Helping Grandma

30 Eylül 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Helping GrandmaAfter serving time in the service then getting an honorable discharge, I decided to go to my grandma’s house to see her before going on to mom and my stepdad’s place, that was off in another state or two from where my grandma lived. The main reason for going to grandma’s place first is cause I really wanted to see how she was doing since my grandpa had died one and one half years before, plus I needed to get an address for my mom and stepdad’s place any way, and I knew that grandma would have their address.I pulled into the drive way at grandma’s house and saw that her yard was in need of mowing, and when I got parked and shut off the engine, grandma stepped out onto the back porch and just stood there till I got out of the pickup, I owned, and stepped around to where she could see me, then she stepped out the door of the porch and met me with arms open, “Oh hevans, I did not expect to see you here Joe.” as she put her arms around me with a big hug.”Where else would I go first?””Your mom’s place I figured.””I do not have an address for her.””I thought you did.””No. All I got from her was, she was moving and by the time I E.T.S.ed from the service, she would let you know her address, and I could get it from you, as well as check up on you, before going to see her.””Well I haven’t got an address from her yet. All I know is, her and Jim were going to his brother’s place, to find a place to move to, and for Jim to work at some plant, building boats up in Missouri some place.” “When did they move up there?””About two weeks ago.” still holding my hand after hugging me.”She should have sent something by now I would think. Is that the last time the yard was mowed?””It was mowed one week before they left and I haven’t been able to find anyone to mow it for less than fifty dollars each time they mow it.””You have now. That does seem a bit high for no bigger than this yard is.””That is what I was thinking, cause Mrs. Fergason two doors up the street, get’s her’s done for twenty dollars each mowing, and I called the guy she uses, and he quoted me fifty dollars.””Did he say why so much?””He said because of the amount of flower beds I have around my yard. Mrs. Fergason has more flower beds than I do.””All of three flower beds makes it fifty dollars. Right. Talk about taking advantage of some one. Well, no worry all we need is gas and maybe some oil for the lawn mower.””Don’t worry about that right now. Get your things and come on in the house and let’s decide what to do for supper. With it just being me, I just fix a snack or go out to eat some place, so that I don’t have to cook anything to eat.” I stepped over to the passange door of the pickup and opened it and pulled out my duffle bag, “Is that all you have?””Yes it is. It is all that I really needed while I was in the service.” as I closed the pickup door.Grandma opened the door on the porch for me, then let the door close behind her and stepped around me and opened the door leading into the house, and as soon as she had the door closed, “Take that to my bedroom there.”As usual, grandma’s house was very clean like when grandpa was alive, she all ways thought her house was dirty and she needed to be cleaning it all the time it seemed, “Excuse the mess please, and just make yourself at home, like you live here.””Why not the spare bedroom?””I made it my sowing room I got rid of that old bed that we had in there. I bought a brand new full size bed and got rid of the old bed we had when your grandpa died, because of the memorys.”Stepping into grandma’s bedroom it was as clean as the rest of the house, and grandma was right behind me as I stepped into the bedroom, “Where should I put this at?” “It will be easier to unpack if it is on the bed, right?””Yes, it will be.””I’ll help you put it away, if you don’t mind me helping you with it?””You haven’t had to help me since I was a k**. I can do it my self if you can tell me where to put it, so that it’s not in your way.””Okay. Your under pants and socks can go in the top drawer on the right there, and your shirts and pants can hang in the closet there on the right.” grandma said as I started taking shirts and pants out of the duffle bag, then she went to the closet and brought back some hangers for me to put the shirts and pants on.I just laid everything I had put on hangers out on the bed, then as I got my under shorts and socks and T-shirts out, I had to refold some of them, then just took them to the dresser drawer and put them in the top drawer, grandma said to put them in, and seeing movement out the corner of my eye, I turned to see grandma leaning over the clothes I had put on hangers, and pick up what she could of them, then take them to the closet.I finished putting all my socks in a stack of their own and the same with my T-shirts then did the same with my under shorts, which was really my whitie tighties, then turned to see that grandma was finished hanging up my