An Incest Birthday Ch. 15

17 Kasım 2022 0 Yazar: admin

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Note: I studied like hell for this chapter trying to get into the female mind, so let me know how I did. Its the longest ever at 35 pages, women show their feelings more than men so I had to write accordingly. The story is in the view of Rita, this way you can see all her emotions and stuff, and there is a section where the view is from the mom, so you can see how her cunning mind works. It did take me a while to write this, but that’s because I was working on other stories. I will continue to write this series, but I wont forget about my other stories in the process. Haha enough talking, on with the story.


Randy and I had come downstairs to see Aunt Lisa sulking at the table with mom. Her house was damaged in the storm and now she needed a place to stay until it could get repaired. Being the loving family we are (no pun intended), it was quickly decided that she would be staying here, but where at we had no clue. We had debated it for a while until we finally came up with a conclusion we were all happy with, Randy and I especially, she would take my room and I would share Randy’s room with him. We loved that idea, mom and Aunt Lisa knew we did too, it made the whole task of moving her in with us well worth it. The next three days we packed up her clothes, shoes, make-up, anything and everything we could and drove it the long commutes back to our house. Everything was stacked up in the living room until she was ready to put it all away, which turned out to be today, and we all had the honor and privilege of helping her, yay.

We were not looking forward to helping Aunt Lisa put up all her stuff, there was so much. To make matters worse Randy and dad were leaving to go somewhere with Jim and Chris, and just leave mom, Aunt Lisa and I to do it ourselves, but I later learned Stephanie and Marie would be coming over to help. I didn’t want Randy to go, we haven’t been apart since we fell in love, and I wasn’t sure how it would affect me. Randy and I were in my room taking my stuff out of my drawers and putting it into boxes when we heard the Wilson’s arrive, and I knew it was time for him to go, unfortunately. I quickly locked the door, ran over to him and hugged him as tight as I could, squeezing him into me.

“I don’t want you to go Randy,” I said giving him my best sincere puppy dog face.

“I don’t either, but you know they won’t let me stay. Dad and Jim wanna take us somewhere, and Aunt Lisa wants the women to help her, that’s why mom asked Marie and Stephanie to help.”

I sighed. “I know, but I still don’t want you to go, who knows how long you’ll be gone.”

“I know, and I don’t even know where were going, they wont tell me or Chris.”

“Don’t do anything crazy, if they try to do something stupid don’t do it!”

“I won’t, I’ll come back to you in one piece.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

“Ok. I love you Randy. Hurry up and come back.”

“I love you too, and I will.”

I leaned up and kissed him as he picked me up off the ground, and I wrapped my legs and arms around him, not wanting to let go. Every time I kissed him I never wanted to stop, and that applied double then since I knew when I did he would have to leave. When we heard everyone come in downstairs I knew we would have to go down, so I reluctantly got down off of him, but kissed him a little while longer until I absolutely had to stop. We stayed up there hoping just maybe they would forget about us and just leave, but it decided not to work out that way. Dad called for us to come downstairs and we reluctantly stopped kissing and made our way down the stairs and to the kitchen where everyone was.

“There you are, you ready to go?” Jim asked Randy as we entered the kitchen.

“Yeah, where are we going?” Randy asked back.

“That’s a surprise, you’ll see when we get there,” Jim responded.

“He wouldn’t tell me either,” Chris said as he came over and kissed me on the cheek.

“I hope you guys aren’t going to do something stupid, like skydiving,” mom said.

“Oh no, were looking to do something fun, not get ourselves killed,” dad said.

“Good, because I’d hate to see my little Randy-poo get hurt,” Stephanie said as she kissed Randy on the lips. I know she did it just to keep an act in front of our parents, but I still don’t like seeing Randy kiss her, acting like his girlfriend, and I don’t know if I ever will, but I have to deal with it.

“Ok ok enough chit chat, I know you guys don’t wanna be late to wherever it is you’re going, and we have a lot of stuff to unpack, so you should get going,” Aunt Lisa said.

“Eager to unpack? I’ll never understand women. Ok honey were gonna take our car since it has more room and you can drive Stephanie and Chris’ car back ok?” Jim asked.

“Sure honey, that’s fine. Now go on, we have work to do,” Marie said.

