Bethany’s Diary Ch. 01 – Recruitment

1 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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I still couldn’t believe I’d actually gone through with it; but having said that, sometimes once you start down a path there’s no turning back. I sat in the back of the cab on my way to work, hoping that no one would notice that I was wearing yesterday’s uniform. But why would they, the hotel from which I’d come has an excellent dry cleaning service. I grinned to myself and once again opened the envelope I carried to count and recount the money within, or perhaps it was simply to confirm that the previous night had actually happened. But maybe I should take a step back. . .

My name is Bethany, or Beth depending on how close we are as friends and I’m a 24 year old mature student. My parents are divorced which is fortunate on many levels and on the whole they both seem happy now. Although I’d lived with my Mother throughout childhood, I’d recently been accepted as a student at York University and, as my Dad lives just over a mile from the city centre it made sense that I moved in with him and his girlfriend, Emily, in term time and went back to Mom during the vacations. Emily was ten years his junior and in comparison, very liberated with regard to sex and relationships. My father and mother on the other hand were tight-lipped about such matters, both believing that sex was something that happened behind closed doors and I often wonder whether this might have been the root of their problem. I liked Emily and we would often enjoy a glass of wine or two and chat about boys and relationships. Mom thought that she was only after Dad’s money, but that is by-the-by.

Whilst working my way through university I’d taken a part time job at a local tearoom to help pay my way. Dad had a good job and money was never an issue, but I didn’t want to appear ungrateful or to be taking him for granted and this was my way of showing that I was, at least partly, independent — but let’s face it, what student can claim that they don’t abuse their parents in this way.

As regard to sex, my tastes were rather traditionally heterosexual and unexceptional, or so I thought and I’d had several lovers and three long-term and largely unfulfilling relationships in my short life. Perhaps this was partly because deep down, my parent’s influences and beliefs had been instilled in me, or perhaps it was that I simply wasn’t overly adventurous. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude, but sex with men, in my experience to this point, was generally disappointing and I had never climaxed at the hand, tongue or cock of any of my lovers. But let’s face it, when a man is fucking a woman, her orgasm is rarely high on his list of priorities.

My sexual awakening, shall we call it, began yesterday afternoon and I think it changed the direction of my life entirely. We’d just surmounted the Saturday lunchtime blitz, but even so I knew the café would be busy until we closed at 5:30 that afternoon. I was leaning against the counter taking a sip of water when a tall elegant woman entered. Although she looked familiar, I didn’t immediately recognise her; that is not until she spoke. How could I forget that rich American accent and indeed the generous tip she left earlier that day? She was perhaps in her late 30s or early 40s and had dined that morning with her husband who was a several years her senior by his appearance.

“Hey Honey.” She said, approaching and gently holding my arm. “Do you have time for a quick chat? Somewhere quiet, perhaps?”

The dining room was busy and all of the waitresses were rushed off their feet, but I shot a glance at the owner. “Bill, can I take five minutes?”

“Sure.” He replied, no doubt noting that I’d not taken a break all morning.

There was a changing room and relaxation area for staff at the back of the café, and I led the woman through the kitchen and into the relative calm of the lounge, flopping onto the worn leather sofa, taking off my shoes and massaging my aching feet.

She smiled and took a seat next to me. “I have something to ask,” she said, her Texas drawl as thick and rich as molasses. “My husband and I are only in town for one night and it’s his birthday today.”

“Oh, I had no idea.”

“Well why should you sugar?” She smiled and I had no answer for her. “You might remember that we were in earlier and I must confess that Robert could scarcely take his eyes from you. You’re a stunning young woman you know.”

I felt myself blushing and thanked her.

“Now don’t let me frighten you, but my husband and I consider ourselves to be quite open-minded and as it’s his birthday I wanted to ask if you’d be prepared to do something for me. I’ll pay you of course.” She added quickly.

I was stunned, pre-empting her request and in my confusion the woman filled in the gaps. “My name is Elissa.” She said extending her hand.

“Beth.” I replied nervously, placing my hand in hers.

“I know.” She laughed, “It’s written on your name tag.” And I couldn’t help but laugh with her.

“Ok,” she continued, “I’ll just say it.” She took a breath and smiled reassuringly. Çanakkale Escort “Would you join us this evening for a threesome?”

