The Highland Festival Ch. 06: The Walk

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Chapter 6 — The Highland Festival — Misbehaving

***Hello Readers

Quick note, my stories tend to progress a bit slower, if you’re looking for quick paced sex scenes try another story. This story contains nonconsensual sexual acts.

Also, some past people nitpick about small consistency details in my stories. I’m not writing a classic novel, I’m not going to take time to explain every little change in a scene. If you’re looking for 100% accuracy in stories, buy a book.

I hope the rest of you enjoy 😀



Standing up from the table Frank cleared his mind. He managed to convince Tom and Karen to join them at their Hotel for the night. Since all the rooms in the area were booked well in advance for the festival, they didn’t have much choice. Plus, Tom could barely support Karen who had passed out drunk; meaning he would need Daddy’s help carrying her.

Sadly, Frank had to promise Tom that he could sleep alone with Karen in the adjoining room John booked. This was under the stipulation that the he BEHAVED, Frank would just have to push a couple buttons and see if he could get his little boy to misbehave. He so wanted to play with his new toy some more tonight.

As Frank watched Tom get up from the table, drunk and stumbling like a newborn babe, he made a mental note of the improvements he had made to the boy throughout the day. This morning Tom had been covered in hair, wearing an extra-large kilt, and was shying away from others in the back of the train.

Now his groin was baby smooth, his ass was marked and spanked red, and he was wearing a rainbow mini-skirt that could barely qualify as a ‘kilt’. Yet despite all this Tom looked much more comfortable now than he did on the train this morning, though I’m sure the alcohol helped.

As we made our way out of the bar I was a proud Daddy, a boy tucked under each arm, while Gramps carried Karen behind us. Before we made it half way to the exit a few of the bar locals asked to take photos of us. I smiled at the men;

“We would be happy to provide you with a couple ‘family’ photos.”

Quickly a ring was formed around us as others grouped up to take photos as well. I could feel Tommy squirming under the attention; meanwhile Brian was soaking it up. Quickly I leaned over and gave Tommy a little kiss on the cheek as photos were snapped. I could feel the heat of his cheeks on my lips as they flushed deep red. I loved the way the boy blushed at every little thing.

Then I had an idea. I twirled Tommy around so his back was to the cameras, tucking him tightly under my arm; then reached down and slowly started to raise the back of his kilt. I could feel the boy freeze like a deer in headlights as he slowly became more and more exposed to the lusting crowd. Slowly I teased the crowd, raising and lowered his kilt, flashing bits of his crimson bottom.

Finally, having teased them enough Tom let out a small groan as I lifted his kilt all the way up, displaying his beautiful bottom to the cameras. Plenty of whistles and applause were released as his well spanked bottom was put on display, the words BAD BOY still visible in permanent marker on his ass. I didn’t even need to hold Tommy anymore as he was trying to hide his face from all the cameras by cowering in my chest.

Meanwhile under my other arm Brian didn’t want to be outdone, so he lifted the front of his kilt proudly showing off his chastity cage to the crowd. That along with the words ‘Good boy’ on his shirt perfectly accented the ‘bad boy’ on the other side. Cameras started flashing like a strobe light as I felt Tommy continue to squirm under my arm, desperate to escape all the attention.

Looking over I saw the bartender Carl taking some photos as well, I would need to reach out to him later for copies, I had a couple fun ideas for the photos.

Finally, once everyone had filled up their cameras, I rounded up the boys and we headed out the door, allowing Tommy to lower his kilt on the way.


After Frank stopped me to allow those sleazy men to take photos of us, I was happy to finally be out of the bar and take in some fresh air. Immediately I noticed the cool breeze tickling my smooth balls as we exited the bar. The new ‘kilt’ I was wearing barely made it past my ass so even the tiniest breeze reached every nook and cranny sending shivers through my body.

I stumbled a little as we made our way down the side street, more drunk then I realized after having been force fed beers for the last couple hours. Frank quickly put an arm around balıkesir escort my waist to keep me steady, his warm arm almost felt comforting… Snapping back to reality I twisted out of his grip and almost fell over; I wasn’t going to let this man touch me anymore if I could help it. The cold air mixed with the fact that we had left the gay bar (Frank’s territory), had given me a bit of clarity and nerve back…

As we continued our walk Frank’s hand kept grazing mine, like a boy on his first date trying to hold a girl’s hand. As his hand finally grabbed mine, I quickly yanked it out of his grasp and gave him an angry look, shouting at him;

“None of your rules say I have to hold your hand in public!”

Frank looked surprised; evidently, he thought he had broken me and I didn’t have any fight left. The look on his face gave me a bit of my confidence back, I was determined to try and keep a bit of pride now that we had returned to the ‘normal’ world. Although this proved difficult as I had to keep one hand firmly pressed over my crotch to keep my hard-on from poking out past my kilt.

Frank chuckled at my struggle;

“You seem to be having a HARD time hiding your excitement in the new outfit. How’s this, if you let Daddy hold you all the way back to the hotel, I’ll let you pick out some underwear for tomorrow.”