“Ok fine, we know when were not wanted, just don’t kill yourselves ladies,” dad said.

“The same goes for you,” mom retaliated as she made her way to dad and kissed istanbul escort him. “Have fun.”

We said goodbye to everyone and I had to endure watching Stephanie kiss Randy again, and he had to watch me kiss Chris, at least they knew that it was just a cover for our parents. I hurriedly pulled Randy out of sight of our parents and gave him one more kiss before he had to go, he had to literally pry me off of him before we got caught, and right then, I honestly didn’t care if we did. I watched out the window as they got into Jim’s car, backed out of the driveway and turned off on the street, never taking my eyes off the car until it was out of sight. Randy was gone, and I didn’t like it one bit. I wanted to stay there, hoping that they’d turn around and come back, but I knew it was useless. I gathered myself and turned around to see everyone else talking as they walked back to the kitchen. No Randy, and a house full of women unpacking all day, sounded like a blast.

Mom, Marie, and Stephanie all grabbed a box and headed upstairs with it as I went to grab one myself, and was met by Aunt Lisa who was coming to grab one too.

“Thanks again for giving up your room Rita, this is just temporary.”

“Its no big deal, really. I know you would do the same for us. Besides, I get to share a room with Randy now,” I said grinning entirely too much.

“Oh no, we already know whats gonna be going on in that room,” she joked.

I giggled. “Oh yeah, every chance we get.”

“Sex sex sex. Well I cant lie if I had the chance I’d be doing it all the time too.”

“Well we don’t always have sex, we do other stuff together too. Sometimes we listen to music, play video games, or just lay together holding each other. When he wraps his arms around me and kisses me and tells me he loves me, I just feel so happy, like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I love him so much Aunt Lisa,” I said trying my best to control my emotions.

“I can tell, and he loves you just as much. I’m happy for you two, siblings or not true love like that is hard to find, I should know. I hope it lasts for you guys.”

“Thanks Aunt Lisa, and don’t worry, you’ll find someone too,” I said regaining my composure. “Well we better go catch up with the rest of them, there’s a lot of stuff to put up.”

She nodded and we both grabbed boxes and took them up to Aunt Lisa’s new room. We all went back and forth taking boxes upstairs until finally we had them all crowded in Aunt Lisa’s room. Stephanie and I grabbed my remaining stuff and took it to our room, the room Randy and I were sharing, like an actual couple, I love saying that. When we got all my stuff and went to help Aunt Lisa set up her room, mom thought it would be best if Stephanie and I would help get me situated in mine and Randy’s room, and the older women would help Aunt Lisa get situated, that way we would get done faster. It seemed like a good idea so we were all for it, and we left them and went to mine and Randy’s room, I love that!

Once we were in we started clearing space in his dresser and chest of drawers for me to put my clothes. As I was moving his clothes to another drawer I came across the U2 shirt he wore when we went to the concert, and it brought back memories of when he held me and sang to me, I was in my own little dream world again. God I wished he was here right now so I could kiss him, why did they have to have a stupid guys day? I wanted to be near him, to touch him, at least hear his voice. Just then my phone started ringing in my pocket, and I guess luck was on my side for at least one thing because the only person I had that tone assigned to was Randy, I happily answered the phone.

“Hey baby! I was just thinking about you. I miss you.”

“I miss you too. I’ve been thinking about you since we left. What are you guys doing?”

“Were putting my stuff up in “our” room, I love how that sounds! Where they take you guys?”

“Were at a baseball game, its in the third inning. I like how that sounds too, ‘our’ room, nice.”

“How long does it take? When are you gonna come back?”

“It depends, usually a few hours, but they said something about a bar after the game.”

“What? No! You’ll be out all night, that’s not fair!”

“I know, but they brought us, and the women won’t let us back in anyway until they’re done.”

“I still don’t like it, I don’t wanna wait the rest of the day to see you!”

“Me either, but think how much happier we’ll be when we see each other.”

I sighed, he always had a way of calming me down. “I just want you here with me.”

“And I will be, but first we need to get through the day. We can do it, we just need to find stuff to do to occupy our time and thoughts, then I’ll be at home holding you in no time.”

“You promise?”

“I promise. I have to go, they’re coming back with the snacks.”

“Ok, I love you Randy.”

