David and Donny Ch. 01

17 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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So I finally muster-up enough courage to drive to butt-boy park. That’s the nickname of a local park that is infamous for after-dark gay hookups.

I parallel park near a walking path that goes down a hill near the pond and the restrooms. I shut off the car but for some reason I stay inside. My brain is experiencing some internal conflict.

John, you’re not queer, why are you here? Drive away before someone sees you. You don’t belong here! Then, my alter ego tells me, “Get down there, what are you waiting for? You’ve been dreaming about this for months, hell, you’ve been fantasizing about guys dicks for over a year. Walk around the path, go into the men’s room. Just think how good it will feel to finally have a hard dick in your hand, or better yet, in your mouth!”

No-no-no, this is how guys get beaten up, John. You don’t know who’s down there.

Paralysis sets in. I sit frozen in the front seat of the car. I stare down into the darkness but see nothing. If only there was a way of knowing what kind of guys are lurking down there. What they look like – what their motives are, good or bad?

I sit there ten more minutes then start the car to leave. My heart is heavy. I feel as though I lost a game, or some important contest. I curse myself for being so cowardly.

When I get home and go to bed, I feel so bad I have no desire to masturbate. That’s headline news in itself! Well, you know, a chickenshit like me doesn’t deserve pleasure, does he?

Twenty-four hours later it’s deja vu all over again. I chicken-out again. This time on the gut-wrenching lonely drive home I tell myself, “See John, this proves you’re NOT gay! If you were you would have gone down that hill. Look at all the problems gay people have and be thankful you don’t have to experience them.”

In bed that night, I masturbated, but my heart just wasn’t into it.


I park in the same area for the third night in row and peer down the hill into the darkness.

You are officially crazy now, John, I tell myself. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over expecting a different result. What the hell is wrong with you? Face facts, either you’re not gay, or you really don’t want to be.

Suddenly, three sharp raps on my side window scare the bejesus out of me. My head swivels until I see a man standing close-by, staring at me through the window.

“Sorry if I scared you,” he says apologetically.

“Oh, uh, that’s okay,” I say to him through the window. He is actually a pretty good-looking guy, and not too old.

“You know, I’ve seen you here the last couple nights…you can’t bring yourself to go down there either, huh?” he says. I thought he had a kind face. “Would you like to talk about it?”

“I dunno,” I answer. “I don’t know what there is to talk about.”

“Could you lower your window?” he asks. “I promise I’m not a freak or a weirdo!”

He suddenly smiles and I relax enough to lower the window.

“My name is David,” he says.

“I’m, uh, John,” I reply.

“John, I feel a little exposed standing out here, can I sit inside with you? Or, if you want, I’m parked right over there and we can talk inside my car, it’s up to you,” he calmly says to me.

My car is a mess with various papers and empty fast-food bags. It’s embarrassing.

“Uh, how about we sit in your car, David?” I ask him. Not only is he nice looking, but he’s not aggressive at all – he seems like a reasonable man. And, he looks like he’s only in his early thirties.

He backs away as I open the car door. When I stand beside him, I guess him to be at least four-inches taller than me. That doesn’t mean much – I’m only 5’6″ – just about everyone is taller than me.

We walk towards a Lincoln Navigator across the street. It looks new – I’m impressed.

I am somewhat surprised when he opens the back door – I assumed we’d be sitting in the front. I had to use the hand rail to climb up and in. When I saw him begin to follow me I scooched over so he could sit beside me.

Safely inside, I enjoy inhaling the new car smell.

He says, “You know, John, if you don’t mind me asking, you are so darn cute, I would think you’d have guys tripping over themselves to meet you – why do you come here?”

I blush. “Well, uh, I dunno, David…it a spur of the moment thing.”

He chuckles and says, “A spur of the moment thing three consecutive nights?”

This time I blush from embarrassment – how does he know I’ve been here three nights in a row?.

“Are you even old enough to be doing this? You look like jailbait!” he says.

Well, that’s a nice sarıyer escort compliment! “Yeah, I guess I do look kinda young, no, I’m twenty-one,” I answer.

“Have you ever been down into the park? Have you ever hooked-up with another guy?” he asks me point blank.

