Pleasure Research: Inner Sensations

4 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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“Kathy? They’re ready for you now.”

Kathy felt the expected twinge of nerves in the pit of her stomach. She was beginning to wonder, not for the first time, just whether this was really something she was prepared to do. She stood up slowly and walked past the reception desk towards the doorway at the other end of the room. The receptionist who had called her name had returned to work at her computer.

Kathy hesitated, stopping a metre or so short of the doorway and the corridor beyond. She could still change her mind about this. The reps with whom she’d been in contact had stressed this in every email they’d sent: she could back out at any time. Kathy winced a little. This was definitely the weirdest thing she’d ever done. But the secret would never leave this building, and she could certainly use the money. She took a deep breath, made her way down the corridor to the door at the end, and knocked softly.

“Come on in.”

Kathy opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it hastily behind her. “Hi, Kathy. Thank you for joining us today.”

Kathy absorbed the words whilst only half-listening. She was taking in her surroundings; she hadn’t really known what to expect, and now found that she was standing in what looked like a large dentist’s office, with walls lined by high cupboards and stainless steel countertops, and a large reclining chair sitting in its own large vacant space. It did at least certainly look professional, though Kathy eyed the chair with some apprehension; she certainly didn’t wish to be made to feel like… well, a patient.

“Kathy?” Kathy jumped slightly, and turned to face the speaker for the first time. It was a woman of about fifty, grey-haired and dressed in a plain blouse and skirt, and with a lanyard around her neck bearing the stylised pink X logo that was now familiar to her. Again, Kathy didn’t know quite what she’d been expecting- someone in a white lab coat, maybe. Still, the other woman looked about as ordinary as she could have wished for, which was mildly reassuring. “Hi, sorry,” Kathy replied awkwardly. “So, are you in charge of the test?”

“I am indeed.” There were several other people in the room, she noticed now, seated by a desk by the other wall; they were all younger but again dressed semi-casually and with matching lanyards- they were also, Kathy noticed with a slight twinge of relief, all female. Not that doing all this in front of a female audience felt great either, but all the same, it was better than a group of strange men. “Now,” the grey-haired woman continued, “I’m sure our reps will have explained as best they can to you already, but I’d like to just do a quick run-through of the product and what we expect to see in the test today with you, okay?

Kathy nodded. “Sure.”

“Right.” The test leader went to the desk and picked up a small plastic box from its surface. “The product we’re testing today is called Inner Sensations- for now, anyway. It’s a two-fold treatment- there’s a pill which is taken orally, and a gel which is applied to the genital area as desired. Oh-” she gave her head a little shake and smiled. “I’m Dr McCrory, by the way, although you can just call me Sarah if you’d prefer. And these-” she gestured to the others behind her, “are Gina, Maeve and Courtney, they’ll be observing alongside me today.”

There was a murmuring of “hi”s amongst the others, who was each now loading up a clipboard with notes. Kathy nodded in silent acknowledgment. Being ‘observed’ in this particular context wasn’t much to make her feel chatty, though it was in a sense also reassuring to see everyone seemed to regard this as just another day at the office. Perhaps it really was, to them.

“Anyway,” Dr McCrory continued. “We identified this some time ago as a priority product to deliver, but it’s taken years of testing to get this far. It all stems from an obvious issue: just about every male-female couple has penetrative intercourse as a staple of their sex lives, but many women never or seldom reach orgasm from this, at least not alone. So, we began working on a solution.”

Kathy nodded along. This had been front and centre of the early surveys she had filled in, when she saw that Xtasy, the sex brand so large that regular pharmacies and even supermarkets could be spotted with some of their more innocuous products on their shelves, were running product trials and willing to pay handsomely for volunteers. She’d matched the description- she was on no other medication, had no prior conditions, and she could have probably have counted the orgasms she’d had from penetrative sex on one hand if she ever had a sudden desire to feel short-changed by life. Still, she’d been sceptical- first that it was some kind of scam, then that there must be something sordid up with the trials to steer well clear of. But she’d done her reading ahead of time, and there was plenty of feedback from other, previous trials out there- reviews in etimesgut escort pride of place on the company’s site or even on regular old reviews pages next to mundane ads for hotels and businesses, affirming the trials’ integrity, noting the money involved, and some even going into rather too much detail about what the product testing involved. This part was all above board. She knew what she was doing, alright. It was just doing it that was perhaps going to be a little strange.

