Cum for My Wife Pt. 01

17 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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This story is graphic! If gay sex, gay for pay or forced sexual situations offend you please do not read this story. ***Spoiler*** this story is about paid gay sex.


Names Mr. Smith

Today I sat with my wife at the fertility clinic in the city for the um-teenth time. It made me said to hear her beg the Doctor for help.

“I want a child more than anything Doctor Please, there must be something we can do!” My wife Deborah was getting more angry about our lack of children as time passed.

“I’m sorry Miss Smith there is just no natural way for you to conceive a child with your husband,” Doctor Hinrenson tried to calm my wife down but it wasn’t working.

“You want to stick pins and science in me?!” My wife and I are very devout fundamentalist and some things are off the table. “I’m having a baby not some kind of monster you want to grow a monster in a lab!”

“Deborah-” I tried to stop her from insulting the doctor but she wouldn’t have it.

“You!” She said it with such contempt. “Isn’t there something you can do to him?” She was talking about my penis. “Stretch it out or something.”

We had been over this time and time again. I have a micro penis. I am less than an inch hard and it is mostly inside me. When I am soft my penis is concave. It had been my dark secret growing up. Thank God my faith didn’t allow sampling ones partner before marriage or getting divorced. In that way I had tricked my wife into being with me.

I had no idea it would be this bad though.

She has hated me sense the day she saw it. Her hate only multiplied when her friends started to ask why we had not conceived. She couldn’t say why so everyone assumed she was being tested or punished.

I was the one being punished. It was my fault. I trapped her and for that I was stricken. I not only have a small penis but I also have two small balls that are mostly inside me. The doctor is amazed they put out enough testosterone to make me appear as a man. I am average male height, I am handsome and fit for my age (32).

My only problem is my genitalia, it never developed and worst I can’t seem to produce much sperm even though my tinny cock can get hard cum a little.

“We are going to have to use some form of in vitro fertilization,” said the doctor.

“You invite the punishment of God on our house, I’m leaving.”


Just like that she got up and left. She was waiting in the car when I got to the parking lot.

She didn’t say anything for quite some time, “We need to get more sperm”.

“Honey there is no way we have tried everything,”I was trying to be reasonable.

“I don’t want your sperm, you impotent fool,” she cut me deep.

I couldn’t handle her attacks anymore. “Well we are married so my sperm will have to do!”

“I don’t want to bring another impotent half a man into this world, I want another mans sperm!”

“You can’t mean that,” had I known how ugly she would become I would have never gotten with her in the first place. The blackness in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. I hated her. I finally hated her. “Fine go get knocked up whore and give me a divorce.”

“I’m not going to risk my place with the Lord because you tricked me!”

“Well how are you going to get another mans sperm?” I had her there.

“A sperm bank.”

“You said you didn’t want to use science-“

“-Not the same!”

“Well I’m not paying for sperm, go out and get it, and give me a divorce.”

“I will not sin, sin comes from the evil and you are working with evil so the sin will be yours.” She wasn’t the good faithful woman I thought I was getting, she was a zealot.

“If I go buy sperm how are we going to cover that up with our doctors, did you think of that Deb?”

She was silent for a while.

I didn’t get a long break before she started berating me again. I didn’t hear a word of it, if anything I was an expert at filtering out my wife.

When we got home she went straight up stairs and locked the door. I wasn’t able to get into the bedroom so I decided there was no harm in going out.

I got on my phone and called my friend Mitch. Mitch was a cool guy in his late 30s and I had always enjoyed hanging out with him and the guys. He was kinda the contact point of the group. If I really had to describe Mitch, classic blue-collar American man. I looked up to him in a lot of ways. He was very popular and outgoing; also, he was tall, thick and hairy. NO HOMO! He was the type of man I always wanted to be. He had a deep voice and a boondocks twang. “Hey you drinking tonight?”

“Yeah I was just gunna to call ya, I’m gonna get some guys together for the Bolder,” said Mitch in his masculine twang.

Bolder was one of 4 bars in Bolder-Bin (the Bin). If you knew how small Bolder-Bin was you wouldn’t believe we had 4 bars but wile they never stay busy they each have a steady crowd. Most of the men and women here drink but the local grocery will not sell you a drop. Women tend to stock up in the city and drink at home or at kağıthane escort a friend’s house. According to my divorced friend Tod if you ever really need pussy there are a few old girls that are regulars at Bin’Ta’Ten who will give it up for a few drinks. In a town like this everyone knows everyone. Beer and Pizza is a bar grill built closest to the expressway, trucking depot and gas station. You never know what you might run into, so it really isn’t a local hang out, I have not gone.

