Goddess Katrin and The Marlboro Man

24 Nisan 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Goddess Katrin and The Marlboro Man


Sean is an average guy, a skilled blue-collar guy with a dad bod and no great athletic ability, but he is attractive with salt-and-pepper hair. He is just coming off of a divorce that pretty much ruined him emotionally. He is wounded but actively wants another chance. He has a great interest in sex, but his first wife cheated on him and that hurt his pride.

Katie, or Mistress Katrin as she prefers to call herself, is a very strong woman with a raging libido and major control issues. She has been living in the world of BDSM for over 5 years. She is dedicated to the premise of Female Superiority. Tall and lithe, she is a “MILF” and her self-confidence and seductive IQ are genius level. She knows what men want and her senses can detect male pheromones at 100 paces, and HER pheromones are intoxicating on a supernatural level. She owns her own business and as CEO of a premium maid and babysitting service, she has access to a lot of eligible men. Not unmarried men, but men whom she can corrupt whenever she wants. However, she has experienced a disturbance in the force in the form of Sean Watson, the electrician that has come to fix her power outage at her fancy home…

Chapter One

The Marlboro Man

Katie stepped out of the shower and toweled off and dropped her towel so she could take a long appraising gaze at her body in her full-length mirror. She was happy that she had chosen to get the boob job and butt lift last year. She had not been generously blessed when her boobs had finally come in. Her 34B boobs always left her with a lack of confidence. Her ass too had been nothing to remark on, so she had taken responsibility to make the changes that she wanted to see. She already worked out and did yoga, so fitness wasn’t the problem. It was God. Yeah, he, the author of the tragic Patriarchal system that so much of the earth had been ruled by for millennia, was not her choice of sovereigns. Her Deity of choice was the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, who inspired the much more natural order of things. She and her circle of friends worked tirelessly behind the scenes to see the OWP, or Old White Patriarchy toppled and replaced by the Divine Matriarchy in which the natural superiority of the Divine Feminine would supplant the Male, inferior energy that had turned the world into such a mess. Once Females were in charge, Mother Earth would finally be able to heal and thrive.

Since she knew the Goddess wanted her to overcome and be able to subjugate males to do her will, so she also knew that she would need to develop her seductive assets. She sometimes thought of herself as an assassin in training and her pursuit of the martial arts and esoteric combative practices had built her self-confidence to go along with her pride in her new 36DD boobs which were magnificent, but yet not so big as to get in the way if she needed to defend herself or put some asshole male in his place forcibly. It wasn’t as if she hated men, for she surely did not! What she loathed were the arrogant and prideful fools that still clung to the vain belief that males were the apex predators. She had to laugh when she thought of these antiquated notions but also understood that careless males and their continual underestimation of female power and prowess added immensely to her ability to thoroughly thrash a much larger and stronger male before he realized what was happening to him. She knew precisely how to hurt, maim, and if need be kill a male with swift and subtle techniques that made her and her well-trained fellow goddesses, deadlier than Black Widow spiders. The spiders could kill you of course, but it would take MUCH longer.

Katie, whose given name was Katrin Elaina Witt, had begun introducing herself as Goddess Katrin, or Mistress Katrin, depending on her mood at the time. Her hair was sleek, straight, silky, and raven black. She spent extra time each day caring for it and it was luxurious. She also had her lips plumped and when she applied her makeup, she did so knowing that she could crush the will of a saint and raise an erection on a eunuch. Since she fancied herself as a lithe and deadly cat or Cat Woman, she loved that image, and her weekly manicures kept her inch and a half long dagger style nails properly sharpened, curved and polished. She loved many colors and effects on her nails, but blood red or Vampire black and lacquered to a stunning shine were her go-to colors. She had long since donated all of her “vanilla” clothing such as standard dresses or gowns and had revamped her wardrobe with leather, vinyl, bustiers, boots of every description, and a preponderance of black, purple, and red. Lingerie had become her new loungewear and only when she went to Yoga and the gym did she choose normal workout clothing. She loved to wear provocative clothing to go grocery shopping, reveling in the chaos she wreaked as men’s jaws dropped and jealous wives slapped the shit out of them as she sashayed her sexy body travesti seks hikayeleri through the store.

