Country Store Ch. 08

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I saw the frat house as we turned the corner. Ken and Tracy were still in front of us but I couldn’t see Tommy or James. I figured they were behind us watching my sundress flip over my ass as we walked. We got to the porch of the house and Joey lowered me down off his back.

Tracy was standing on the porch after hopping off Ken’s back. She seemed to be recovering from her two glasses of punch. She walked over to me and put her arms around me.

“You ok, sweetie?” she said in my ear.

“Yeah, I am fine.” I answered.

“That was incredible to watch. What has come over you? What happened to my innocent little roommate?” She asked.

“I think you corrupted me.” I said.

“Oh, yeah, I corrupted you. The liaison with the old fat guys and the oil wrestling in the frat house didn’t have any thing to do with it.” She said with a chuckle.

I hugged her hard as the memory of the old, fat guy slamming into me from behind flooded my memory. A small piece of sadness hit me quickly. What had happened to me? I had just fucked two guys in a pool hall and didn’t even bat an eye. What was I now? How would I end up? I started to wonder if I was on a bad path.

“Baby girl, don’t take me wrong, I like the new Kim. She is way more fun and also seems to be more confident. I don’t miss the innocent, waffly girl who used to live with me.” Tracy said.

I looked up at her and smiled. She always had a way of making me feel better. I took her hand and led her into the house. We entered the living room and the guys were still gathered around the TV set. I stopped and waited. Joey walked up to us.

“Let’s go hang in the blue room. It’s quieter and a little less rowdy.” He whispered to us.

I knew the blue room. That is where Ken took me last night after the wrestling. That is where I lost my anal virginity to the President of the fraternity and took Ken, Tommy, and James in my pussy. I hesitated a bit.

“You girls ok with that?” He asked, suddenly seeming concerned.

“Yeah, that would be ok.” I said.

“Cool, I’ll get some drinks for everyone and meet you there.” He said.

He walked over to the guys and said something to them. He turned and headed for the kitchen. Ken walked over to us.

“Hey, you ok?” Ken asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine, why do you ask?” I said with a little flip of my hair and a smile.

His face broke into a big smile. He hugged me. I held onto Tracy’s hand as Ken wrapped his arms around me. He felt warm and our hug just seemed to be right. I wrapped my other arm around his neck.

Tommy and James started to walk past us and Ken grabbed my other hand and pulled me to follow. Tracy followed at the end of the train. We went down the long hallway and entered the open door of the blue room. I walked into the room and saw Tommy and James talking to another guy. I pulled Tracy in just as the guy turned towards us. It was the President and he smiled at me.

I stood transfixed as the President walked over and stood right in front of me. Ken let go of my hand and walked over to join Tommy and James. I held onto Tracy’s hand and looked into his deep blue eyes. I remember the spark from last night when he kissed me and the wonderful way he took my ass and still made it seem gentle.

“I can’t believe my eyes. I thought we only had one angel that was this beautiful, now I am looking at two.” He said, moving his eyes back and forth slowly between Tracy and myself.

I felt myself blush and noticed Tracy had that puppy dog look in her eyes. He was quite the charmer.

“Kim, who is your lovely friend?” he asked.

“This is Tracy.” I said.

“Well, I am very glad to me you Tracy. You have a wonderful friend and obviously beauty runs in pairs.” He said and took her other hand.

He brought her hand slowly to his lips and kissed the back of her hand gently. I heard Tracy let out a slow breath and I knew she was getting hot. She was staring into his eyes. I wondered if that was what I looked like last night.

He held onto Tracy’s hand and turned to look at me. He slid his left arm around my back and pulled me close to him. I felt my breasts squash against his firm chest. Our faces were only inches apart.

“And my lovely Kim. It is so nice to see you again. I missed you.” He said.

As he spoke he moved his face closer and closer to me so his last word barely left his mouth before our lips met. He kissed me softly and I felt his warm tongue dart into my mouth. My tongue wrapped around his and I pressed my lips harder into him. He held me close and I felt his left leg slide between my legs and push on my crotch. I pushed back against his leg and ran my pussy up and down his thigh as we kissed. His left hand moved to the small of my back and helped me move across his leg.

