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BuisnessVilliers nightclub on Tottenham Court Road, was Sue admitted a classy place. Way out of her price range. If she had been paying, which she wasn’t, it was a weeks wage just to get in, even then you needed to be on the “list.” She looked across the table at her friend Julie. “What the fuck have we got ourselves into?” She asked.“Too late now, there he is,” Julie said.Sue sipped her drink, and watched a muscular blonde guy walk confidently across the room. “So that’s him, well he’s clocked us.”“And so he should, we look gorgeous, and we’re alone. He’ll be over before long,” Julie told her friend.Sue looked at her friend, the question still remained unanswered. What had they got themselves into. The new hairdo’s and the full works at the beauty ther****ts had all been paid for by Sean. Sue liked her new hair, cropped short, and blonde. She liked new look, but would never have been brave enough to have it done herself. The red manicured nails were like talons, or so it seemed to her. She wore a black figure hugging dress, it was short, very short. She liked that as well, she had thought it would look tarty, but somehow it didn’t. The black killer heels had taken a little practice, they came with a killer price as well, Sean had paid. Her silk underwear was barely there, in short she was wearing the most expensive outfit she had ever dreamed of wearing. Sean had paid, but would have to be earned. Earned, as was the money they were both being paid to be here. She looked at Julie, Cropped blonde hair, and a similar very little black dress, and towering high heels. Underneath Julie wore a few pieces of expensive red lace that the salesgirl had laughingly called underwear. They were the bait.As he walked across the bar area, Gareth had seen the two blondes. “Fucking hell girls, tonight could be your lucky night” he said to himself, “mine too, with any luck.”Gareth ordered a scotch, then sat at the bar, from where he could just see the two women, but without making it obvious. Before he could make his move, he had some business to sort out, then the night was his. He watched the one of women, the older one, he thought, about thirty five, walk to the ladies. God she was fucking lovely. Her legs were great, they could end up round my neck tonight. Nice tits, great figure. The clothes she wore were designer, and not knock off’s. She disappeared from view, just as the idiot joined him at the bar. The idiot was loaded, careful handling and some of that dosh would be his.Sue shut the cubicle door, and sat on the toilet seat. She took the cheap mobile Sean had given her from her handbag. There was only one number in the phonebook, an equally cheap mobile, and equally anonymous. Sean’s. Having sent the text, she left the loo, and headed to the bar. Gareth didn’t see her as she walked up behind him, that was until she brushed against him, so lightly, that she appeared not to notice. Ignoring him, she ordered two martini’s, then walked away, to wait for them to be brought to their table.“All done, lets finish these two, and go through, and play the tables,” Sue said.“No hurry, lets take our time, its türbanlı urfa escort only ten o’clock, I saw you got our friends attention,” Julie smiled. It was a nervous smile, they were both out of their depth, and they knew it. Sean was paying them, and paying them well for tonight’s work. Two grand each, plus the outfits and anything they spent tonight, but only a hundred each for the tables. Whatever Gareth had done to Sean, and she really didn’t want to know, was going to cost him, and with interest. Equally, it was money that both she and Sue were going to earn. Both girls knew what was required of them, it was nearly crunch time.A fool and his money are soon parted, and so it proved tonight. Gareth patted his wallet, and walked to the gaming tables. The two leggy blondes were there. Gareth watched, as various attempts were made to pick them up. All failed, perhaps they were lezzies, time to find out. In the event, they fell to his considerable charm easily enough. Drinks at the bar. Small talk, they were gorgeous, and maybe, just maybe…………..The taxi dropped them outside his apartment block, in the lift to the tenth floor each had kissed him, and what kisses. His cock was so hard it hurt, then they had kissed each other. “Oh fucking yes, yes, yes……………”The apartment had cost him, true it was rented, or rather leased, St Johns Wood, nothing cheap here. “Gareth, darling, where’s the loo,” Sue asked almost as soon as he had shut the door behind them. He was still pouring the drinks, when she came back out. He watched as she sat on the sofa, as she crossed her incredible long legs, he glimpsed her black knickers. Julie kissed his neck, then walked across the room, to sit with Sue. Julie was shorter than Sue, not by much, she was younger, about thirty. But like Sue she had a great figure, nice tits, slightly smaller than Sue’s, and a great arse. Close up, their complexions were faultless. Their make up immaculate. He had been right about their clothes, designer. He brought the drinks over to them, they moved apart, so he could sit between them.Sue checked her watch, half three. They had to keep him occupied until midday. It was going to be a long night. Still, she thought, it could have been a lot worse, she’d fucked less good looking guys that was for sure. Now what to do first. She needn’t have worried, Gareth knew exactly what was first. He kissed each of them in turn, before placing his hand on each of their knees. The hands didn’t stay still, they soon travelled up the girls long legs, and under their dress’s. He ran a hand over Sue’s silk panties, feeling the heat from her cunt, Julie had on lace knickers he felt them soft under his fingers, not as hot as Sue’s cunt, but he’d soon change that. Gareth felt Sue place her hand on his crotch, she squeezed his cock through his trousers………Julie watched as Sue unzipped Gareth’s fly, and pulled his already erect cock from within. It was impressive she admitted, long, and with a large girth. It disappeared from view as Sue closed her lips over it. Sue had moved off the sofa, and squatted in türbanlı urfa escort bayan front of him. Her dress had ridden up, and Julie could see Sue’s black silk knickers. They were see through, her cunt clearly visible through the gossamer thin material. She realised it would soon be her turn. “Lets get comfortable, shall we ladies?” Gareth gasped. Sue stood, and Gareth led them both through to the bedroom. Gareth lay naked on the bed, as he watched the two girls undress. Sue unzipped Julie, and Julie unzipped Sue. The dresses dropped to the floor, revealing their underwear. Sue’s were transparent, whilst Julie’s were red lace. These were the girls of his dreams, two leggy blondes, good looking, great figures, and about to fuck his brains out, but what about each other?