His New Pet, My New Master

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Notes: Incest is not something I am particularly fond of, but it works well with the storyline. Please share your opinions as this is my first story. I would love to keep writing and i know it would make my Master smile.

Additional Note: Characters in my story are 18 and older! Thanks!



I stared at my Father in shock as he introduced me to the lady he was dating. ‘Lisa, this is my daughter Leah.” i shook the lady’s hand politely. “Nice to meet you.” She shrugged and pulled away from me to finish her conversation with my dad. I shook my head and fell back to finish the dishes that piled in the sink. Pretty soon they were finished and i hugged my father good night. “Sleep well Leah.” he answered back before escaping with Lisa.

(Insert time lapse here)

I sighed as my father and his Mistress sat in front of the t.v. I watched as he finished his chores. While i hated his mistress, and the brood of children she had, i admired the love they had for each other. I wanted something like that. One day, while my father was off working, i approached his Mistress. Without preamble i explained that i wanted what my father had. He lived for his submission to Mistress Lisa, and i knew that for the right man, i to would love to obey.

She nodded. “I understand that, submission is a powerful feeling. I will help you find someone.”

The next morning my father woke me up almost before the crack of dawn. “Mistress said to get you up. She wants you to start on the chores.” i sighed and got dressed. The list i was handed was a lot longer than what i was used to. I got started but by the end of the list i was exhausted. Mistress hunted me down just as i was getting ready to relax. She huffed and shook her head. “I’m not your relative, and i know you don’t see me that way, so I’m go to train you. I expect you to work hard and make sure you pay attention.”

I nod my head and paid mind as Mistress explained the different positions. I did as she explained and after many hours and days of practice i could flow seamlessly from one position to another. Kneeling, standing, present, again and again i practiced every night before bed. I rose early in the morning for chores and helped my Father’s Mistress whenever she desired. After months i was able to finish most everything she wanted with a few hours to relax in the evening. So i wasnt surprised when Mistress Lisa said she found a Master who had taken quite a liking to me. “So much so, he offered to buy you outright.” she explained. “He asked to meet you, so i arranged a phone call tonight so he can speak to you.” i nodded my head and asked permission to be excused. Mistress nodded and i raced to get ready to bed. At almost 9:15 my personal phone rang with a number i didn’t know. “This is Leah.”

“Hi Leah. Mistress Lisa gave me your number.” i could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m Nathaniel Wilkinson. How are you tonight?”

I answer shyly. “Im good. Tired though, the mistress works me hard.”

He laughed heartily at this. “Mistress Lisa does like to work her pets hard, but she trains them well. Tell me, has she used the cane on you yet? I know she uses that fiercely on her pet now.”

I shake my head as i answer. “Mistress has her pet, my father do most of the punishments. My Father doesn’t use the cane as he prefers his hand, and he can cause a wicked hurt just with his hand.”

“What has she trained you in?” The questions continue for a little more than an hour.

I smile as i get off the phone to go to sleep.

I talk to Master Nathaniel every night for more than a month. We spend more than an hour each night getting to know each other and exploring each others personality. Soon he and Mistress Lisa had agreed for him to set me rules i was expected to follow.

That’s when the problems began.

Master’s rules were simple and easy denizli escort to follow. Things like: help with the chores. Practice your positions before bed. Those weren’t the problem. The frustration came from Mistress Lisa realizing that i wouldn’t be around much longer. Things that weren’t normally my responsibility were shoved on my plate on top of the list my Master gave me everyday, and i soon began to struggle. My schedule went from full to so bone exhausting that even my Master noticed. Then the punishments got worse. I tried so hard to please Mistress Lisa, but if even the smallest detail that truly didn’t matter was off I was punished. She also insisted and Master agreed that it was more than time for me to learn to use my mouth. My relaxation time soon became *report to Mistress and see what i did wrong today* time.