I felt him start to pull away and I tried to hold him against me. I couldn’t and our lips finally separated. He looked deep into my eyes and then kissed me on the forehead. His left hand continued to press on my lower back and my pussy was resting across his thigh. He looked over at yalova escort Tracy and I saw him pull her close to him. She was now only a few inches from me. He moved his face closer to her and I saw her almost attack him. She drove her lips into his and they were kissing deep.

I watched my friend kiss one of my lovers and I felt so happy for her. She deserved to feel his electricity. He pulled away and she stayed, her eyes closed and her breathing deep.

“Wow, I don’t know if I have ever met two more exciting women.” He said as he held us both against him.

I reached over to Tracy with my left hand and pulled her to me. I kissed her softly on the lips and she opened her mouth to draw me in. We kissed slowly and I felt him watching us. I knew this was driving him crazy and I loved it. I pulled away from Tracy and looked at him.

“Now I know I have never met two more exciting women.” He said.

Just as he finished Joey came into the room carrying 6 cups. He was trying to balance them all without spilling and he was kind of funny. He saw us as he entered.

“Scott, now you are going to have to share. You can’t have them both.” Joey said as he passed.

Scott laughed and pulled us closer.

“Who says?” he said and turned us so he could face the guys.

Joey was passing out the cups and then brought three over to us. He gave one to Tracy and myself.

“Scott, I didn’t know you were here. Here, take this one and I’ll go get another one.” Joey said.

“That’s alright, you don’t have to do that.” Scott said.

“Not a problem, just nothing goes on until I get back. I know you.” Joey said and handed the cup to Scott.

“Deal, buddy.” Scott said and pulled his arm from around my back to take the cup.

Joey left and Scott turned to face us, finally letting Tracy go. He held his cup in front of him.

“Ladies, here’s to a wonderful evening and the start to an exciting adventure.” He said and touched both of our cups.

He put the cup to his lips and looked at us. I brought mine up and Tracy was already drinking. I took a deep gulp and the warmth of the punch hit me again. I saw Tracy still drinking and I laughed.

“Girl, you are going to be messed up bad if you drink it that fast.” I said.

“That’s ok, we’ll take care of her.” Scott said and wrapped his arm around her again.

“Yeah, I know how you take care of girls who have too much punch.” I said with a smirk.

“Now, darling, are you complaining about how you were treated?” Scott said with a sweet smile.

“Only about the fact that you only did it once.” I said, staring right into his eyes.

He laughed loud and tilted his head back.

“Baby, I love you.” He said and planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

He turned and started to walk towards the other guys, grabbing my hand before he left. I grabbed Tracy and pulled her along. We got to the other guys and they were all sitting. Ken was in a big recliner and Tommy and James were on single chairs. There was a big couch and Scott plopped down on it. He pulled me down next to him and Tracy sat next to me. Scott pulled me up and put me on his lap. I spread my legs around his and pushed my dress into my crotch. For some reason my instincts took over and modesty seemed to be important at the moment.

Scott put his drink down and then placed a hand on each of my thighs.

“Well, guys, what has been going on today?” Scott said.

“We played a little pool and kicked the guys ass.” I said.

“Really? Now that’s nice to know that we have a couple of pool hustlers on our hands.” Scott said and his hands ran up my thighs towards my waist.

“Well, I sort of suck. Tracy’s the one that can play.” I said.

“Ok, ok, you guys only won one game.” I heard Joey’s voice.

He walked into the room and plopped down next to Tracy. I saw him shuffle in and then put his hand on her leg.

“Did you tell him that you guys were spanked the second game?” Joey said.

“Oh, there was spanking involved?” Scott said and I felt my sundress bunching around my waist as he pushed it up.

His fingers ran down onto my inner thighs and softly rubbed back and forth. I saw Tommy and James staring at my crotch. I was pretty sure they could see everything. I could feel myself getting warm again. I wasn’t sure if it was Scott’s fingers or the new injection of punch, probably a combo of both.

“Well, not exactly spanking in the direct way.” Joey said.

“Oh, please explain. This sounds good.” Scott said.

“I don’t think we need to go over the details.” I said and took another drink of punch.

“What details? You mean the part where Ken had lunch on the pool table between your legs?” Joey said.

I could feel myself blushing and I took another drink.

“You mean those details?” Joey said.

“Yeah, those details.” I said.

