Chalk and Cheese Ch. 08

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Hi there, I’m sorry for the delay. This is the finale for Chalk and Cheese. I’ve decided that Mike deserves a story of his own so Mike and Veronica will be dealt with next (I promise). With regard to the title, Chalk and Cheese is a very British expression, and as catman71 said, it is about complete opposites. Thanks very much for all your comments and voting, please continue to do so and I hope you enjoy the story.

Elle x


So there we were. It’s weird isn’t it, three months ago I didn’t even know Greg existed, and now here he was and having been away from him, I needed to drink him in as though as I had been stranded in the desert and he was my very tall glass of water. To be honest, now that he was here, I felt a bit like a drama queen, having absconded like that, but I hoped he was better than me and that he was here to take me home.

“Hey Tori.” he repeated.

I smiled shyly at him and tightened the sash on my dressing gown for something to do and then directed him to one of the sofas so that we could sit down. I hoped he would sit next to me and take me in his arms as he used to, but nope, he sat at the other end of the sofa. Oh God, maybe he was here to tell me what a bitch I had been, or about how selfish I was. I wasn’t sure if I could handle that, not on top of everything else. What would my response be if he did say that? I couldn’t cry in front of him, that would be awful and I’d have to find somewhere else to stay because the embarrassment would be too much. I don’t think I could bear it if I had to explain to Carrie and Francis that all of this disruption to their lives had been for no reason.

His voice interrupted my manic thoughts, “Victoria, are you going to speak to me at some point today do you think?”

I looked back at him in surprise, not used to the tone in his voice, “You have never called me Victoria in the entire time I’ve known you!”

He smiled and bit his lip, but then straightened his back as though he had found the strength somewhere,

“Well I think the situation deserves it. I’ve come to tell you your niece and nephew are at my house if you need to see them.”

The delight in seeing him left me rapidly as I realised that he really wasn’t here for me, and while it was kind of him to let me know about Seb and Ava, I had wanted him to be here for me. To come and save me and be my knight in shining armour I suppose. But he didn’t seem to have wanted that.

“Oh! Why are they there?”

“Well Mike’s been staying with me, we’ve been doing a pretty good job between us, I can do plaits now – Ava says I’m the best.”

I rolled my eyes, “You’re a sucker, Ava says you’re the best because you’re the biggest man she knows and for as long as you’re the best, it means that you will always swing her on your shoulders and she can feel like Queen of the World. God, I’d hate to see you with your own daughter, she’ll have you wrapped around her little finger.”

Greg took a breath to say something but stopped at the last minute. He shrugged and then laughed, “Well as far as Miss Ava is concerned, I am indeed the best, and I will believe what she tells me because it’s good for my ego. I can’t have two women in my life lying to me.”

I stopped short, “I never lied to you. Not ever, not once.”

He sat forward and I watched his tshirt tighten across his back and had to dig my fingernails mardin escort into the palms of my hands to prevent myself from running my hand over his shoulder and nestling my cheek against it. God he was lovely.

I watched Greg’s profile, his long lashes blinking often as he thought about what he was going to say and then I waited. The wait was long until I heard,

“I can’t do this.”

And my heart broke.


Greg was staring at his hands when out of the corner of his eye he saw Tori lift her hand, he turned to look at her and saw a solitary tear slipping down her cheek. He sat up rapidly and went to sit closer to her but she held up her hand to halt his progress,

“Don’t! Please. I understand but don’t come close to me because it’s going to take me a while to get used to not being able to be near you. I completely understand, leaving you like that was an awful thing for me to do, but you have to understand I never even thought I would be with someone again and I had constructed this life to protect myself after the nonsense that was Luke and then you appeared, with nothing but love and happiness and I didn’t know what to do with it. I do love you and I’m sorry I did this to us, but I completely understand.”

Still having said nothing, Greg watched Tori stand up and put on her gracious hostess voice, interspersed with tearful hiccups,

“Thanks very much for popping by and letting me know, take care of yourself won’t you.”

Tori walked him to the front door, and opened it, biting her lip and Greg followed her frowning. He watched her open the front door as if to let him out and he took a step forward and closed it, pushing her gently against it.

“What are you doing? Are you throwing me out?”

Tori could no longer hold in her tears, “No, it just hurts to see you and if we are calling this a day, it’s best if you go home,”

“Calling it a day? For fuck’s sake woman, I’m here to take you home.”

Tori’s sobbing stopped suddenly and she looked up at Greg,


“What do you mean what? Why else would I come and interrupt your self imposed exile?”

“But you just said you couldn’t do this anymore.”

“I meant I couldn’t not touch you anymore, or kiss you. I was about to try and then you started crying and I didn’t know why you were crying and then you made your speech and then you tried to throw me out.”

Tori cried even harder,

“Jesus, what’s the matter now? Did I say something wrong?” Greg laughed taking her into his arms and letting her sob into his tshirt. He was delighted to feel her wind her arms around his waist and he closed his eyes savouring the feeling of having her close to him yet again.

He heard her whisper, “I’m so sorry.”

He held her tighter and kissed the top of her head, “Just don’t do it again please. Not like this. Don’t run out on me.”

He felt her nod against his chest and then said, “So, wanna show me your bedroom?”

He felt rather than saw her smile and relaxed knowing that everything would be ok. She turned to lead him up the stairs to her room and looked over her shoulder watching him appraising the way the robe hugged her body. Biting her lip in anticipation, she held out her hand which he grasped tightly and they made their way up the stairs. Their journey van escort was interrupted by,

“Um, excuse me? I hope you don’t think you’re going to have copious amounts of sex in my house.”

