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Subject: Todd’s Gym Stories: Part 1, A Change in Schedule TODD’S GYM STORIES BY SHANE S. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This work contains material of a sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy, or save this work. This work may be copied and saved for personal and private use only as long as it is copied in its entirety (or by chapter), including any headings, warnings, and comments in this post. The author and The Nifty Archive () reserves all rights to this story in part and in its entirety. Please donate to Nifty.Org fty/donate.html) to keep our stories alive! PART ONE: A CHANGE IN SCHEDULE “Todd to the front office,” I heard the call for me over the speakers playing Muzak in the small IGA grocery. I worked here stocking, bagging, and carrying out groceries in the afternoons after the couple of classes I had signed up for this summer at our local branch of Ohio State University. The normal routine for the week was waking up around seven and school until heading off to the grocery store to work from one to five. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, my first class is at eight in the morning and my last class lets out at noon. Tuesdays and Thursdays are spent studying in the morning until work. My weekends are usually free, unless I take an extra shift or cover for someone at the store. It’s a great place to work for college students. The owner always puts our studies first and works around our schedules. Working four hours a day, Monday through Friday, is perfect for me. When I get off work, I go hit the gym for a couple of hours, and my evenings are free to study or have some fun. Hearing the page from the back of the store, I made my way to the front. I stepped up onto the steps in front of the half door to the little office area. “Hey Todd,” Mike, one of the store managers said, spinning around in a chair. “Brad can’t come in today. I’ve got Ryan coming in but he can’t be here until a little after six-thirty. Any way you can stay and bag until he gets here?” “Sure, no problem,” and I left to finish cleaning up the back room. When Ryan showed, it was about a quarter till seven. I was starving. I clocked out and decided to fix myself a nice sandwich in the deli, have a bite there, then head to the gym for a bit. I figured the gym would be busy by the time I got there. It was pretty much empty when I normally went, but later, it gets pretty crowded. I hate having to wait and wait to use equipment, so I didn’t think I would even stay very long. It was almost eight when I got there. The parking lot was practically full. “Great,” I thought. I went in anyway. There was even a line to swipe in. Jay, one of the summer trainers, was at the counter watching everyone swipe their cards coming in. “You’re here late,” he said to me. “Yeah, had to work later today.” I swiped my card through the reader and step out of the way closer to him. “It’s packed in here. I don’t know if I want to stay or skip it today.” “It’s what, Tuesday? Yeah,” he answered himself. “It will clear out by nine, nine-thirty. Then it’s damn near empty. We’re open till midnight you know, if you want to come back later.” “Just might,” I said to him. “Later.” He waved and answered with a “later” too. I walked around a bit just to see if it was even worth staying. It wasn’t. I headed out, gave a wave to Jay, and told him I’d be back later. He smiled and waved. I had only been a member here for a couple of months, since graduating from high school, but got to know quite a bit about this guy coming in when no one else was here. He liked to talk and seemed to like it when a few people were here he could work with some and had someone to chat with. He always came up to spot me doing anything, even though I wasn’t doing anything to need a spot. If I am working on legs on a machine, he would come over, start chatting away, he would put his hands on the top of my legs, pushing with some pressure, and encouraging me. He would say things like, “this is really working for you,” and, “your legs are looking great.” His attention was nice. He did give others some attention too, so I don’t think too much about it all. Jay’s a sexy guy, in his late twenties, with a degree from OSU in sports medicine. He teaches and coaches at one of the county high schools and works here in the summer. His girlfriend, Michelle, used to babysit Kelly, my girlfriend. Well, kinda girlfriend. Kelly is a great friend to me and was all through high school too. We even dated on and off. Things are super casual with us. We hang out, talk to each other about whatever when we need to, even have Hatay Escort some fun occasionally too. Her BJs aren’t as good as the guys I’ve been with though. She knows I like guys too, and that’s even a fun part of