Christmas with the Count Pt. 06

2 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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This is the sixth part of the second story following the exploits of Maggie, her friends, and the enigmatic and vicious Count Pyre. This story is mainly set in Romania. I only used this country because of the joking Count Dracula similarities. All of the people and places are purely imaginary, and if they bear any resemblance to real people that is unfortunate and unintended. If the story line upsets anyone from that great country I apologise unreservedly.

There are some old characters who make a reappearance, plus plenty of new ones that will hopefully keep you interested. The story contains elements of extreme BDSM that may upset some people. If that is the case with you, then please move on. Apart from that, there is something for everyone. Straight sex, lesbian, toys, lingerie, anal and group sex. I hope you enjoy it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. If you hate it just leave a bad rating and move on. I am not a professional writer and just do this for a bit of fun. For me the main enjoyment I derive from writing these stories is in creating the characters. If you have strong feelings about any of the persons in the story and would like to read more, or less, about them please leave your remarks in the comments and I will try to accommodate your wishes when Maggie & co. come back for the third story. From the ratings I received for the first Maggie story I know that some of you like my stories, so I hope you like this one. As always, thanks for reading. I wish to emphasise that this is a pure work of fiction and I hold all rights to the work.


December 23rd

Maggie was woken by the sound of the helicopter flying low over the castle. Lazily she rolled over to throw her arm over Ken, but the bed was empty, her arm meeting only a large piece of A4 paper resting on the mattress. Maggie opened her eyes and read the note which was written in a manly cursive script.

“My Dearest Ms. Rossi. Thank you for a wonderful evening, which I hope to repeat very soon. Sorry to run, but you were sleeping so beautifully, and I had an early shift. Ken xxx”

Maggie smiled to herself and folded the note carefully and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. The fire was roaring in the grate. Ken must have added more logs before he left, and the room was warm. Maggie sat up and pushed a pillow behind her. Her mouth felt dry from all the cigarettes and whiskey, the later contributing to a dull thumping in her temple.

The room still reeked of smoke, so Maggie climbed from the bed and swung the windows wide open and shivered as the cold wind battered her near naked body. Maggie was still wearing her stockings from last evening, but the bra and panties lay in a pile on the floor. Pulling off the stockings and gathering up her other discarded clothes she shoved them in the empty suitcase that would act as her washing basket during her stay.

Staring out of the window she saw that the day was bright and sunny, but felt bitterly cold. Seeing the pack of Benson & Hedges on the windowsill she took a cigarette from the pack and lit it. The coughing fit that followed encouraged her to throw it from the window almost immediately.

Walking into the bathroom she used the toilet and stepped into the shower. When she emerged ten minutes later, she felt like a new woman and her headache had completely disappeared. Maggie spent another twenty minutes in the bathroom doing her hair and brushing her teeth. The later took a good five minutes as she tried to remove the taste of booze and cigarettes.

Throwing on a pair of jeans a thick jumper and her Uggs, Maggie left her room to find the others and get the news on Nadja. As she left the room the helicopter passed overhead once more and she heard the engines growing quieter as it flew further away.

Entering the corridor outside her room she met Gabrielle and Charlotte walking towards her dressed in coats, scarves and their bobble hats. “Where have you been?” Maggie asked.

“We were putting Nadja on the helicopter,” Charlotte told her.

“How was she?” Maggie enquired.

“In fucking bits,” Charlotte said. “We patched her up as much as possible, but she won`t have a very pleasant Christmas that`s for sure. Luckily Gabrielle found Haki last night and he provided us with creams and bandages.” Then she added,” It was obviously not the first time he had provided assistance for one of the Count`s victims!”

“Bloody Hell,” Maggie exclaimed

Gabrielle chimed in with, “We dosed her up with painkillers from Haki before she left, so hopefully she will get home OK.”

“Have you had breakfast yet?” Maggie asked. “I would die for a cup of coffee.”

“No.” Charlotte said before asking, “What happened to you last night? We were waiting for you to come and help.” Her tone carried an undertone of resentment.

Maggie blushed as she said, “Yes sorry. I was otherwise engaged with the dashing Mr. Wright, and it sounds like my evening was considerably better than fındıkzade escort yours!”

