Turnabout Pt. 11

31 Temmuz 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Driving home from our shopping excursion, the easily identifiable store bag remained in my lap. While my wife drove, and for reasons I can’t explain, I kept rifling through the bag to gawk at the nearly two dozen pairs of panties.

That is precisely what I was deeply engrossed with when Marie drove up to a roadside luncheonette and parked. “That’s one heck of a grin you’ve got there, buddy.” Damn! She caught me. “Come on. There’ll be plenty of time for that later. Let’s get a bite to eat.”

Over lunch, we enjoyed a delightful conversation — somehow, none of it sex-related.

Everything changed the moment we stepped into the house. My wife’s whole demeanor reverted back to that of the game master, dictating the day’s activities. “Okay, mister. First, I want you stripped down to your underwear. Time for you to put on a private show for me.” [Cool!] I thought. [Now we’re gonna have some fun.] My clothes were off in a flash, leaving me wearing just those gray see-through panties. I began gyrating for her.

Marie’s facial expression was one of bemused pity. “That’s nice but not what I had in mind.” Dumping the bag of recent acquisitions onto the bed, she said, “First, you need to pick out your favorite pair.”

Under average circumstances, when all of your underwear is plain white, picking out a pair, any pair, would be no challenge at all. Only now, I was confronted with choosing from this colorful array of women’s panties. Panties that, for some weird, yet to be explained reason, were supposedly all for me.

While still hoping to get my wife in the mood for some bedtime fun, the jokester in me picked out the frilliest, most feminine pair — a bright pink print with tiny red hearts, all trimmed in red lace.

Marie smiled, “I like your taste. Now put them on.”

[Okay! Now I got her.] I slipped into the bathroom, took off what I had on, and stepped into this other, much more prissy pair.

To create the most significant emphasis on my dick, I tucked my balls and scrotum up into my abdominal cavity. Thus, the panties fit me like a glove, putting my arousal and excitement front and center. [This oughta get things going in the right direction.]

With a big silly grin, I danced my way out of the bathroom and shimmied over to my wife. “Oh yes! You look just so sweet. Cute even. I can tell that you like them too.” It was true. Even my dick was giving its own sign of approval by standing straight and strong. Having my wife’s positive feedback only added fuel to the fire.

Marie had me do some additional modeling so she could take some pictures. Using her phone’s camera, she had me pose for her while she clicked away. Once again, being the center of attention motivated me to do whatever was asked of me.

Next, she had me make a display of all the rest of my panties on the bed. I was then told to lay on my side across the bed in a Playgirl sort of pose, just above them, so she could take a wide-shot picture “of you and your collection.” Why this was MY collection remained a mystery. But why ruin the moment.

Unlike some people, I’ve never been one to shy away from being photographed. But not since our wedding had this many pictures been taken of me in one day.

With that out of the way, Marie said that she wanted to sit and observe me folding everything in preparation for putting them into my underwear drawer. Clearly, she really did intend for this massive collection of feminine lingerie to be all mine and no one else’s. Following this logic, she had hers, and now I had panties of my own. Chills crawled up and down my spine.

I still had no idea when I’d ever be putting them to use. But the novelty of it was undeniably intoxicating.

As I began folding, it seemed as good a time as any to ask why it had been so important that we buy all of these additional parties? And especially today of all days? When we could be spending the day having wild and uninhibited sex? Her response was, “When I came home last night, I noticed you had draped two of your new panties over the curtain rod in the bathroom. But I noticed a pair of mine there as well. That told me one thing, it told me that you really, REALLY like wearing panties. It also let me know that what you bought yesterday didn’t have enough of something. Maybe color, style, or possibly pizzazz. And since that seemed to be the case, it was only right for us to buy you a wider variety. Now you won’t have to borrow mine because you have plenty of your own.”

My attempts at explaining that putting on her panties was only done as an experiment and not that I even wanted any ladies’ panties. Marie poo-pooed my explanation, saying that I must have enjoyed them enough to have made a mess in them, necessitating a good rinse. Well, she kind of had me there.

With everything neatly folded, I opened my underwear drawer to put them away. One problem — the drawer was so full of briefs and boxers that there was no room to add all of today’s purchases. “Hey, babe? Where Subayevleri Escort am I supposed to put these?”

