
7 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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I wasn’t looking forward to the new task I had been assigned at work. We’d been given a new client and I’d heard through the grapevine that she wasn’t easy to deal with, and lucky me, I had her and the new project dumped into my lap.

I waited in my office for Nick to ring, letting me know she had arrived. Finally 9:30 came and the phone rang; I asked Nick to show her into my office. I knew how important this client was to the firm and I knew first impressions were everything. I stood up as I watched my door slowly open.

There she was, the reason for all this nervous energy I’d been harboring all morning long. I walked toward her and she politely held out her hand and introduced herself. “I’m Merry Smith and I assume you’re Cheryl Parker.”

She was all business and got straight to the points she wanted me to grasp. She was quick to point out that we would be spending a lot of time together and that she hoped my family didn’t mind the long hours that would be required to get the work accomplished. I let her know right away that I was single and lived alone, and that my closest family lived several states away. I assured her that I was fully prepared for the task ahead.

She seemed relieved, and over the next few weeks I understood just how serious Merry was about her job. I’m obsessive about my work but Merry was like no one I had ever worked with before. Despite all her obsessions about her work, we actually became pretty good friends. Gradually, we stopped talking only about work, and opened up our personal lives a bit to each other.

Merry was just getting over a break up with her partner of several years, a woman who had finally decided that she was sick of Merry being gone for months at a stretch for her job. When Merry told me this, I was a bit surprised, because Merry had not struck me as being gay.

Finally, one Friday night, we were finishing up the day with Chinese take-out, and I remarked how sick I was of eating take-out food, and how I was looking forward to being able to cook a good meal at home the next night. Merry agreed that take-out food got really old after awhile, but she said you should try it from her viewpoint. She sometimes went two or three months without anything but restaurant food.

“Tell you what. Why don’t you come over to my place tomorrow night, and I will do my best to give you a dinner you won’t forget for awhile.”

Merry thought that was simply a wonderful idea, so I wrote up very precise instructions on how to get to my condo, and insisted that she not worry about bringing anything.

I decided on Coq a Vin, fresh asparagus cooked just enough to be al dente, and a berry pie. I had everything ready to go, and was just putting the pie in the oven when the phone rang. It was Merry, and she was completely lost. Apparently Merry, despite all her other sterling qualities, was navigationally challenged. She couldn’t read a map for the life of her, and although my instructions had been precise, she had to go out of the way because of an accident, and gotten herself mecidiyeköy escort completely turned around.

I found out where she was, and laughed when she told me.

“You’re only about ten blocks from here. Go back on Main until you get to 23rd Street, turn right, go another three or four blocks until you get to Valley Vista Drive, turn left, and you will see the condos on your left about half way down the block on the right. See you in a few minutes.”

I have no idea why the street is called Valley Vista Drive. There isn’t a valley anywhere near here, but the developers must have wanted to make it sound exotic.

I finished putting the pie in the oven, and had everything ready to cook. All I had to do was put it together, which wasn’t going to take more than 30 minutes or so to have on the table. I opened a bottle of Merlot to let it breath a bit, and by the time I had finished that, the doorbell rang and Merry was there with a bottle of wine, and a bunch of flowers.

When I looked at the wine, and smiled and told Merry that we must be on the same track, it was exactly the same wine I had just opened for dinner.

We had a drink while I got dinner cooked, standing in the kitchen talking and laughing like we had been friends forever.

Dinner was wonderful, and even though my attention had been split between the dinner and Merry, everything came out wonderfully. We opened the second bottle of wine, and had worked our way through a good portion of that when we started dessert.

Merry was talking animatedly, waving her hands around, then picked up her wine glass to sip from it. The base of the wine glass caught on the dessert plate, flipping the dessert plate over into her lap, and spilling the wine down her white blouse and into her lap to mingle with the berry pie.

Fortunately, my floor in the eating area is wood parquet, so no damage was done there, but Merry’s clothes were a complete mess.

“Oh, shit. These are brand new, and the wine isn’t going to come out of these. Christ, the pants look like I had worst period anyone has ever had.”

“Quick Merry, get those clothes off, and let’s get them in the washer so they don’t stain. I’ll get you a robe or something.”

Merry stepped into the kitchen and took the blouse and slacks off, and it was obvious that the wine had gone through the outer material, and had soaked her bra and panties as well. She stripped, and I took the clothes and dumped them all into my washer and started filling it.

I glanced over at Merry, and she still had wine on her breasts and running down her stomach and legs. Merry was rubbing at the wine with a dishtowel, but it was still leaving sticky streaks.

“And let’s get you into a shower. That is going to be sticky and yucky in a few minutes.”

Merry agreed, and I got her into my shower, laid out a towel for her, and got her my robe. Merry is a bit taller than I am, but my chest is considerably larger than hers, primarily because my breasts are much larger.

While şişli escort Merry took a quick shower, I went back to the washer, dumped in some bleach, then went back and cleaned up the table and floor. I also opened another bottle of wine and gave Merry a fresh glass and another piece of pie.