our relationship, talking about and looking at guys. We’ve definitely talked about Jay. Especially after the first time I saw him in the showers. Damn, that was a nice sight. She always laughs at me and says, “no chance,” when it comes to anything happening. Sometimes I wonder though, he’s friendly, sometimes flirty even. He will just come up to spot me doing something and always has to put his hand on some part of my body. “Just wishful thinking,” and, “keep dreaming,” is all I get from Kelly. A text from Kelly comes when I’m walking out to my car. “Coffee?” it reads. I head to our spot and she is sitting outside the caf� with an Americano waiting for me. “Thanks,” and I take the cup. “How was your Tuesday?” she asked me. “Stayed late at the store today, the damn gym was too busy, so that messed up my routine,” I told her. “I’ll go in to the gym later. Jay says it’s empty after nine-thirty.” “Ewe, Jay told you,” she mocked me. “What are you, twelve?” We laughed. “You know you want to be alone with him,” she grinned. “Who doesn’t? Like you say though, no chance, right?” “Especially if he doesn’t even have a clue you go that way too,” she smirked. “Sure, that just comes up all the time. “Hey Todd.” “Hey Jay.” “How’s Kelly?” “She’s good. Oh, and I like dick too,” I smarted off to her. “Well, I’m sure there’s some subtle way to it.” “Everything and nothing is subtle between guys in a gym,” I tell her. “We all look at each other. Not to mention all the touching and feeling that goes on. It is the one place where a guy can look at another guy, not only look, but tell him he looks good, and not get punched for it, that is.” It was well after nine when Kelly and I were done talking a little about everything. We said our good byes, I sent a quick text to mom, “Worked late, met Kel for a coffee, heading to the gym. LY,” and drove back across town to the gym. “I see you made it back,” Jay said, as I got to the counter. “You don’t need to swipe in again.” “Yeah, met up with Kelly for a bit.” “Nice,” and he grinned. “Get a little pre-workout workout did ya?” he snickered. “Na, just a coffee at the caf�,” I said, grinning back at him. “I wish.” “I hear ya. I got a wakeup call around five this morning. A friend needed a ride to the airport. He couldn’t get an Uber. So, no time for `me time’ this morning. I was busy running around before I had to be here.” “What, no Michelle to help you out either?” I gave a little smirk. I headed to the locker room. Jay followed. “I didn’t tell you? She’s teaching a summer class in Mansfield. She usually stays with her cousin, comes home on the weekends. Andrew Christian, nice,” he said, as I was pulling up my gym shorts. I glanced over and he was showing me the waistband of his under his shorts. “My faves,” he said, smiling. Okay, that was weird, but I’m not telling him that. I just smiled. “Anyway,” he continued, following me over to the urinals. Was he going to hold it for me? I could only wish. “I don’t get to see her much.” “That sucks man,” I managed to say to him as I was pulling out my wang and pushing the waistbands of my shorts and underwear under my balls. I needed to get rid of some of that coffee. I swear he stood there watching. “Or I guess, no sucking going on,” I had to joke. “Right?” We both laughed. “Guess I’ll catch ya out there. Better go make a round anyway,” he said to me, and he did take a look before leaving. “Catch ya,” I called to him, staring at his ass in his gym shorts as he walked away. Damn. What was that? I was even starting to chub up a bit. Maybe I should have a quick wank before I get out there and find myself with a hard-on. Jay was right; the gym had cleared out quite a bit. There were less than twenty still here. Half were women. I went to the empty row of ellipticals to do a twenty-minute warmup. About five minutes in, another guy joined me, starting up on the machine beside mine. He pulled out his earbuds and started chatting. His name was Danny. He looked good. His gym shorts showed a nice bulge and they were snug to his butt too. They were loose around his nice looking legs. He had a nice tight tank on, showing off his upper body very nicely. I kept glancing at those sexy armpits as he moved on the machine too. Yeah, maybe I should have had that wank. We worked out together following each other around and putting our time in on quite a few of the machines. I learned that he was enrolled at OSU too, and would be heading to the main campus this fall. No girlfriend. Hmmm. I told him about Kel and our casual thing we have. Jay came over to chat with us several times too, the last he Hatay Escort Bayan said he was going to start cleaning up. The three of us were the only ones there now. We still had some time before he would close up, “Think I’m gonna go sit in the steam room for a few. Relax these muscles a bit,” I