I talked to Master about this one evening. “Pet, i shall not keep you there much longer. I know she has become a burden upon you, but please just a few more weeks and then I will be ready to fetch you.” I concurred to my Master, but i played games with the Mistress. I got punished for silly stuff, so I began to make simple mistakes. Each night my father fetched me, and after the Mistress had explained the horrible crimes against her that day, took me down to her playroom where i was punished. She followed one night and was furious to see my Father only using his hand on me. That was the first time Mistress spanked me, the thin cane leaving long marks on my flesh. After that, Mistress insisted my Father use a belt or crop on me. Once she handed my father a tawse and told him that if he didnt leave me writhing in sufficient pain that she would punish him, and me. I cried that night, but my father obeyed his Mistress. That was the first night i was made to swallow his cum as well. Each night my ritual to stay calm was to mark the day done and to count how many days until Master came to get me.

Master kept introducing me do things he enjoyed and about 2 months prior to his pick up day for me, i received an anal training kit. He must have been tracking the package because when i called him that night he launched into my instructions for the different plugs. There were 5 different sizes and each one was made for a detachable fox tail. “Each morning put in the smallest plug and attach the tail. I expect you to be able to wear it every day for a week with out complaining before you move up in size. If need be you may switch plugs throughout the day, but you must always have one in.” This was all explained quickly and efficiently before he asked me about my day. Like other days i told him about my chores and what i was punished for, and what the punishment was. He always laughed when i told him about cute or cool things that happened throughout the day. As the time crept closer for him to pick me up, i noticed he was available less and less, but he always said he was working hard, as he wanted time off with me the first week o was to move in with him. Finally I got a date for my move. “May 25th.” he answered when i asked if he had settled on a date for me to come live with him. I marked it in my calendar and prayed i could handle the mistress just a month and a week longer.

Our fight happened just a week after Master had set a date to get me. Mistress was watching T.V. so i respectfully knelt beside her until a commercial appeared on the T.v. “What do you need Bitch?” i tried to ignore the name she had taken to calling me after my Master had bought me. “Mistress, i know sometimes you use different kitchen tools on my father. Have you seen the spatula? This Sunday is my last as teacher and i wanted to surprise my class with brownies before Master Nathaniel picks me up.”

Mistress shakes her head. “No i haven’t, but be a good bitch and make the lunches my kids need for school this week.”

I diyarbakır escort shake my head at her politely. “Mistress, I am due to call Master as soon as i put the brownies in the oven. I wont have time tonight. ”

She muted the t.v and got in my face. “Make the lunches, and then you can bring your sorry ass down to the playroom to be punished you ungrateful whelp.

I snapped at the last insult and got right back into her face. I was tired of dealing with her and i just wanted to finish my brownies and go to bed. “Maybe you should be a mother, and instead of making me and my father do everything, make your kids their own damn lunches. I stared at her. “I may still live here, and Master may want me to help you, but unlike my Father, you DON’T own me. I refuse to do anything else for you.” i walked out, careful to slam the door before throwing my brownies in the oven. A fork will have to work for a mixer, instead of the expensive spatula i bought to cook with. I sighed, and then called my Master. I quickly gave him a rundown of my day, excluding the part about my fight with Mistress Lisa and said good night. I ran through my poses, careful to do them correctly, but hurry though them. A knock on my door right before i went to bed means that my sleep will been delayed. I glanced at my clock. Its slightly after 7. If this takes much time i will be too tired to do morning chores, but right now i don’t care. “Come in.” i said as i laid my clothes for chores out.

My father walked in the door and sat on the bed. He was silent for a bit, allowing me to finish my rituals before sitting on my chair.

My dad stared at me in frustration. “The mistress says to punish you. She said you told her “maybe you should try being a mother and make the kids lunches yourself once in awhile?” He cocks an eyebrow at me and i shake my head.

“I told her that its her responsibility as their mom to make their lunches. And that was after she was yelling at me cause i couldn’t find my spatula, so i asked her during a commercial break if she had borrowed it. I just wanted to make my Sunday school class a treat.”

He nods in understanding. “Well i promised Diego that he could play xbox and he will be home before we could finish what needs to be done. I will tell her it will be taken care of first thing in the morning.”

I nod thankful for the slight reprieve. “I guess i’ll be ready.”

The next morning i expected my Father to drag me outside the second the mistress took her brood to work, but he said someone important was visiting and that his Mistress would be upset if i answered the door in my p.j’s. I trudged to my closet and waited while my clothes were picked out. The sexy outfit he chose had me worried, because i had planned to wear it for my Master who I would be seeing next month. My father insisted though, and so on went the leopard print corset, on went the short black skirt, and on went all the accessories except my tail. I was glad for that, but he still tucked the tail in his pocket. “For after the spanking.” he motioned as he walked out the door. The basketball game reruns were almost over when the doorbell rang, and i rushed to answer it.

