Cassadee’s Coming of Age Pt. 01

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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This is one part of a multi-part story, which will eventually expand into a connected universe of characters and stories. Within these stories I will be exploring themes of exhibitionism, first-time sex, incest, fetishes, bondage/non-consent, toys and masturbation, and most likely others. I will not be warning people about what is in each part of each story in order to avoid spoilers, so consider this your warning. If you like this story, and want to follow my characters’ adventures, I recommend bookmarking my page, as the next story may or may not be in the same category. Constructive feedback is appreciated.

This is the first part of Cassadee’s Coming of Age, and as such, there is more story building than explicit material, but I’m pretty sure you will find it worthwhile, especially in the following chapters. Enjoy!

All characters involved in sexual or explicit activity are 18 years of age or older.



Cassadee Ellison yawned and stretched, basking in the light shining through her bedroom window. It was a beautiful morning. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and listened as the birds chirped in the trees. It was Friday. One more day of school before the weekend.

Suddenly her eyes bugged out and her heart skipped a beat as she realized what today was, and what she would be doing tonight. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly, trying to calm her racing heartbeat. Today marked a turning point in her life. Cassadee was no longer a child, and tonight she would prove that. She needed to calm down and savor every moment of this special day—exactly one month after her 18th birthday.

A shiver ran through her body and she bit her lower lip as she thought about her Coming of Age party tonight. She had been thinking about it for the past month and now it was finally here. She would do things tonight that she had never done. Things she thought she would never do.

Tossing the sheets off her body, she ran her hands over her white midriff-length tank top and felt the swollen, puffy nipples of her B-cup breasts. She squeezed them gently, the sensation sending an electric current straight to her sex. Her fingertips traced a path down her flat runner’s stomach, and she shivered again as goosebumps rose on her skin. She reached the top of her pink and white cotton bikini briefs and her fingers slid underneath of their own volition. Her landing strip of closely cropped blond pubic hair was like an arrow pointing directly toward her daily masturbation destination. Her practiced finger easily found her clit and discovered the wetness waiting for her between her lower lips. She drew her fingertips down the length of her slippery vulva from her clit to the opening below, dipping her finger ever so slightly inside.

Cassadee could smell her excitement waft into the air as she pulled her hand from beneath her panties and brought her fingers to her nose. She breathed deeply, inhaling her feminine musk, and tasted her fluids, licking her finger clean. Impatiently, she thrust her hand back under the elastic band of her panties and plunged two fingers deep inside herself. She moaned quietly and her hips rose off the bed, trying to drive those fingers as far inside her pussy as possible. Sliding them out, she immediately began to stimulate her clit, running them up one side, over the clitoral hood, and down the other side in a circular motion. After every few circles around her clit she would slide her fingertips back down through her crevice, lubricating them for more action.

As her arousal increased, her breathing became labored and her face and chest were flushed. The warmth in her pelvis grew until it expanded throughout her body. Her legs stiffened and her toes began to curl as she stopped the circling motion around her clit and began strumming directly across it as fast as she could. She held her breath and her stomach muscles tightened as her vision blurred and her entire world was reduced to a pinpoint of light in her brain.

Her vaginal muscles began to clench and release with spasms as her fingers continued to rub her clit until it could take no more. The orgasm was sudden and explosive. Her hips bucked and she covered her mouth and moaned into her hand. Sparkles filled her vision as a wave of euphoria washed through her entire body. As she rode out the last of her orgasm, she felt the pressure drain from her head and she thought she might pass out. Recovering her breath, she shivered, feeling the pinpricks throughout her body as the blood flow returned to normal.

That was the single most intense orgasm she could ever remember having. Better even than the one she had a month ago, when she turned eighteen. After she learned about all of…this.

On her 18th birthday, her mother had pulled her aside and given her ‘the talk’.


One Month Ago

“Our town is special, Cass,” her mother, Kathleen, had said urfa escort warmly. “Well, our whole county, really. We have many traditions here that you probably don’t know anything about. We have secrets here that everyone has kept religiously for years and years, going back at least as far as my great-grandparents.”

