Indentured Pt. 02

4 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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The unsafe sexual practices portrayed in this story are not to be taken as a recommendation.

Chapter 3 – An End and a Beginning

The second time Douglas heard soft grunts in the middle of the night, he expected Owen to fall back to sleep as before. Instead, Owen shifted in bed. Douglas squeezed his hand. “You want to tell me what this wet dream was about?”

Owen turned to Douglas and smiled. “I was dreaming about you.”

“That’s good to hear, because I have wet dreams about you.”

“Why are you making fun of me?”

“I’m not. It’s true.”

“This must be another dream.”

“Have you ever felt pain in your dreams?”


Douglas pinched him. Hard.


“You’re not dreaming. If you hadn’t been so sheltered before you came to me, you’d know by now that your beautiful face alone is enough to inspire wet dreams. You’re nearly twenty and I’ll bet you’ve never even been kissed on the mouth.”

Owen screwed up his face. “Eew, I wouldn’t want that! I saw Papa do it to Mama once, he didn’t know I was watching. It looked… icky.”

Douglas leaned in and kissed him. “Was that icky? If you didn’t like it you can say so.”

For a few moments, Owen gave no answer. Then he said: “Do it again?”


A week later, as Owen was about to turn away for sleep after their goodnight kiss Douglas slid a hand into the back of the boy’s pajama pants and fondled one of the warm cheeks. Owen tensed in surprise, but then he closed his eyes and pushed his hips back to make firmer contact.

“Isn’t this better” Douglas asked, moving the hand onto Owen’s cleft, “than having your back to me?”

With eyes still closed, Owen murmured “Mmm.”

Douglas pushed the pajama pants down to Owen’s thighs and pulled Owen against him. He could feel the teenager’s erect penis pressing his belly as he sank his index finger between the cheeks and teased the rim of Owen’s wrinkled hole, inducing a moan of pleasure.

Douglas withdrew the index finger, sucked his middle finger until it was dripping with saliva, and pushed it all the way into Owen’s rectum, where he began moving it around on the prostate as he slid up and down against the boy’s erection.

Owen’s breathing quickened, his moans grew ever louder, and then he shouted “STOP! STOP or I’ll…”

Douglas felt warm spurts hit his chest. He extracted his finger, pressing the prostate as he went, eliciting more spurts.

It was a full minute before Owen came down from the bliss of his orgasm and said ashamedly: “I spurted on you. I’m sorry, I’ll clean it off.”

Douglas nuzzled his hair. “Owen, I made you. On purpose. I’ll bet you won’t have a wet dream tonight.”

Owen lay quiet for a while, and then he asked: “Do most boys have wet dreams?”

“Almost every male past puberty has them until he’s old, unless he’s masturbating or getting sex on a regular basis.”

“I don’t think Jimmy has them.”

“Undoubtedly he didn’t while he had you.”

“Now you have me.”

“Not for that.”

Douglas was staggered by what Owen said next: “What if I want you to?”

Douglas took a moment to recover his mental equilibrium before saying: “It hurts, you know that. I refuse to hurt you.”

“I won’t mind, I love you.”

“You told me you love Jimmy, but you don’t like it with him.”

“I don’t love Jimmy the way I love you. I’m not sure anymore that I love him at all.”

When there was no further word from Douglas, Owen asked: “Don’t you want to?”

Douglas certainly did want to, but he couldn’t decide whether it would be wrong for him to use Owen’s body for his own pleasure as the boy’s brothers had predicted.

Owen persisted: “I know you’ll try not to hurt me.”

“Some pain is unavoidable. I hate the idea of causing you pain.”

“I won’t mind.”

Douglas looked at him. Owen was so attractive. And it was not as if Douglas were the one asking. And Owen was well past the age of consent.

“Alright. If you have your heart set on it I’ll make love to you. That’s what it’s called when you push your penis into someone who wants you to.”

Owen turned away and began to pull his pajama pants off.

“No” Douglas said. “Not tonight.”

“Why not?”

“You’re tense; tight muscles increase the pain. We need to wait until you’re relaxed.”

“I can’t be relaxed, you’re my master.”

“It will happen eventually. Be patient.”


When Owen walked into the master bedroom the following evening, Douglas said with a smirk: “You think you’re ready to make love but you’re too shy to come to bed without wearing pajamas.”

“I didn’t know if you would want me to. I’ll take them off.”

“No, wait. I want to undress you myself. Come here.”

Owen came to him.