She had begun to experiment in the BDSM scene five years earlier before she had done her physical transformation. She quickly acclimated and found a home as a dominant and just knew that this had to be much more than an occasional playtime. She set about to study everything she could get her hands on related to lifestyle Female Domination and Female Supremacy. She had found her calling! She had trained several subs, both male and female, but had never found someone with whom she clicked. She did discover that she loved having sex with other women and determined that she was solidly bi-sexual.

Katrin has set her heart on finding the right male that she could seduce and train to be her primary slave and mate. As much as she held Female Supremacy as her gospel, she had an ache that had gnawed at her for years. She wanted a man. Not a casual fuck, because she had those in abundance and there was any number of willing drones that would line up just for the chance to smell her laundry. No, she wanted…she NEEDED a man. And she was very particular about what type of man she wanted. The gym rats that drooled over her with their pretty pumped-up muscles and perfect tans were not what intrigued her. She wanted The Marlboro Man.

She laughed at herself as she remembered that crazy attraction that she first noticed as a little girl watching TV. When the cigarette commercials would come on with that rugged-looking cowboy riding his horse and being an alpha male, she had experienced her first pair of wet panties as her young pussy both heated and got wet. She was too young to understand the science, but ever since then, she had regarded hard-working men, who were proud and independent, as just the kind of man that turned her on. This, later on, played havoc with her newfound religion of Feminine Domination because men like that, she had discovered as she grew older, were quite often the prideful arrogant assholes that pissed her off in overheard conversations or television shows with their constant bragging and underestimation of Women.

She had the visceral desire to cut those male chauvinist assholes down to size and humiliate them. She had learned to love humiliating her subs as she became more and more dominant. Too bad so many of them LIKED it! She wanted to belittle someone who would loathe it and shrivel up as she shredded their pride. Still…even though she couldn’t explain it, she also had a deep desire for one of those men to LOVE HER! She decided to break one of those broncs and make him her own. She needed to be LOVED and WORSHIPPED by a strong-willed man, whom she had broken, and who would allow his pride to be stripped away and, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, choose to remain subordinate and obedient to her. And she would LOVE him in return, and pledge to keep herself for him in her heart. But of course not the bedchamber or the dungeon, she was after all the Goddess of this realm and she would fuck whom she willed. But special fucks and training and cuddling and Mommy Doming would remain for her beloved alone. She had worked out WHAT she wanted, but had not yet discovered who!

Sean Watson stared at his feet and rolled his head from side to side trying to work out the massive crick in his neck that he had managed to get while sleeping on his shitty thrift store mattress and pillow last night. His neck hurt. His shoulders hurt, as did his back and even his head as it pounded away with a hangover headache. He didn’t spend a lot of nights out drinking, probably because he didn’t fit in with any crowd and spent most of his time alone when he wasn’t working. Divorced for only about 6 months, he was lonely but hated the dating scene and didn’t want to start over again.

At 36, he was glad that he and Renee had not had children. That was one less responsibility to tie him to this town and god he hated this town. West Texas had been a good place to grow up, but when your ex-wife was friends with 1,346 of the 1,357 people in your dumpy-ass hometown, it made “fresh starts” a little hard to come by. He had been back from Iraq for exactly three days when he and Renee had met at the little honkytonk just outside of town. She was the best kisser he had ever met, and they fucked for three hours…or was it only 20 minutes back at her trailer before he fell asleep. One week later they were hitched and Sean had no fucking clue how that had happened.