Greg turned to Carrie’s voice to find her standing at the bottom of the staircase tapping her foot in impatience. She called to Francis,

“See, I told you, we missed the best bit and now they’ve already made up and are onto the make up sex. You made me miss the drama, boy are you going to pay for that.”

Francis made his way out of the kitchen where they had been taking refuge and laughed,

“I’ll look forward to it you little minx, but for now, shall we leave them until they are completely made up and then we can all proceed as normal?”

Carrie harrumphed and folded her arms and called up to Tori,

“I thought there would at least be some shouting or screaming, but you are far too proper for that aren’t you? I am so disappointed in you.”

Tori stuck out her tongue and tugged on Greg’s hand to hurry him up, but Greg was hindered by Carrie’s hand on his wrist,

“Now Mr Gregory, I am aware that this whole debacle wasn’t your fault so you have a free pass on this, but know this, if that lady ever shows up on my doorstep sobbing because you have done something to her, I will cut your bollocks off with a rusty razor and feed them to my dog.”

Francis interrupted, “Baby, we don’t have a dog.”

Carrie growled at him, “We’ll get one especially. Honey, don’t interrupt me when I’m in threatening mode please.”

Holding up his hands in deference, he winked at Greg and made his way back to his glass of wine and the Saturday papers.

Carrie was still focussed on Greg, “Are we clear?”

Greg nodded and letting go of Tori’s hand, made his way back down the stairs to Carrie. He kissed her on the cheek and whispered,

“Thank you for looking after her, she’s lucky to have you.”

Carrie nodded once and shouted up the stairs,

“As you were, and for the love of God, please don’t break the bed, Francis’s mother bought it for us.”

She took some time to think and then said, “Actually, on second thoughts, I would prefer a bigger bed and I don’t really like that one, so go as hard as you can and maybe we can get another one.”

The distant voice from the kitchen responded, “I heard that.”

Guiltily, Carrie shooed the happy couple up the stairs and made her way to make her apologies in the best way she knew how.


I loved it, the feel of his lips against my neck as he nipped and sucked his way down to my collarbone. His hands holding my waist and the weight of him pinning me against the wall. I loved listening to his breath quicken as he undid the sash on my robe and sank down to take one nipple and then the other into his mouth and suck on them gently. I loved the way he slid his finger into me, watching me the whole time, never taking his eyes off my face and then the way he took me into his mouth, sucking and licking as though he couldn’t get enough. Lifting my leg to rest on his shoulder, I moaned long and loud as he slid his finger in to accompany his tongue and I ran my fingers through his hair which had grown in the time we had been apart.

I came apart in his arms telling him how much I loved him, and how sorry I was ankara escort and how much I had missed this, missed him. I knew he felt what I was telling him because he gripped me so tightly, burying his face into me and giving me more pleasure than I had even known.

I felt my knees buckle and felt Greg catch me and lower me gently to the floor where he lay next to me. I turned onto my side so that I could look at him and I ran my hands gently over his face reacquainting myself with him. Shrugging out of my robe, I straddled him and whispering how much I loved him, kissed him gently.


Greg watched as Tori kissed her way down his body, lifting his tshirt as she did so. He sat up to take it off and throw it across the room in his impatience to feel her in his arms again. Lying back, he felt Tori undo his jeans and slide her hands into his boxers. She smiled up at him feeling the pre-cum delighted that he was as eager for this as she was. Taking his cock out, she moaned before sucking the head into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head before taking him deep into her throat. Greg threw his head back and moaned long and loud. Tori felt him take her head in his hands, following her movements and thrusting himself gently into her mouth. She opened her throat and let him do what he needed, moaning deep in her throat as his grip on her head tightened and with a shout came deep in her throat.

Tori pulled her head away and wiped the traces of cum from her lips smiling shyly at him. Breathing heavily, Greg felt himself harden again and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply to try and convey his love for her. She pulled away and looked at him,

“Before we go any further, I really am sorry.”

Greg smiled at her, holding her tightly, “To be honest, after your little performance there, you don’t have to apologise for anything.”

Tori slapped at his chest with a giggle which turned into a gasp as she felt his hand slide over her breast and pull on her taut nipple. She raised her head to him and he kissed her gently, sliding his tongue into her mouth, relishing the sound of her moan. Tori pulled herself up to straddle Greg and delighted at the feel of his hands around her waist sliding down to her arse and pulling her to his very hard cock. She wiggled a little and laughed at his moan before leaning forward to kiss him once again. They were interrupted by a vibration from Greg’s pocket. Tori squealed,

“Hey soldier, did you bring toys?”

He rolled his eyes at her, “My phone dirty lady, that’s my phone.”

Pouting, Tori moved off of him to let him take the call and watched as the emotions played across his face,

“Hey, yeah I’m here with Tori. Yeah we sorted everything out. What? Where are you? What happened? Are you fucking crazy? Where are they now? Yeah we’ll be there in twenty minutes. Hold tight ok?”

Tori watched as Greg finished the call and jumped up from the floor looking for his boxer shorts and jeans.

“I don’t mean to be rude or anything but aren’t we in the middle of something?”

Greg turned to Tori,

“Baby, you need to get dressed and we need to leave. Mike’s been arrested.”

Tori’s eyes widened and she followed him, running to her wardrobe to get dressed, “Oh my God, poor Mike, what about the kids, what about Roni? Shit.”

Watching her running around the room in panic, Greg smiled to himself happy that they were together again and happy that she was back with him where she belonged. She caught him staring at her,


“I love you. Never question that ok?”

She smiled back at him, “Ok,”

“Right, let’s go save your brother in law.”

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