I paused. While I’m sure he would be a bit more handsy than just holding hands, wearing underwear would make my life much easier. The man had touched every part of my body already; I may as well get something out of it. I answered Frank;

“Fine, but I want to pick Sunday’s underwear as well”

Frank gave me a wide smile, making my stomach knot.

“Alright buddy”

Before I had time to reconsider, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me like a bag of flour. Considering how short my kilt was, this mean that most of my ass would be on display to the world.

Realizing I was tricked once again I started swearing at Frank

“FUCK, LET ME DOWN, I take it back”

Frank just held me tighter. Trying to squirm proved futile as his monster arms pinned me down.

“FUCK, let me down FRANK—”

Frank quickly quieted me by bouncing me on his shoulder, knocking the wind out of me as my belly crashed into his frame, and then he said;

“I’ll let the ‘Frank’ slide since your passed-out girlfriend is still technically here” I made a quick glance over to John who was holding Karen. “However, you called me Frank instead of Daddy a lot of other times tonight. So, I think for now we will make a couple more costume changes.”

I notice Brian sneaking over to me with something in his hands, as I open my mouth to object he rams a ball gag into my mouth and starts fumbling to secure the straps behind my head. Immediately I start fighting back with my hands preventing Brian from securing the gag, until…


Frank starts to slap my ass and in my moment of surprise Brian secures the gag. Then my eyes go wide as I see Brian pull out a small padlock. I redouble my efforts trying to remove the straps before he can put the lock in place, wrestling with his arms behind my head.


Brian was much stronger than I thought and the slapping on my already sore ass was causing my hands to fumble until finally, I hear the click, and the spanking stops.

Slowly I feel around for the lock, tracing it with my fingers and giving it a couple tugs. I realized helplessly that while small, the lock was durable. My eyes welled up a little at my hopelessness state as I looked into Brian’s eye, he was grinning sheepishly. Then I hear Frank say;

“Brian, I think some adjustments may be needed up here as well.”

My eyes went wide and I pleaded with Brian as best I could, I think I even saw a bit of pity on his face before he circled around to my other side. I then feel Brian running my kilt through his hands, until he yanks it up and tucks it in at the waist. My ass was once again on full display, this time however it was on a public street!

Just then a few gentlemen were passing us on the sidewalk, laughing hardily at my situation.

“Looks like someone’s been baaaaddd”

I blushed in shame, now clawing at Franks back in frustration, furiously shouting into the gag. I froze as I feel Brian hand cup my balls… Instead of squeezing them however Brian just lifts them up and pulls my dick down instead. Putting my tiny manhood on display for the passing men who made balıkesir escort bayan a couple amusing remarks about the size and erect state of my cock before moving on (I will still rock hard from all the pills Frank had been feeding me).

Registering what the men had said I finally lost it, I didn’t need stranger thinking I was a pervert who got off on this kind of thing. I started struggling in earnest kicking Brian away from me, until… I felt my foot make contact with his face.


It happens in a flash; Frank lifts me off his shoulder effortlessly and pins me against the wall. His cold eyes now alive with rage as he stares down at me, his face only inches from mine. For the first time I wasn’t only worried about being humiliated or groped but terrified about what physical damage this man could do to me. He snarls in my face;


As Frank continued yelling at me, I took a chance and glanced over at Brian and noticed he had a fat lip. He was cowering in a corner as John looked him over. I felt a pang of guilt, while the other two took pleasure in tormenting me Brian if anything was always gentle; he was by far the lesser of the evils.

I quickly lock eyes with Frank as he finished his tirade.

“—We’ll make sure you regret it; in the meantime let’s give you a bit of a teaser.” I gulped

He spins me around facing the brick wall, and pins both my arms behind my back. Worried he may accidently break them, I tried not to struggle as my arms cried out in protest. Hearing the loud sound of a zipper I glanced over my shoulder and saw Frank riffling through Brian’s backpack which had fallen to the ground.

He then pulls out what looks like a small black egg with a wire attached to it. I didn’t have long to think about what it was before he says;

“I was hoping to do this is a more consensual setting, but this should get you ready for your punishment…”

Then in one quick motion Frank shoves the egg in my ass, growling;

“Naught boys don’t deserve lube!”

Even though small, the egg’s sudden invasion felt like it was tearing a hole in my ass as it went in dry. Having never experienced more than Frank’s well lubed pinky in my ass earlier that night, the pain was excruciating. I screamed into the gag as this new violation raked my body. My arms trying to break free of Frank’s grasp so I could pull out the invader.

Frank’s voice was still shaking with furry as whispers in my ear; “If you take this one out, I will grab a nice dildo from the bag, and fuck you silly right in the middle of the street”

Shaking, I slowly tried to calm myself, adjusting to the toy as the pain subsided. Just as I was getting my breathing under control Frank lifts me onto his shoulder and starts to carry me again. Making sure my dick was pointing down and exposed, while my kilt was still tucked in at the waist. My ass completely exposed once more, now with a small black wire hanging from it…

John and Brian were back on their feet waiting for us. John, again carrying Karen, still passed out in his arms, while Brian was pouting and looked to be holding back tears. Frank gave his face a quick once over, gave him a little kiss on his fat lip, then passed him a little remote.