“Who all is coming?”

“Well yea, we gat Ray and Douglas.”

“No Todd?” I said with a chuckle. Todd was by far the biggest drunk in the group. He was another ex-football big blue-collar type also late 30s. He really collapsed after his divorce. One day his wife just got her shit and moved out. No one knows why and she hasn’t been back, not even to say high to her two boys. He was a great guy but hard to respect someone passed out being carried out of the bar every weekend. We loved him though and he was a good sport when we picked on hit about it.

“Na he is dealing with da boys, sound serious,” I was sorry to hear Todd was having issues but I had issues of my own to get off my chest.

“My wife is being a bitch,” I announced.

“That news?” He was being sarcastic. “Hey, let me send Ray and Douglas to come get you, I gat someplace to be after the bar.”

“Oh yeah sure thanks,” I was happy I could get a ride with the fellas because then I could drink off my wife.

I don’t really know much about Ray. Ray is a migrant concrete worker that comes to town when it’s warm enough to pour. Ray is the youngest I’d say about mid to late 20s. He is unmarried and that is about all I know.

Douglas was the new kid in school when I was in 4th grade. Most of us in town were from Bolder-Bin or the next few town over. He was the first person I met from another State. He was a big city boy he and I had never been friends.

I was smaller than the other men in school because of my condition. I was a really late bloomer too and a few guys really made it hard on me. Douglas was the main one. I turned to God for salvation. It all happened so long ago it would seem immature to bring it up but I just couldn’t get over how he made me feel.

He called me a faggot. He would put pictures of cocks in my locker and he would defame me to every girl he thought I liked. One year he told people I was gay. He still makes gay jokes at me till this day. He said I had a little dick, though he had never seen it. I was crushed every day of high-school because of him.

Douglas had gone to the State Penitentiary.

I had studied hard, gone to community college and gotten a really good job at the local hospital as a lab tech. I had my faith. Whereas Douglas knocked up 3 girls in high-school, started making methamphetamine and got arrested. He was such a lost soul and covered in tattoos. He was the type of guy that goes to Beer & Pizza and starts fights with moto-gangs.

Enough about him.

I got dressed. I wanted to show the glory of God through how he blessed me with nice things and clothes but I wanted to fit in too. I knew some of the guys would be in work boots and a dirty T-shirt so it might hard to look good without looking too good.

I ended up with a clean white tee, an open button down, dark colored jeans and clean boots. Just as I was getting ready to leave I felt something hit me on the back of the head, “Outch.” It was her.

“I hate you I hate I hate you!” She came completely out of nowhere. I was confused. One second I was getting ready, the next she burst out of a room trowing things at me. “You get me a son!”

“I thought you were in bed.” What else could I say?

“I want a son not a fruitless cursed fag like you!” She tossed a glass at my head and it shattered on the wall behind me.

Just then there was a long horn beep outside in my drive way.

“I really want a divorce sweet heart,” I was serious to the point of a chuckle. I had never felt that way in my life about anything. I was insane with how much I was just done with her. “If you want me to tell everyone that I cheated on you or that I beat you fine, I just want out.”

She stared at me sheepishly.

“I’m going to go out with my buds-“

Horn Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

“If you were not here in my house when I got back I would honestly really love it, yeah I got a little dick but your a total bitch.” Just like that I was out of the house.

I couldn’t believe I had stood up to her. I felt so much better. I knew there would be consequences. I was already drunk on an emotion I’d never felt before. She had gone too far.

I got in the back seat of the car and drove off with the boys. Sure I was losing my wife but was she crazy. I wasn’t going to pay a sperm bank for “superior” sperm to impregnate my wife with, that was out of the question and I hope she didn’t think I was gonna get someone to jack off into a cup for her.

Ray drove and was mostly quiet. Douglas on the other hand wouldn’t shut up. escort beşiktaş He mostly bragged about fucking his girl friend and how good he could make her cum. He must be doing something right because he wasn’t going to work or paying for his drugs. If you asked him about his drug habit he would just deny it. I honestly just tuned out everything he said.