Those words had barely left my lips when Marie sprang from where she’d been sitting, saying, “I can fix that.” Right before my eyes, she reached into the drawer and scooped up all of my men’s underwear into her arms.

Before I knew what was happening, my wife had exited the bedroom and was going down the hall. Stunned curiosity had me hurriedly dropping the stack of panties into the drawer so I could catch up to her. [What is she doing?] Marie seemed to chuckle as I padded barefooted behind her.

With her arms full of my tighty-whities, Marie walked out the sliding glass back door, across the patio, and into the backyard. I watched as she headed past the garden shed at the far corner of our yard and straight for the trash barrel. Marie was smiling as she lifted the lid. Then, glancing back over her shoulder, Marie checked to make sure I was still watching from the back door.

The surprised look that flashed on her face was priceless. It turned out I had not stopped at the doorway. Or even at the patio. Instead, just like a little puppy following its master, I stood just feet behind her.

Now I was the one who was smiling. After all, I had called her bluff. There was no way she really intended to throw away perfectly good underwear. Marie, however, quickly recovered, leaving me as the surprised one. Before my very eyes, she tossed all of my underwear into the trash barrel. Dumbfounded, I bellowed, “What the hell are you doing?”

“I just solved your underwear problem. Now you have plenty of room for your new, much prettier underwear.”

This was completely absurd! I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. I needed my underwear. But before I could retrieve them, Marie said one more thing that instantly sent chills through me. “Don’t even THINK about taking them out of there either, or there will be hell to pay.”

This froze me in my tracks. I knew that tone very well. It was my wife’s don’t dare mess with me’ tone. Then, as extra insurance, she took down the hanging flower pot and dumped it on top of the underwear.

Marie was smirking as she moved around me until she was between the house and me before really drilling home my situation. In a sickeningly sweet voice, she said, “Don’t look so surprised, sweetie.” Then, more loudly, she added, “You know you like wearing GIRLIE things. I mean, just look at you. Standing here, showing our neighbors how excited you are about your new panties!”

OH MY GOD!!! My wife had put me under such a spell that I honestly hadn’t thought about how I was dressed (or undressed) when I followed her into the yard! Now that I’d been snapped out of my coma, I realized that I was barefoot and utterly naked except for the very girlie panties I had jokingly offered to put on.

Yep. That was me. Out in the wide-open and sun-lit backyard, wearing hot pink panties with red lace trim. My previously private show had just gone public.

Reflexively, I looked around at the neighbor’s houses and backyards, hoping that I might not be seen if I hurried back into the house.

No such luck! A quick scan of my surroundings revealed that I was being observed from all sides.

To my left, my good friend Andy had been working in his garden. On the opposite side, Josephine, our slightly older and recently divorced neighbor, had been cleaning her windows. Both had stopped what they were doing, watching and waiting to see what was next.

Meanwhile, in the yard directly behind ours, fifteen-year-old Rachel and two of her friends had their cell phones in hand. Were they texting or gaming? Did it really matter? Now, all three stood in slack-jawed awe at the spectacle occurring in the back door neighbor’s yard.

[This has to be a nightmare!]

Nope! This was real. With only a 4-foot chain-link fence separating our yards, I was clearly visible on all sides. The angle and intensity of the afternoon sun emphasized the blinding hot pink of the panties I wore, along with the size of my little erection.

Geez! I still had a hard-on!

The sounds of giggling girls began filtering through the already congested sensory inputs. My face grew red with embarrassment. Somehow, I couldn’t seem to move from where I stood. Yet, as if on a turntable, I continued turning round and round. I was surrounded on all sides. Where my wife stood prevented a quick exit. Turning from her, I saw Andy moving towards the fence. Then there were the girls and their beaming smiles, likewise for Josephine. No matter which way I turned, anxious eyes were focused on me. “Hey, Marie!” I heard Andy call out, “For a moment, I thought that was Jeff there with you. But based on the attire, I’m guessing that’s his sister with you.”

I looked over to see him smiling broadly as Marie yelled back, “Yea, she just arrived. Strong family resemblance.”

My cock gave a twitch at Subayevleri Escort Bayan the humiliation of it all. “Looks like she enjoys showing off,” he said.