I softly say, “Well no and uh…no.”

“Have you ever had sex with a man at all?” he asks.

Wow – that was blunt! “Well, uh…no,” I say.

I feel like a fool. This is ridiculous, John, you are way out of your league. He wants a boy who’s done this before. Why are you even here?

His hands find my left hand in the dark and caress it. A warm and friendly caress. It is reassuring – I relax.

“What are you looking for, Johnny?” he asks me calmly.

I don’t like being called ‘Johnny’ but I don’t correct him.

He continues, “Are you just experimenting? You think you might like guys, but you’re not sure? You want to try a one-night stand to see if you’re queer or not?”

I cringe at the word ‘queer’ but have no time to react. His hands force mine to his crotch and press it firmly on the outline of his hard dick. Instead of trying to pull my hand away, I sprung a boner of my own.

“Feel it, Johnny…” he whispers to me.

I was shocked by the heat I felt on my hand. Damn his thing is hot!

“Johnny, I’m going to help you figure out if you’re serious or not,” he says, “…either get out of my car, or feel my cock – NOW-BOY!”

I’ve heard that a person’s first instinct is usually the correct one. If told to do something and you hesitate, it means you don’t really want to do it anyway.

The moment he yelled “NOW-BOY” my instinct was to not only grasp the outline of his cock thru his slacks, but to also run my hand back-and-forth on it…back-and-forth…back-and-forth…back-and-forth…

I heard him chuckle then say, “Good boy, Johnny – good boy…now open my pants and take it out!”


After masturbating I usually fall into a deep and restful sleep. Not tonight. No, I still couldn’t believe how excited I’d gotten in the back seat of David’s car playing with his cock. I even jizzed in my briefs without my dick ever being touched.

After I came in my pants, David said, “I think that proves what kind of boy you are…”

It was embarrassing having a stranger insinuate I’m gay, but I couldn’t deny it. Feeling his hard cock and heavy balls in my hands was about the most exciting thing I’ve ever done.

That is, until he began shooting his huge load.

I stroked his cock hard and fast marveling at the sounds and noises escaping his mouth knowing full well I was the one responsible for giving him pleasure. It felt odd to be proud of myself for jacking-off a man.

My head was still spinning from his orgasm so when he said, “Clean my hand with your lips and tongue” I automatically did what he wanted and tasted sperm and semen for the very first time.

While I was lapping up his manly juices he patted me on the head and said, “With the proper training, you’re going to make a lucky man a good little bottomboy.”

Proper training? Bottomboy? My heart fluttered – his words excited me so much my spent prick became semi-erect inside my cum-drenched briefs – that never happens so soon after I climax.

“I will be here the same time tomorrow night,” he said in the darkness.

When I didn’t respond he lightly scolded me.

“Whatever I say to you, I want you to answer ‘Yes, David’ – do you understand me?”

I blurted out, “Yes, David!”

“If you choose to climb into the backseat of my car tomorrow night, be prepared to spend at least an hour with me, okay?”

Oh my goodness! “Yes, David,” I said.

“When you masturbate tonight, and I know you will…think about kissing and licking my hard cock – dream about taking it in your mouth and sucking it – think about how excited you will be when I cum in your mouth and you swallow every drop of it, alright?”

Oh my hell – his words cause my prick to fully stiffen inside my wet undies.

I simply say, “Yes, David.”


It seemed like I walked around with a boner all day at work. I couldn’t stop hearing David’s voice in my head. So calm and soothing, yet promising me if I show up tonight he will have me sucking his cock.

Oh my hell, can I actually go through with this? I experimented with a man, isn’t that enough? If I go back there tonight and willingly go down on him, won’t that be crossing the line?

Sure, nobody else will ever know what I do, but every time I look in the mirror, I’ll know – I’ll see that word stamped maslak escort forever on my forehead – “Cocksucker!!”


I hemmed and hawed and hesitated so long I was almost late.

The moment I was inside his car he surprised me by holding and hugging me. He kissed me full on the mouth and said, “I’m glad you came, cutie, are you?”

“Well, uh…yes, David,” I replied.

