Mutual Consent

3 Temmuz 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Mutual ConsentWe’d set it up in advance…and had talked about it for months andmonths leading up to it. We had fashioned out the specifics, but shedidn’t know exactly which night of her three night hotel stay that Iwould be inside her room, waiting for her in the dark. I had a phraseto say, to let her know it was me when I forced myself on her, andeven before she walked in I was tense with sexual anticipation.I spent my hour of time before she came in moving the two small roomsaround slightly, rearranging chairs so that if she ended up beingthrown there would be a clear path and she wouldn’t risk hittinganything breakable. I moved lamps off of tables and took all of thebulbs out, tucking them away inside the mini-fridge to preventanything serious from being broken. The d****s were half-pulled, andthe lights inside were all turned off…the first signal to her thatI’d be in the room, and only one of two.I spent most of the fifteen minutes of time waiting in the kitchenettearea, slowly drinking a beer and keeping myself focused. I had a book,but my mind was far too entrenched in another place to focus on wordson a page. Instead…I took care of myself once, quickly, so that theadrenaline and the heat of the moment wouldn’t overtake me. I wantedthis to last…a while. And, from what we’d been discussing…so didshe.And time passed. As I waited there, clad in dark clothes with a hoodiepulled over my head, I checked the furniture one last time and thenheard people walking in the hallways near the room. I slid silentlyinto the kitchenette, so that the door would open and I could beconcealed behind it, and I waited.A moment passed, silence held itself in the air…And then, quietly, the keycard reader on the door chirped its tone ofdelivery. My “victim” had arrived.I waited for the door to open fully, and kept myself motionless behindit. She stepped into the hotel room and turned toward the small closetarea, one hand distractedly pushing the door shut as her shoulderslowered, beginning to slide her jacket off her body. I let a secondpass for the door to fully shut, and then moved in behind her. Onehand seized her jacket by the collar, twisting it and lifting up topull her arms back and away from her body…and with my other I tookher by the neck and pushed her against the wall in the small hallway.My body was beside hers, one arm lifting both of hers as they weretrapped in the jacket, and the other firm around her neck. My voicewas low, and my lips brushed against her ear as I spoke. “You’ve hadthis coming a long, long time…” Clue two. I pulled her jacket down,tearing it from her arms as she squirmed against me. I shifted topress my body fully against hers, punning her to the wall and lettingher feel my arousal pressing firm against her, and took one of herarms that had been beginning to move to claw at my fingers and pulledit away from her body, splaying her against the wall as my teethgrazed her neck, my lips sucking hungrily at her skin.With my body pressing her against the wall my hand around her neckstarted sliding down her body…over her shoulder and to her side,squeezing one of her firm breasts as it was pressed against the wall,squeezing hard before I turned, throwing her body into the first realroom of the hotel room. A sitting room, the couch and table werepushed out to the far walls…and she stumbled as I pushed her,falling to the ground and looking up at me as I started walking afterher…my boots fading from a heavy thud from the linoleum of thekitchenette and hallway to a soft thump as I stood over her, pullingthe hood off from my head.She tried to scramble away from me, rising up on her hands and kneesthen backing up…I reached down and took her by one ankle, afterseveral misses I finally took her and grabbed firm, then tossed herleg aside, giving myself a good (if brief) view directly up her skirtand throwing her off balance so that I could pin her by sitting withmy weight on her behind, pinning her to the carpet in the mostly bareroom. Her legs flattened out under my weight and kicked against me,her hands seeking purchase as I reached down, pulling up at her thinshirt.I felt it start to give, and pulled harder. She let out a lusty moanas the material gave way under my hands, splitting at the seams as Ipulled it against her body with my weight on top of it. She laid therefor a moment in surprise, her chest heaving underneath my weight as Itook in the sight of her firm body, the cream-colored bra she waswearing blending with her lightly tanned skin and providing anarousing thought as what was hiding under it. I slid up her resistingbody, her plea’s thick and laden with lusty moans as I did so, untilmy weight was on the small of her back with my thighs squeezing herupper body.Her arms kept reaching for me, trying to get hold…but with the way Iwas positioned she wasn’t able to get good purchase on anything. I,however, given my position was able to