clothes I had laid out on hangers, and seeing her from behind, I couldn’t help but notice she had a nice round butt with a little bit of a jiggle when she walked, and a natural little swing too.Grandma didn’t seem to dress like most women her age. She dressed more like some women that is younger and more buisness like, it seemed to me. She had on a skirt that stopped about four inches above her knees, which wasn’t flared out a lot but wasn’t real tight but tight enough to see a hint of her panty line in the back, and her blouse was a button up one, and the top two buttons were unbuttoned to where I could see a good amount of cleavage, which looked like she might be a D size cup, and the blouse was snug but not overly tight on her, and was see through just enough to see her bra on under the blouse too.I noticed that grandma still looked good for her age of fifty six years old. She had some flare in her hips, but it matched her butt that was a little bit on the thick side, with just a little bit of a belly in the front, and thinking about what she seemed to be indecating on the sleeping arangment, I was going to have a very hard time sleeping next to her, if, I was even able to get to sleep, or I was going to end up going to bathroom a lot to try and get some relief, or she was going to kick me out of the house all together, for getting a hard on over her.As grandma closed the closet door behind her, “Where would you like to go to eat supper at tonight Joe?””Is there any place that you would like to try out that you’ve never ate at yet, like ‘TGIF’ or some other place?””Those places cost a lot of money to eat at I’m afraid.””It may not cost as much as you may think but we will not know till we go try one out. Besides it will be on me tonight.””The one place I would like to maybe try is the ‘Olive Garden’ I think.””Okay. I’ll let you get dressed first while I go in and take a shower, unless you want the shower first before you get dressed.””I showered this morning before I got dressed and haven’t done anything to get drity really, which is why the house is in such a mess today, so all I need to do is change into something nice to go there in.””Grandma your house is not in a mess at all. As usual, it is clean enough to eat off the floor in any room one chooses to eat off of.””Why thank you but to me, it is dirty, and I wouldn’t want any one to eat off of my floors.””That is because they would get the floor dirty then, which might get a bit hard to clean up after one then.””Smart ass, get over here and give me a şişli escort hug please.” and she was standing right in front of me then put our arms around each other for a hugg.I grabbed some clean clothes out of the closet, after grandma and I broke our hugging off, then I grabbed a clean pair of socks and headed to the bathroom to get my shower.When I finished my shower and shaved, I got dressed and went out to the living room to wait for grandma to come out of the bedroom for us to go out, and it was about ten minutes she came out, which made my jaw drop open. Grandma was dressed in a red dress that stopped about mid thigh, with either panty hose on or it was nylon stockings, and the dress was a low V neck that was showing enough cleavage for any one to know she was not wearing a bra, and her nipples were trying to poke through the material, and when she did a spin for me to see all the way around her, the back was a very low cut V too, which confirmed the fact she had no bra on under the dress, “Do I look okay in this dress or is it to much skin showing?””You look fantastice grandma. If I didn’t know you, I would want to be the lucky man that get’s to sleep with you tonight and every night of the year and years to come. I would want to marry a woman that looks as good as you do, and if you were not my grandma, I would be asking you to marry me in a hart beet.” “Why that is the nicest thing any one has ever said to me in a very long time, and I thank you for it. What I do not understand is, how you was able to say that about an old woman like me.””Your not old grandma, you are beautiful, and i’m sure you know just how to please a man if he is the love of your life, like I know grandpa was or is.””Yes he was. Right now the only man in my life is you, and I would take your hand in marrage if you were to ask me to marry you.” then she walked around the chair to stand in front of me.”You mean if I wasn’t your grandson?””Even if you are my grandson.””What!” I could not believe my ears.”Even thou you are my grandson, I would still marry you if you ask me to marry you. I do not know how we could do it, but I would, just the same.””Okay. I don’t know what to say or do now.””First off you can call me Liz, which is my my first name as you know, because for me to be your wife we can not have you calling me grandma, and the other thing is you will be sleeping with me every night starting tonight, and I want to make love to you cause it has been a very long time since your grandpa and I were able to have sex, and I do