“The solution is essentially this.” Dr McCrory opened the box and held up two bottles for her inspection. One was a regular old pill bottle, the other came with a nozzle like a soap dispenser and was clear enough for Kathy to see the contents- a thick, purplish fluid of some kind. “For most women, of course, clitoral stimulation is the easiest source of pleasure in sexual activity and the most reliable method of achieving orgasms. There are inner networks of nerve endings from the clitoris which can also be stimulated through penetration, but it tends to be a little trickier. Now, other companies have already tried their hand at producing gels and balms that increase sensitivity, but our research department have been breaking new ground down a different path- what if, in fact, there was also a way to get penetration to activate all the same nerves as direct stimulation of the clitoris? If your body could react to penetrative sex the way it reacts to having your clitoris rubbed?”

She shook the nozzle-topped bottle a little, the gel contents bobbing around inside. “That is, basically, what this is intended to do. Both the pill, and the gel massaged into the walls of the vagina, are intended not just to increase sensitivity, but also to kind of get your body to play a little ‘trick’ on your mind. Like those hypnosis tricks where it feels as if you’re doing something with one hand but you’re actually doing it with the other. If it works- and it is if at this stage- then penetration should provide much the same pleasure as direct clitoral stimulation.”

She set the bottles back down. Now was the moment of truth, Kathy supposed. “So,” Dr McCrory continued, “what we need you to do today for the trial is to use the product- take the pill, apply the gel- and then to masturbate only by penetration. You did bring a suitable masturbatory aid, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, it’s in my bag.” Kathy felt herself blush a little. The last email she’d received from Xtasy had advised her to do so, and had even included the offer to claim back the price of a new one as an expense- provided she bought one of theirs, of course; even sex toy retailers, she’d thought wryly, were still at the end of the day looking out for their bottom line. It had arrived in the post perfectly discreetly, though she’d still felt rather awkward today coming into town with it crammed in the very bottom of her bag underneath her usual pile of old receipts and used train tickets.

“Perfect,” Dr McCrory said. “Now, the pill once taken should take at least around five minutes to take effect. We’re going to leave you and observe from the other side of the glass there…” She indicated, and Kathy noticed for the first time that facing side-on to the long reclining seat was a large reflective glass panel- one of those movie-style one way mirrors, presumably. “We’ll provide lubricants as well, although the gel itself is also designed to act as a lubricant of its own. Also, if you’d like any… well, materials, there’s a remote for the wall-mounted TV which has full Internet browsing available, or there’s more on paper in the second drawer on the right.”

“Sure.” It dawned on Kathy a moment later that ‘materials’ meant ‘porn’, and she blushed again a little. “I mean, uh… I think I’ll manage fine on my own.”

Dr McCrory nodded. “Not a problem. Once we go, take the pill and massage the inside of your vagina with the gel as best you can, wait five minutes, and then begin masturbating- and remember, only focus on penetration, do not stimulate your clitoris directly. There’s also a gown there-” she pointed again, and Kathy spotted a long white shift similar to a hospital gown hanging on a hook behind the door, “you may change into it out of sight from the mirror and wear it for the duration if you’d prefer.”

Kathy nodded; it wasn’t a perfect solution, but the less the group could actually see there, the better. “Okay,” she said.

Dr McCrory smiled gently again in an effort to be affirming. “Right, then. We’ll get in position. You’ll find everything you’ll need on the desk in the box; we’re mic’d up behind the glass so feel free to ask if there’s anything you need. And remember, you always can still decide to back out. We understand this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.”