Douglas began slowly unbuttoning Owen’s pajama shirt. After undoing the top button, he kissed the newly-exposed skin. Owen sighed. Douglas continued opening the shirt, kissing his way down until he reached Owen’s bellybutton. He stuck his tongue in. Owen Maltepe travesti giggled.

As Douglas was drawing the pajama shirt off, he put his mouth on the place where Owen’s shoulder joined his neck, fighting the urge to nip him there and give him the first hickey of his young life.

He stepped back and directed Owen to lie down.

Owen lay gazing up lovingly as Douglas unsnapped the waistband of the pajama pants and opened it, disclosing a light tan bush and a fully-erect penis.

Owen waited nervously for Douglas’s appraisal.

“That is gorgeous.”

Owen’s big pleased grin was replaced by a look of amazement when Douglas bent down and licked the penis, which immediately leaked a few clear drops. Douglas licked again. Owen panted excitedly and begged: “Please, make love to me.”

Douglas frowned. “I still think it’s too soon, but I give up. We’ll make love. On one condition: If it’s very painful you have to tell me right away. Promise?”


“When was your last bowel movement?”

Owen’s quizzical look showed that his adult vocabulary was far from complete.

“When did you last go potty?”

“This morning, why?”

“If it was that long ago I need to give you an enema.”

“What’s an enema?”

Five minutes later, Owen was standing naked in the bathroom doorway watching Douglas fill a large bulb syringe and smear the nozzle with lubricant.

When Owen had lain face-down on the mat that Douglas indicated, Douglas knelt and spread the cheeks of the boy’s beguiling rear end. “Even your pucker is cute'” he said as he eased the nozzle in, urging it gently past Owen’s rectal sphincter. When it was all the way in, he let go of the cheeks and they curled around the front of the bulb like the mouth of a nursing infant. The sight intensified Douglas’s arousal, already high in anticipation of what he would soon be doing.

He gave the bulb a forceful squeeze, propelling the enema solution into Owen’s rectum.

“That feels nice and warm” Owen remarked.

He did not anticipate the feeling of urgency that followed.

Douglas had him hold the solution in briefly before helping him to the toilet and saying: “You can let it out now. Stay here until I call you.”

It was a full fifteen minutes before Owen heard Douglas call. He washed up and returned to the bedroom. There, he found his master waiting.

Owen was used to seeing Douglas’s upper body uncovered, but this was the first time he was seeing him nude. He stood spellbound.

“I know how uncomfortable that was” Douglas said, “and I’m sorry. But it will make things easier. Didn’t Jimmy ever give you enemas?”

“No. He just made me sit on the potty every day after supper until I made a … had a bowel movement, or told him I couldn’t.”

Douglas walked toward Owen, his erection bobbing up and down at each step. Seeing the apprehensiveness on Owen’s face, he asked: “Are you getting cold feet about this? You can change your mind.”

Owen pointed. “It’s… very big.”

Douglas looked down. “Haven’t you ever seen anyone’s erect penis?”

“I’ve never seen anyone else’s penis at all.”

“What about Jimmy’s?”

“He doesn’t let me. He says I’d be scared if I saw how long and fat it is.”

Douglas snorted. “Most males think their penis size indicates how manly they are. In all likelihood Jimmy was exaggerating.”

“I thought it hurt because it’s so big.”

“Even a modest-size penis hurts. Owen, would you rather not do this tonight? Or at all? I’ll understand.”

“I want to.”

“Alright. Lie down on your tummy.”

When Owen was settled in place, Douglas raised Owen’s hips and slid a cushion underneath, telling him: “This will help.” Then he moved Owen’s legs apart, climbed onto the bed, and knelt between them.

Earlier, while Owen was waiting to be called, Douglas had prepared a special lubricant by mixing in some of a topical anesthetic salve he kept for minor burns. He knew it would reduce his sensation, but he considered that a small price to pay for also reducing Owen’s soreness. After gathering a large glob on his finger, he spread the elevated cheeks and pushed the finger a little way into Owen’s puckered hole, rotating it to distribute the preparation. Then he pushed a little bit harder, and the finger moved without difficulty all the way through Owen’s rectal sphincter. Apparently in reaction to Jimmy’s entries, Owen had taught himself how to loosen that ring of muscle.

Douglas pulled the finger out and applied some of the lubricant mixture to his iron-hard erection. Then, saying “Ok, I’m going to come in now, don’t forget your promise” he put the head of his greased member on Owen’s pucker and pressed forward.

