Holiday Weekend Surprise

20 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Chapter One

So, there I was sitting in my middle class living room, in my middle class life being bored as hell. I always thought the phrase bored to tears was just a euphemism, but oh no – I was genuinely struggling to fight back tears of pure unadulterated boredom.

Don’t get me wrong, usually I was pretty happy with my life. I enjoyed my job, my boyfriend was a genuinely caring nice guy, we had good friends to go out with, and money wasn’t so tight that we couldn’t treat ourselves every now and again and have some good holidays. All in all Pete & I had it pretty good, and there in lies the problem – Pete was away on business and wouldn’t be back for at least 4 or 5 days& I was bored!.

I know what you’re thinking – middle class woman lost without her man, but you’re wrong. I had friends I could call, people I could see, pubs I could go to, but I wasn’t interested in any of it. It all seemed just as boring as staying at home in front of the TV; it all seemed too NORMAL!

I was desperate to do something daring, flamboyant, extreme or exotic but it was all so far away from my normal life I had no idea where to start. I wanted to greet Pete on his return with “you’ll never guess what I’ve spent the last few days doing”, & the fact that I couldn’t even think where to start was the most depressing of all.

I thought about my friends and who I could turn to for inspiration, but they’re all in the same rut as me and I couldn’t think of a single likely candidate or potential ally in a wild venture. I thought of the people I work with but they’re mostly really nice people with families who gave up wild some years ago when they decided to ‘settle down’ to a normal life. The only one who offered any hope was a new girl called Cally who’d started a few weeks ago. She always seemed to have great stories of how she’d spent her weekends and never seemed to have a dull moment but I didn’t have her number and besides, I’d only chatted to her a few times & wouldn’t have felt comfortable calling her out of the blue. You see, I really am just a plain Jane usually and she’s such a free spirit, I could imagine her laughing at the very idea of me wanting to join in with her shenanigans.

The next day at work was a Friday which is always my busiest day and the morning whizzed by without me having time to think about anything other than work. It was a bank holiday weekend so I was even busier than usual. At lunchtime I stopped and popped into a local café for a sandwich and a coffee. My food had just arrived & I was engrossed in the crossword when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Cally standing there. “I’m sorry Cat, I didn’t mean to disturb you but I was wondering if I could share your table” she asked very tentatively. My god am I really so scary?

I looked around – the café had filled up since I came in and there were only a few seats left. “of course you can, don’t sound so worried, I don’t bite” I replied with my biggest, friendliest smile.

“I wasn’t worried; I just assumed that you’d be waiting for someone to join you. It didn’t occur to me that someone like you would be eating alone”.

“Someone like me?” I almost snorted coffee down my nose. “You make me sound vaguely interesting!” I laughed. “It’s funny, I was just sitting and thinking last night how I’d like to be more like you. You seem to have such exciting weekends and my life is beginning to seem a little dull right now. I have a whole weekend to fill and I’m struggling for ideas that don’t seem mundane. In fact the only thing I’ve come up with to fill part of 3 days is a trip to Stonehenge”

“What a fab idea, I wish I’d thought of doing something like that”

“Surely you’ve got a whole weekend full of wonderful things planned” I replied in surprise, “you always have packed weekends with friends in clubs & you’re such a lively outgoing person you must have masses of friends to keep you busy?”

“Actually I’m in a bit of a rut myself. I spend most of my time with the same friends in the same club. I have a bit of an alternative lifestyle so it kind of suits me to spend my time with like minded people but it does get kind of dull & repetitive after a while”

As she was saying this I noticed that her normally bright and shining green eyes lost some of their usual sparkle and she suddenly seemed so sad.

“Hey what’s up?” oh god, it seemed I’d upset her somehow but I didn’t know why.

“Sorry” She sniffed “I’ve just split up with my partner and I’m not finding it easy to adjust”.

“So why don’t you join me tomorrow? We could make a day of it and take a picnic; the weather’s supposed to be great”

“I couldn’t impose on your weekend; I’d feel like a spare wheel with you and your fella”

I laughed at the thought that she felt she would be putting me out when I’d be glad of the company – or was she just politely saying that she didn’t want to spend the day with me regardless of how bad she was feeling?