My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide.

“It’s Ok if you say no. But my husband has been talking about you all morning and I had to return to ask.” She took my hand between both of hers and I gazed into her hypnotic eyes. “Tell you what, I’ll let you think about it.” She said standing and as she did I found 5 crisp twenty pound notes in my hand. “That’s for listening to me,” she beamed, her perfect white teeth dazzling me. “I’ll give you five hundred more if you agree. I’ll call back later, but right now I have to get back to the museum before my husband misses me.”

I was shocked and speechless, but the woman turned and left without another word.

I was in a daze all afternoon, but as the hours passed I’d more or less decided that I’d not see her again. But shortly after five pm a messenger arrived, carrying a large shallow box.

“Hey Beth.” The manager called over, “this is for you.” My face must have painted a picture as Bill simply shook his head and said, “Take it out back and call it a day. You’ve already put your hours in.”

I sat on the leather lounge sofa sinking into the broken springs and balancing the box on my knees; I was shaking and for a while simply stared at it. I could hear the other waitresses starting to clear up and knew that they would soon be joining me in the lounge to change out of their uniforms before heading home. Tentatively I opened the box. Inside was something soft covered impossibly thin tissue paper. But despite my urge to rip it open I was drawn to the pristine envelope that lay within; a single word written upon it in perfect baroque calligraphy.

“Bethany” it said.

I carefully opened the flap and drew the note from within.

“Beth my dear. ” It began in the same immaculate hand. “I hope you have had time to chew over my proposal.” Of course there was no doubt of the author. “Please find enclosed a dress, underwear and shoes. You may keep them regardless of your decision — I am a good judge of proportion and hope that they will be a good fit. We’re staying at The Grand, suite 402 and I’ve told reception to expect you. We’re not intending to return to our room until 7pm, so please take advantage of the bath and minibar and feel free to order from room service if you like, though I’ve booked a table for dinner at 8pm. Reception will call you when we return so that you can hide in the bathroom; I want this to be a surprise for Robert. Of course if you don’t show I’ll have to improvise at short notice, but please don’t let that influence you.”

I was lost for words and despite its sympathetic tone, the letter just seemed to add more pressure and give me little room in which to wriggle. I’d spent the afternoon worrying and had eventually come to a decision, but the arrival of the gift and Elissa’s absence made it impossible for me to tell her face-to face that I couldn’t accept her offer. And yet, as I had had not yet told Elissa of my decision, I could enjoy the illicit feeling that I was actually going to have a threesome with a mysterious American couple and it excited me more than I could have possibly imagined. I took the one hundred pounds Elissa had already given me and placed it in the box with the dress and other clothing, changing out of my uniform and carefully folding them into my back pack to wash once I’d arrived home. The Grand was only a five minute walk and Elissa’s absence meant that I could leave her a message at the desk without having to see her disappointment. I would also leave the money and the gifts with the receptionist of course; I couldn’t possibly accept it even though the couple had clearly not been short of money.

But as I walked, I considered how Elissa had so skilfully manipulated me, her generosity and consideration seemingly blocking all routes of escape. The receptionist smiled as I approached the desk, as if knowing who I was and what I was here to do and I felt my cheeks flushing.

“Yes Madam?” The young woman asked with a smile.

“I’d like to return this to suite 402.” I said, hoping that she didn’t hear the uncertainty in my voice.

“Of course, You must be Beth.” Her smile never faded. “Mrs Hughes asked me to give you this.” She slid a card key across the desk. “The elevator is directly behind you. 402 is on the fourth floor, take a left and immediate right.” She said completely ignoring what I’d suggested. I hesitated, but took the key, deciding that I could leave the package in their room with a note of apology before making a hasty exit.