“I love you too Rita, see you when I get home. I love you.”

I waited until I saw “call ended” on the screen before şirinevler escort I put my phone away. I never thought I would miss him so much after only being gone a couple hours, and there was still the rest of the day to go, I just knew time was gonna drag by as slow as it could. I looked over at Stephanie who was just getting off the phone too, maybe Chris called her like Randy called me. We went back to making room for my stuff when Stephanie came across Randy’s underwear drawer.

“Oooh look what I found,” she said waving a pair of his boxers in the air.

“Hey put those back, only I get to touch those!”

“Hmmm getting all catty over a innocent little pair of boxers! I wonder what they smell like.”

“Give me those!” I said as I lunged over to her and yanked them out of her hands. “Go smell your own brothers boxers, these are mine,” I gloated as I spun them around then put them back.

“I don’t wanna smell his boxers, he doesn’t shower as often as I do.”

“I bet if you offered to shower with him he’d take them more often.”

“Maybe, worth a shot” she said as she sat down on the bed. “I heard you two on the phone, you guys are really in love aren’t you?”

I stopped what I was doing and sat down next to her and stared off into space. “Yes we are. I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love him, he means everything to me.”

She put her arm around me and leaned her head against mine. “I’m happy for you guys, really I am. It must be hard having to put on a act in front of our parents, having to kiss other people when you wanna kiss each other. I saw that face you made at me this morning.”

“Sorry, its just that when you kiss him they see you as his girlfriend, and that’s how I want them to see me, but I know its impossible, my dad would kill us. I wanna be the one to kiss him like that.”

“It’ll get easier with time, at least it did with me and Chris.”

“That’s because you two aren’t in love, are you?”

“I don’t know, its still kinda early to tell. He has been less ass-kissy since the last time we were all at our house, and it did feel nice when he held me.”

“I love when Randy holds me, its like nothing else matters and everything’s perfect for just that moment. You two might be right there where we are in a while.”

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I’m gonna go back to putting stuff up, and I’ll stay away from Randy’s underwear,” she said as if already knowing I was gonna say it.

We got through a lot of stuff, putting my clothes in the drawers, hanging up clothes in the closet, making room for my shoes, we were almost done except for a couple more boxes of clothes and all my makeup and stuff. I grabbed my makeup bag and Stephanie went for another box, she opened it and grinned. There were only two things we didn’t go through yet, my accessories with all my belts, hats, arm bracelets, etc., and my underwear. She pulled out a pair that looked all too familiar and smiled at me as she walked towards me and sat back down next to me on the bed.

“You remember these?”

I smiled to myself, I did. “Yeah, those are the panties I was wearing when we first messed around.”

“You remember how good it felt, touching a girl for the first time?”

I thought back to the first time I felt her lips on my pussy. In that room, alone, her head poking out from between my legs, giving me my first ever experience with a woman, not to mention what a wonderful experience it was. I had always wondered what it would be like to be with another woman sexually, and the way she licked my pussy, so soft, so sensual, eagerly running her tongue over every inch of it until I came like a geyser all over her face made it a memorable experience, I was getting wet just remembering it, her hand rubbing my pussy wasn’t helping either.

“I know you miss Randy, but we can still have fun. I can help you keep your mind off of him until he gets back,” she said as she turned my face to hers and kissed me.

We made out with each other as she felt me up over my clothes, sliding her tongue in my mouth, then it dawned on me Marie was next door, and she had no idea of the relationship we all had.

“Stephanie wait, your mom’s next door, she could come over here any minute.”

“I don’t care, let her. Maybe she’ll like what she see and wanna join in. She’s not as innocent as you think, she had her fair share of wild and crazy moments, believe me I know.”

“What do you mean by that?”

She didn’t say anything, she just got up, locked the door, turned on the radio, then came back and sat next to me on the bed again. “Lets not worry about that, lets worry about each other.”