We finally got to the bar. Mitch’s lifted truck was already parked outside. He had the hood up and it looked like he was having issues with it.

“Ah fuck,” Douglas knew he would be expected to help. He was good for one thing and that was fixing cars. He use to take auto-shop in high-school.

We got out of the car and the 3 of us walked over to Mitch in the parking lot. “Yea guess I need a mechanic but I’ll settle for someone who knows a thing’r’two,” He looked over in Doug’s direction.

Douglas kind looked disappointed like his night had been ruined. “Do I need to fix it now?”

“Well it’s mak’in a sound like fireworks up a cat’s butt when I get over 30,” Mitch showed his handsome smile.

“Well how about a few drinks first?”

“You’re no good drunk, it needs ta be now,” Mitch looked serious. “Come on buddy 20 bucks to tell me what part I should get.”

Douglas walked around to the side of the truck and hopped in.

“Don’t have too too many drinks we will be back ina jeffy.” The two drove off leaving me alone with Ray.

“Whatever right?” Ray seemed a bit put off to be left with just me for company.

I have to admit I felt the same way. I didn’t know Ray and that made things awkward. I wanted to talk to Mitch about my wife and have a few drinks. “Well you any good at pool?”

“No, never played… I have 50 bucks on me thought.”

“I never played either… Think you could go to the ATM and we make it 100?” I know the Lord doesn’t like it when we gamble but I think I was gonna like this kid. He seemed to have a good sense of humor.

He and I started walking in and Mitch sped off in his truck.

Once inside we noticed there were only 3 other people in the bar and no women. I didn’t really expect to see women at this bar. The bartender looked every bit as energetic and excited as usual.

“Hey fellas,” his name was Jackson William. I remembered him because he had a last name for a first name and a first name for a last name. I hadn’t known him well but I went to school with his older brother Reagan who was one of my friends. I thought his parents had a great sense of humor.

“Hey Jack-Bill,” I reached across the bar and shook is hand. “You met Ray?”

“Sup Ray?” Jackson nodded toward Ray.

“Sup.” I was starting to find Ray was a man of few words.

“Hey is a man of few words.” I said.

“I’m a man of action,” he smiled. “Now point me to the nearest ATM.”

Jackson, unimpressed, pointed Ray to the lit ATM sign 12 feet away at the end of the bar. Ray quickly shuffled over to it and starting putting in his information.

“Um, what that all about?” Jackson asked.

“Kid thinks he is a pool shark.”

“Okay, well what are you guys having?”


Jackson poured a couple of beers and sat them down but when I tried to pay he held up his hand. “First round is on me-“

“-Come on dude show me how to play.” I hadn’t seen anyone work an ATM so fast.

“Thanks man,” I was still talking to Jackson.


I decided to go ahead and school the kid. I grabbed our drinks and headed to the pool table. Ray put down 100 Bucks and I put another 100 on that. Now this was high stakes for Bolder-Bin and the 3 guys stopped what they were doing and started looking at us.

I decided to brake first, Just as I was trying to line up my stroke I heard sirens and speeding squad cars outside, I just barley avoided scratching the table and called out solids. I had to admit even though we lived in a small town with only two squad cars we had more then our far share of petty crime. Hearing a police chase wasn’t an un-ordinary circumstance.

“Well here I go,” he started off with a difficult shot…

By the end of the game I was up 3 more drinks and down 100 bucks. I had to give it to the kid he was a good player. I think I would have had a better shot at winning but with beer so cheap and me being such a light weight…

I was starting to forget about my wife until I felt a text. I checked my phone.

Wife: When you get back your shit is gonna be destroyed! >:O

I was actually a little surprised that she had been going so long. I looked at the clock it was close to 11:30pm. She had been going all day sense three in the afternoon. I must have made a face or something.

“Sup?” Ray asked. He could tell I got an annoying text.

“Aww it’s my crazy bitch wife.”

“What does she want, she mad you not home?”

“Nah it’s personal.”

“Ha, yeah it is!” Ray called attention to my absurdity. “Look guy, there is nothing to be ashamed of women are crazy.”

“She wants kids.”

“Oh and you’re not ready to be escort maslak a dad.”

“It’s not that, I would love to be a dad.”

“What you’re solders aren’t marching?”

“Yeah something like that.”