Maggie was relieved when her two friends laughed and Charlotte added, “Fucking dirty whore!”

Gabrielle was still laughing as she told them, “Come on, let’s go and find breakfast. I am famished. Must be this cold weather.”

As the three walked into the dining hall they found Franky sitting at the table with her usual coffee. After greeting each with a peck on the cheek she indicated the stocked buffet and told them, “Dig in, there`s coffee and tea on the table and orange juice next to the eggs.”

The three women ate ravenously. The bread rolls were fresh, and still warm from the oven. The cheese and ham were delicious, and the eggs tasted as if they had come direct from the chicken. Everything was washed down with thick, black, strong coffee.

When everybody had finished eating and were sat with cups of coffee Gabrielle asked, “What is the plan for today, Franky?”

The older woman placed her cup on the table and looked at them, “Today is a quiet day. This afternoon the Count has his court date.” Seeing the quizzical looks from the three girls Franky explained, “Here in Novi Pyre there is virtually no crime, but of course people being people means that things still happen. The Count is the sole judge for the town, so every three months he comes here to carry out his duties as a judge, mainly these are personal disputes or people wanting a divorce, but occasionally there are theft cases or the like.”

The room was silent for a few minutes and the Franky said, “Would you like to watch? It takes place in the main chamber and the court is open to the public, but it is very rare that people attend unless they are directly involved.”

Gabrielle, Maggie and Charlotte all looked at each other before nodding at Franky, who in turn told them, “It starts at three. Shall we meet here at two thirty?” All three girls nodded once more, then Franky walked off into the depths of the chateau.

“It`s twelve now,” Gabrielle said before adding, “What shall we do for two hours? I don`t know about you two but I need a nap. It was a long night with Nadja, and I only got a few hours’ sleep.”

Charlotte yawned and said, “I second that idea.”

Maggie felt refreshed after her enjoyable session with Ken and the resulting deep sleep, so told the pair she was going for a walk. The three walked to their rooms together with Charlotte and Gabrielle going for a sleep. Maggie dressed up in her thick coat and wrapped a scarf around her neck. Donning her wool hat and leather gloves she walked down to the courtyard where they had entered a few nights before.

Walking across the bridge and down the drive towards the town Maggie marvelled at the gorgeous snow-covered landscape around her. The air was cold but clean and as she walked her breath came in clouds from her nose and mouth. She passed a two-man patrol of Ken`s men. One of them she recognised from last night’s events with Nadja, but Maggie couldn`t recall his name. He gave her an embarrassed wave as they passed each other, and when they were gone Maggie giggled to herself as all she could remember about him was five-inch, thin cock.

Arriving at the start of the town she looked at the neat rows of houses along each side of the street. Each was an identical row house that reminded her of the old pictures of the mill towns in 19th century Northern England. Although these were modern constructions with double glazed windows and satellite TV dishes on the roof. Smoke still billowed from chimneys which reenforced her earlier comparison.

Maggie met very few people, but those she did made short, swift head bows as she greeted each of them with a smile. All looked to be well nourished, and their clothes were of a high quality and newish.

Reaching the end of the street she spied the lights of the hospital about two hundred yards away and contemplated stopping by to say hello to David and Stella, but a quick glance at her watch told her that she had been walking for nearly an hour, so it was time to go back. She was halfway back along the street when a Land Rover pulled up alongside her. It was painted matt black with the Counts emblem on the door. Maggie watched the tinted window lower and Ken`s smiling face beamed at her from within. “Would Madam like us to return her home?” he asked with a laugh

“Madam would like that very much kind sir,” Maggie replied with a grin.

The man sitting next to Ken in the car jumped out and held the door for Maggie, before jumping in the back of the vehicle once she was seated. Ken manoeuvred the large car through the town and up the road to the castle. Passing over the bridge and into the courtyard he stopped before the large wooden doors that stood open, leading to the entrance hall. Ken and Maggie had not spoken on the drive as there were two of his men sitting within earshot in the rear of the vehicle.