not want to have sex with some joe blow that I know nothing about and do not love with all of my heart, and you are the only Joe that I love dearly, and want to be with for the rest of my life. I do understand that I am so much older than you, and you may really think I am an old lady that you do not want to be with till I die, or we both die, and would rather have a woman that is your age.””Liz, do not say you are old to me again please, because you are not old. You are beautiful, and sexy looking for sure, and very hot looking too, I have to say.” I got down on one knee then looked up at her, “Liz will you take my hand in marrage?” while holding my hand out to her.Grandma then took my hand while saying, “Yes, I will take your hand in marrage.”I then stood up and she put her arm around my neck as I took grandma in my other arm and pulled her into me and we then kissed for the very first time on the mouth, then she stuck her tongue to my lips which I opened, that started the French kissing right then.I rubbed my hand down grandma’s back and feeling the bottom of the V in the back, and on down past it, it felt like the bottom of the V was about four inches above her butt crack, which I could feel her panty waist band, and when I rubbed her butt with my hand, I felt the leg band on her panties, which felt like was covering only half of her butt cheeks.Grandma rubbed her hand across my shoulder blades, then down my back to my butt, and gave it a squeeze about the time I gave her butt a squeeze as well, then we broke the kissing off, “Babe we need to go now, or we’ll not make it out to eat any where.” with her hand still on my butt, and my hand on her butt still too.As we stepped out the door of the house, Liz reached into her purse and pulled out her car keys, “How about taking my car and you my love, can drive us to the restaurant.””Okay, if that is what you want to do.”When grandma got into the car, I did get a very fast upskirt of her panty covered pussy, that was fast enough for me not to se if she had any bush peeking out around through the leg bands of her panties, and her panties were a light pink color with what looked to be a bit of lace but, I could not be for sure on it due to being such a fast peek, but the nylons were stockings for sure, and the top of them showed around the hem of the dress when she got sat down in the car seat.As I walked around the car to the driver’s side, I saw grandma slide over toward the middle of the car seat, and when I got in, I saw that her dress had rode up a bit more than it was when she had sat down in the seat, from the passanger side of the car.”I have to say Liz, whether you have nylons on or not, your legs look fantastice to me.””You think so? I think my legs look better with something on them, rather than with nothing on them.””Naaa, your legs look so silky, even without anything on them.” putting my hand on her leg just below the stocking top, “The nylon does have a very nice feel to them.” then I run my hand over the bair skin part of her thigh above the stocking top, “Even your bair leg, feels so soft and silky too.””I’m glad that you like the way my legs look and feel to you.”As I drove to the restaurant, grandma had her hand on my groin, and every so often she would give my cock a squeeze, and when I didn’t have to do any shifting for a bit, I would put my hand down and rub her leg and give her thigh a squeeze, and a couple of times I reached down between her legs and rubbed her pussy through her panty crotch, and by the time we got to the restaurant, I could feel a wet spot in the crotch of her panties.When I was parked and ready to get out of the car, grandma slid over to the passanger car door as I opened the driver’s door, and when I got around to open the passanger door, her dress was up high enough for me to see her panties enough for me to see just a strip of hair through the lace pantle of her panties, and the crotch of the panties was so wet it was sheer, and her pussy lips was in plain view, and as she got out and stood up beside me, her dress tail dropped back down to mid thigh.”I hope I don’t have a wet spot on the back of my dress, that every one will be able to see.”I took a quick look at the back of her, “I think you are in the clear there, but I can maybe make a wet spot back there for you, if you want me to.” putting my hand on her butt and giving it a squeeze.”Don’t you dare do that to me babe.””Darn. It would make men more envious of us.””Only if they do not think I might have peed, myself.”We was showed to a table that was some what private, with another couple across from us, that seemed to be all into themselves, which was okay with grandma and me.As soon as we were seated at the table, their were four women at our table with four bottles of wine, one with each one of the women, asking us about tasting any of the wines, and which ones we would maybe like to try, and maybe have with our meal. şişli escort bayan After picking out which wine we wanted with our meal, the waitress