Dinner and Then Some Ch. 01

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Chapter One

The evening had been planned for several months. The private dining room had been prepped to perfection. The table was centered in the large room. It was decorated with a beautiful floral centerpiece and two candles on either side. Palm trees were carefully placed around the room. Candle scones adorned the walls and gave off a romantic glow. A high back couch sat against the back wall for quiet conversation before and after dinner. Rhythmic Mediterranean music played softly from the recessed speakers in the ceiling. Saffron, the waiter, had brought in the wine and poured the first glass. He left the bottle in the ice before he left.

Avery and Kaitlyn sat on the couch and talked as they sipped their wine and waited for the first course. They reflected back on the day that they met, laughing at the memories. They continued on to the first date, the first kiss and the first time they made love. The conversation brought on a sense of arousal in each of them. Avery placed his hand on Kaitlyns’ leg and caressed her skin just below her burgundy colored dinner dress. Her golden tanned skin was as smooth as ever. He could feel her skin warming as he moved his hand up her inner thigh.

Kaitlyn closed her light green eyes and laid her head back against the back of the couch as Avery made small circles with his forefinger. He moved his finger farther up her inner thigh and felt the material of her white lace panties. Kaitlyn moaned softly and slightly parted her legs. Avery moved his finger up and down the warm, soft mound beneath the lace. Kaitlyn had always enjoyed Avery’s touch. This time was no different.

The door opened and the two of them quickly sat up and looked towards the door. Saffron had returned with the salads and bread sticks. He placed them of the table and waited for Avery and Kaitlyn to sit in their chairs. Saffron pulled the chair out for Kaitlyn and helped her closer to the table. Kaitlyn looked Saffron over thoroughly as he ground fresh pepper and cheese on each of the salads before leaving the room. He was a tall man with light brown skin, short black hair and spoke with a Mediterranean accent.

Avery laughed at Kaitlyn. urfa escort Kaitlyn was slightly embarrassed at being caught.

“I’m sorry Avery, but he’s a very attractive man”, Kaitlyn said still a little embarrassed.

Avery smiled and said, “You don’t have to apologize Kaitlyn.”

“Really,” she asked puzzled?

“No, it’s alright to look.”

“But what if I wanted to, you know, touch?” Kaitlyn asked shyly.

“I don’t know, I’ve never really thought about it.”

They ate their salads in an awkward silence. Each of them had thoughts of their own about the question.

Avery finally broke the silence. “I honestly don’t know how I would feel about it. Part of me says I would be mad and part of me would find it kind of,” he paused, “arousing.”

They finished the salads and began to talk about the play they had seen before dinner. Saffron returned to pick up the salad plates. Kaitlyn looked him over again. As Saffron stood next to her to get her plate, Kaitlyn raised her hand and touched his leg. Saffron almost dropped the plates. Kaitlyn moved her hand around his leg and placed the palm of her hand on his inner thigh. Saffron stood straight up and looked over at Avery.

“Can we have a moment of your time,” Avery asked with a puzzled look?

Saffron attempted a smile, nodded his head and stood still as Kaitlyn moved her hand up and down his leg. Each upward motion of her hand came ever so close to his manhood. She could tell that he stayed in shape by the muscles of his leg. She moved her hand up and over the firming bulge beneath his pants. She traced the ridge of the bulge downward with the tip of her forefinger. The tickling sensation sent a pulse through him that she could feel.

Kaitlyn smiled and continued to trace the ridge of the bulge a few more times, then pressed her hand firmly up against his balls. She cupped them for a second and released them. She wedged her finger beneath the fly of his pants and let her fingernail scrape up along the zipper sending gentle vibrations through him.

Saffron just stood there, head up, shoulders back and his right hand still balıkesir escort holding the empty salad plates just above his shoulder. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He had made a profession out of being a waiter and took pride in the service that he offered the guests. He had never dreamed of offering this type of service. Never the less, he stood there, without complaint.

Kaitlyn unzipped his pants and freed him. She took the time to enjoy the sight of his cock just inches from her face, studying the way the veins lay just beneath the skin. The head was slightly larger than its’ six inch shaft. The skin between them was slightly darker.

Kaitlyn didn’t touch it with her hands. Instead, she leaned forward and placed her tongue at the base of the shaft and slowly raised it along to the tip. She felt every bump as her tongue crossed each vein. Once she reached the top, she circled the head with her tongue. She parted her lips and sucked the tip into her mouth.

She closed her lips gently around it and moved her head slightly from side while flicking with her tongue. It felt firm and warm inside her mouth. She pulled on it as if she was trying to suck an olive off her fingertip. She leaned forward allowing his cock to venture further into her mouth until it came to rest against the back of her throat. She tightened her lips as she raised her head up.

Saffron let out a slight moan as his knee started to buckle beneath him. He quickly recovered and managed to stay inside her warm, moist mouth. He felt the throbbing inside his balls as Kaitlyn repeated her slow methodic movements.

Kaitlyn also felt the throbbing in his balls. She used her right hand to firmly cup his balls again and quickened her pace.

Saffron came inside her mouth. She continued until he was finished. She carefully replaced his cock inside his black dress pants and zipped them.

“That will be all,” said Avery. He couldn’t believe this either. Kaitlyn had acted so quickly and left him speechless until now.

“Sir, Madam,” Saffron replied. Then he turned and left the room.

Kaitlyn dabbed her lips trabzon escort with the napkin and placed it on her lap before looking over at Avery.

“Well, how do you feel about that,” She asked sincerely?

Avery cleared his throat as he repositioned himself again. “It definitely got my attention.” Then he paused. “I don’t know. It all happened so fast and without warning it just caught me by surprise.”

He mentally surveyed himself. His heart was beating a little faster than normal, his leg muscles were tense and there was slight hint of adrenaline pumping through him. He began to think that he was angry. Then he noticed the swelling inside his own pants. Then he came to the conclusion that he was unsure of how he felt. “How do you feel about it?” he asked.

“I was nervous at first, when I first touched him, more like scared I guess. I thought you would be mad. I was afraid the whole evening would be ruined. But when I saw him spring out of the pants, I don’t know. I guess, I guess I quit thinking about everything else. I began to tingle inside a little, it was right there, right in front of my face. I just went for it.”

“How was it?” he asked as he picked up his wineglass.

“It was kind of nice. He is a very attractive man. He felt good inside of my mouth.” She answered.

“Huh,” he replied before drinking from the glass.

He placed his wineglass on the table and stood. He walked over to her and took her hand and led her back to the couch. It would be a while before they brought the second course. Kaitlyn sat on the couch in front of him and began to rub his leg. Just like she had done with Saffron before, she traced the ridge of his cock with her finger. She unzipped his pants made a repeat performance of before. Avery lasted longer than Saffron had.

The door opened across the room. In came the next course. Saffron and a waitress carried in the covered plates and placed them on the table.

Kaitlyn never missed a beat. She drained Avery’s fluids and returned his cock inside. Avery helped her up and they walked back to the table. Saffron once again pulled out the chair for Kaitlyn and removed the cover from the plate. Maria, the waitress, pulled the cover from Avery’s’ plate after he sat. Avery admired Maria’s body as she and Saffron left the room.

Avery looked across the table and thanked Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn smiled, “Don’t try to hide it, I saw you look at her. She is a knockout isn’t she?”

“Yes she is,” Avery replied.

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