It slid in almost as easily as the finger.

As Douglas advanced, he was reminded of the night he had lain against Owen for the first time. That was the night he realized how much he had missed the pleasure of having another male body pressing his own. Now, sliding further into Owen and feeling the Ümraniye travesti grip of the boy’s sphincter moving upward along his shaft, he was aware of how much he had missed this too.

He went in all the way.

Owen had not made a sound. Douglas asked if he was alright.

“Yes, this is wonderful.”

Douglas began a slow piston action. As he glided languorously in and out through the short snug tube, the pressure inside him grew. He started to move faster.

It was so long since he had last made love, that he came in less than a minute, sending powerful blasts far up into Owen’s rectum.

Following his orgasm, he collapsed onto the teenager’s back, still gripped inside. “How are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m fine. I felt you cumming, that was really nice.”

“But it happened too fast, I didn’t have a chance to make you cum. Let’s see if I can remedy that.”

He started moving again. His penis had begun to soften but the new stimulation reawakened it. He took long strokes, varying the angle in search of Owen’s prostate.

“More” Owen breathed. Douglas reached down and spread Owen’s cheeks to allow deeper penetration. After a few more tries, he heard an ebullient cry and knew that he had found the correct angle. He speeded up.

Suddenly his penis was squeezed repeatedly as Owen climaxed. It set Douglas off a second time.

When their orgasms were over, Douglas pulled out.

Owen sighed. “That was … marvelous.”

Douglas took a tissue from a box on the bedside table and wiped between the cheeks he had just been invading. “How sore are you?”

“A little. I don’t mind. I want to do this again.”

“We will” Douglas promised, lifting Owen off the cushion and turning him over, “but not until the soreness fades.” With another tissue he wiped Owen’s belly and wilting penis.

Owen lay smiling up at him. “I love you so much.”

Douglas lay down, took hold of Owen and rolled over, pulling the boy on top of him. Looking up into Owen’s bright blue eyes, he said “I love you too. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re with me.”

Owen was now leading a divided life: During the day he was one of Douglas’s servants, and at night he was his master’s lover, a role that would never be acknowledged outside the bedroom. Such a clandestine duality might be intolerable to some, but it did not trouble Owen. He knew that social convention made it impossible for Douglas to be open about their relationship, and he was happy to maintain a daytime façade of strict correctness for the man he loved.

Notwithstanding their sham formality when anyone else was present, they could hardly expect the staff not to notice that Owen’s occupancy of the master bedroom had become permanent, and to draw their own, obvious conclusions. However, one of Grayson’s unwritten rules was that speculation about what might go on at night in the master bedroom was not a fitting topic for discussion below stairs.

The only attempt to break that rule was made the morning after Owen and Douglas’s first lovemaking, when Owen came into the servants’ dining hall for breakfast looking positively radiant. One of the two staff members who had remained hostile in spite of Douglas’s lecture, leered at him and asked if he had gotten much sleep the previous night. Unsophisticated Owen answered that he had slept very well. The man would have followed up with a more suggestive query, had not Grayson glared at him so disapprovingly that he changed his mind.

That evening, Owen asked if Douglas wanted to make love to him again.

“Yes” Douglas replied, “when your soreness is all gone. That will take another day or two.”

“Can’t we do anything tonight?”

“Oh I have something in mind for tonight” Douglas said, straddling Owen’s legs. He bent down and licked Owen’s penis. Owen moaned. He ran his tongue over Owen’s pouch. Owen gasped.

Douglas moved back. “Didn’t you like having your balls licked?”

“I did, it was just… it was so unexpected.”

Douglas applied his tongue again, this time continuing onto Owen’s shaft, which was growing rapidly. He licked up and down along the stiffening penis, listening with satisfaction to Owen’s huffs and moans. When it was solidly erect, he licked once around the crown before taking it into his mouth and sliding all the way down to the base.

Owen let out a euphoric breath; having his penis enveloped in Douglas’s warm, wet mouth was a transcendent experience.

What Douglas’s talented tongue then did, put Owen in orbit. Within moments he cried “I’M GOING TO”? and before he could utter another word he felt pulses of fluid coursing through his shaft and out the slit, where they surged into Douglas’s eager throat.

Owen lay in a sublime haze. Then he looked adoringly at Douglas.

All at once he snickered. “There’s something running down your chin.”

“It’s from you” Douglas said, scooping some up on a finger. “Would you like to taste your own cum?” He smeared it on Owen’s lips.