“Like what you see?” Sue asked, spinning around as she waited for his answer. She held Julies hand, as she too twirled. “God yes!” Gareth replied. “Well, where shall we begin?” Sue teased. She and Julie both knew what he’d want, if not now, then later. Sean had been up front about what they’d have to do to earn their money. Gareth was predicable, he wanted to watch them fuck each other. They began slowly, they’d played with each other that morning, the first either had fucked a woman. It had been tentative, now it was for real. For real, and with an audience. “We’ve never it with a girl,” Sue said huskily, “but we’ll try, for you.”Sue kissed Julie full on the lips, taking her time, gently caressing Julie’s back, running her hand down to Julie’s bum. Julie in turn responded, unclipping Sue’s bra, then as it fell away, burying her face in Sue’s breasts. The girls were in no hurry, they needed to keep Gareth here until midday, and that seemed an age away. Julie cupped her hand over Sue’s cunt, and was surprised to find her knickers were wet with excitement, she went to move it away, but Sue hand gripped her wrist, and put the hand back. “More Julie, I like that,” Sue told her. Gareth watched as the girls kissed and touched each other in front of him. He could see this was new to them, he could see too that Sue was getting into it, her nipples erect. Sue pushed Julie back onto the bed, and pulled the red lace knickers down, then pushed Julie’s legs apart, and buried her face in Julie’s cunt. Julie seemed startled, then arched her back, as Sue’s tongue began its work. Suddenly Julie groaned, it was the sound of pleasure, her hands gripped the bed, her nails digging into mattress. She groaned again, “oh my God Sue, oh fucking hell…….. I’m coming, fucking hell, there, just there, yessssssssssssssss.”Gareth watched as Sue took her mouth away from Julie’s cunt, it glistened with her wetness. She smiled, and licked her lips. She crawled over Julie’s trembling body, then lowered her pussy onto Julie’s up turned face, “my turn Julie, my turn.” Julie ran her tongue the length of Sue’s cunt. Gareth had been delighted to see both girls were completely waxed. Where had these two come from, they ticked every on of his fantasy list. Sue reach out, being careful to keep her cunt on türbanlı escort urfa Julie’s face, and gripped his cock. It was already hard, but Sue pulled down hard, and dug her nails into it, she pulled it towards herself. Gareth moved as Sue clearly wanted him to. As soon as it was close enough, she took it in her mouth. Julie laying under Sue parted Sue’s labia with her fingers, exposing her wet pink pussy. Julie probed with her tongue, pushing its tip into Sue’s cunt. Julie rolled herself over, so she could pleasure Sue. She fingered her, licked her. She inhaled the sweet perfume of Sue’s cunt, then she gently touched the tip of her tongue on Sue puckered anus, then ran her tongue around it. Julie slipped her finger into Sue’s cunt, then pushed the wet finger into Sue’s arse, it slipped in as far as the first knuckle, before Julie could push it further, Sue pushed her bottom back, and Julie’s finger slid in as far as it could go. Julie continued using her tongue on Sue clit, and cunt, until Julie felt Sue’s anus pulsate, and Sue came.Gareth decided to fuck Sue first, she straddled him, and took his cock deep inside herself, her tits swayed as she moved up and down above him. Gareth wasn’t fucking her, she was fucking him. She was coming again, he could perspiration on her skin, he reached out and pulled Julie, so she knelt above his face, she lowered her smooth cunt onto his face, her clit still erect from the attention Sue had given it. He continued from where she had left off. It was time for a change, and they swapped over, Julie lay back, as Gareth penetrated her, she felt his hard cock slide inside her, still wet from Sue’s hungry cunt. The cock moved inside her, filling her, then almost pulling out, until only the tip remained inside her, then rammed back in again, did inside her. He fucked her hard, as Sue had fuck him a few minutes before. Julie felt a tightness in her stomach, she knew she was coming, and was surprised by how quickly, it normally took her a while. But then this was no ordinary fuck. Sue was rubbing her clit, even as Gareth fucked her. Her nails dug into his back, scratching, as she came. As Gareth withdrew from her Julie watched how Sue grabbed his cock, wet and slippery, and sucked it, moving her hand faster and faster along its length. Gareth came in her mouth, a long hot jet of come, she offered his cock to Julie, who took its long length into her mouth. Night became morning, they fucked repeatedly, the girls fucked each other, Gareth fucked the girls, until they slept. It was half eleven when they woke. “I’ll ring a cab,” Sue exclaimed. “My bags in the bathroom.”She walked naked into Gareth’s bathroom, and retrived her bag, and her phone. She lay on the bed, and made the call. “Hi, can I have a cab in half an hour, to…What’s the address?” Gareth told her. She threw the phone back into her bag, then kissed Julie………….The doorbell sounded, Sue was fucking Gareth again. “That’ll be the cab,” Julie said, “I’ll tell them something’s come up!”Julie walked naked to the door, she opened it, she was pushed out of the way, as four men rushed into the apartment……………Sean watched as they dressed. Gareth and three of Sean’s men had gone, Gareth bundled away to only Sean knew where. Sean was pleased, the girls knew better than to ask with what. Sean picked up Gareth’s wallet, he opened it, he passed the contents to them.“Share this between you. You did well tonight. I’ve got some more work for you, interested?”They both were.

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