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Subject: YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART SIXTEEN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE. PLEASE CONTACT bit IF YOU LIKE TO PRAISE OR MOAN. SEARCH NIFTY FOR bit or link TO READ MORE ^sharp TALES. REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR DONATION TO WWW.NIFTY.ORG !! HERE fty/donate.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART SIXTEEN Po’s mouth was just pressing on my lips so I tried to make my tongue go between his lips, but he pushed me off. “Hey slow it. Not here.” He looked worried again. “Let’s go, yeah?” he whispered huskily. I nodded, obediently leaned back and went to stand. He stopped me, “Here let’s get this stupid collar off …” He started to play with the fiddly buckle but then gave up – “Trouble is, it’s so cute …” – and he fiddled with it again. “But it’s just asking for trouble. I said it would but Dean …” When it came free he just rolled it up and put it in his pocket, giving me a little pat on the face cause, like he couldn’t be bothered. “It’s, I told them it was a bad idea,” he said. “I liked it,” I said. “You liked it?!” “Yeah.” “You like being on a lead and lead about like that, and everyone can see and you’re just this dog?” “Well, yeah, cause it did. It kinda … I don’t know. It was … I liked it.” “You liked it. It wasn’t safe. It made you look like a pervert.” I grinned. “You’re a freak,” he said with a smile and stood, grabbing his erection quickly and pushing it up to somewhere less visible – but not much, so he had to have his hand in front of it, which if anything drew attention. Or at least it drew my attention! I did mine too cause it was sort of caught up where my shorts were too tight and it couldnt move; but then mine was also sticking out. It’s like they were trying to communicate with each other … “You’ve got ‘nerection,” I said, like I hadn’t noticed before. He looked down at it and brushed the outline, “Yeah.” He smiled casually, and for the first time I felt he was less tense. I mean, more tense in one way, obviously, but less tense in the way he treated me. He alsancak escort even touched me as we set off, gently guiding me in the right direction, like I didn’t know which way it was, like I always needed help. His hand on my elbow, slid down under along my arm to my wrist, which he gripped for a moment during which I thought he would touch my palm and even hold my hand, but then jumped to my back, slid to my waist and into the small of my back and onto my bottom where it sort of stayed and then, like he seemed to remember something, he stopped again and grabbed my arm. He wasn’t looking at the me, but he was holding my arm, my forearm, very tight so I had to stop as well. Then he says what I didn’t expect, “Jason, can I fuck you tonight?” I wasn’t sure how to say yes. “I, I’ve … never been fucked,” I said “So is that a yes?” he said impatiently. I nodded, which he probably didn’t see cause he was looking at the ground. “You not sure?” “I’m …” “Cause you keep not answering the question.” We looked at each other and he had the sweetest face cause the mixture of embarrassment and horniness made it like it was changing and childlike. I laughed. “You …” I said, “You ever fucked a bloke?” I said, sheepishly. He snarl-smiled, which for the first time showed his teeth. “What do you think this is? You think I don’t know how to do it? You fucker. I’m saying I want to fuck you. Fuck it. So do you want it or don’t you want it? That simple enough for you?” He put his arms round my back and pulled me in to him so that our dicks pressed together. “Oh I. I think,” I said. “That a yes? Cause you suddenly gone all fight-or-flight …” “Well it is a yes, sure!” I said. “I just’m surprised that’s what I didn’t, wasn’t sure what if you were like …” “Idiot,” he said. “Like you wanted it, I mean,” I said. “You was a bit distant.” “Look I knew I wanted to fuck you but I didn’t know if you’d do it. I mean, I thought you would probably but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. So I’m not fucking apologising; I’m fucking saying do you want it? Cause I’m asking yeah? aliağa escort Cause you have a choice.” Like I had a choice! I honestly didn’t feel like I had a choice. I mean, I had to; like there was nothing else I’d rather than for him to fuck me – even the words are crazy! Like it wasn’t my wet-dream! “I’m not sure I want a choice,” I said, “Like do you even fancy me?” He looked at me and nudged me with his hardon. “Can’t you feel it?” I could feel it. “What d’you think that is?” “It’s you dick.” “Right.” “Lucky guess.” “Don’t you want it?” “Yes,” I said. “I do want it.” “So what’s the problem?” “No problem,” I said. “I guess.” “I. Look I know you have this sub-brain,” he continued, “and I know it’s sub-mentality and I know that you have this way of behaving that’s sub and, that’s totally alright with me but I’m giving you a choice cause,” he took a breath and let his hand move to my shoulder, but his penis was still touching me, “I respect you.” I blinked. “But you have a choice. So if you don’t want it, just say so.” And then I thought, as though it was the first time I’d thought of it, ‘What does he see in me?’ “What’s wrong?” he said. “I mean, fuck, man … It’s simple.enoigh surely …” We continued walking. “Sorry,” I said. “I mean, yes.” “Idiot,” he said, touching my hand fleetingly with his. It was late summer but the evenings were still long, like memories, I guess. But it was getting dark. As we walked, the sound of birds nesting and our breathing were all I could hear. I still let him walk slightly ahead, so I could see his trainers as they touched down and his arms swinging. ‘He’s lovely,’ I thought. We were just walking next to each other, not touching, but I was shaking and he seemed to pick up that I was, you know, all quiet. “What’s wrong?” “I’m shaking,” I said. “You cold?” “No. I don’t know why. It isn’t cold.” “So why are you shaking?” I sighed inwardly, “I’m nervous I think.” I was shivering. “Well that’s your problem.” He stopped abruptly, “Look. We don’t have to do this.” “No I want to.” “I can just walk you to your place. tire escort Make sure you’re safe. Like we agreed. Cause the boys are genuinely concerned for your safety. I didn’t make that up just so I could get into your pants.” “It’s just … I’ve never been fucked before so I’m nervous,” I said. “Is that so bad? I mean, is it going to hurt?” “I thought you wanted …” “I do-oo!” We walked on. “I do want it,” I added, just to be clear. I didn’t want him to withdraw the offer did I? We had to walk through a short tunnel between some houses, filled with the smell where men had pissed on the ground. “Eww smell,” I said. “Don’t you like it?” “I do a bit,” and I laughed. He stopped again, right in the darkness, and grabbed me by my waist and held me, pulling me in so that I was right against his chest heaving against mine. And his face was, like, right there, breathing on my face. “Yeah look I don’t want you to be uncertain, yeah? I want, but, might as well say, it WILL hurt you, like really, at first, and you might not like it, but you’ll, I reckon you’ll want it to. Cause that’s what it feels like ok? It hurts. But I won’t hurt you … I mean, apart from that. Cause I do care about you right? So I AM going to fuck you tonight,” he said, “cause I AM going to fuck you.” That little speech was the cutest thing anyone has ever said to me, I think. “Yes ok,” I said. “Do you understand?” “I, yes, I understand.” There was an LED light but it was behind his head so I couldn’t see his face and the shadow of his head meant he couldn’t see my face, so we couldn’t see each other when we kissed. And this time I put my tongue out, and he opened his mouth, and he let me. Then he put his tongue in my mouth, like that was what he really wanted. And his hands were all over me, but on my bottom mostly. His hands were saying what he couldn’t weren’t they? That he liked me. I could smell his detergent, and his hair, and his deodorant, and I could feel him all over me and he started rubbing his cock up and down and I knew he was getting really excited cause I was getting really excited. He took a breath. And we stopped. “We gotta make it there quick,” he said, held my hand and walked me, pulled me, out of the tunnel real quick like almost like we was scared of being chased by the dark, though that wasn’t why we was hurrying, was it! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART SIXTEEN

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