came back and took our order.As we ate our meal we made small talk, and when we finished our meal, I paid the bill, then we got back in the car, and I decided to go to a park at the edge of town that I knew about, before going into the service, to find that the park was not at the edge of town like it used to be, but with no one around, I went ahead and turned into the park and parked on the back side near the river side of the parking lot, where we could watch the sun set.After shuting the car off, I put my arm around grandma’s shoulder, which she shifted her putt in the seat and leaned in toward me and laid her head down on my shoulder, “I have never been here and watched a sun set before, like this.””Do you want to stay here in the car, or do you want to get out and sit over there at that bench, over there?” pointing out a park bench facing the river.”Why not, it is a bit warm sitting here in the car, even with the windows rolled down.”This time grandma slid over behind the stearing wheel of the car as I got out, and then got out after I held my hand down for her to use my hand to steady her, as she stood up out of the car.Again I got the same view as I got, as she got out at the restaurant, we had just left from a moment ago.”I must say, your legs look good all the way up beautiful.””Why thank you babe.”As we sat on the bench with my arm around grandma’s shoulder, and she laid her head down on my shoulder, we made some small talk, and she even told me she was so lonly since grandpa died that she was going ster crazy, not having a man to hold her and do the yard work for her and any repairs around the house that needed repaired, and at night is when it hit her the most, to where her dildo was not doing the trick any more.”Is that why you told me you would marry me even thou, I am your grandson?””It is part of it. Please do not be mad at me for it.””No, I can not be mad at you for it. I do understand what you are saying cause, I feel lonly a lot too, even thou I didn’t lose any one through death like you did. Now what is the other part of it?””When you got out of your pickup and walked around it for me to see you for the first time since your grandpa’s death, you was standing so straight and tall like he used to do when he was so much younger and working his ass off to provide for us to have something, and knowing you like I do, and loving you for so long, that I knew I had to have you one way or another, cause to be honest with you, I even dreamed about you when I used my dildo each day and night.””How long have you been dreaming about me?””About a year before your grandpa died. When he died, I wanted so bad to just take you to my bedroom and strip you down and fuck your brains out, but with others around, I never could get you alone to tell you that I wanted you to meet me in my bedroom when everyone was asleep each night, and then too, I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to have sex with me, and with the old bed squeeking the way it did when I would move or any one would move on it, I was afraid someone would hear us and find us in some heated sex, that would haunt us the rest of our lives, with the rest of the family.””How do we get around family now, with our new relationship?””I do not know, but for now, let’s just work on our new relationship and worry about what to do around family, when the time comes around.””How much of the family still keep intouch with you now, that grandpa is past on?””I get a letter about every six to eight months apart from brothers and sisters, but none from his side of the family.””I’m sorry.””It’s not your fault.””I know, but I’m still sorry about it.””I’m just glad that I have someone now, and that someone is you, and I hope that you will stay with me till death does us part.””I will stay with you till death does us part, because I love you so much.”Grandma looked into my eyes for a second, “I love you too, and I will stay with you till death does us part.” then we French kissed each other like lovers do.We sat and watched the sun set, then with another French kiss with hands roaming over the other’s body, then we stood up and walked to the driver’s side of the car and got in, with grandma lifting her butt up off the seat, pulling her dress tail up around her waist, then pulling her panties down her legs to her feet, then off, she asked me, “Do you want these wet things?” as she held the panties up toward me.I took a hold of them, “Yes I believe that I do.” as I then put the wet panties to my face and smelt the crotch and even give the wet crotch a lick, “Mmm, that is a sweet smell and and a sweet taste on these panties.” then I stuck them in my pants pocket.I then stuck my hand down between grandma’s legs, and stuck a finger in her pussy, gave it a wiggle in her pussy, feeling the wetness, and then pulled my finger out and stuck it in my mouth and licked the wet finger, then said, “Now that is some very good honey.” then I repeated the move again, but this time I stuck my finger up to grandma’s