“Hello pet.” the gentle voice i heard every night at bedtime never matched the giant hulk that my Master is.

“I love the look. Lets go inside though okay?” i nodded still shocked, and stepped back from the door. Master kissed me softly then shook my father’s hand. “Good to see you, Is your Mistress well?”

My father nodded, “Yes, but as usual this brat of yours tortures her. I’m sure Mistress will recount the full story but i figured, since you were arriving today, that you would like to handle her punishment.”

I stared at the floor flushed in embarrassment, the first time my Master and i were meeting face to face and already i had antalya escort displeased him. I heard his “Yes, of course.” and followed him and my father into the house.

After Master had relaxed for a bit, and spent a great deal of time talking about how i had been trained, he asked to be shown to where my Father generally did punishments. They walked outside and used the secret stairs in Mistress’s children’s playroom to get to the dungeon that was built under the house. Master smiled appreciably at the many tools that were now available to him, and i dreaded this more and more. My father took his leave and Master finally focused his attention on me. “Being a bad girl is not the way to get me to pay attention Kitten.” The words floated through my ears and i knelt, hiding from the anger i was sure would be etched on his face. My Master surprised me however, when he sat and pulled me onto his lap. “What happened that you displeased his Mistress?”

I took a calming breath and leaned into his warm body. “His mistress was mad because when i went to ask if she had used the spatula, she told me i was to make her kids lunches for the week before i made my sunday class their treat. She called me an ungrateful whelp.” i took another deep breath. “I told her that maybe she should do her job as a mother and make those kids lunches herself.” i stared through my lashes at my Master.

“And that made the witch mad?” he laughed for a few minutes before composing himself. “You shouldn’t have been disrespectful Pet but i understand what you mean. However i don’t tolerate disrespect so i am going to punish you for that.” He gently slid me off his lap. “Stay right here until i am ready.”

I knelt on the plush rug until after about 15 minutes when Master came back to me. A chair was seated in front of me and one of Mistress’s paddles, the one i told you that scared me a bit, was laying on top. It wasn’t a big paddle only about pingpong paddle size but it was solid wood. One side was perfectly flat and i wasn’t scared of that, but the other had blunt metal studs on it. I bit my lip nervously.

“Come now pet, lets get this boring part finished.” Master looked at me expectantly, so i slowly got up and went to him. He positioned me exactly how he wanted me, then kept me there by wrapping his leg on top of mine. I was tied in place with out any rope.

Master started just by rubbing my back, petting and exploring my skin. I knew not to rush him, but i hated when my punishments were prolonged. A small whimper escaped as i was gently prodded and played with.

I wasnt expecting the first slap with his hand, but it only stung slightly. A few more harder, well placed spanks started to show Master that i had a low pain tolerance for punishments. After a round of warm-up strokes that had my backside dancing Master stopped to pick up the paddle. “2 sets with the paddle. 12 with the smooth side and 4 with the studded side. After every three with the smooth side you will get one with the studded. You understand?” i nodded, not wanting to face this.

He began a bit harder than what pain level he stopped at with the hand spankings. The first three got harder each hit and soon he was turning the paddle over. “3,2,1.” The evenly spaced numbers were all the warning i god before stars of pain danced both in my eyes and on my ass. I cried out as tears sparkled in the corners of my eyes. Master gave me a minute before turning the paddle over and giving me the next 3 swats. The hits again got harder, he seemed intent on using this punishment to see what would push me over. “3,2,1.” i cried as the studs again sank into my impressionable flesh. This pattern continued twice more with the small count down being my only warning of the dull pain that was inflicted on me. After the last one i expected Master to let me up, but he kept me over his lap. A bottle of aloe appeared in my vision line. “This might hurt a bit, but it will help you heal faster.” Gingerly he applied the aloe, spreading in across my skin. The cold gel felt wonderful, but i still hurt from my punishment. After he applied the last layer he let me up and had me lay belly down on the bed in the room. I snuggled against his chest as he let me rest.

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