reach behind myself…handsreaching Escort blindly to pull at her skirt…fingers fumbling for thezipper blindly. Her hips were writhing underneath me, making itimpossible to find the zipper for her skirt. I felt the track of it,but couldn’t find the zipper itself, so I stilled her.My free hand reached up, caressing the soft skin of her neck for justa brief moment, before my fist found itself wound into her hair,pulling her head back sharply. Her body, the body of an athleticdancer…soft curves with strong muscle underneath it…bowed back andher breath caught at the sensation. With that brief moment, I grabbeda handful of her skirt and pulled it down hard, and with that, it camehalfway down past her hips.She gasped again, and then twisted. Admittedly, I was quite offbalance, and fell to the side in surprise as she tried to once moremove away from me into the only other full room…and one with thebeds and the large windows. And no other place to go. I let her getthrough the archway that led to the bedroom, and took a moment tostand and start walking after her, pulling my hoodie off and droppingit onto the couch as I passed. She came up to her feet, looking aroundthe room that was only dimly lit from half-filtered light coming infrom outside, and practically panted with anticipation before comingback into “the game” we were playing.Earlier, I slid the bed sideways, to open up more room in the middleof the area. All of the nightstands were against the wall and thesimple armless chairs were pushed up against the windows, the d****sfalling around their low backs. A brief moment to take all of that in,and she looked at me, shaking her head.”You’re going to have to try a lot harder than that, if you want me….”Her voice was slow, each word measured to try and silence thetrembling with arousal that came along with it. Her cheeks wereflushed, and her chest heaving. I made it a point to avoid her face,focusing on her breasts as they rose and fell.”Doll…I haven’t yet begun to try.” Simple, a bit playful, but with theserious edge I put into my tone enough to keep her guessing.She moved to try and run past me, through the narrow doorway thatseparated the bedroom from the sitting room, hoping her momentum wouldmake up for her smaller size.It didn’t. I caught her with one arm around the waist, and with a deepgrunt lifted her into the air. I pulled her around close to me,holding her body tight against mine as I started to walk her acrossthe room. She writhed and flailed against me, trying to wriggle freefrom my grip, but I only squeezer her tighter to my body, pressing theair from her lungs for a brief second as I pushed her onto one of thechairs.She landed with legs on either side, sitting and facing the back ofthe chair…her view going to the city that lay out before and belowus…and on my reflection in the glass standing behind her. I pushedcloser, my legs straddling the chair behind hers and my body pushingher against it, bending her upper body forward so that she was pressedagainst the glass. One arm wrapped around the low back of the chairand I took hold, pinning her once more with my weight.A moment to lean down to her, my lips brushing against her ear oncemore, her head tossed back defiantly against me, her breathing morelabored, half-formed exasperated words falling to near mute whimperingas I trailed a rough line down the arch of her neck with my mouth,teeth nipping and biting at her shoulder as I sat. Pushing her roughlyagainst the back of the chair, pinning her there with her legs spread,pressing against the soft fabric. My free hand traveled over her bareflesh, gripping and pinning one of her arms between my body and hers,and then the other one in turn so that she was practically helpless.She was pinned and may as well have been bound…her arms folded backand my weight capturing her into the chair, pressing her against thethick glass of her moderately high storied room. Most of her upperbody was pressed against the cool glass, and my free hand began totravel over it, squeezing between skin and the barrier between us andthe fall…groping roughly ay her breasts through the thin material ofher bra, and then to the bra itself. My fingers found purchase betweenit and against her flesh, and I pulled it down, tearing the thinmaterial away from the ribcage support, away from theunderwire…leaving a single firm breast and arousal-hardened nippleto press flat to my hand, against the glass.Her protests were fading as I pushed against her, as I held her firmbreasts tightly in my hand and began to whisper into her ear, my teethand tongue passing skin lightly enough to make her question how closeI really was. “Now this…this is where you start to get uncomfortable…”My hand left her chest, with a quickly suppressed moan of regret fromher parted full lips, and to her hip, to the skirt that she hadstraightened previously. Nimble fingers found the zipper this time,and Escort Bayan tore is down forcefully…letting the skirt split open and give meanother