I looked over at Joey and he was running his hand up and down Tracy’s leg. He had pulled her leg over his and he was moving his hand pretty much all the escort yalova way to her crotch. Her legs were slightly spread in her position and it wasn’t going to take much more to see her little panties. Her head was back against the couch and I noticed her cup was empty. That made three for her today, I figured she was pretty much done for. Her eyes were closed.

I took another sip and finished my punch. I felt the warmth flowing though me and I was getting a little dizzy. I concentrated on Scott’s hands again and noticed he was rubbing the inside of my thighs. I moaned a little as he had found my most sensitive spot. For some reason it seemed like he knew that. He ran his fingers lightly along my thighs and I could feel my pussy heating up. I leaned back against his chest and closed my eyes.

“Does this feel good?” Scott whispered in my ear.

“Oh God, yes.” I said softly.

I felt someone taking my cup from my hand. I didn’t open my eyes. I was so relaxed. I felt hands removing my sandals and then rubbing my foot. I was in heaven. I had two guys at both of my favorite spots. I felt my other foot being lifted and rubbed. I felt two sets of hands on each foot so I knew I had three guys on me now. My feet were lifted and they began to massage my calves. I felt my foot hit something and I realized they had placed my foot in their crotch. I felt each of their erections and I ran my foot up and down on them.

I heard something to my left and I turned my head slowly. I opened my eyes to see Tracy sitting on Joey’s lap. Her head was lolling back and forth and her dress was off her shoulders and bunched up on her tummy. Her little breasts were out in the open and Joey had one in each hand. I saw him squeezing them and then pinching her nipples between his fingers. I heard her moan each time he pinched her. I smiled as I felt the hands move off my calves and were now rubbing my thighs.

I moved my head back and closed my eyes. I tried to relax and let my body go. I had three sets of hands on me and my skin was on fire. I wanted them to touch me everywhere. I felt Scott’s hands leave my thighs as the other two worked their way up. I felt a pressure on my dress and then I was lifted slightly by the two sets of hands. Scott pulled my dress out from underneath me and was now pulling it towards my head. I felt it climb over my chest and my breasts slip out into the open air. I tried to lift my arms but I couldn’t. I felt each of my arms lifted and then the dress left me completely. My arms were lowered again and the hands were rubbing my thighs again.

I realized I was naked now and there were five guys around. I tried to care but my mind kept going back to the pleasure I was now feeling. I felt hands touch my breasts and I figured they must be Scott’s. The other two were still rubbing my legs. They were now moving back down to my calves. Scott massaged my breasts softly and my nipples were so hard now they ached. He pushed my breasts together and squeezed them. I felt warmth on my neck and then his lips kissed me on the right side of my neck.

I moved my head to the left to give him more access to my neck. He kissed it again and was now running his tongue up and down it. I moaned and grabbed the couch cushions with my hands. The feelings were starting to get overwhelming. I couldn’t concentrate on any of them, I was just reacting now. The hands moved back up my legs and hit my inner thighs. Scott pinched my nipples as he sucked softly on my neck. I felt my body starting to respond and I was going to orgasm without anyone touching my pussy. Now that had never happened.

“You like this, baby?” he whispered in my ear.

“Yes, yes.” I mumbled in a small voice.

I pushed my hips up, wanting someone to touch my steaming pussy. They moved their fingers up my thighs but stopped inches short. I moaned and tried to shove my hips up to find them. They stayed on my inner thighs and continued to massage them lightly. Scott was now twisting my nipples and the pain lit me up again. I heard myself moan loudly.

“Oh God, please, please, more…” I mumbled.

Scott attached himself to my neck again. I felt the hands on my calves and on my knees. I felt them spreading my legs wider. I kept my eyes closed. I felt warmth hit my thighs and then felt something touch me. I felt their tongues hit my thighs and I exploded. My orgasm hit me hard and my hips shot up in the air. They held onto my legs and were now sucking on my thighs as I convulsed in their grasp. Scott was pinching my nipples hard and the pain sent me higher. I heard myself scream and my entire body froze stiff as the pleasure slammed through me.

I relaxed as my orgasm faded. My body felt like a rag doll. The hands left my legs and Scott was now hugging me from behind. My breathing was ragged and I tried to calm down. An occasional shiver hit me and I shook for a second. I turned my head and opened my eyes. I saw my friend was now also naked. She was being lifted up and down on Joey’s lap. I saw her little breasts bouncing yalova escort bayan and I looked down to see

Joey’s cock sliding in and out of her little pussy. Her eyes were closed and her head was flopping around. Her long hair was flying around with some of it stuck to her face. Joey was lifting her and slamming her down on his cock.