“I think I’m okay.” Kathy could once again feel her nerves jangling, although this time, it was also tinged with a certain sense of intrigue. She was, admittedly, etlik escort rather sceptical the whole thing would actually work, it all sounded a bit too ‘alternative medicine’, and she seldom really got going at all from just penetration. Never mind doing so sitting in a sterile room with a team of people watching her. But still, she was curious to know what would happen. Presumably all the research until this point hadn’t been for naught- maybe she’d at least feel something new.

“Wonderful.” Dr McCrory opened the door and her aides filed out. “Remember to wait five minutes after the treatment,” she added, gesturing to the clock on the wall. “Good luck!”

She closed the door behind her. Kathy made her way over to the desk. The two bottles were sitting again in the box, alongside another bottle with a different nozzle and a lurid red label. Tentatively, Kathy plucked the gown from the back of the door and began removing her top, her jeans and then, more awkwardly, her underwear. She slipped the gown on over her head; it was loose and the hem tumbled down to just below her knees. Finally, she went to her bag and, a little gingerly, took out the ‘aid’ from her Xtasy order: a hot pink dildo with a lightly veined texture and defined head. Kathy couldn’t decide whether something intended to be realistic or more gaudy made her feel more awkward; this, she thought, was an acceptable compromise. She placed the dildo in the box alongside the rest of the assortment and made her way over to the chair.

Now, how was she going to do this? There was a small metal table sitting beside the chair, with a glass of water provided. Kathy set the box beside the glass and settled herself down in the seat. Taking a quick look at the clock, she dispensed one of the pills from the bottle and swallowed it with a sip of water. That was the easy part.

Moving tentatively, Kathy raised up her gown a little and cautiously spread her lips. She reached out with her free hand and picked up the gel bottle. It took a few goes to get the pump into action, and it then shot a large wad of the fluid onto her fingers- yeesh, it did feel like lube. Kathy reached down and massaged the purple gel around her opening, then pushed her fingers on inside, spreading it around as liberally as she could. It did, in fact, feel nice to the touch, with a warmth that kind of tingled as it seeped into her skin. She took several more generous squirts from the bottle until she was satisfied she’d applied it as far and wide as she was able, then set it back in the box. Now she just had to wait for a few minutes.

She waited. Was something happening? Maybe it was her imagination. It could have just been the tingling from the gel between her legs, or it could have still been nerves that were causing those flutters in her belly. Or maybe in fact, the pill or the gel or whatever really was starting to work. But even aside from that, was she also starting to feel just slightly excited about all this? It was daunting, sure, but it was also an adventure of sorts. Certainly a more interesting way of making a little money than covering another shift on a shop floor all day…

The five minutes were up. Again tentatively, Kathy reached for the dildo. She wouldn’t need extra lubrication- the purple gel was plenty. Kathy once again tugged up the hem of her gown a little- raising her leg a tad just so her supervisors on the other side of the glass hopefully didn’t see all- and lined up the tip with her entrance. Then she eased it forwards, slowly, and felt the thing enter her, her walls stretching around it. It felt… how did it feel? It was too early to tell. She began making soft, shallow thrusts with about half of it inside her, just a couple of inches forwards and back at a time, the curve of the glans grazing gently against her upper wall. Back and forth, back and forth. Damn, that pronounced head had been a good call. It did just enough to put some extra weight behind each thrust…

Kathy inhaled sharply; she hadn’t realised she had been holding her breath. She was suddenly engrossed in what she was doing. The toy was gliding effortlessly in and out of her, and now with each movement she was becoming surer: she liked it. This was quite different to how it had been every time before. There was something else at play, something that made her tense and twitch each time the dildo pressed inside her, that was making her thighs clench instinctively together so she could feel it closer-

Kathy sat up a little. She rolled her gown up higher and raised her leg further up for better access. She took a firmer grip of the dildo and this time, the next thrust slid a little deeper with ease. Deeper, and harder, and now she was moving into a different rhythm, of longer thrusts that stopped almost as deep as she could take before withdrawing almost entirely. For a few minutes she was happy just to play around with different patterns, eve gelen escort testing how close she was comfortable straying to her cervix before it became unpleasant, and what angle worked the best for producing that delicious pressure from the engorged tip. Eventually she found it; the thrust that did it all, hit just the right spot, rubbed her just the right way. Could she do it again? Yes- a little gasp escaped her lips- there it was. And again. Did it feel like penetration? Did it feel like something else? She couldn’t quite be sure. She didn’t mind much either way. It felt good.