face, “Have you ever tasted your honey before?””No I haven’t.””Here, have a taste, it is so sweet tasting.”Grandma then stuck out her tongue as I stuck my finger into her mouth, and after she got a taste of her pussy juices, she then sucked my finger clean, then after she finished cleaning it off, “Let’s get home as fast as we can, I need a good fucking, to bound our marrage together.”As soon as we got home and in the house and got the door closed, grandma turned to me and stripped off her dress, and started stripping me from the waist down, since I was unbuttoning my shirt and taking it off.When grandma pulled down my pants and my hard cock popped out at her, “You mean to tell me, that you had no under pants on under your pants tonight?” “That’s right.””Why didn’t you tell me that?””You didn’t ask me about it, or say anything about it.” as grandma got my pants off from around my feet.”Good point.” tossing my pants over on top of her dress that she had dropped to the floor then grabbed my hand, “Come on and let’s get in bed now.”Just as my shirt hit the floor, grandma was pulling me along toward the bedroom, and with her other hand around my hard dick, and me helping her to keep from running into something, all the way to the bed.Once we got to the bed in the bedroom, grandma turned my hand lose and used it to turn the covers down toward the foot of the bed, then she turned and sat down on it, then leaned over and started sucking my cock for a bit, then she sat up, “Get on the bed, I need your dick in my pussy right now.”When I got in the bed she crawled up over me, still holding my cock in her hand, and lined it up to her pussy, as she straddled me, then she sat down on my cock, letting it go as she sat down, using her arms and hands to steady her self as she slowly sat down on me, with my dick sliding up into her pussy.Once she was sitting on my cock, with it in her pussy to the hilt, she just sat there, “Oh fuck, that feels so damn good, in my pussy babe. You have no idea, as to how good your dick feels, in my pussy.””Oh I have an idea, because your pussy feels so damn good, wrapped around my cock, and you are so damn tight too. I can not believe, how tight your pussy is. It is a good thing, you are so wet, or my dick would not have gone into your hot pussy.””Your dick is so big, just mecidiyeköy escort like your grandpa’s dick was. Had I known how big your dick is, we would have taken our chances on getting caught, when everyone was here for his funeral.”Grandma then lifted up till just the head of my dick was left in her pussy, then she sat down again,then did the same thing over at a slow speed for a bit, then she speeded up some, and as her pussy got adjusted to my size and to the fact of having a dick in it again, she started speeding up to a faster pace, with her lifting and dropping down on top of me.After just a few strokes of lifting up and dropping down on my hard dick, grandma let out, “Oh fuck, I’m cumming now, and fuck, your cock feels so damn good, I don’t want to stop fuck you.””Your pussy feels so damn good, I don’t want to stop fucking you baby.”I could feel my cock get even wetter than it was, with grandma cumming like she did, and after a few more strokes up and down on me, “Oh fuck me, Joe, I’m cumming again.”As grandma was bouncing up and down on top of me, I was lifting my butt up and doing what I could to match her strokes with my lifting, and when she calmed down some from her orgasm, I lifted her up some with my hands, and then started lifting and lowering my butt as fast as I could, which after just a few strokes in and out of her pussy that way, she was cumming again.This time she was cumming so much, that I felt her cum flow out down my cock to my pubic hair, and then I felt it on my balls, and the whole time, “Oh fuck me, I’m cumming. Oh damn, I’m cumming again. Oh fuck me, I’m cumming. Damn, I can not stop cumming now, fuck meee…”Grandma finally collapsed down over me as I was fucking her as fast as I could, while holding her up off of me, and when she did collaps down on me, I let her down and slowly flexed my hops to move my cock in and out in her soaking wet pussy, and I could even feel her cum flowing out around my cock, and down on my balls, and dripping off of them between my legs. When grandma finally got calmed down some, she lifted herself up to a sitting position, “Oh fuck me, that was so damn good. I need you to cum in my pussy Joe. I want to feel your hot cum in my pussy, so bad, I can taste it.” then she started her up and down movement again.”How about you get on your hands and knees, so that I can get in behind you, and fuck you from behind.””That sounds like something I’ve never done before. I’ve only done it either on top, or him on top of me.””Then let’s try it. who knows, you might like it a lot that way, like a lot of women do.””Okay.” as she lifted her leg up and over and put it beside me, as I slid over and rolled over, to get up behind her.When grandma was on her hands and knees, I got in