I moved my head back to the front and saw Ken, Tommy, & James sitting in their chairs. I looked at them and they were all smiling. I tried to smile back but I am not sure if my mouth moved at all. They were not moving. I thought it looked a little strange that here I was naked in front of them and they were just sitting there. I felt Scott rubbing my stomach and then run his hands down to my legs. He pushed my legs apart and spread me wide. Tommy and James sat there and stared. I noticed Ken was watching Tracy bouncing on Joey.

I looked back and saw James was unbuckling his belt. I watched him unzip his jeans and then open them up. He reached in and pulled out his hard cock. I saw it for the first time. It was not that long but it was very thick. I felt myself being lifted as Scott stood up. He held onto me by my thighs and carried me over to James. He held me above James for a second and then dropped me onto his lap. I felt his thick cock jam up inside me as my body weight slammed me down. I dropped onto his lap and sat there with his thick sausage buried in me. I looked at him in the eyes and he stared back at me.

James grabbed me and lifted me a little. I felt his cock sliding out of me. He held me for a second and then dropped me again. The cock shot up in me again. I groaned as he stretched me a little. I leaned into James and put my head on his shoulder. He held me there for a second and then I felt him standing up. His cock stayed in me and it was almost like he was lifting me with his cock. He stood up and I was hanging onto him. His hands were under my ass. I felt him pull back and drive into me. He moved my ass away and then pulled me back.

James was starting to build up a rhythm as he plowed his thick cock in and out of my slick pussy. I felt something behind me and hands were now rubbing up and down my back. They went down and grabbed my ass. I felt something warm hit me and realized another cock was sitting between my ass cheeks. The hands spread my ass and the cock slid between my cheeks. James pushed me out and held me there. I felt his cock slip out of my pussy and another one immediately rammed into me from behind. James held me as the other cock was now punishing my pussy from behind. I felt the hands holding onto my ass as he pounded me.

I could not tell who was behind me. The cock slipped out and them James drove his big one into me again. I moaned as he started fucking me hard again. I felt the other cock slide between my ass cheeks and I felt my juices on the cock. The hands spread my cheeks apart again but this time I felt the cock touch my asshole. I flinched slightly but James hammered into me again and I relaxed. The cock behind me pushed slightly and I felt my ass opening to take him in. I knew from the gentle way this cock was working its way into my ass it was probably Scott. I remembered him from last night when he popped my anal cherry.

I moaned deep as James slammed into me and held me there. The other cock was now working hard to get deep into my bowels. I felt my ass opening and the big cock in my pussy made it feel like I was totally filled. I had never felt anything like this. I just tried to relax and let it happen. I felt skin touch my ass and I realized he must now be completely in my butt. I felt like I was jammed full of cocks and I chuckled when I realized that was exactly what was happening. The cock in my ass stayed put and James started his rhythm again.

James was really going at it now. I know he could feel the other cock as he pumped into me. It must be making me even tighter to him. He was slamming hard into me and I felt hands grab my legs from behind and pull them back. I was sitting on a cock buried in my ass and my legs were now bent back again as James was smashing his crotch against mine. I leaned back into my mystery cock and tried to open my legs even more. James kept up his rhythm for another minute or so and then drove deep into me. He started to grind against me, trying to get deeper. I felt him quiver and then his face crunched up. I knew I was getting another bath of cum deep in my womb.

James pulled out and sat down. My mystery cock backed me up and turned towards the couch. I saw Ken now. Tracy was bent over the arm of the sofa and Ken was driving into her from the back. Her head was down on the sofa and her left arm was hanging off the side. I felt myself being lowered to the couch. My mystery lover was lowering me over the other arm of the couch. My head dropped next to Tracy’s as I felt my stomach hit the arm of the couch.

I looked back a little and verified it was indeed Scott behind me. I turned back towards Tracy and Scott started to pound my ass. He was now being a little rougher than last night and it felt wonderful. I wanted him to drive his cock deep in me. I pushed back against him. I got up on my hands so I could get a little leverage. I felt my tits hanging and thrashing around as Scott worked his cock in and out of my ass. I lifted my head up and I felt Scott grab my hair and pull back. I drove my ass back into him hard.

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