I followed the receptionist’s directions and stood trembling at the door. I was about to enter their room and knew that my curiosity would not let me leave it unexplored. I inserted the key card and stepped inside. The suite was huge and I made my way to the window and opened a set of double doors to step out onto a balcony that overlooked the city. I heard Çanakkale Escort Bayan myself gasp and the magnificence of the York, having never before seen it from such a vantage point. I returned to the main room; a lounge with sumptuous seating and an oak coffee table and I noticed three suitcases by the door and remembered that Elissa had told me that they were leaving tomorrow. I placed the gift box on the coffee table and slipped into the adjoining bedroom for a quick peek, my eyes opening wide at the extravagance of the hand carved mahogany bed, its four tall barley twist posts supporting a canopy of white silk; it was like something out of a fairy tale. I took off my shoes, climbed onto the bed and lay back to imagine spending the night on such a bed, being careful not to disturb the sheets and betray my indulgence. My room at my father’s home was luxurious by normal standards, but this was in a different league entirely.

In a bar directly across the road from the hotel a mobile phone rang and the receptionist at the Grand Hotel spoke from behind her desk. “Mrs Hughes, you asked me to call when your guest arrived. . . It’s my pleasure . . . no problem.” She hung up.

The bathroom was as opulent as the bedroom, with marble walls and floors and gold plated taps on a huge slipper bath. Thick bath towels were folded neatly on shelves by the sink and for a moment I wondered whether I dared . . .” I felt so wicked as I checked my watch it – was only 5:45; I had an hour before Elissa and her husband were due to return. I put in the plug and opened the taps, quickly undressing, sure that I’d be in and out long before Elissa and her husband returned. I added scented oil to the water and dipped in my toe to test the temperature before submerging myself in the steaming pool. The bath was so large that even with my head under the water my toes didn’t reach the other end.

“Hey honey,” I heard a woman’s voice, an American voice. “My feet are killing me. Why don’t you pour yourself a drink while I take a bath?” An instant later, the door opened and Elissa entered carrying the gift that I had left on the coffee table, but in addition she held a second identical box. She smiled reassuringly and casually began to undress while I lay paralysed and transfixed at her beauty when at last she stood naked before me. She posed for a moment to let me inspect her before stepping into the bath, sitting at the opposite end to me so that our legs entwined and our eyes locked. I opened my mouth to speak, but she brought a finger to her lips to silence me. Elissa washed herself, enjoying the feel of my eyes upon her and coming to her knees she began to wash me and I trembled with excitement, knowing that there was now no way out.

We dried and naked, I watched Elissa apply her makeup, and I then sat silently as she painted my face to match hers. She remained naked to dress me and only when she was happy that the clothes she’d bought me were perfect, did she begin to dress herself. At last we stood looking at each other like mirror images, though my blonde hair was far longer and a shade lighter than hers. The velvet dress she’d chosen for us was midnight blue and hugged my figure like a lover’s embrace, its hem reaching just above mid-thigh, though the same dress on her barely hid the lace panties that we both wore. The cut of the neck from thin bootlace straps plunged almost to my naval and barely cradled my firm breasts threatening to release theme with the least encouragement. It was not something I’d have chosen for myself; to be honest I’m, a jeans and T-shirt girl, but again Elissa pressed a finger to her lips to instruct me to remain silent, reaching inbto my cleavage to adjust my breasts. When we were both suitably attired we crept into the empty bedroom and I waited while she returned to her husband.

“Wow!” the man’s voice, rich and powerful exclaimed on seeing his wife and I heard the creaking of a chair as he stood to embrace her.

“Not yet my love.” She crooned. “I’ve booked a table for dinner. You have 10 minutes.”

“I’d better hurry then.” I froze imagining him rushing into the bedroom in which I was concealed.

“In a moment.” Elissa purred, stepping in front of her husband. “I have something else for you.” She opened the bedroom door and extended her hand to me. It felt so unreal as I took her hand and stepped out. “Happy birthday Robert.” Elissa smiled, slipping an arm about my waist, to show him that we were both to be his tonight.

As Robert showered and quickly changed I called home and told Emily that I was going out with friends from work and that I’d be staying over and Elissa grinned at my weak deception.

“If there is anything that you’re not comfortable with Beth, just let me know.” And I felt myself trembling that she had to offer me such an escape, but I nodded and smiled nervously. We took the elevator to the dining room, serving Chinese food tonight, and while Robert escorted me, my arm hooked through his as we Escort Çanakkale followed a waiter to a table in a secluded corner of the busy room, Elissa called in at reception with my waitress uniform, so that it might be cleaned for me.

The waiter pulled out my seat and handed me a menu, but before I’d opened it, Elissa arrived and took it from me. “Why don’t you order for us all honey?” She asked her husband.