Cassadee was immediately intrigued. “What kind of secrets?”

“Well,” her mother continued, “we take great pride in protecting and raising our girls around here. And our men play a huge part in that.”

“OK…” she responded. Her curiosity was killing her.

“When one of our daughters turns eighteen, we explain a special tradition that we keep—a ceremony, if you will. It happens one month after a girl’s 18th birthday.”

“What happens?”

“A girl has one week after her 18th birthday to decide if she wants to participate in this tradition. It is called a ‘Coming of Age’ celebration. If she decides that she does want to participate, then at the end of that week she will select an advocate. Many times, a girl chooses her mother. I chose my mother. It should be someone you can trust implicitly to have your best interests in mind, at any rate.”

“An advocate for what?” she asked. Cassadee was not yet understanding what this was about. Her mother continued.

“The advocate will recruit up to five men who will agree to act as mentors throughout your life. They will teach you, protect you, give you advice, and help you with anything you might need,” her mother explained.

“Oh. So, they are like five uncles who you can rely on to be there whenever you need something?” she asked with a smile.

Her mother chuckled. “Not exactly, sweetheart.”

“OK. I guess I don’t really understand…”

Her mother’s face became serious. “What I’m about to tell you is a matter of absolute secrecy. Our traditions here must be guarded and protected. Before I go any further, I need you to promise me that what I tell you will not be repeated to anyone. Everyone older than you already knows these things, and anyone who is younger than you should not know anything about this until the time is right. Do you understand and agree to guard these secrets?”

Cassadee’s heart skipped a beat. What could her mother be hiding that was such a secret? “Y-yes. I promise.”

“All right. Men are especially important to us here, as I said. They enhance our lives in many ways. But the five men that become your mentors will be closer to you than anyone, except your husband. They will share all their knowledge and wisdom with you. They will protect you, not only physically, if necessary, but also from life’s troubles. A girl should always seek the advice of her mentors before making big decisions in life. It is always good to get a second opinion. Or five.” She smiled reassuringly.

Cassadee tried to smile back, but she could not help wondering if her mother was holding something back. “Go on,” she replied.

“Well,” her mother said seriously, “in return for their mentorship, a girl repays them with her love. Her body.”

“Her body?”

“Yes,” Kathleen affirmed. “Sexually.”

Cassadee’s mouth dropped and her eyes bugged out of her head. “What??? Are you telling me that I would have to have sex with five men who aren’t my husband? For the rest of my life?”

“Relax, Cass. It’s not what you are thinking it is. You and these five men will grow close over time. You will feel nearly as intimate with them as you will with your husband. Besides, this isn’t a forced tradition. Each girl has a choice to make. She can participate or not. I would say that about 80 percent of the women in this area decide to participate. There are a number of families around here that don’t. But if you ask me, they don’t understand what they are missing.”

Cassadee’s mind was reeling. Her mother had just flipped her world upside down. “Wait…do you have five mentors?” she asked, not really sure if she wanted an answer.

“Yes, I do,” her mother replied. “But that is a secret that is not meant to be shared. Your relationship with your mentors should only be known to you, your spouse, your mentors, your mentors’ spouses, and your advocate. So, I won’t tell you who my mentors are. Just as you won’t tell your daughter, or anyone else, who your mentors are, should you choose to participate.”

“Does dad know about this? That there are five other guys in town that you have sex with?” Cassadee said with no small amount of indignation, finally realizing the full implications of this.

“Of course he does,” Kathleen assured her. “And he mentors three other women himself. Each man can mentor no more than three women. A lot is asked from them, so to mentor three women, as well as keep a happy wife, is more than enough. He and I have lived this way all our lives. We have no secrets from each other.”

Cassadee was blown away. Her mother slept with five men who weren’t her balıkesir escort dad. And her dad slept with three other women besides her mom. Suddenly she pictured all her parents’ close friends who came over to the house and stayed until late at night. And every time her mom or dad was gone for an evening “with friends”. What a mindfuck. She thought she might be sick.