Maggie saw Ken blush as she said, “Thank you kind Sir,” and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Rather taksim escort than leave, Ken parked the Range Rover in one corner as Maggie stood in the doorway. She was still standing watching as he walked across the courtyard to join her and she asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Business I am afraid Maggie. We have the court this afternoon and I need to be there to give evidence on a few cases.”

“Well, I will see you there. Franky invited us to go and watch.” Maggie was puzzled when Ken`s face frowned but it quickly passed, and he walked past her and inside the chateau. The two men he had arrived with, stood smoking next to the Land Rover. Maggie walked rapidly up to her room.

A quick tidy up of her hair and after splashing some water on her face she went to find the others. Charlotte was still in bed, so Maggie shook her awake before going to see if Gabrielle was ready. The beautiful Italian was sitting on the bed brushing her hair as Maggie entered so Maggie sat next to her and gave her a quick resume of what she had witnessed on her walk. As she finished, Charlotte walked in looking fantastic as always, and not at all like she had been fast asleep less than ten minutes before.

Charlotte quipped, “Are we all ready for the Count`s version of Judge Judy? Somehow I think it will be more fun that that!”

The three friends were still smiling as they walked into the dining hall to meet Franky. The pot of coffee was still on the table and had obviously been refilled as the contents were piping hot. The three sat and waited. A few minutes later Franky entered and poured herself a cup. The time was two forty-five, so Franky led them through long corridors and then through an open double door.

Maggie looked around. There were four rows of pews like those you would find in a church. Each row would seat about twenty people. There were about fifteen people in total sitting dotted about on these benches and they all turned to stare as Franky and the girls entered.

Franky led the girls up a short flight of stairs where there was a wooden seating area raised above the gallery. This reminded Maggie of the boxes you saw at the theatre or the opera. The box was large, containing six hard backed chairs with red velvet seats. The four women had just sat down when a large man entered the room dressed in a ceremonial blue uniform complete with a sword in a scabbard at his waist, and a large hat with a white feather plume.

Maggie watched completely spellbound as the man spoke some words that she didn`t understand. Probably Romanian. Everyone stood, and the women in the box followed suit. The Count entered dressed in a flowing black robe. He took his seat on a large wooden chair that faced the audience with a massive desk in front of him.

Maggie looked on as the man in uniform spoke a few words and two people rose from the benches. A man and a woman around thirty years old. There were two small lecterns’ facing the Count and the couple went to one each. What followed was a long speech by the man. The Count asked a few questions of him. Then the woman spoke, but for not nearly as long. The Count asked her some questions. Then the Count stood and spoke to all in attendance. The man smiled and the woman began to weep.

Maggie then saw the two men who had arrived with Ken. They had been hidden in the shadows of the hall, but they now walked forward and grabbed the woman.

Maggie was shocked and turned to Franky, “What the hell just happened,” she whispered.

Franky whispered back, “The man accused his wife of adultery. She slept with five different men when he was on shifts at the mine. The Count asked her if it was true, and when she admitted it he asked if she wanted to divorce or stay married. She said she was sorry and wanted to stay with her husband. The Count passed sentence of ten strokes of the cane.”

Maggie gasped quietly and swung her eyes back to the court room. The woman had been dressed in a nice navy-blue pant suit. Ken`s men had bent the woman over a small leather toped bench, and she was sobbing loudly as one of them pulled her trousers down to her knees. Underneath she was naked, and her pale buttocks were exposed to all in the court room. Maggie held her breath as she saw Ken enter the room from a small side door and march up to the Count.

The Count handed Ken a small piece of paper and Ken read the contents before marching over to where his two men now stood either side of the prone woman. Taking a long cane from a holder on the side of the bench Ken administered ten strokes powerfully to the woman’s upturned bum. Each stripe was greeted by a forlorn wail from the woman and a shout in unison from the watching crowd. Maggie presumed they were counting out the strokes. At they end they all clapped loudly for a few seconds. Once it was finished her husband helped his wife redress, and then they left the room arm in arm. Ken and his men retreated to the shadows.

The man in uniform spoke loudly once more and a young couple, barely başakşehir escort in their twenties approached one of the lecterns arm in arm. There was a brief discussion between both of them and the Count, and then the Count said something and everybody in the room cheered and clapped as the couple kissed each other.