Robert and I were sitting close together on the circular table and Elissa pulled her chair around so that I sat between them, close enough for both to caress my thighs.

“Remember Rome?” Robert said with a grin.

“Do I ever?” Elissa laughed and an unspoken communication passed between them. “You’re not wearing a tie.” She said shaking her head.

“Improvise.” He replied impishly, signalling that the waiter should return to take his order and he spoke in low tones so that only the young white shirted man that scurried over to our table could hear.

Elissa thought for a moment and reached beneath the table, triumphantly raising her hand a moment later with one of her stockings. “Stand up Beth.” She smiled to me, coming to her feet and as I did she moved behind me and gently took my wrists, crossing them behind my back and securing them with her stocking. I watched her remove her other stocking, folding it double before using it to blindfold me. The nylon was still warm from her leg and as she tied it behind my head I could make out shapes but nothing else and I wondered what the waiter, who had not yet departed, might be thinking. But whatever his opinion, the young man said nothing and Elissa guided me back to my seat, raising my dress about my waist so that bare flesh rested upon the soft cushion as I sat; my lace panties were on show and I imagined everyone who passed looking down at me. Once again hands rested upon my thighs, though a little higher, teasing fingertips tracing the line of the lace and easing my legs apart.

A short time later I heard plates rattling and an arm rested against me as the waiter placed the food upon the table before us and I imagined him looking down to the moist patch that was growing on my panties. “Will you feed her?” Elissa asked.

“You can do it honey. I’m on her wrong side.” Robert replied rather dejectedly.

“Do you like dim sun Beth?” Elissa asked and I answered honestly, that as far as I knew I’d never tried it. “It’s a kind of selection of different starters.” Robert continued, “You’ll be offered a small parcel and you tell us what you think it is. If you’re right you’ll receive a kiss. If you’re wrong. . .” something hard, I assumed a chopstick, whipped across the tenderest part of my thigh and I squealed.

“I understand.” I said, excited and just a little apprehensive. Something brushed across my lips, leaving a wet trail. I parted them and felt something wet and slimy slide into my mouth. I decided instantly that Dim Sun wasn’t something I’d hurry to reorder, but I bit into the parcel and its intense flavours oozed out onto my tongue. “Prawn I think.” I said, chewing a little before swallowing and waiting. I felt lips against mine, soft and smooth. “Well done,” Elissa purred through her kiss and she held a glass to my lips so that I could sip a little fresh water.

“And this one?” Robert asked as another parcel was offered.

I scored well over the 20 minutes or so that followed, mainly because, although initially all of the food tasted like wet paper, the flavours within were so concentrated. But even so, I wasn’t infallible and my thigh was stinging as Robert had taken control of forfeits for wrong answers and seemed to hit precisely the same place each time. “Oysters?” I said and there was a thwack on my leg, so hard that I almost choked on the remains of the dumpling. “So close,” Elissa encouraged, “it was a scallop. Last one.”

I opened my mouth and felt the slippery gift on my lips as Elissa teased me by running it back and forth before popping it inside. I bit down, but before I could taste the contents, the sauce with which Elissa had covered the morsel burst into flame, scorching my lips and tongue. “Chilli!” I gasped as the fire spread preventing me from tasting anything else. Robert and Elissa laughed loudly as I squirmed. But as I couldn’t see the table or a plate to spit upon, I had no option but to swallow.

Robert removed my blindfold and kissed me tenderly, turning my head so that Elissa might also thank me with her affection and share my discomfort. My mouth was still burning and Robert offered me a glass of water without untying my hands and I gulped it all down, feeling the iced drink dripping from my chin onto my breast.

Elissa dabbed my face with a napkin, but rather than dry my breast she bent forward to kiss the exposed flesh. When she surfaced she had a look that I couldn’t read and she pulled the bootlace strap of the dress from my shoulder to fully expose my breast, returning to suckle and chew my nipple. I moaned and gasped and Robert pulled down the strap on the other side to suck upon my other breast. A waiter returned with another bottle of wine and he looked at me waiting for permission to fill the glasses. From his position he could look directly between my parted legs and I nodded casually, watching him pour and leave without a word.

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