“I don’t know if I can be a part of this. This is crazy! And to think that just about our whole town participates in this! Everybody must be sleeping with everybody else!”

“It’s not like that, Cass. This isn’t just about sex. And it’s not cheating. Cheating is secretive and done behind someone’s back. Nobody here condones that. That’s not to say that we aren’t very open with our sexuality. If two consenting adults are up front about their attraction and want to sleep together, it’s fine, as long as their spouses are in agreement.”

“Ugh! Too much information, mom!” Cassadee was seriously grossed out. “What about diseases?” she asked, feeling even more nauseous over these revelations.

“Everyone here gets a monthly checkup, and we are tested for everything. That’s why we take cheating seriously. If no one cheats on anyone else, especially outside of our community, then this is like a closed circuit. There would be no way for us to contract sexually transmitted diseases.”

“I’m going to have to get back to you on this,” Cassadee said with disgust. She couldn’t see herself ever agreeing to this so-called “tradition”.

“Well, you only have a week to decide,” her mother replied. “I understand it’s a lot to take in. It takes some people longer to wrap their head around the idea than others. But I need you to think seriously about it over the next week. In exactly one week I will ask you to give me an answer. If you decide that you want to be a part of this tradition, then you will give me the name of the person you want to be your advocate. In the meantime, you can ask me anything. If I can clarify any of this for you, I will.”

Cassadee had spent the next week talking to her mother on and off about the Coming of Age tradition. Each day, she began to develop a fuller and clearer understanding of what it entailed. A couple hours before she was due to give her mom an answer, she decided that she was on board.


Cassadee pulled her hand out of her panties as the memory faded. Tonight was her Coming of Age party. It just so happened that her 18th birthday had fallen on a Friday, and four weeks later, it was Friday again. It was the end of the week, so it was sure to be a huge event. Not that she was conceited about it, but she did run with a popular crowd. It was likely that a large number of important townspeople, along with friends and family, would be there to watch everything she…

Well…she couldn’t think about that now. She was already nervous enough. It was past time to get out of bed and get ready for school, so she stepped out into the hallway in her panties and little tank top. They had always been fairly relaxed in their house when it came to being seen in their underwear. They didn’t walk around naked, or anything. But it was common for her to sit on the couch in the evenings watching television with her family in just a t-shirt and panties.

Along the way she passed her brother, who was walking from the bathroom to his bedroom in his boxer briefs. He scratched his balls and ignored her. Greg was less than two years older than her, so as she had turned eighteen a month ago, he was still nineteen for another couple months or so. They had always been very close until about the last six months. Greg had been in his Freshman year at college and wasn’t home a lot. Cassadee had thought that maybe his attitude change had something to do with that, but after his semester had ended a couple weeks ago and he had come back home, he was still distant. Whatever it was, he needed to get over himself. She was going away to college in the fall herself, but she wasn’t going to put up with his bullshit all summer.

She took a piping hot shower and stepped out onto the rug to dry herself, catching her reflection in the mirror. Her light blond hair was plastered to her head and dripping. Her ice blue eyes and delicate Nordic features gave her face an elfin look. Her skin was pale and the nipples and puffy areolae on her small breasts were such a light pink that they were barely distinguishable from the rest of her skin, except when she was hot, like now, in which case they turned a bright rose color. Her stomach and legs were toned from years of track and cheerleading, yet her butt wasn’t flat. It stuck out like a little bubble. And her hips were just wide enough to avoid having a boyish figure. She had received her fair share of attention from boys over the last few years.

Cassadee quickly dried off, wrapped herself in a towel, and walked back to her bedroom. She trabzon escort hung the towel on a hook and did her hair and makeup. Then she selected a matching bra and thong set and wore a nice button-down blouse with a blue pleated miniskirt. Satisfied that she was properly cute for today, she went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. Her parents and older brother were already seated.

Her parents congratulated her on today being her Coming of Age and told her they were looking forward to the party tonight. Her brother Greg barely acknowledged her, as was normal these days. There were celebratory cupcakes on a platter in the middle of the table, along with bacon, eggs and toast. She thanked them and sat to eat, a huge smile on her face.