Kathy’s thrusts picked up speed. Her wrist was starting to get tired, but she didn’t care; it felt too good to stop. Her hips were rocking in time with the thrusts, eager and impatient. Was she actually going to climax just from this? It was harder somehow to discern her usual telltale signs; everything felt a little different like this-

And then suddenly she felt the familiar rush, and before she could even prepare it was upon her, coursing through her; Kathy felt her hips involuntarily bucking as her thighs clenched around the dildo, her walls contracting as pleasure ripped through her body, making her tense all over. “Oh!” She’d exclaimed without even meaning to, and Kathy began to blush, and then laugh, short of breath and exhilarated as the reverberations kept on surging through her; she sat up a little, thighs now locked around the dildo, hanging on to the last few shockwaves for as long as she could. And then it was done. She sat there, still a little short of breath, the dildo still inside her, and a slightly embarrassed smile played across her lips. Wow.

Dr McCrory’s voice emanated from somewhere beyond the room. “Excellent, Kathy. That looks really positive.”

Kathy flinched slightly; she had forgotten, momentarily, that she was still being observed. “Yeah.” She winced a little inwardly, and, turning slightly away from the mirror, tentatively eased the dildo out from inside her. “Well, I did orgasm. It was good. And, uh, things felt… I mean, usually I need to be really in the mood for penetration, but this was pretty good right from the get-go.”

“Excellent,” Dr McCrory said again. “That’s all very promising. Now, would you like to continue?”

“Oh.” No longer caught up in the moment, Kathy felt a little self-conscious again. “I mean, I could. But, I don’t usually orgasm more than once all that often,” she added. Then again, she supposed, she didn’t orgasm from penetration all that often, either.

“Well, again, that’s actually something we were hoping the product would assist with,” Dr McCrory’s voice said. “So it could be another useful test. Again, as ever, please don’t hesitate to say no if you’re not comfortable- and, I should mention, you are coming up on the thirty-minute mark since we started, which was all that was outlined in the sign-up, so you will still be paid in full either way.”

The thirty-minute mark? Had she heard that right? Kathy glanced at the clock again; there it was, sure enough. Five of that had been waiting for the thing to work, then again, but still… she’d been caught up in things.

“I guess I could try going again,” she said with a shrug. She still felt perhaps a little shy, but it wasn’t as if she’d be showing anything she hadn’t shown already. And who knew- perhaps, she thought with inward amusement, this would revolutionise sex lives up and down the country, and she’d look back on it with pride. Still, as she settled back down and picked up the dildo again, the thought at the forefront of her mind was that on the other hand, it was entirely possible whatever this was would never make it to shelves. Who knew when she’d get the chance to do it like this again?

“You may want fresh lube,” Dr McCrory’s voice chimed in. “The gel does tend to dry out over time.”

“That’s okay.” Kathy again adjusted her gown a little more modestly; Dr McCrory probably could have guessed, but she would have preferred not to say out loud that by now she’d produced more than enough wetness of her own.

She lined the toy up again with her entrance, and it glided in between her folds. There was no need to experiment this time; she knew what she wanted. She settled back into the same thrusting rhythm, and almost immediately was greeted by the same warm, rich sensations; it was as if the pleasure was already somewhere deep inside her, and each thrust was just gently coaxing it out. Kathy closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to relax and concentrate on nothing else. There were minute details she would never before have noticed that were now jumping out at her: the veined texture against her body, that little rush like missing a step going downstairs on each outward motion… was she feeling all of this because of the gel? Or had it always been there and she’d just never been aroused enough to notice?

Her leg twitched involuntarily. It was once again getting harder to keep still. Kathy found her thrusts were suddenly picking up speed again, and that her hips were rocking, almost lifting off the chair. She didn’t know if she would climax again but even this felt great; her whole body was tingling like crazy…

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