175 Autumn island part 4

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175 Autumn island part 4175 Autumn island part 4[A quiet finish and a return to our sexual iddle if you want the next stage, just ask and comment]She slept till seven the next day, by then all the last items were aboard, after I woke her with tea, the mattress, bedding and kettle were loaded, she looked around then locked upWe set off, dropping the keys in an envelope through the door of the agent before the streets were properly aired, and set off north, me driving the old van, and Autumn smiling now but no doubt very sore, sitting at my side. In the back the Luton over the cab was made down as a bed using that mattress from her bed, about a half of the load-space was in use for shifting the lovely lady wife’s few more precious or useful possessions, and the rest holding two of the biggest empty dog cages I could get, tied to each side right at the rear near the tailboard. At Carlisle, we stopped for a brew, then on again pulling into old Fred`s yard at Stirling about tea time. Now my mate Fred is a gentleman, I`ve known him for years, from my army days in fact, he deals in all things sellable and I do mean all…He waved us to park up between two out-buildings and greeted us warmly, one of the most genuine souls I`ve ever met he was thrilled to meet Autumn as any red-blooded man would be, and when I told him she was my wife, he was jubilant. Over a wonderful meal provided by Myra his charming wife, he opened champagne for us all. At the side of his chair lay a Burmese mountain dog, a huge bitch its long shaggy coat, glossy with rude health. Autumn fell deeply in love immediately with the thing and Fred innocently istanbul escort asked; “if she was allergic to the fur or dogs in general?” she said that “no she wasn’t allergic, and loved this shaggy coated monster and wished the big old girl was hers!”“Come with me lassie” he laughed, rising and leading her by the hand, we followed them to an outhouse, here there were the last three lovely black puppies, images of the mother, about 10 or 12 weeks old. Autumn squealed with delight, one pup the smallest, ran too her, the runt of the litter perhaps but a loveable ball of fluff anyway. She picked it from the floor hefting the great wriggling fluffy ball to her, she squealed again. this time from the soreness of her breasts, as he licked at her face and scrabbled to get closer.“he`s yours then, you can have him as a wedding present from me an` Myra!” then leaving her speech-less he turned to me and said; “they are next door here matey,” he led me to the next shed and there where the two a****ls we were to fetch… a pair of young black nanny goats for our billy!We slept the night, in soft beds, loaded the goats an ex-army generator for emergencies, and a sack truck to help shifting stores from the jetty, after a fine breakfast, I paid the man and then set off again northward. The new dog snuggled contentedly on Autumns lap, her face telling of the close bond they were forging. Stopping on-route at Fort William to buy a collar and lead for the dog, bowls, food all that sort of guff, we trudged on. That night was a bit fraught, the rain beating on the plastic roof didn’t help and zonguldak escort sharing the van with two restless smelly caged goats and a puppy but parked in a remote lay-bye the wind rocking the old van was never going to be a joy. But wrapped together up on the Luton, sleep fitfully we did. Off again in the early hours, stiff cold and in need of a brew of tea, we finally arrived at our harbourmaster friend`s office a little bedraggled, shortly before dinner. The weather fast-drying we loaded the goats, dog, plus the odd things we needed for the night, and wife, collected our groceries from the shop, and then munching hot pies and swilling pop we left the van with Tam still loaded, and away we went into the afternoon swell. The island looked oh so inviting as we finally slid alongside the jetty and tied on, we knew from choice we would not see our old home town or her master ever again…Now the jetty steps were repaired, and the-slime removed it had made unloading much safer, Autumn up on the jetty hauling up the crates as I lifted them, luckily the tide was well up. Once unloaded ‘Jenny’ was shifted to her moorings and we were home at last. The place seemed cold and unlived, the dog set out to search and explore. We fed, or at least I, fed the goats, still in their cages in the warm barn, and Autumn brewed tea and fed us, we sat fully clothed to eat then suddenly realised we were home we both stood without a word and shed all our clothes… it was a spontaneous moment and we both began to laugh… “what are you going to call that ball of black fluff then?” I asked, and laughing escort bayan she said that “she thought ‘Mischief’ would be appropriate!”…we settled on “Fred!” Exhausted we slept like the dead. We rose with the sun, not the least because Fred wanted to go out… I made tea and we sat outside in the sun, the dog suddenly growling. We looked round and there at the barn stood billy the island`s magnificent male goat, shaggy white body, big marble sized eyes and a pair of wonderful if a little intimidating, horns. He had caught a smell of the nannies that we had fetched for him. Laughing I went and opened the door to the barn, Billy standing well clear, nervously watching as I opened the cages and with a flurry of hooves the pair were soon outside, rubbing noses with our Billy who gave us a long slow look, I hope of thanks, then led the pair possessively away no doubt back to his cave way up on the headland.‘Fred’ meanwhile had cowered in his mistresses’ arms, a place I felt I should be. We made and ate breakfast, dressed, then leaving Fred in one of the goat cages we set off in ‘Jenny’ to ferry the load from the van back to our home. Two trips by mid-afternoon, saw the whole load transferred to the barn, the van sold to Tam, for what I paid for it and us back on the island, Jenny at her mooring and God back in his heaven leaving us to our privacy and peace.We sat holding hands like star crossed lovers, still clothed, little Fred licking at his mistress` face, his long pink tongue lapping at her wetly. She laughed that silver laugh of hers, then said “I can see you will need training my lad, you are working on the wrong place!” she then looked at me grinning and whispered, “trained like my husband has been, he too is now just here to pleasure me now…” and I knew instantly, that that was in its own way, oh so very true. I would do anything for and too this pretty vixen if she ever requested it.

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