I took the plunge and giresun escort risked the rejection I felt sure was on its way. “My fella’s away on business for the whole weekend so I’m going alone. I’d really appreciate the company. It wouldn’t be the same without someone to share it with & I’m determined not to spend the weekend doing the same old things!”

“In that case I’d love to come!” she beamed “I haven’t been to the Henge since I was a kid & it’s about time I went again” Was this part of her ‘alternative lifestyle’ I wondered. I thought of her long sinewy frame, elfin features and close cropped hair and suddenly had visions of her in a druid’s cloak & I had to stifle a giggle.

The next morning I pulled up outside Cally’s flat bright and early so we could get some road behind us before the Bank holiday traffic started to build. I tooted my horn and waited but nothing happened. After about 10 mins I decided to knock on her door and was just climbing out of the car when she emerged. I was completely taken aback by this vision of loveliness that greeted me. The austere work suits had been replaced by a pair of tight denim cut offs that hugged her arse like a second skin, and her long legs were tanned and well shaped and toned. She wore a tight white sleeveless tee shirt which displayed arms that were as tanned and as beautifully shaped as her legs, and accentuated her boobs nicely. I couldn’t help noticing that her tits were bigger than I’d realised, but that they must be beautifully formed as they were standing proud without the aid of a bra. This was obvious by the way that her nipples were straining against the cotton of her tee shirt.

With her hair still wet and tousled from the shower and an impish grin on her face she ran over to the car, pecked me on the cheek & threw some bags in the boot. “Hi Cat, sorry I’m a few mins late. I’ve had problems with my boiler and can’t get any hot water – I’ve just had the coldest shower ever but at least I’m wide awake now” she chortled. I guess that explained the nipples then!

She had the cutest little laugh. “No not a druid” I thought, “more like a beguiling fairy of some description, and possibly a slightly naughty fairy at that!”

“No problem” I said, still coming to terms with how great she looked in this simple outfit, and more importantly the effect it was having on me, “you look absolutely fabulous – are you one of these people who always know exactly what clothes you look good in or do you just look good in everything?”

“Me? Well, I don’t know” she stammered, slightly embarrassed “I mean thanks for the compliment, I try to look after my body, but I think I’m too gangly”.

“Well I think you look great. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you, let’s get out of here and hit the road, I hope you can read a map?”

The next 2 hours whizzed by. We chatted easily about all sorts of topics, some silly some serious, and soon found ourselves in Andover where we decided to stop for brunch. We sat outside a lovely little café with the sun beating down upon us, munching on hot bacon sandwiches and drinking cool iced tea. The weather was getting hotter and hotter and it wasn’t even 11am yet. I leaned forward in my plastic chair and felt my tee shirt stuck to my back with sweat. I’d left my hat in the car and I could feel the sweat running down my scalp into my neck. I was betting that I looked like a beetroot!

Suddenly I started as I felt something cool and damp on the back of my neck. Cally had taken a washcloth from a Tupperware box that she’d brought filled with iced water and was swabbing my neck with it – it felt utterly delicious! “I wish I’d thought to bring……” I started. “Shush. Just close your eyes and concentrate on the cool cloth”

I closed my eyes & did as I was told. Cally refreshed the cloth in the cold water and placed it under my hairline at the back of my neck and squeezed until the icy cold water was running down my back. I let out an involuntary gasp & shivered as she moved the cloth around ensuring that all of the back of my neck was cool. I nearly opened my eyes but Cally stopped me by placing the cold cloth over my face, caressing my skin with cool water, “Mmmmm that feels SO good” I murmured, but I didn’t get to say anything else before the cloth was refreshed and placed under my chin and squeezed again. The cold water ran down the base of my throat and down onto my breasts. I could feel my nipples stand to attention instantly from the sensuous strokes of the cloth and the cold water, and then the cloth was moving and filling the area of skin left exposed by the deep V neck of my tee shirt. I was in heaven as this pixy woman caressed the top of my ample breasts with the soft cloth, both cooling my skin & setting it on fire at the same time.

I opened my eyes to find Cally staring intensely at my face.

“Wow” I was at a loss for words; I didn’t think I should let Cally know just how much I had been yalova escort turned on by her ministrations.

