Ladies Medical Agency Ch. 01

5 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Historical note:

In the Victorian period it was medical opinion that many young women suffered from a condition called hysteria, which could be relieved by stimulation of the vagina. Doctors administered this ‘treatment’ but found it rather tiring. The need for stimulation without too much effort led to the invention of the steam powered mechanical vibrator! This fantasy imagines a practice set up specifically to provide this treatment.

‘Ladies Medical Treatments’ proclaimed the small and discreet plaque mounted on the wall of a large terraced house.

“This is the place, Flo,” said Elizabeth. “You’re certain to get release of your hysteria here.”

“I hope so,” replied Florence, “I feel as though I’m going mad.”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, all the best doctors agree this is the appropriate treatment, and I’ve heard that this is the most successful place in all of Manchester. Three ladies I know have recommended it most highly.”

“Will you come in with me?”

“Of course I shall, darling, I must admit I’ve considered going for myself anyway.”

The two young wives climbed the three stone steps and rapped the doorknocker. The door swung open almost immediately, revealing a maid.

“Come in ladies,” said the maid, ushering them into a well appointed waiting room, “do you have an appointment?”

“Yes,” said Florence, “at nine.”

“Ah, Mrs. Fothergill?”

“That’s correct.”

“And may I ask who you are, madam?” asked the maid, turning her attention to Elizabeth.

“Mrs. Smith, I’m a friend of Mrs Fothergill here. May I observe the treatment?”

“That’ll be up to the nurse ma’am. Please take a seat for a moment.”

The maid disappeared into the house, leaving the two friends in the waiting room. A moment later she returned.

“Please follow me ladies,” said the maid, leading the way.

They walked down a passage and into a room containing a bed, a curtain on a rail, and a desk with two chairs in front. Behind the desk a neatly dressed woman of about 40 years of age rose to welcome them.

“Thank you for coming Mrs Fothergill,” she said, “and I believe you are Mrs Smith” looking Esenyurt Escort at each of them in turn.

“We don’t normally do double appointments, but if you’re both comfortable with the rather personal nature of the treatment you may stay.”

“Certainly,” said Elizabeth, “as long as I won’t get in the way.”

“In that case you may go, Joan” said the woman, dismissing the maid, ‘please be seated ladies’ she continued, indicating two chairs in front of the desk.

“I am Mrs Arkwright, I’m a fully qualified nurse, and I have been trained by the finest doctors in Manchester in the relief of hysteria. It’s a very serious issue, and can lead to all sorts of health problems if left untreated.

“Now, first we must examine your case, Mrs Fothergill. How long have you been married?”

“Two years,” replied Florence.

“Have you any children?”

“One, a boy, a year old.”

“Do you and Mr Fothergill have regular marital relations?”

“Oh yes,” said Florence, turning a shade of pink.

“Do you experience a heightened sense of anxiety and frustration the next day?”

“Yes I do”

“And has this feeling increased during the course of your marriage?”

“Yes, it has rather.”

“This sounds like a typical case of hysteria to me. Now we have established the facts we can move on to the treatment. This will involve repeated stimulation of your body until the hysterical tension is released. Please disrobe behind the curtain, put on the gown you will find there, and lie on the bed.”

Blushing furiously, Florence went behind the curtain and removed her dress and her bustle.

“Elizabeth, could you come and help with my corset please?” she called.

Elizabeth, appearing slightly flushed herself, appeared around the curtain and helped Florence with her corset and the remaining items of clothing, before helping her friend on with the loose nightgown. Florence’s body was smooth, with no apparent marks from carrying a baby. Her breasts were larger than they had been, Elizabeth thought.

Florence went and lay on the bed, which was raised so that the mattress was at waist height, she had to use a İstanbul Escort small step built in to the side to help herself up. Elizabeth returned to the seat in front of the desk, and sat facing the bed. Mrs Arkwright stood beside the bed, and patted Florence’s hand.

“You mustn’t be worried, Mrs Fothergill, you will soon feel much better than you have been feeling for a long time. Now, in order to relax you, and prepare you for what you are about to experience, I will only progress gradually to the final stimulation. I have found it helps the treatment very much if I start with light stimulation first.”

“If.. if you say so,” stuttered Florence.

“I do,” replied Mrs Arkwright.

The matronly nurse gently started stroking Florence’s shoulders, through the gown, keeping her hands there until the younger woman started to relax. The hands travelled down Florence’s arms, gently caressing and soothing, over and over until she visibly became more at ease, her breathing was calm and her eyes had closed. Then the nurse’s hands switched over to her stomach, smoothing the gown, stroking around the navel with occasional wider circles becoming more frequent and ever wider until they made a first fleeting contact with her breasts. By this stage Florence was completely at ease and barely noticed, but the hands returned slowly again and again, each time travelling further and staying for longer, each sweep lingering for several seconds. After a while she noticed the hands were remaining on her breasts continuously, and now they started caressing and squeezing the generous mounds. She had never had her breasts treated so tenderly, when Edward wanted sex he groped her a few times, but it had never felt this good.

A warm glow started forming between her legs, and her knees parted slightly, almost involuntarily. Mrs Arkwright took this as her cue to move a hand down to Florence’s knees. Again the hand stroked up and down, round and round, making Florence’s breath catch. Slowly the hand travelled down to her ankles to reach under the bottom of the nightgown, and slowly, agonisingly slowly, begin the journey back up again.

Elizabeth, sitting on the Beylikdüzü Escort chair by the desk was breathing harder and blushing furiously. Mrs Arkwright glanced at her and noted that her hands were clasped very tightly together. It seemed as though Elizabeth was trying to squash her demons.

Florence didn’t notice her friend’s torment, the hands were now both on her legs and up to her knees, the gown gradually being pushed up before them. Her knees were drawing apart with very little persuasion needed, and when the hands gave them a gentle push upwards they fell wide apart, exposing her most secret areas to the clinical gaze of Mrs Arkwright. The hands now moved steadily inwards until they were caressing her lips. Moisture was pouring out of her, she had simply never felt this aroused, small moans were escaping her without her being aware of them. When the experienced nurse started to rub around her clitoris, her hips began to move of their own accord and her breathing became ragged.

Mrs Arkwright kept her left hand stimulating the clitoral region, only rarely touching the clitoris itself, and with her right hand opened a small drawer in the side of the bed frame from which she pulled a polished wooden dildo. When the dildo met her sopping wet labia Florence gasped, but urged it inside, bucking her hips upwards to meet it. The nurse didn’t tease any further, the dildo was worked in and out with increasing speed, matched by the left hand slightly above. Florence gave a low wail that turned into a scream and convulsed on the bed, two, three, four times. She flopped down onto the bed as Mrs Arkwright removed the dildo, feeling drained and yet satisfied. Her gaze moved over to Elizabeth, sat rigidly on the chair, gripping her hands together as though she was afraid of what they might do when let free.

Mrs Arkwright stood back from her customer and crossed to wash her hands in a small basin near the desk. The senior nurse then spoke in a brisk, business like voice.

“Now then, Mrs Fothergill, that concludes your treatment for today. I trust you are satisfied. Please get dressed, and if you would like a repeat visit for any increase in hysteria you experience please arrange it with Joan as you depart. We have many customers who like to return once a month, or so.”

Florence and Elizabeth were jerked out of their contemplative state.

“Oh, er, thank you, Mrs Arkwright,” said Florence, “I really do feel a lot less hysterical already.”

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