After breakfast she hopped into her 8-year-old Mazda and drove herself to school. As she drove, she took notice of every man she saw. Mr. Johnson, their mail carrier, smiled and waved as she passed. She nervously returned the greeting. Mr. Daniels, the man who owned the Starlight Diner, was sweeping the asphalt in front of the restaurant. As she got closer to school, she saw businessmen, shopkeepers, bus drivers, etc. Any of these men could be one of her five mentors, with whom she would be having sex tonight. She swallowed nervously. Holy crap. Could she go through with this? She had been thinking about this day for a whole month and thought she had come to terms with it, but suddenly it was all very real.

She pulled into a parking spot at the school and walked toward the building. “Cass!” her best friend yelled from a few cars down. Tina Gleason ran up and hugged her. “Happy CoA! I can’t believe your party is tonight! It’s going to be so awesome! Are you nervous?”

Cassadee exhaled dramatically. “Uh, yeah. You could say that.”

“It will be fine. Mine was two months ago. I love my mentors. I even had a blast being an exhibitionist for the night,” Tina said with a wink.

Cassadee knew Tina was talking about her own Coming of Age party at Defloration, the strip club in town. Defloration was where everyone wanted to have their party. Plus, it was the only strip club within an hour’s drive. Cassadee had not attended Tina’s CoA party because she hadn’t known anything about this until a month ago, but even if she had, she had been underage at the time. There were strict rules that forbade anyone under eighteen from attending a Coming of Age celebration.

The whole county where they lived was very body positive. Strippers were not shamed, and people did not look down their noses at them. As most of them were former hometown high school students, they were almost considered to be local celebrities. It was even rumored that public nudity was legal anywhere in the county, though it rarely happened. People were just a little conservative in small-town Pennsylvania. But in this county, they were very proud, and protective, of their traditions. Cassadee knew that Tina had spent a few nights in the last two months stripping just for the fun of it, though she, herself, didn’t think she would be able to do that. Getting through tonight was going to be a big enough challenge.

“I just have to focus on today. One hour at a time. I’m already a bundle of nerves. If I think too much about it, I might have a nervous breakdown.”

“Don’t worry,” Tina said. “You’ll get through this. You have some very good friends, including me, who will be with you tonight. We love you.”

“Love you,” Cassadee replied. They walked into school together and went to their lockers, hanging up purses and gathering books for their first class.

“Hey there!” Joey Harper walked up and leaned on the locker next to Cassadee’s. “Happy Coming of Age! I’m sorry I’m going to miss it.” Joey was Cassadee’s other best friend. They had grown up together on the same street and she had known him since they were toddlers. He was thin, a little shy, and didn’t turn eighteen for another five days.

“Me too. I so wish you were going to be there. Sort of. Maybe I don’t. Awkward!” They both laughed nervously.

“I got you a gift,” Joey said, “but it didn’t arrive yet. I suck.”

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said, smiling at him.

“It’s not much. But I hope you like it. If it gets here in the next few days, I’ll probably stop by your house.”

“OK. I’m looking forward to it!” Cassadee hugged him warmly.

She watched him walk away. Joey wasn’t exactly her type, but he was such a sweetheart. As far as she was concerned, they would always be best friends. As she and Tina stepped away from the lockers, someone came up behind them and said, “Hey, girls.”

Cassadee and Tina both jumped and turned to see Ben Davidson. Ben was the quarterback of their football team. He was a really good-looking boy, and he seemed to like Cassadee a lot. He had taken her to prom a couple weeks ago and Cassadee thought she might like him too. Up till now she hadn’t really dated, focusing solely on her studies and extracurricular activities. But school was almost over, and she couldn’t deny the attraction she felt toward him.

“Hi, Ben!” she said, her face beaming.

“What’s up, Cass? I heard you’re having a Coming of Age party tonight.”

“Yeah,” she said, her cheeks coloring. “It’s tonight at Defloration.”

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