As an electrician, Sean made pretty good money, but the commutes to jobs were long and hot in his ’90 Ford F100 that sucked gas more effectively than Renee sucked cock. She was still a pretty good kisser but their love life cooled within a year and she spent less and less time keeping the house and herself presentable. As long as he kept the paychecks coming, she felt she had it made. Then in July of last year when Phil got laid off on a Wednesday, and he arrived home 3 hours early. The trailer was already rocking when he turned off the truck. As he listened to the moaning and screaming coming from his bedroom, he thought to himself, “Four years and 3 months. That is the length of ‘Forever'”. On their wedding day as they danced at the reception he remembered her saying, “I’ll love you forever, baby!” Four years and three months. He spent more time in the Army than he did in this marriage. Shit, he spent more time in combat, than he spent fucking her. Well damn. It was odd, he wasn’t even mad.

Embarrassed, yes, but mad? Nah. He realized then for the first time, that he had never really loved her. So the only emotion that Sean had going through his head as he got out of his truck and pulled his double-barreled 12ga Coach gun from the gun rack was curiosity and a wicked funny desire to see two people shit the bed before he packed his bags. As it so happened, an old friend of Renee’s was the afternoon delight that day, and when Sean unloaded both barrels of 00 buckshot into the floor of the bedroom just as they both were reaching climax, he got his wish! Both love birds shat such a stream of excrement as they came out of the bed; they looked like a flock of geese taking off from a pond under fire. The humor of the moment was lost on the previously coupled copulates, but Sean calmly gathered his clothes and toiletries and stuffed them in his already mostly packed ‘go bag’, grabbed his range bag with his 2 pistols and extra ammo, and cleaning kit and sauntered back out to his truck.

That was what started Sean on his journey through divorce court and shortly thereafter out of Texas altogether. Having a solid trade as an electrician along with a union card, he lived out of his truck and extended stay motels as he hit different jobs around the western part of the country working as many overtime jobs as he could and spending only what he had to, he managed to accrue a pretty good pile of cash which he guarded with his life.

In Portland, OR, he decided to spend a little time exploring the great Pacific North West, and so he took a job on a service truck for Redwoods Electric which specialized in commercial and residential remodels and service. It had been a while since he had slowed his pace and he thought he might stay here awhile and relax in a 40-hour week situation.

So on that Thursday morning when he woke with a massive crick in his neck he was already looking forward to the weekend when he planned to take off into the mountains and do some fishing and camping for a couple of days. He had to do his grocery shopping tonight after work so that he could hit the road directly after work on Friday. His body ached because he had spent most of the first three days of the week breaking concrete doing a commercial remodel in an all-concrete reinforced building. He was a strong guy and handled the heavy sledgehammer with skill but the two ten-hour days he put in doing that had left their mark on his 36-year-old body. He poured himself a big cup of black coffee and popped 4 Advil to try to smooth out his painful morning, and headed off to work.

Sean rang the doorbell and began removing his work shoes as he waited for the homeowner to answer the door. He heard the door open as he bent over setting his boots to the side. As he began to stand he could not help but notice the bright red toenails, so perfectly manicured in the open-toed stiletto-heeled, calf-high boots of Patton leather and as his eyes continued their upward sweep he took in the silver chain belt on the shiny leather leggings on the perfect legs and hips before him. The belly button was pierced with a diamond stud and the black Patton leather bustier presented to him the most incredible pair of breasts that he had ever seen in person. As his eyes struggled past the epic cleavage and scanned the expensive pearl necklace that his client wore, he finally looked into the face that would surely have launched the ship he had always hoped would one day come in.

Her face was set in a mischievous smile, and her shiny wet lips of crimson were pursed in that way a woman has of letting a man know just exactly how far out of her league he is. Her raven hair fell in perfectly straight silken tresses to below her waist and her brown eyes fixed him with a look that was all at once energizing and disconcerting. The visual inventory had only taken a few seconds but the silence stretched as Sean was now totally speechless. Katrin was used to this response from men. Men after all were pitiful, weak creatures that did not understand the rules of the game and wouldn’t even catch on until long after they have been disarmed and defeated in every way. But there was something about this man. Instinctively she knew he was different from all the other men that she had browsed and considered, only to reject for one reason or another. Her internal alarms were sounding and her targeting radar came to full alert status. Yes, she was sure of it! Without showing the least evidence on her face, Katrin realized that she had found her Marlboro Man.