“I didn’t mean to get so intimate” she smiled coyly “but you looked like you were enjoying it so much I couldn’t help myself”

I laughed. So much for not letting her know she’d turned me on! I looked down at my tits to find my nipples still proud and at attention under my now wet & see-through tee shirt “you seem to have had quite an impact” I stated boldly.

“Sorry. I don’t normally start fondling women uninvited, but those breasts are kind of mesmerizing” So now I understood the comment about her ‘Alternative lifestyle’!

“I don’t usually allow my self to be fondled uninvited, by men or women, but I’d be lying if I denied finding that deeply wonderful. Maybe we’d better get to the henge before we cook in this heat”. I said as I started gathering my things, “& just for the record, I think your ex partner must be missing those hands of yours” I said with a wink.

I thought our encounter might make the rest of the day a little strange but I couldn’t have been more wrong. We walked around arm in arm, chatting easily, making jokes and flirting a little with each other. We didn’t cross any boundaries and both of us enjoyed this new found friendly intimacy. I was beginning to think that this could be the start of a really good new friendship.

After we’d walked around Stonehenge several times and discussed the merits of the various ideas of how & why it was built, we decided to find somewhere for our picnic. The area around the Henge itself was full of loud tourists but I didn’t know the area well enough to suggest anything else. Cally however had another suggestion.

“Ok, if you follow my directions I think I can find us a great picnic spot, but don’t tell me off if I get us lost – it’s been a while since I’ve spent any time in this part of the country”

After a 15 minute drive and a couple of wrong turns I started to get a bit worried when the road turned into more of a track, but Cally was beaming that she’d found the right place so I stuck with it and nursed my car over the bumpy road. When we came to a dead end Cally jumped out of the car shouting “stay here a moment, I want to make sure it’s how I remember it” & dashed off into the trees.

After a few moments she came back smiling. “I think you’ll prefer this to all of those awful tourists” and we grabbed the stuff out of the boot and walked toward the trees. Cally told me to watch my step as we entered the woodland and I followed her through some dense foliage that seemed to be a dead end. With that impish grin and a chortle Cally pushed through a bush and disappeared. I followed her and stopped dead in my tracks when I emerged on the other side.

I was standing in a clearing next to a small lake. There were no sounds other than nature itself and I was awestruck but the simple beauty of the place. How did Cally know this was here I wondered? She seemed to read my thoughts. “I went to Uni in Bath and a friend brought me here a couple of times, I didn’t think it would still be here like this though”.

I stared at Cally, at this amazing woman who was full of surprises. “I guess I was wrong about you again”.

“How so?” she asked looking slightly concerned.

“Well first I had you down as a druid, then maybe a witch or a fairy or a pixie, but know I know the truth” I beamed “you’re a wood nymph!”

We laid blankets down on the ground and shared bread and cheese, & cold meats and fruit, all washed down with a well chilled crisp white wine from the cooler in the boot. We chatted aimlessly until the warmth of the sun and the wine started to get the better of me and I dozed off.

I woke to find Cally sunbathing on her front. She’d taken her tee shirt off and was laying there naked from the waist up. I couldn’t take me eye’s off the contours of her well defined back and shoulders – the gentle slop down to that amazing arse, all wrapped up in denim so tight it left little to the imagination.

Suddenly I felt a little impish myself. I reached into the lake and filled a plastic cup with ice cold water & then I tiptoed back and stood over Cally. Slowly I tipped the cup until a steady stream of freezing liquid fell from the cup onto Cally’s hot sweaty back.

“OH MY GOD” she screamed and jumped up in one fluid movement. I was so engrossed in the sight of her naked breasts that I didn’t realize at first that she was lunging at me. She grabbed me around the waist and drove me backwards so quickly that I had no chance to react until I was already falling. I grasped at her wrist to stop myself crashing backwards but the momentum was too great and I tugged her with me. We hit the icy water with an almighty splash & surfaced laughing and gasping for air in the cold, clear water.

We stood up and the water reached just above waist level. Cally came and stood inches in front of me. So close that I could feel yozgat escort the warmth of her breath on my wet face. I was captivated by the sight of her and a small voice from deep inside of me spoke before I had a chance to control it. “I really, really want to touch your tits!” Oh my god – did I just say that?