“They have labs where-“


“Oh I get it, well what is she bitching about, that’s on her?”

“She wants me to get her sperm somehow.”

“Ha ha ha ha dude-“

“Shut up.” People were looking over at us.

“From where like a random guy jerks it into a cup for y’all?” Ray lowered his voice.

“I don’t know that is the crazy part, she just keeps demanding sperm.”

“I got a load she can have.”

“Hey buddy that is my wife!” Now people were looking over at me.

“Hey lighten up, I was kidding and you did literally ask for it.”

“I didn’t ask you for your cum.”

“You sorta did.”

“No,” I had another drink of my beer.

“You say your wife needs cum and it would make all your issues go away.” He seemed only half joking. Like some part of him was offering to solve my issue. He was testing the water.

I thought about it for a second. I let the silence go on to long, “Well, what if you put some in a cup for me.”

He didn’t say anything back and just as I was gonna take it back as a joke he spoke up, “Well I wouldn’t do it for free.”


“That’s a valuable service, we are talking about a kid here?”

I was about to get up and walk away but then I remembered he was my ride. “Let’s just drop it I’m not paying you for your sperm.”

“I like you and I know sperm, good sperm, ain’t cheap.” I just looked at him, you might even say I stared at him sheepishly. “Edward, a friend of mine donated sperm and they give him 120 bucks, and that’s what he gat payed, I’m not talking about what the sperm-bank charges people.”


“I’ll give it to you wholesale plus a discount, 115 bucks and your bitching wife is quite and as round as a watermelon, you CAN’T beat that.” Fuck he had me.

“How do I know it will work?”

“Dude look at me,” he stood up with his arms out and raised an eyebrow. What a arrogant dickhead but I looked at his body and face.

He was a young guy, very virile and looked full of spunk. He did have a masculine alpha confidence once he got started. He was a bit taller than me and very fit. He had a strong jaw and full hair.

“Ya fuck off,” he looked like good breeding stock but I was not the type of guy that wanted to stand there and judge a guy to value his man goo.

“115 bucks,” he tilted his head with a shit eating grin. He waited for my reply as I looked at his young fit handsome form.

“I’ll do 75,” shit, it slipped out. He had me on the bargaining table, I felt like I had admitted that I wanted to pay for his cum. I was horrified. I half expected him to tell me he was joking at that point. When the guys got back he would tell them everything and I would be humiliated.

He looked at me, “75 deposit and after I show you the goods if you want it you give me the other 40.”

I agreed with a nod. I wanted his sperm yes but I also wanted to git the sinking feeling out of my stomach. So I agreed. I got $75 out and gave it to him. He put it in his pocket, grabbed a glass off the table and headed into the bathroom.

What had I done I just gave a guy money to cum in a cup for me so I could raise his illegitimate child with my wife. I felt so emasculated by the situation. I should have just walked out at that point and called a cab. A cap ride home would be less than $40 and I wouldn’t have to feel like a faggot.

A lot of time went by, a few more guys started to show up, Mitch never returned and it was already 12:30 on the clock. Bars close at two AM so I went into the bathroom to see what was holding him.

When I got into the bathroom I saw a big window open (big enough for a person). Did he leave?! At that moment I realized I was afraid and heartbroken about the idea of him running off without giving me the sperm I needed for a son of my own.

I wanted it as bad as my wife?

I ran to the window and looked out as if I could catch him and bring him back. I heard a noise in one of the stalls.

I don’t make a habit of busting in stall doors in bar bathroom but I was still in a panic.

When I opened the door I saw Ray standing up on his tiptoes straining himself and jacking off savagely. He was completely nude. I could see his smooth skin, abs and his massive cock. I could tell his body was still developing, he was sinewy, strong and starting to develop a hairy body.

“Dude!” He noticed me and immediately drooped off his tiptoes and let go of his cock. His heavy cock bounced and then pointed up in front of him. It had to be a strong hard cock to be that big and point straight up like that. “What the fuck?” he whispered to keep his voice down.

“What is taking you so long?”

“Fuck,” Ray poked his head out of the stall and pulled me in, “Get in here.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get off.”

“What’s the hold up?”

“I’m doing the best I can!” Ray said with a yelling whisper. “I can’t cum.”

“Give me back my money then!”

“No way, that’s your deposit, you haven’t really even paid me yet.”

This was outrageous. “I need you to cum.”

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