Owen ran his tongue Tuzla travesti over his lips – and grimaced.

Douglas lay down next to him. “That’s alright, you don’t have to like it. I do.”

Owen started to apologize for disliking anything received from this incomparable man, but Douglas raised a restraining finger. “Not everyone likes the taste or texture of semen” he said, pulling Owen against him.

Owen snuggled up, and wrapped in those loving arms, he slept.


Douglas’s greatest delight was to undress his young lover each evening: He would open Owen’s pants and watch them slide down the boy’s sturdy legs to his ankles, exposing the closefitting boxer shorts with the revealing outlines of what they enclosed. Next, he would unbutton Owen’s shirt and draw it off, after which Owen would raise his arms, allowing Douglas to pull off his T-shirt. Tossing it aside, Douglas would kiss Owen’s well-developed chest before slowly drawing down the boxer shorts, looking with keen appreciation at what gradually came into view.

Owen would now sit on the bed to have his shoes and socks removed, leaving him naked except for what was down around his ankles. Douglas would gaze at him admiringly before pulling those remaining clothes the rest of the way off.

When Douglas had shed his own clothes they would stand together, kissing and fondling. Each of them had a favorite area: Douglas particularly liked to reach around and stroke the small of Owen’s back where it merged onto the rise of the boy’s buttocks, and Owen loved to run the side of his hand through the valleys of his master’s groin, lightly brushing the edge of Douglas’s bush in the process.

After caressing to their heart’s content, they would get into bed. Owen would take Douglas’s erect penis in his mouth, savoring the feel of the springy crown and the warmth of the firm cylinder. With a developing skill he would use his tongue, until a whispered “Ok that’s enough” signaled him to turn onto his stomach and pull a cushion under his hips. Douglas would then lubricate them both and enter him.

Soon, Douglas would be driving in with increasing force and the panting that accompanied their jointly rising excitation would fill the air, culminating in the joyous shout that proclaimed Douglas’s climax.

Owen almost always ejaculated too, sometimes even before Douglas did.

Douglas would now pull out and on the rare occasions when Owen had not already had an orgasm, Douglas would take Owen’s penis in his mouth and drive him half crazy by teasingly bringing him close to the edge again and again, only to back off each time, until Owen begged for release.

Both satiated, they would cuddle and kiss until they fell asleep.

Douglas began buying clothes for Owen. In place of the secondhand garments Owen had been given when he arrived, he received new shirts and trousers plus several pairs of shoes and socks. His new apparel also included crisp white crew-neck T-shirts, which his meaty chest filled out nicely. To complete the ensemble, his shabby boxer shorts were replaced by briefs that molded themselves to his alluring bottom as well as displaying a provocative bulge in front.

The new underwear made undressing him even more erotic.


Owen had been indentured for a little more than two years when he was called into the sitting room one day. Douglas was seated behind his desk, from where he spoke to Owen with unfamiliar reserve: “You have repaid your father’s debt. Your indenture is over. I hope your family expresses due gratitude when they welcome you back home. I’ll miss you.”

For a moment, Owen said nothing. Then he asked: “You’re sending me away?”

“I’m saying that you’re free to return home, your father’s rent is no longer in arears.”

“Who will do my work?”

“I’ll hire someone.”

“Why not hire me? I work hard, ask Mr. Grayson.”

“I thought you would be anxious to go back home.”

“No, at home I’ve always been kind of lost in the crowd.”

“Aren’t you needed on the farm?”

“The last time I visited, Papa said he and my brothers are doing fine. He told me to keep more of my salary and not rush to finish the indenture. It was his way of telling me that when I come back I’ll just be another mouth to feed.”

“Your family must miss you though. I see letters arriving from home all the time.”

“The letters are all from Jimmy. He says he loves me and can’t wait for me to come back, but I know that all he loves is what I was letting him do. I would never let him do that again, now that I know what it’s like to be with someone who really cares for me. If I did go back to the farm I would bed down in the barn near my two oldest brothers so he couldn’t get at me.”

Douglas said nothing. He was thinking.

Faced with Douglas’s silence, Owen was heartbroken. “Don’t you want me anymore?” he asked in a voice that was breaking. “I thought you loved me.”

That jolted Douglas out of his introspection. He rose from his chair. “I do love you! I’d like nothing more than to keep you with me, but all I could offer you here is a life in domestic service. You deserve better than that. If you don’t want to return to the farm, there’s the city. You’ll be 21 in a few months; someone as capable as you could make a very good living there.”

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