Cally closed the gap & placed my right hand on her left breast, while covering my mouth with hers in the most delicate, soft and sensual kiss I’ve been privileged to receive. I stood there for a moment unable to comprehend this sensation, but my body took over pretty quickly and I shifted slightly so that I could kiss the side of her neck. She moaned gently as my fingers caressed her rigid nipple and I kissed down her throat and breasts until I had the other nipple gripped lightly in my teeth. I nibbled and sucked and licked – lost in a weird world of feelings. I’d never been this brazen but I was at a loss to ignore the heat starting to grow in my pussy.

Cally lifted my face to hers and kissed me deeply. She took my hand and led me from the lake back to the blankets. With her voice deep & husky “I think we should get out of these wet things before we get cold don’t you?” Before waiting for an answer she took hold of the bottom of my tee shirt & lifted it over my head. I was awestruck by this amazing creature & desperate for her touch but she walked away and draped my top over a branch to dry. She came back and unhooked my bra as I stood in unresisting silence, then she took that and hung it up as well. When she came back she kneeled in front of me with her face inches from my shorts. She slowly undid the zip and tugged the wet cotton over my arse in one swift movement that took my panties off at the same time. She looked up at me with that marvelous grin and lowered her face to me. Her tongue flicked against my clit quickly and my knees buckled with pleasure.

She stepped away from me but her eyes never left mine as she teasingly pealed that tight layer of denim from her to arse, revealing no underwear beneath. I stared at her neatly trimmed pussy & saw how it glistened with moisture.

Longing to touch her just stroking each others arms, back & legs. I could feel the heat building between my legs to an unbearable pleasure.

I rolled Cally onto her back and straddled her, gazing down at her beautiful body below me. I leant forward to kiss her and ground my pussy against hers. I kissed her face and neck before sliding down her body & taking her nipples into my mouth in turn. I sucked on them hard while sliding my right hand down her side to her thigh. She raised herself up to me but I wasn’t making it that easy for her. I caressed her belly and thighs, sliding down to kiss and suck her navel, than bypassing her pussy completely I started kissing her right ankle all the way back up to her thigh.

She was groaning with pleasure and writhing around. I was going to tease further and go to the other ankle but when I reached the top of her inner thigh the musky smell was just too much for me and I ground my face into her pussy. She bucked and pushed herself against me as I fucked her deeply with my tongue – when she sounded like she was about to come so I pulled away and grinned up at her face.

“Oh please Cat!!!!” she pleaded with sheer abandon “you can’t stop now!”

“Oh I’ve only just started!” I breathed as I started to tickle her clit slowly with my tongue. She was so wet and I could feel her juices all over my face and chin. I brought my right hand up and slowly inserted a crooked finger into her pussy and stroked her G spot while licking hard at her clit. Her moaning and bucking intensified and I inserted another finger and increased the pressure of my tongue. The taste and smell of Cally coming into my mouth was too much for me to resist and I could feel myself coming with her as I fought to keep my mouth pressed against her bucking clit until she screamed with pleasure and collapsed backward onto the rug.

“Oh sweet lord!” she grinned at me “you sure know how to eat well” she laughed “That was the most intense orgasm, – I thought you were straight?” I wiggled up to sit next to her.

“Actually I’m Bi – I just happen to have ended up with a guy, but Pete’s Bi too and we have a kind of an open relationship. He manages bands and I’m sure he sleeps with some of them – we just don’t talk about it and he always comes home to me”

“And I thought I was seducing you, well how wrong could I be?”

“Oh you captivated me from the moment you walked to the car with your nipples trying to escape your tee shirt!” I cried laughing.

“Talking of nipples, I’ve wanted to do this all day” Cally pushed me back gently onto the blankek and took one of my nipples into her mouth. She rolled it gently between her teeth while sucking hard and it hurt a little bit and had me squealing in painful ecstasy. She reached down and parted my thighs with her right hand and gasped. “Oh god you’re sooo wet, and hot!” Her fingers stroked in & out of me while her thumb applied constant pressure to my clit – all the while her hot wet mouth never leaving my nipples. Suddenly she plunged 3 fingers deep into my pussy and caressed my G spot fiercely. My body pushed against her hand and face so hard – I was coming and nothing was going to stop me!

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