Merry came back out, the robe being a bit short for her, but it certainly showed off her legs.

Merry apologized profusely, and I just waved the apology away.

“Don’t worry about it, it only took a few minutes to clean up. I just hope your clothes aren’t ruined.”

We talked a bit more, and Merry finally settled down, and ate her dessert.

I guess it was all the wine, but I had been curious for years about sex between women. I had seen porn movies on the Internet featuring two women, but I had never had sex with a woman, and was curious.

“Merry, can I ask you a personal question.”

“Sure, I won’t promise to answer it, but go ahead.”

I blushed, I am sure, because I could feel my face heating up.

“What is the difference between sex with a man, and sex with a woman?”

Merry stopped with her wine glass halfway to her mouth. She looked at me silently for a minute or two, then replied.

“I’m not sure I can answer that. I’ve only had sex with a man on a couple of occasions, and both of them were very unpleasant. Well, not unpleasant, but let’s say unfulfilling, all puns aside.”

She was quiet for a few more minutes, then:

“If you would like, I could show you what sex with a woman is like.”

It was my turn to be silent. I had always wondered about it, but never dared to approach anyone about trying it. By now, I am sure I was beet red, and was really at a loss for words.

Finally, unable to really look Merry in the eye, I mumbled something about how that would be nice to try.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”

I could feel my pussy moistening as I answered a bit louder.

“I think I would like to try that.”

Merry smiled and stood up, coming around the table to lean down and raise my chin with her hand as she kissed me. It didn’t seem any different than a man, except that her lips were softer, and when she kissed me again, my mouth opened a bit, and her tongue darted in for an instant, then again.

Merry stepped back a bit.

“Still interested?”

I just nodded.

Merry held out her hand, and helped me to my feet, then loosened the tie on her robe, letting it fall open.

Merry moved closer to me, kissed me again, then her mouth moved down to my neck and ears, nibbling softly, then finally back to my mouth, her tongue exploring my mouth. I sucked on her tongue a bit, then when she withdrew it, sent my own tongue into her mouth.

We finally broke apart, both of us breathing heavily.

“Let’s go find your bed.”

I led the way, and when we got there, Merry had already stripped her robe off, and she tossed it onto the floor at the foot of the bed, took me in her arms and kissed me again.

This taksim escort time as she broke away, her hands came to my blouse, unbuttoning it, then sliding it off my shoulders to join the robe on the floor. My bra, skirt and panties followed shortly afterward, and we were pressed together, her nipples pressing into my breasts, her pubic hair pressing against my shaved mound.

Without a word, I turned to the bed, flipped the covers down, and lay down, Merry following me.

We lay together, our bodies intertwined, as Merry kissed me, than let her mouth start to slowly drift downward on my body. She suckled each of my breasts, then moved back up to kiss me again. Her hand took mine, and she placed it on her breast, and I cupped it, rolling the nipple between my thumb and finger.

It was my turn now, and I moved down, taking first one nipple, then the other in my mouth, suckling like she had done. Merry was making little noises as I did so, finally pushing me over on my back, and kneeling by my head.

She started kissing her way down my body, making sure that her nipples were dragging along my body as she did, until she came to my pussy. She breathed on my pussy, then her fingers were opening me, making me completely open to her mouth and tongue. She pleasured me for a minute or two, then straddled my head and lowered her pussy to my face, obviously expecting me to do the same to her that she was doing to me.

I don’t know why I was hesitant, but it took me a moment before I could bring myself to send my tongue licking up between her pussy lips. I found that the smell and taste was similar to mine when I masturbated, then smelled or tasted my fingers afterward.

The taste of Merry was so sexy to me, so forbidden. I was doing something that my family would have completely disapproved of, but it felt so nice and so naughty that I almost came just from the thought of what I was doing.

I came, with my tongue stuck into Merry’s pussy. I came again while I was sucking on Merry’s clit. Then I came a third time as Merry came, although Merry actually squirted into my mouth when she came. I don’t know if I did the same, but it sure felt wonderful.

We had sex several times more that night, each time different, but oh so satisfying. By the time we finally drifted off to sleep, I guessed that each of us had come at least six or seven times.

When I woke up in the morning, I could smell and taste Merry’s dried juices on my lips when I licked my lips. Merry could too, apparently, because when she woke up a little after I did, she kissed me, and murmured that I smelled like she had had a good time the night before.

For the rest of Merry’s stay in town, we got together every weekend for a weekend of just pure sex. I wasn’t really willing to give up men for Merry, and she didn’t ask me to, but the weekends were pure heaven. The only thing that I missed was the taste of semen. Merry and I both had toys, and we experimented with them, or at least I did, Merry was experienced in using them.

The biggest difference I found between sex with a man and a woman, was that the wet spot on the bed wasn’t as big, and a woman wasn’t as likely to just roll over and go to sleep. In fact a woman was much more likely to just want more. I know I certainly did.

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