told Danny as we were both wiping down the machines we just finished using. “I’ve never gone in there. It sounds good. Mind if I join?” Danny asked, “Let’s hit it,” I said to him. The steam room is a small room inside the men’s locker room. When we got in the locker room, I headed to the left where the lockers are. To the right is a little hallway with the steam room on the left and the urinals in an alcove on the right. Past that is a big open shower room with benches on the right. When I got to my locker, Danny was beside me. “Uh, what do you wear in there?” “Nothing,” I said to him. I turned and went to some shelves, grabbed a couple of towels, and threw one to him. “I just wear a towel in there.” “Oh, okay.” He caught the towel. I think he was relieved we wouldn’t be sitting there naked with our junk on display. I would have been fine with that. Not really. I went back to my locker, stripped, threw my clothes in, wrapped the towel around my waist, and headed to the little room. It’s fairly dark in there when you first go in, just a little light from above trying to make its way through all the steam. Once your eyes adjust, you can see there’s room for maybe four guys. That would be sitting pretty close to someone on one of the two benches, and two other guys siting close together on the other. Danny came in shortly. I heard the urinal flush outside the door right before the door to the steam room opened. He almost sat down right beside me, almost on my lap. As soon as he figured out the seating, and his eyes adjusted a bit, he sat on the other bench. “Shit, sorry about that. I couldn’t see anything when I came in. I didn’t realize it was this small in here.” “You’re fine. Yeah, it’s cozy in here.” I moved my leg a little and our knees hit. I laughed. “See. Not even any leg room,” I said, and pulled my knee away from his. “It’s warm and relaxing though. This is nice,” he said. “Yeah, I like coming in here after a good workout. Another reason I don’t want to be here when there are a lot of people here. You can’t get in here.” I moved over just a bit so I could spread my legs a little. I stretched them out some too and my left foot pushed into his foot. “Sorry,” and I moved. “You’re fine,” he repeated my response from just a minute before. We sat back relaxing in silence. A few minutes had passed. I had loosened up my towel a bit spreading my legs to let things hang loose and comfy. I took a quick look to see how Danny was doing. He was leaning back too, legs spread, towel opened up like mine, and he had a hand under the towel. By the looks of it, his hand was on his dick. I kept looking to his face, head still back and his eyes closed, then down to his towel covering his lap. The towel moved. I watched. It moved again. I think he’s playing with his dick. Now I’m feeling mine grow. I leaned back and closed my eyes. My hand went under my towel and grabbed my stick. I had a full-on boner instantly. I kept my head back and eyes closed for a minute. My heart was thumping strong, and every few beats I would give my pole a squeeze. It would throb with each squeeze. I brought my head down, glancing his way before looking down to fun happening under my towel. When I brought my head back up and glanced over to Danny again, he was looking at me smiling. “Uh, sorry,” I faked out a stammer. “The heat, you know. Forgot I wasn’t in here alone.” “Yeah. The heat gets to me a bit too,” he said back to me, still smiling. I looked to his towel. There was some significant movement there now. I looked back up and grinned. “Ha, I see it does. If this doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t me,” I told him, and started tugging my shaft under the towel. He answered by closing his eyes, holding his hard-on straight up under the towel, and started stroking. “Nice,” I sighed. I leaned my head back and started stroking mine. After a few seconds went by, I heard him say, “Nice.” I waited a bit, and then looked. He was watching me. He looked at my face when he noticed me looking. He smiled at me and I put the tip of my tongue between my front teeth. I closed my eyes as my head went back and I moaned a little as I squeezed on my rod and started stroking a little faster. I looked down as the movement was now causing the towel to slip away. With each stroke, the towel moved. First, just my leg was exposed. Then you could see it all. I pulled the towel off totally with my other hand and then went to my balls to tug at them a bit. Danny moaned and I looked up to him. He was now uncovered too. His fist Escort Hatay wrapped around his big dick. He was stroking it good now. He moaned again. Then he moaned again. With his moaning, I went full speed on my cock. I moaned. We looked at each other. His eyes went to my crotch and mine to his. Watching each other stroking and both of us moaning