look at the silken panties she had on underneath. Creamcolored, like her bra…but thin and sheer…almost invisible against herskin. One sharp pull of the skirt now, and it was dropped behind us onthe floor, leaving her there with nothing but her heels, half of herbra, and underwear so thin and sheer had she been standing up I wouldhave been able to see exactly how aroused she was.Her body was still pinned solidly against the chair and the glass ofthe reinforced window, with just the weight of my body and my one armholding onto the chair. So, since she’d already had the courtesy ofundressing to the point she was…I thought it only fair. I wanted tofeel more of myself against her, more of my skin pressing to her lighttan, her soft flesh. With one hand I pulled my shirt up between us,and during so she started to squirm more forcefully. My hand, the onewrapping around us, and the chair, shot up almost instinctively, armaround the low back of the chair, forearm pressed to her chest, andhand wrapping around her slender neck. I gripped her firmly, enough toknow that any further movement on her end would…not go well.”Stop it…or things get worse for you.” Eight words into her ear andshe settled into stubborn stillness. My thumb traced a light linealong her chin, ad my palm and fingers squeezed a bit harder…cuttingoff her breath for a moment and reinforcing my point. She stopped…andwith my other hand I pulled my shirt off, pressing my body againsthers for the briefest of moments, feeling her heart thumping, andracing in her chest…and then…I lifted.I stood, pulling her to her feet with my safe grip on her neck. Shestood straddling the chair still, my hand sliding from the front ofher throat to the back, thumb on one side of her neck and fingers onthe other. My free hand pressed against her chest, bending her overthe low back of the chair while taking the fasteners of her bra in aquickly forming fist. I pulled back on it sharply, holding her thereto the glass so that she couldn’t come with it…and as I expected,the fasteners gave, the material fluttering down in its alreadydamaged state to the floor under us. And she stood there, tremblingwith anticipation as I pushed her forward more, her upper body pressedagainst the window, her eyes looking back at me lustily, knowing fullwell that we weren’t too high up in the hotel to prevent the curiousonlookers from getting a show.She had her back arched toward me, the lines of her long legs in herheels was always a welcome sight, but bent as she was, it wasdevastating to my sense of reason. Her arms splayed out onto theglass, seeking balance to her body, and her head still tossed back inthe defiant manner that she possesses, hair spilling over hershoulders and concealing my hand holding her. It was at that point,I’d had enough with playing around.I took hold of the last piece of material that concealed her body andpulled it down. The band of the material stretched, but gave andtraveled down her thighs far enough for me to do what needed to bedone. A moment looking at them and even I was surprised as how arousedshe was…her scent filled the air, and my hand moved from her body tomy waistband, unbuckling my belt and opening my jeans.She watched me from the corners of her eyes, her lips wet with hersupple tongue, and she took in a deep breath to voice somethought…to scream…to let out the moan she wanted to…but Istopped her, my hand clenching tightly, fingers pressing into thefront of her throat, catching the air in her lungs as I pressed mylower body against hers…my legs taking a wide stance so I was at theright level to press my absolute hardness against her, the headsliding between her thighs, sending a shudder through her body as Idid so. My grip relaxed, and I could see the hair on the skin of herarms go stiff, could feel the gooseflesh on her neck, and watched herentire body ripple with the pleasure of the touch.I took the briefest of moments, teasing the both of us by sliding thehead of my shaft between her lips. We were both panting at thesensation, testing our resolve. Her hips subtly shifted back, tryingto guide me inside her as my hand slid down, taking her hip firmly,holding her in place bent there…over the chair, against the window.And, with a moment to make certain that I was right outside her, atthe very cusp of slipping inside…I pushed forward…hard.She screamed a lusty peal of absolute desire as I did so, and was tooquick about it for me to silence her before it happened. The feel ofbeing inside her, after all of the build up that we had just gonethrough, did a considerably good job distracting me to what I wasplanning…thankfully, it took her a few moments to center herself aswell…and when we both came back to our senses after that initialpenetration, we really began Bayan Escort to work off of one another.She pushed back against me, in a vain attempt to make it seem like shewas trying to escape. But, given my position, I held her, and witheach of her attempts to quicken the