We kissed again as she worked her hand over my pussy, rubbing it in circles while she sucked on my lips. We broke the kiss just long enough to take our shirts off and then we were right back at it. She unhooked my bra while I unbuttoned her pants and squeezed my tits in her small soft hands. I taksim escort left her pants alone for the time being and unhooked her bra so I could play with her tits as well. I couldn’t hold either of her breasts fully in my hands, so I just squeezed them and pinched her nipples between my fingers as she tweaked my own nipples. She leaned forward onto me until her weight caused me to fall back on the bed, with her never breaking the kiss. We moaned into each other mouths as we ran our hands over each other and rubbed our tits together. A while into our make out session Stephanie decided that she had enough of our pants and slid hers down her legs, along with her pink cotton panties and unbuttoned mine and pulled them off of me as well. She took her time sliding my panties off, and when she did get them off, she dropped them on the floor and knelt face first directly in front of my pussy.

“Just as beautiful as I remember it. I wonder if it tastes just as good too.”

“Why don’t you give it a lick and find out.” I couldn’t help it, she got me horny.

When the words left my lips she dipped her head between my legs and ran her tongue across the entire length of my pussy. I had to arch my head back and bite my lip to keep from moaning too loud. Her tongue felt so good on me. My back came up off the bed and she brought her hands up and covered my tits and kinda pushed me back down on the bed.

“Oh god Stephanie, lick my pussy!”

“Mmmmm Rita you taste so good, your pussy tastes better than mine!”

“Why don’t you climb up here and let me find out.”

I scooted back on the bed to give us more room and she climbed on the bed and swung her leg over my head, putting her cleanly shaven pussy directly over my face. She got right back at it licking my pussy clean, and I pulled her down towards my face and attached my lips to her pussy. I darted my tongue in and out of her pussy and squeezed her butt cheeks in my hands, her ass seemed firmer than mine, something else she had over me, but I didn’t care, I liked the way my ass was, and by the way she was eagerly slurping at my pussy, I could tell Stephanie liked the way my pussy was. She tasted really good, so good I found myself trying to suck as much juice out of her as I could.

“(slurp) Mmm Stephanie you taste good too,” I said in between licks.

She mumbled a response but never took her lips off my pussy. I felt her finally move off of it, and groaned in disappointment, but it quickly passed as she pulled the hood covering my clit back and sucked it between her lips. I sucked in breath and tried to control myself as her silk like tongue did wonders on my clit. I didn’t know what she was doing, but whatever it was it was having a serious effect on me. My thighs were shaking and I was gyrating my pussy in her face, I knew I was on the verge of cumming, but I wanted to hold off as long as I could. I tried to distract myself by licking at her pussy more, but it seemed the more I ate her pussy, the more effort she put into sucking my clit. I was losing it. I felt a fire building in me that only happened when an orgasm was coming, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fight it.

“Fuck Stephanie, I’m gonna cum! I can feel it coming!”

“Good, let it all out. Go ahead and cum so I can lick it all up!”

Her words did it. The image of her licking my pussy clean as I squirted all over her sent me over the edge and within seconds I was cumming. I used her pussy to silence my screams so our parents wouldn’t hear us, but I couldn’t do anything to stop how hard I was cumming. I faded back, staring up at her slippery pink crevice as she licked the remaining juice from my pussy and turned around until she was face to face with me and pressed her lips to mine. We molded into each others bodies as we rolled our tongues around in each others mouths.

“How was it? Did I make you feel all nice and tingly?” Stephanie grinned.

“Oh yeah, my body feels all warm inside, you made me feel so good just now.”

“Good, because I’m not through with you yet.”

“I don’t think so, its my turn to have some fun.”

I rolled her over so I was now straddling her and kissed her, then slowly made my way to her chest and took one of her nipples in my mouth. She groaned and cradled my head, making sure I stayed tight on her. I switched to the other and licked around the aureola before I sucked the nipple into my mouth just as I did the first. I squeezed her free tit as I sucked the other one, and slowly let my hand travel down her body until I found her opening. Just as I thought, her pussy was still extremely wet. I pulled my lips off her nipple and sucked two of my fingers, then I guided them to Stephanie’s pussy and slid them right in. Right when she opened her mouth to moan I covered her lips with mine, working my tongue against hers. I began to pump my fingers in and out of her, forcing her to break the kiss and moan, and I took the opportunity to suck on her super hard nipples again. I could barely hear her pussy sloshing over the soft music still playing as I shoved my fingers in and out of her. She covered my hand with hers, still moaning at my intruding fingers as well as my lips sucking on her nipples.

“You like that don’t you Stephanie? You feeling all tingly inside?”

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