now was totally hot. I wasn’t going to last another minute either. “Aww-shiiit,” came from both of us at the same time, our legs stretched out further as our toes curled, and then we were shooting out loads out onto the floor. “Damn,” Danny said, and let out a sigh. “I know, right?” I said back. “I needed that.” “Yeah, me too. Hadn’t gotten off yet today,” he laughed. “I need a shower.” I stood up and grabbed my towel. I went to my locker for my shower stuff. I was still a bit chubbed up too. I headed for the showers and Jay came in. “Shower time,” I said, looking at him. “The steam room felt great.” “I know it. I usually go for a sit after everyone leaves. Oh, when you guys are done, just bring the towels out to me. I’m gonna wash them.” Jay turned around, grabbed the bag of dirty towels off the stand, and left. I headed for the showers and Danny was already under one. I went to the one right beside him. My chub was gone. His wasn’t. His hands were going through his hair then running all over his body, making a nice lather with his shower gel. I washed my hair and rinsed, looking at his body when I could. I turned away from the wall as he was and watched him as his head was back, letting the water hit his chest and running down his stomach. His hands were all over his plumped up cock and pulling on his balls. Now I was getting hard again. I grabbed my shower gel and soaped up my body, giving my hard-on a stroke or two each time a hand made the trip back down there. Danny started doing the same, watching me. We looked at each other and grinned. “You think Jay will come back in?” he asked me. “If we are in here long enough, yeah.” “Then we better make it a quick one.” Danny grinned and started stroking it fast. I gave a big grin and wrapped my fist around mine. I wanted to touch him. Danny looked so sexy standing right there beside me, the water running down his body, his fist wrapped around his cock, stroking it again. He started to turn towards me. I turned towards him. He kept turning so he was facing the wall. Shit. Then he saw that I had turned towards him and he turned back. “This is okay?” he asked me. I was a little confused. What? Was what okay? “What?” I had to ask him. “This,” and he put his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah,” I said back to him, and my free hand went to his shoulder. We looked down at each other, watching the other jerking. Now I was touching him, but I wanted to touch more, feel more of his body with my hand. My hand moved from his shoulder down to his chest. I felt his heart beating fast and strong. I looked at his face. He looked at me and smiled. I took that to mean I could continue. My hand traveled around his chest, feeling his tight abs. I felt the thin line of hair leading down to the curls above his cock. My fingers followed his treasure trail down and I ran them through the dark curls. “Can I?” I looked up at him, asking, as my fingertips touched at the base of his hard shaft. His hand grabbed at mine and he wrapped it around his cock and stroked himself with my hand. I squeezed just a little and he moaned. His hand went to my other shoulder. I took over stroking him. Soon he had a hand pushing mine away from my own dick. He wrapped his hand around mine and started tugging. I moaned as my head went back. I felt his cock pull away from my hand and the next thing I felt were his lips wrapped around the head of my rod. He started sucking. Danny’s hand was still stroking me too. “I’m cumming,” I told him. His lips were gone and he was tugging faster. I moaned again as my cock erupted and a few jets of my cum shot onto his chest. Danny stood up. One hand went to my shoulder and his other wrapped around his dick. He stroked himself a few times quickly and moaned as he shot his load onto my hard cock. “Holy shit,” he said, trying to steady himself on his legs and letting out a chuckle. “Yeah, I think I’ll sleep well tonight.” “Me too. Hey, it was a really fun night. Thanks.” I thanked him too. “I know you are usually here earlier in the day, but if you want a workout buddy, I’m here most nights. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, there’s nobody ever here.” “I may just have to change my schedule a couple days a week. We’ll see.” I headed to my locker to get dressed and then headed out. I gave Jay a shout on the way out and he popped out of the office to grab my towel. “Have a good night,” he said. “I’ll sleep like a baby,” I smiled to him and walked out. In the car, all I could think about was swallowing Danny’s load instead of it covering my dick. Next time! — To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog: https://anothergayauthor.blogspot/ Let me know what you think. Send an email to ail � I would love to hear from you! -Shane S.

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