“You got that right. No modesty with her.”

Andy quickly shot back, “Anytime she wants to put on another show, give Donna and me a call.”

Humiliated, I turned away from Andy only to be facing the teenage girls again, who were now using their phone’s cameras, photographing EVERYTHING!

In rotating myself away from the girls and their cameras, my feet finally found the ability to move. Swinging past Marie, I ran into the house. Just as I was crossing the patio, Josephine leaned out her window shouting, “Hey Marie. My niece left some of her training bras that just might fit.”

I made it through the back door just as Marie was calling back to Josephine, “That sounds like a good idea, Josie. Thanks.”

Marie had the biggest smile on her face as she approached. And you know what? So did I! I couldn’t believe how turned on I was by the humiliation of exposing myself to people I knew.

Just then, from behind the fence, Rachel chimed in. “If you’d like, I still have some old bras that don’t fit me anymore.” Through hysterical laughter, the other girls offered theirs as well.

[Bras?!?! Really?] Why was I shaking with excitement, listening to Marie tell our neighbors, “Thanks. All donations that fit will be appreciated.” Gloating, my wife turned to me, saying, “See, sweetie, Everyone wants you to have everything you want and need.”

This wearing panties thing was suddenly morphing into something else entirely. It was getting way out of hand, that’s what! [How the hell do I keep getting into these situations?] While following my wife back into the bedroom, I tried to figure out just what type of game we were playing. What other means of embarrassing me has Marie dreamed up? Where was this all leading? And just how far was I willing to go?

Just then, I had a moment of clarity. [Oh, heck. They’re just teasing me. RIGHT? I mean, come on. Exposing myself to them like that deserved some teasing. It didn’t mean it was ever going to happen. I mean, really. Training bras?! What’s next? Stockings, high heels, and makeup? Yeah, like I was ever going let that happen.]

Marie interrupted my thoughts by asking, “You haven’t told me; did you enjoy the cum I brought home for you?” That question took me back to Marie returning from her night of fucking a stranger, causing a small moan to escape. “I know that you swallowed it because you left the empty condom on your pillow.” Just thinking about the kinky thing she had done elicited another moan. “I knew you would. Turning you on turns me on.”

“Well,” I replied with a chuckle, “I had kinda been hoping to dine on creampie. Instead, I had a cum filled condom shoved into my mouth. Very creative, I might add.” I chuckled again. “Keeping it warm inside your pussy and all. Too bad it burst while I was asleep, so, unfortunately, I have no memory of actually tasting any cum.”

“Poor baby.” Her words were sincere, but her tone dripped with sarcasm. “I’m sorry to hear that. Well, I tried.”

Marie looked at the clock and said, “Okay. It’s getting late. I’ve got to get ready for my date.”

“DATE?” I asked incredulously. “What date? I planned for us to have tonight all to ourselves.”

“We are going to have tonight all for ourselves,” Marie was quick to respond. “Just not together.” My plans for making our own hot night of sex were falling apart.

I suddenly felt numb. [Another date?! Holy shit! I thought for sure that last night would end up being a ‘one and done’ sort of thing. She’d had her fling, and that would be the end of things.] Before I could argue that tonight was supposed to be OUR night, Marie continued. “Remember me telling you how I drunkenly almost knocked a guy over?” This was a rhetorical question. Of course, I remembered. “Well, I gave him my number, and this morning, half an hour before you came home, he called me asking if he could meet me?”

“And I suppose you couldn’t resist, could you?” That came out sounding much too snotty, which I instantly regretted. I reached out for her hand, “I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that I really had my heart set on having you to myself tonight, being childless and all.” Marie patted my hand, telling me that there would be other nights. “Yeah, I know. It’s just that I kinda figured that once you had tested the waters, you’d, I don’t know… I just thought that you’d tell me that once was enough.”

Marie laughed out loud. “Oh, sweetie. You thought wrong.”

A light bulb lit above my head. “So, all along, while we’ve been playing, ‘your game, your rules,’ this was a part of the plan, wasn’t it?”

“You know it, sweetie. Oh! And the best part about it being MY GAME, is that you never asked for a time limit when it ends. That means I get to say when the game will end. Until I do, the rules Escort Subayevleri are that you have to play along for as long as I say and do what I tell you. And right now, I’m telling you that you will be helping me get ready for my date with Jason.”