behind her, and lined my dick up, and slid my cock into her pussy again slowly, then after sliding my dick in to the hilt, I slowly pulled outward till the head of my dick was left in her pussy, then I slid back in again, and slowly repeated the move again.After a few strokes in and out at a slow speed, “Oh fuck me, you are so damn deep, in my pussy as you fuck me. I need you to fuck me faster, now.” I started fucking grandma faster with each stroke in and out, till I was fucking her as fast as I could, and after just a few strokes, “Oh fuck me, I’m cumming. Your fucking me so damn deep. I’m cumming, like I’ve never cum before, Joe.”I kept pumping my cock in and out of Liz’s pussy as she rode out her orgasm with her moaning the whole time and saying, “I’m cumming. I can not stop cumming, fuck me harder. I’m cumming…”With just a few more strokes after Liz started cumming, and me feeling her cum flow out of her pussy onto my dick, and run down and drip off of my balls, she collapsed down onto the bed breathing hard, and when she collapsed down, I followed her to keep my cock as deep in her pussy as I could keep it, then slowly flexed my hips to keep my dick moving inward and outward with short strokes, as she rode out her orgasm.When grandma finally calmed down some, “Oh fuck me Joe, you fucked me so damn deep. I have never been fucked by his dick so damn deep before, and if I didn’t know better, I would swear that you had a much bigger dick than he had.”As I helped roll grandma over onto her back, while keeping my dick in her pussy, “Now tell me, how do you like that position baby?””Oh fuck me, I liked it a lot. We will need to do that more often, like every time we fuck each other.””I must say I was about to cum before you fell down on the bed, with the way your sexy ass looks, and feeling it as it slapped my hips, while we was fucking like that, and now if I fuck you like that again in this possion, I will cum, just by looking at your tits bouncing around here on your chest.” giving her tits and nipples a squeeze, and leaning over and sucking first one then the other into my mouth, and licking the nipples at the same time.”Oh yes, fuck me babe, till you cum in my pussy. I need to feel all of you, your dick, and your cum, in my pussy.”I started slowly pumping my dick in and out of Liz’s pussy, while I still sucked and licked her tits and big nickle size nipples, that was sticking out about an inch long, and even gave them a little bit of a nibble too.”Oh fuck me, that feels so damn good, to have a mouth on my tits and nipples again.”After a few more nibbles and sucks on each tit and nipple, while slowly fucking in and out of Liz’s pussy, “Oh fuck me, fast and hard Joe, I need to cum again, so damn bad now.”I then sat up more but kept my hands on her tits and nipples, and while I gave them a squeeze, I started pumping in and out faster and faster, till I was pumping in and out as fast as I could, and after a few strokes, “Yes Joe, like that, right there baby, fuck me, keep fucking me, do not stop baby, I’m about to cum, I need you to cum with me baby. I’m cumming now. Cum with me now.”When Liz told me to ‘cum with’ her ‘now’, I felt my cum shoot out of my dick head right into her pussy, with the first shot shooting out when my dick was in her pussy as far as I could get it, and by the time I made the stroke out and back in, I felt another rope of cum shoot into her pussy again, at which time I pushed my cock in as far as I could get it, and I felt Liz wrap her legs around me, to keep me pulled into her, as deep as she could get my dick.As soon as Liz wrapped her legs around me, “I feel your cum, deep in my pussy Joe.”At the same time I was saying, “I’m cumming babe, in your pussy.””Yes baby, I can feel it, keep cumming in my pussy, I need your cum all the time, in my pussy. It is damn hot, it feels fantastice, in my pussy. You are filling me up good.”I could feel Liz’s pussy muscles squeezing my cock, and it felt like her pussy was sucking my dick, making me cum more than I have ever cum in my life, the way it felt, and her cum flowing out with each shot of cum, my dick put into her pussy.When I finally quit cumming, I collapsed down over Liz, and she pulled me down on her, “Yes, just lay here on me, while my pussy squeezes your dick dry, to make sure it got all of your cum, before you pull that big, beautiful, bad boy, out of my hot, wet, bad pussy.””For such a bad pussy, it sure felt like it was a good pussy.””That is how your big dick felt to me too. I want more, of your big bad dick, in my bad pussy, for sure. That is how good, your dick feels to me.””I’m sure we have many long years to put the two together, now that we know, how good it feels to us.””Oh yes, that we do. Mmm mmm.”We then kissed each other with more passion than we had all evening, and as we kissed, we rolled onto our sides, and held on to each other, with my dick half soft, still stuck in Liz’s pussy, as we fell asleep like that.

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