pace I tightened my hand aroundher neck…enough to make her gasp and be unable to take in air…and eachtime I would slide back out to chastise her, and wait long momentsbefore going back deep into her, pushing her weight against the windowand exposing her to the street below.And then, after what seemed like minutes on top of minutes, I held herthere…my head splitting her lips, just outside of her…dripping withwetness…feeling her body shudder and writhe on top of me…and I movedback, my hands moving, taking her under her arms, lifting her up andaway from the chair, and turning to throw her onto the already unmadebed. I walked toward her after she landed with her legs splayed openand inviting, as she tried to situate herself.She sat up quickly, but a hand caressing her cheek and then grippingher hair firmly solved that bit of disobedience…I climbed onto theedge of the bed, separating her legs with a knee sliding between herthighs, and pulled her down onto her back by her hair. Her back archedand she let out a gasp of surprise tinted with pleasure, and I climbedon top of her…spreading her legs fully with mine, shifting to run thelength of my hardness against her slit. Her ruby red lips moaned inanticipation, and my mouth went down, teeth capturing the previouslyunm*****ed skin of her other breast. She wasn’t even fighting back,now…her body to worn by resisting initially and wanting me back insideher too much to pretend.So…I gave her what she wanted. My hands pinned hers down above herhead so that I could look down at her body underneath me, and Ishifted my hips, sliding my length inside her…my own lips parted witha moan that time, the feel of her around me clenching tightly to everyinch as it entered her…looking at her eyes, wanton and lustful, seeingher chest heave. I drank her in like a fine wine, giving her a momentof softness, of feeling me gently inside her……before I moved againStill inside her I finished crawling onto the bed, sitting on my kneesas I moved one of her legs, keeping both of her slender wrists held onone hand. I lifted her leg, turning her onto her side as I put herankle up onto my shoulder and released her hands…both mine wrappingaround that one strong thigh, and I started pushing into her hard…eachthrust shifting the bed, making it thump against the wall as we bothgroaned at the feeling of our lust finally getting release.Her hands seized her breasts, squeezing them as her back arched, herbody shifting to better take me inside her. One of mine kept hold onher thigh…sliding lower however…so that my palm would press down onher clit as she twisted…as she pushed her hips onto me…and the otherslid back, cupping one toned cheek of her ass, squeezing it sharplybefore pulling back, delivering a slap that most certainly could beheard by anyone in an adjoining room.Her lips parted and she threw her head back with a deep groan ofsatisfaction, the final push taking her over the precipice, as herwhole body began to shake with the orgasm. I could feel her around me,her body and muscles clenching down, holding me inside her…and I keptpushing toward her body, my own climax very soon in arriving. Istarted to focus more on her body, trying to delay the end but tootaken in by the sight that was splayed out before me to try and harderthan giving it a passing thought.Her thighs trembled in my hands, her body shuddered as I grew closerand my breathing became even more labored…she could see the flush ofmy skin and hear my breathing, and started taunting me…one of herhands pushing one of mine away and her fingers spreading, sliding downagainst her sex, pressing against her lips and squeezing me with eachstroke, her lips silent but her eyes urging me on, pleading…and withthat, it didn’t take long…I started to shudder as I felt myselfrelease, my breath caught in my throat, my body arched against hersand paused right at the precipice…She started to shake again, the feeling of me swelling inside herpushing her back onto the ledge she’d just recovered from, and my bodyfeel forward, the muscles tightening and releasing so strongly I laymyself against her, my bare chest against hers as my hips shifted, myeyes clenched shut, and I felt myself start to climax deep inside her.Her hands, in repayment, took me by the throat…both of them having tobe used…and she tightened her grip between each one of my breaths…theasphyxiation and release only heightening what I felt as I keptpushing into her smaller frame, holding inside her until I’d finishedand the world came back to me, lying there on top of her.We were exhausted; I was holding her naked and bruised form against myhalf-clothed body, out breath slowly returning to normal as we took ineverything that had just happened, lost in a moment that wouldcertainly kill us if it’d lasted forever. Needless to say, it is quitedefinitely something we are going to arrange again…once we recoverfrom what we did after we caught out breath again.

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