“Wait. What? How? Why would I want to do that?”

“Because,” Marie snapped, “I am telling you that you will get me ready for my date.”

I took a deep breath in resignation, “Yeah. I know, your game, your rules.’

“That’s right. You told me over and over that I should let someone else fuck me. That means you want to be a cuckold. Well, I’m granting your wish. And after last night, this is something I really NEED to do! It might be just this one more date. Then again, maybe there will be more. I don’t know. But tonight, I am going to see Jason, and well, we’ll see where things go from there.” Then a strange expression lit up her face. “Who knows, Jason might not be enough. I might need to try out a few others.”

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. [Well, I’ll be damned! My wife is a convert! It’s a complete turnabout in her thinking. Going from reserved and monogamous to having no reservations about fucking an assortment of men.]

Somehow, while trying not to let my excitement show, I said, “I’m guessing it’s tonight’s date why you let it slip earlier about not needing to make excuses. No little ones around to know that mommy is out again.”

“Exactly. And while I’m on my date with Jason, you will have nothing to distract you from thinking about me and what I might be doing. I’m sure your dirty little mind will picture all sorts of nasty things Jason and I are doing together.”

Sure enough, my dick was already inflating.

My wife had me right where she wanted me — horny as hell while hoping that she’d get the fucking of her lifetime. “All part of the game, I guess?” I asked, knowing full well it was. “Well, since you’re getting laid tonight, do I get a consolation prize for playing this game?”

In her most seductive voice, she said, “Well, you said that last night you were cheated out of a creampie. I have a feeling that when I come home, you will be getting a sweet and creamy prize.” This elicited another deeper moan. [God! I can almost taste that creampie now!]

Following my wife’s directions, I helped her undress, and together we got into the shower. Using her sweetest smelling soap, I washed her from head to toe. Although it hardly needed doing, she had me shave her. The legs and armpits were first leaving her pubic area for last. I can barely describe the intense feelings that raced through me while carefully and diligently tending to this area. Knowing that I was prepping my wife for another man’s viewing and tactile pleasure motivated me to make everything perfect.

While preparing my wife for her date with another man, she again told me just how good-looking this Jason character is. How kind he was after she stumbled into him.

With Marie kneeling in front of me so I could wash her hair, she gently rubbed her hand over my pantie covered hard-on until I was about to erupt. But, of course, ejaculation was something I still was forbidden from having.

After all soap and shampoo had been rinsed off, it was time to towel my bride dry.

Before she could dress for her date, I applied moisturizing cream to every inch of her body. Next, she had me fasten a black suspender garter belt around her waist before rolling a pair of fancy stockings up her legs. Decorative pinstripes of black on nude ran the length of the stockings. This gave the illusion that her legs were extra long. Black high heels shoes added definition to her calves.

Next, she needed to apply her makeup.

I should explain that my wife was born with and has retained its excellent complexion. Even without any makeup, her natural beauty is stunning. Her eyelashes and eyebrows perfectly complement and accent her deep brown eyes. And her lips are invitingly kissable, with just the right amount of swell without being puffy.

Applying a dusting of powder to her nose and brow masked any sheen. And specifically for her date, she chose to wear dusty red lipstick. She said the color was to look kissable without being overly aggressive.

Then it was time to finish drying her hair before brushing it out. I stood there patiently, admiring the sight before me. Aside from her garter and stockings, my wife was still naked. Although I had seen my wife getting herself dolled up plenty of times, it still never failed to steal my breath away to look at her. Only this time, she wasn’t doing this for me. Instead, my wife was putting in this effort for her ‘date’. The sexiest woman I know was going on a date with another man. The dark belt and suspenders framed and showed off her bald pubis.

With her face and hair done to her satisfaction, all that remained was slipping the sexy black dress over her head and allowing it to slither down her body. The plunging neckline, both front, and back, precluded wearing a bra. And it was no surprise to me when Marie chose not to put on any panties. This was, after all, the game master’s night. It was my wife’s date. Her night to freely express herself in any way she chose. I was only there to assist in the preparations. And it was damned exciting to play this part.

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