Maggie waited for Franky`s explanation. In a whisper she said, “They asked permission to marry. It is just a custom, and I have never heard the Count deny a request.”

The young couple ran giggling from the room and then Maggie felt the atmosphere change. An ominous hush fell over the room as Ken`s two men disappeared into a side room as the man in uniform spoke out the next case. They returned with a man in handcuffs and dressed in a bright orange jump suit like those used in American prisons.

The Count looked to Ken and spoke in English. The man in the ceremonial uniform translated for the Romanians in the gallery. “This man is accused of raping the nineteen-year-old daughter of his neighbour Mr. Wright. Can you please tell me the evidence that causes this man to be before me today.”

Ken stepped forward and slowly began to read from a small note book. He stopped after each sentence to allow the man in uniform to translate his words. “On the tenth of November I was called to the home of Mrs. Radiscu at number three Fifth street. I found her daughter, Anna, weeping and partially dressed. There was blood on her inner thighs. The daughter told me that the accused had dragged her into his home from the garden where she was tending to the fruit trees. There he had assaulted her and engaged in sexual intercourse with her. My men arrested the accused and took him to our holding area. I took the daughter to Dr. Sterling. Dr. Sterling administered a rape kit, and we were able to obtain a DNA sample which matched the one that we took from the accused. The accused told us that the sex was consensual, but Dr. Sterling told us that there was tearing, and this was usually associated with forced sexual activity. We have held the accused in custody until this day.”

The court now proceeded in Romanian as the Count asked questions of the accused and then there was a pause. The rear doors opened, and a beautiful young woman entered. She walked proudly to one of the lecterns. The Count and the woman conversed for a few minutes.

At the end of this discussion the young woman turned and spat in the face of the man in the orange jumpsuit and walked straight backed, head held high, from the court room.

The Count spoke a few words and the accused man screamed undisguised oaths at him as Ken`s men dragged him out of the room. Two minutes later there was the distinct sound of a gunshot and the people in the courtroom all clapped and cheered nearly as loudly as they had for the newly engaged couple. Maggie was shocked to her core at this summary judgement and sentence.

The people began to file from the room as the man in the ceremonial uniform made a short speech. The Count left the room, as did Ken and his men. Maggie walked on shaking legs down the stairs and out of the room. She nearly ran back to her room and sat shaking on the windowsill smoking one cigarette after the other. Twenty minutes later there was a tentative knock on her door and Franky stuck her head around the corner. “Are you Ok my Dear. You ran off like a startled hare?”

Maggie flicked the latest cigarette from the window and spoke whilst staring out into the dusk,” How can people accept such things. No jury, no lawyers, no nothing except what the Count decides.”

Franky came and wrapped her arms around Maggie`s shoulders. “That is how it has been here for a thousand years. Believe me, the Count has changed many things in the past twenty years. He will only pass sentence when the accused admits what they have done, or the evidence is overwhelming. If there are any doubts or it is a he said she said situation then the Count takes much more time over his decision. The two cases today were cut and dried and the sentence is decreed in the law books. That is how it is here Maggie, and sometimes I think it is for the best when rapists and murderers are dealt with swiftly.”

Maggie began to cry softly and turned her face into Franky`s warm breasts. The older woman held her until her sobs subsided, stroking her hair and cooing as if Maggie was a baby. When Maggie stilled, Franky took her face in both of her hands and staring into her eyes said, “Good. Now go and have a long bath and get ready for dinner. Don`t be late as the Count is usually in a sour mood following his court days. I will see you downstairs.” With that she left Maggie alone.

Maggie smoked one last cigarette and then entered the bathroom as Franky had suggested. An hour later she emerged felling slightly better. Her hair was washed, her body shaved, teeth were clean, and her fingernails were redone. Her makeup was carefully applied, and she tried desperately to forget what she had witnessed in the afternoon. In some ways Franky`s words made sense. There was no doubt as to the guilt of the accused. The accused knew the preordained punishment for their crimes, therefore they knew the consequences of their actions. Whatever Maggie thought of the process she had to accept that this was how things were done here.

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