“Take off your shirt!” he said.

When I didn’t move fast enough he said, “Johnny, either do what I tell you to do or get out of the car!”

“Oh, uh, yes David – sorry David,” I stammered and quickly unbuttoned and removed my shirt. I felt briefly ashamed for being so submissive.

His large hands fondled and caressed my chest. I gave off a small ‘yelp’ when he pinched my nipples hard.

“You’re perfect Johnny – you’re skin is as soft and smooth as a girl,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment, or an insult.

“Lower your slacks to your ankles!” he ordered.

“Yes, David,” I said, but a red warning flag went off in my head. If I did what he wanted, and if the night turned ugly, I would be in no position to jump out of the car and run away.

I took a deep breath and obeyed his command.

“Good boy,” he said and kissed me again while running his hands over my legs and inner thighs. I couldn’t believe how gentle his touches were or how excited they made me. I sprung a boner inside my tiny, string bikini briefs.

He thrust his tongue in my mouth and our kisses became even more passionate. Suddenly, his hand snuck underneath the waistband of my briefs and brazenly grasped my erection with his thumb and two fingers. I almost leaped off the seat.

“What a cute little dicky,” he said, “can’t be more than four-inches – probably even less than that, am I right?”

I defensively blurted out, “No, it’s normal size!”

He removed his hand, and chuckled softly in my ear,”Feel my cock, Johnny, go ahead – feel it!”

As soon as I found his thigh in the darkness, he grabbed my hand and placed it directly on the bulge in his slacks.

“Squeeze it, Johnny,” he said.

I exhaled and softly said, “Yes, David” and again obeyed his command.

I knew what he wanted and ran my hand back-and-forth the length of his hard cock. My own prick began to throb inside my briefs.

“Now that my dear boy, is a MAN’S cock!” he said. Followed by: “Open my slacks and take it out!”

“Yes, David,” I said.

My heart pounded as I clumsily opened his belt, and unfastened his slacks. He did the rest and soon his pants were lowered to his knees and my hand was stroking his manly cock up-and-down. Again, the heat of it in my hand – OH-MY-GOD – IT IS SOOO HOT!!

“Did you masturbate last night like I told you to?” he asked.

I was afraid he would ask me that. What I do at night in my own bed is very personal to me. I don’t talk about it with anyone.

“Well, did you jerk-off or not?” he said impatiently.

I sighed and said, “Yes, David.”

“Did you think about what I told you to?” he asked.

Oh nooo – does he really want me to say it out loud?


Oh God…”Yes – yes, I thought about kissing and licking your cock – yes, I took it in my mouth and sucked it – yes, I dreamed about swallowing your cum…”

“Good boy – good boy…now wet your lips and slide them over my cock – your fantasy is about to become real!”


I didn’t know a guy could feel shame, humiliation and inner satisfaction all at the same time.

I’d gone down on him twice, and both times I couldn’t control myself and shot huge loads inside my briefs. They were sopping wet on the drive home. I always thought it amazing how quickly hot sperm and semen suddenly turn cold.

My tongue and the roof of my mouth were coated with his jizz and I wasn’t wild about the taste. I could smell it too – the aroma reminded me of walking along a beach with dead fish washed ashore.

But I couldn’t do anything about it until morning. David had forbidden me from not only brushing my teeth, but drinking anything to get rid of his ‘flavor.’

He said it was up to me, that if I wanted to continue seeing him, I would have to be a ‘good little boy’ and obey him whether I was with him or not. Although, I have no idea how he’d be able to know if I didn’t obey him when I was alone. Oh well…

The next night he insisted I shower before our rendezvous. That kind of hurt my feelings, I take great pride in my hygiene.

Next came the small, white jockstrap he’d given me to wear. I hadn’t worn one beyoğlu escort since high school gym class and it felt weird when I pulled it up in place. I did however, feel good about myself when I saw how large the bulge in the jock made my junk appear.

I found a parking spot and looked around. Yep, there was his Navigator. I got out of my car and looked again, uh-oh, nope, wrong color. I went back inside my car and waited.

