really know why he said that; I guess he was just thinking out loud. So I just smiled. I was humoring him, because I didn’t know what he was getting at, but I didn’t want to make him feel like I wasn’t interested. Like I said, he’s really smart, so he’s always thinking.

On the nights we went out clubbing, I wanted him to be able to take me there in his fancy new car, so while I got ready, he would ride the bus to my place. Then we’d go down to the garage, and I’d say, “Honey, I’ll drive. You can just relax. I know you’ve had a long day at work.” We’d drive to the club, and then, as usual, I’d let him wait in the car so he could just have some relaxing, quiet time with his thoughts. Usually Zoe, or Katrina, or other friends would be at the club, and I’d take his credit card inside so he could treat us all and not feel like some kind of deadbeat. Then a few hours later, as long as I hadn’t had too much to drink, I’d go ahead and drive again, so he wouldn’t have to. We’d go back to my place for sex.

One night, we went inside, and as usual I allowed him to taste my feet, then french-kiss my butthole, and then lick me to two or three orgasms as we both lay on our stomachs, with his arms oustretched on the bed, under my thighs. I happened to look at the clock and saw it was around 2:30, and I realized he had missed the last bus home. So I said, “Aw, honey, the last bus out from downtown has left, so why don’t we call it a night, because it will take you about an hour to walk home, and you need to get a little sleep before work in the morning. Remember, don’t masturbate because it will cut into your sleep time. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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