“Ma’am,” he stuttered, “I am here to fix your electrical problem.”

She smiled and laughed softly. “Well of course you are. Please come in. Thank you for removing your boots. I don’t allow men’s shoes in the house,” she said as she walked away leading towards the back of the house.

His mind was spinning, but he thought it odd that she had specified “men’s shoes” while she was wearing her own, high fashion boots.

She led him to the garage where she showed him the dual electrical panels and explained that the power in her bathrooms upstairs was out and also an appliance in the kitchen.

“Let me have a look and I will check the outlets that are out as well.” She eyed him with interest and folded her arms under her breasts and leaned against the door frame and watched him work. She knew she was making him nervous and it was most definitely, on purpose.

Sean went about his troubleshooting quickly and efficiently finding three tripped breakers in the panel and noting the locations of the outlets each breaker fed. He smiled nervously and pointed out the tripped breakers and said he would get to the bottom of why they were tripped. She followed him as he went to investigate the problem and the hairs on the back of his neck were standing straight up. The energy was palpable like static electricity in the middle of winter. To say he was uncomfortable was a massive understatement and it most definitely did not escape her notice. Something else that didn’t escape her notice was the growing bulge in the front of his jeans and when he climbed the stairs she could see that he was trying desperately to rearrange his trousers to accommodate his stiffening member.

Within mere minutes Sean had found the problems with all three circuits and explained to her the causes and how to prevent it in the future. She smiled coyly. She had already known about the problems and what or who caused them. As they descended the stairs she looked back over her shoulder as she cooed about how much she appreciated a man with his skills. Just before stepping off the bottom step she abruptly stopped and bent over at the waist to “adjust” her boot. Sean nearly killed himself trying not to run her over and all the while gaping at the incredible view of that perfect ass in those tight black leather leggings.

“Sorry,” she said not too convincingly as she started again.

She watched him pull his invoice pad from his clipboard and begin writing out her bill. She reached into her purse, removed her lipstick, and noticed that he could not look away as she applied a fresh wet coat to her already seductive lips. She followed that by drawing a cigarette from her purse and feigning an attempt to light it while he fumbled with pen and paper she was a master potter and she knew exactly how to work with the clay before her. When her lighter ‘failed’, Sean reached into his pocket and took out his own lighter, and lit her cigarette.

“Thank you she said demurely.” as she seductively drew a deep drag on the slender tube holding his gaze.

She saw his eyes, his pupils and irises indicated that he was hers for the taking. She saw his pulse in both his temples and throat and knew exactly what her next 10 moves would be. As she blew out the cloud of smoke she purposely directed it into his face and drew close to him in such a way that it was a surprise to him when he opened his eyes. Her shiny wet lips were inches from his and he had stopped breathing altogether. The bulge in his pants was ready to burst through his zipper and she allowed her long, curved red nails to just barely stroke the bulge in his jeans as she allowed her lips to touch his.

“FUCK!!!” his mind screamed. He was silent except for the pathetic little moans and noises that he could not control but his mind was screaming like an air horn and his cock exploded in his jeans, causing him to jerk back in horrified embarrassment from her. When his eyes came wide open and he looked into her face her expression would be indelibly etched in his mind to his dying day. She had done it on purpose! She knew exactly what she was doing and how to make a fool of him and he had been helpless to stop it!

He made quick apologies for his reaction and left without even handing her the unfinished bill. As he left the house he was fuming inside. He wasn’t a Greek God, far from it. He knew he was miles out of her league, but goddamn, even he had some pride. He could not believe how she had mastered him and made him feel like a total fool.

His whole day was ruined and he was too embarrassed to run another service call as he had shot roughly a week’s worth of built-up cum into his underwear, it had soaked through to his jeans and he had a huge wet spot. He called off his last call of the day claiming a sudden illness. He was sick alright, sick with embarrassment and shame. He was pissed at her too because he knew from her predator eyes and smirking goodbye smile that she had done it on purpose to embarrass him. Damn her! Well, she got him, but he knew that if he let it eat at him, he would be down for weeks.

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