“Maybe this will make you feel better”

Brian brightened up a little and clicked a switch on the remote. Immediately I feel the little egg start to vibrate in my ass, making me quiver as it rubs against something new inside of me. I couldn’t help it as a slight moan escapes my gagged lips.

As we continued our way to the hotel Frank was no longer being gentle. He took every opportunity to bounce me on his shoulder, knocking the wind out of me and making me gasp for air through the gag. He also seemed to be taking more public roads, evidently what little privacy he afforded me before was no longer needed.

As we walked on the sidewalk down one of the town’s main streets, passing cars would honk their horns at us. Whenever this happened Frank would spank my ass a couple times to give them a good show, which would of course result in more honking.

Then, whenever a pedestrian passed us on the sidewalk Frank would hop up and down making my ass jiggle and my dick flop around, giving everyone a laugh. If I tried to hide my face, he would make sure to twirl around and give them a nice view of me cowering. A couple more photos were taken I’m sure.

Then the worst came, as we were nearing the hotel a bachelorette escort balıkesir party emerged from a bar, without missing a beat Frank started heading towards them. This was the first group of women we had run into and I was desperate to go unseen. What little fight I had left I used to try and scramble off Frank’s shoulder, however like before his arm clamped down and I realized my struggles would just draw more attention.

Then I froze as a heard a couple of the girls shriek, they had seen us. Giggling they surrounded Frank and me, John and Brian stood off to the side giving them more room. Frank then introduced us;

“Good evening ladies, you enjoying the festival”

More laughter was the only response.

“My LITTLE boy here has been misbehaving all day, so Daddy has been teaching him a lesson. Would any of you ladies like to help”

More shrieks, a couple girl came closer excited to volunteer.

“But shhhh we don’t want to wake ‘little’ Tommy’s girlfriend” He nodded towards Karen who was still out cold in John’s arms “He doesn’t want her to know what a little sissy boy he is”

A couple girls started whispering with Frank now as he encouraged them to “feel the heat coming off the bad boys bottom”. As a couple of the girls’ hands started rubbing my ass, they chatted about how smooth my ass and balls were.

Then one of the girls took ahold of the wire hanging from my ass and gave it a little tug forcing me to clench my ass. If they pulled out the toy I wasn’t sure if Frank would still punish me. Brian took the opportunity to crank the vibration on the toy to high. Immediately I jerked forward almost falling over Frank’s shoulder as he held onto me, patting my back as I moaned deeply into my gag.

My first prostate massage was causing my entire body to break out in sweat as my dick throbbed against Frank’s shoulder. Precum was pouring from my dick as the girls watched wide eyed. Getting close to the edge I started to panic, I didn’t want the girls to see me get off like this, not to mention what Frank would do if I came again without permission.

Then a couple girls started taking selfies with my ass, prodding and poking me. The bride-to-be decided to pull on the string with her teeth, as more photos were snapped.

By this point I was dry humping Frank’s shoulders trying to hold back against the mounting stimulation. I started clawing at Frank’s ass, pulling on his kilt, trying desperately to hold out. Then just as I started to cum I gave Franks kilt once last giant tug; ripping his kilt and causing it to slowly unravel from his waist, falling to the sidewalk.

The girls stood there in shock as I exploded over Frank in my first ever hands-free ejaculation, my ass cheeks spasmed as I released my load and still tried desperately to hold the toy in. Meanwhile Frank’s 10inch member was exposed to the crowd, gathering quite a few admirations and gasps from the group.

Frank not missing beat chuckled

“Sorry about the display lady, I’ve been trying to teach the little tyke manners, but it seems I still have my work cut out of me…”

He then turned towards Brian and John;

“Brian can you help me with my kilt, maybe some of these ladies can help” He turned back towards the group and gave them a wink “Meanwhile I think little tommy needs to be punished for cumming without permission, AND tearing my favorite kilt”


Completely spent now I laid limp across Frank shoulder, resigning myself to the spanking; Lucking with me over his shoulder Frank couldn’t get much power behind his blows.


Frank soon realized the lack of power behind his blows though and quickly took one of the flip flops off my feet.


The rubber sole of the sandal stung more than I could have imagined as it contacted my ass. Quickly my eyes start to water as I looked at Brian and a couple of the ladies who were trying to put Frank’s kilt back on. Using a couple safety pins, they seemed to be taking their time as Frank continued to rain down his punishment.

Before long I was balling like a baby, sobbing through the gag as Frank offered the ladies a couple smacks each for their trouble. Most of which were more than happy to accept.

Finally, once Frank’s kilt was back on and my ass was bruised purple, we parted ways with the bachelorette party and walked up to the hotel.

Frank put me down as we reached the front door, my legs shaking, struggling to support my own weight after my most recent abuse. I was forced to cling onto him to stay upright. Frank wrapped one arm around me in a half hug as Brian took my gag off, while Frank said to me

“As promised, you will get to choose some undies to wear tomorrow, however you earned yourself a few more punishments for your behavior on the way here.”

I just hung my head as we walked into the hotel.


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