Not thirty-seconds later the door of the Navigator opened, and out stepped a guy roughly David’s age. He was even more handsome than David. I was admiring his good-looks and suddenly realized ‘Uh-oh’ he’s walking directly towards me. What do I do now?

He peered thru my window at me and said, “You must be John – my name is Donny.”

He motioned for me to lower the window and I did.

He smiled and said, “Dave is right – you ARE a cute little thing, aren’t you?!”

I blushed. I was confused. “Uh, well, is David here?” I asked him.

“Oh no, he’s not coming tonight. Don’t worry though, he said you can take care of me instead of him, okay?”

Huh? What? “I don’t understand,” I said.

“Dave and I are roommates,” he said. He smiled at me and added: “We’re best friends too, and we share everything,” he winked and added, “and I do mean – ‘everything’!!”

I was flabbergasted. David told this man I would have sex with him? That’s outrageous! I had no intention of having sex with this guy!

“Yeah, Dave said you might be a little hesitant…he wants me to tell you that I am to be obeyed just like him or he will never have anything to do with you again…do you understand me, cutie?”

I was speechless. I muttered, “Uh, I, uh, well…”

“By the way,” he continued, “I expect you to answer ‘Yes, Donny’ to whatever I tell you, okay, cutie?”

My brain was imploding – what the hell is going on here?

“Quit wasting my time, boy, either get in the backseat of my car, or I’ll have to tell Dave about your refusal and disobedience – do you understand me, cutie?”

My whole body trembled when I heard my tiny voice say, “Yes, Donny.”


I now have two manly cocks to fantasize about when I masturbate. I hate to say it, but I prefer Donny’s hard cock over David’s – it’s not as long and thick. I can almost get all of Donny’s cock in my mouth before I start gagging.

There I was, stripped to the jockstrap, my bare ass on the cold leather seat. My head bobbing up-and-down on Donny’s smooth cock. My tongue lapping pre-cum from his oozing slit and enjoying the taste, oh yeah, that’s another difference between David and Donny – I love the taste of Donny’s cum.

I must be getting pretty good at giving head because I had Donny’s cock exploding in less than five-minutes. Donny is a lot more expressive when he cums. While David grunts and groans, Donny shouts out his pleasure – “yes – yes – YES – YES – YES-YES-YES-YES” well, you get the idea.

Anyway, after he shoots, Donny has me lower my jock, and takes my hard-on in his hand. Even though he’d just ejaculated in my mouth, he doesn’t mind kissing me and shoving his tongue to meet mine. He’s a great kisser and his hand is no stranger to jacking-off a guy.

He whispers instructions in my ear, and when my first spurt of jizz shoots up in the air, I yell, “I’M CUMMING DONNY – I’M CUMMING DONNY-OH-GOD-OH-GOD-OH-GOD…”

I have to be truthful, dear readers, the best orgasms I’ve ever had in my entire life have been with David and Donny. I have NEVER gotten this excited with a girl before. I guess I know what that makes me, oh well, now I know for sure…

To my dismay, Donny says the same thing to me that David says once he is satisfied, “You may leave now!”

The first night David said it, I didn’t think anything of it. I think I even said, “Thank you” before I left. But the second night I took offense to it. It sounded so cold – very impersonal. Like all I was good for was sucking him off! And now I hear it from Donny too. Oh well, what are you gonna do?

So after I suck-off Donny for the second time and he says, “You may leave now!” I’m getting dressed and he suddenly blurts out, “Oh, I almost forgot, David expects you to come to our condo Friday night.”

Wow, that’s a surprise! I figured they only wanted to use me as a ‘backseat bimbo’!!

He added: “Oh, I almost forgot – David said to tell you you won’t be allowed to leave until Monday morning!”

Huh? ‘You won’t be allowed to leave’? What the hell does that mean?

“Here’s my card – our home address is written on the back. See you Friday,” he casually says, “…oh, one more thing: you are not allowed to masturbate until we see you Friday – do you understand?”

Good Lord, WTF, I thought, but said, “Yes, Donny.”

My heart was pounding, and my hands were trembling, but I smiled in the dark when I heard him say, “You may leave now!”

***Chapter 2 cumming soon.

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