A visit to a film studio

30 Haziran 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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A visit to a film studioI was very lucky to go to a film studio that I had been in touch with over the years and the told me that they would be filming when I was out there . They told my to ring them up them a checked into my hotel and they would arrange transport to me to get to the studios . I was eager to contact them when I checked in and I rang them after I had unpacked my bags . The person on the phone asked who I was and when I told them I had to talk to the person I emailed , they told me that he had just arrived in and I should hold the line as they got him . The guy has a deep masculine voice and he asked me if he could ring me later on . I said that would be fine and I gave him my room number and the hotel , along with my mobile phone number . I told him that he sounded deeper in the voice unlike when we talked via messenger and he laughed at that . He often got that when he talked to a person on the phone or face to face . I told him that I needed to get something to eat and I would be at my hotel later but he could ring me on my mobile as if I had my hand full he could leave a voice mail and I would pick it up as soon as I could . He told me that he would ring in about two hours so that I could find a place to eat , he also told me of a couple of places to eat and places to have some good coffee . He knew I like strong eruopean coffee . We both hung up and I unpacked my things and I went out to check the area out and see a couple of place to drink at night .I found a place to eat and got a shock when the brought the food to me , it was enough to feed two or three people back at home . I was nearly done when my mobile rang and it was the man who I talked to earlier that day . He asked what I was doing tonight and I said nothing yet , he then asked if I wanted to go for a bring that night and meat some of the guys my worded with at the studio . I said that would be ok , and he told me to go and wait outside a bar he knew . He asked what I would be wearing tonight and I told him a bikers jacket and jeans , and a black N.Y. baseball cap . I asked him if I needed to eat before we meat up and he said no he would take to a place that served beat food and the people there were friendly . I had to tell him I didn’t have a pent with me and he told me he would sent a text to me saying the time and place , along with the bar to meat up with him and his work mates . I thanked him and he told me that the bar was a couple of blocks from my hotel but a lot of people would know the bars name . I looked at a couple of shops and them headed back to my hotel to have a nap for a couple of hours so I would be falling asleep when I meat them that night .A had a couple of hours having a sleep and then I grapped a shower in my hotel room . And then I got dressed and got ready for the night ahead with the guy a had contact via emails and messeger . It was a fine night and I put on a pare of gaggy trousers and some trainers so if it rained I wouldn’t fall on my ass . Then I slipped on an xtra large shirt konak escort and my worn bikers jacket , along with the base ball cap I told him about . Then when I was about to walk out my phone rang in my room and I had to answer it .I got dressed in headed out into the clear evening sky and there were only a couple of milde clouds in the distants . People were milling about and the pubs were getting buisy with people want to grab a couple of drinks before going home or grabbing something to eat . I went to the pub and stood outside and the man watching over the pub entry asked if I was going in . I said I was waiting for a couple of mates and then we will all go in for a couple of drinks . He looked at me and asked were I was from , he said he hadn’t heard a voice like mine . I told him I was just in town for about a week and I told him were I was from and I was going to meat some people I had been in touch over the years . He liked my jacket and said he hadn’t seen one like that . I told him I got it from a bikers shop and it would protect me if I went down on the floor . He then said my baggy pants were not american were they from england . I told him they were from an ex and he was in the army and he left a lot of stuff at my place when we split up . He was own back into the army and the was going to get some knew stuff and he was going across the world and he didn’t want me worrying about him . I didn’t like it but were he was going there were a lot of men getting killed out there . The door man told me that I looked good in then and the and my ex would like me wearing then .Then my freinds came to the pub and we greatted in other and the door man let us in and I was shocked the pub was so buisy at the time of night . We headed to the bar and we got a bear and then headed to stand close to the door . The guys from the studio said I looked better than the pics I sent to then and I told them the same . It came that five men from the studio came to great me and we talked about my flight and my hotel I was staying in . The told me that I was in a good hotel and some of the people from the hotel came up and talked to them after they finished work . My stomach startted to grawel and they all startted to laugh at me and they said they had better go and grab something to eat . They asked me what food I liked to eatand I told them that I was willing to try and eat any and I would let them decide were we could go . They asked me if I liked pizza or suzi or chinese ? I told them that I was eat to try anything as the flight food was small and left you wanting more after you ate the meal . One of the guys slapped me on my shoulders and he said they would take me to a good pizza place were the food was great and the people were freindly . They all startted to walk along a street and I was shocked that there were so many pizza places but then they stopped outside a place . The place was buisy but the staff knew them and found a table for us all , it was a hourse shaped table and konak escort bayan they told me bet in the and they would all sit around me .The place were they me to was buisy and I looked at the menu and wonder what to have . They told me that they would order a couple of large prizes and then we could all grab what me would like . The waiter came to the table and asked what we would like to drink , I told them that I would like a bear an they all said they would like the same . They ordered a couple of tubs of bear , they came and I was shocked at the size of them they must hold at least five or six glasses . When the bear arrived one of the guy ordered a couple large pizzas with bitherent toppings . They all asked what my home town was like and what was the scene like . I told it was buisy all the time but I told them it was like rush hour friday and saturday nights but even at week days there was something going on in town . I also told them there was a big tv station the and they did stuff for all of the country , adding that there was some loveis around and they loved to brag to people they were in show buisiness . The said it sounded like there , some people thought that because the were big in enterainent they could get enithing they wanted without waitting for it . They startted to tell me some of dirt on people they wanted to fall flat on they faces . They also told me that they knew some people in the other form of enterainent , and I knew what they meant as taht part of the country was also known for more adult enterainent . I told them that some of the people from my area flew out to be in that form of the buisiness . Hearing that they told me that they worked behind the cameras and knew some people from my country . I wanted to ask whom they knew but I thought that inthat resteraunt people would listen and people often liked to straid something about other people , not cecking that it was trues . We startted to was about the studios they worked for and was they anithing I would like to be interested about . They tould me about some of the film they were working on but they said they would tell me mora after me had eaten and were out on the street heading for a good bar .On the way to one of the pubs they startted to tell me about one of the people they knew from the stodio and that he was also know for doing some adult film . I was eager to find out some more from them and they wouldn’t tell me what he had done in the studio with them watching but they told me what his adult film mane was . It was queezey and what many guys chose to be there adult film mane . It was ” Chris Asey ” , I knew that name but I didn’t know were I had heard it . They told me that they had seen him work on a couple adult film and that we was very able to do almost anything that the producers wanted him to do . They also to me that he was worked with a lot of adult studios and they were shocked that he was so willing to anything they wanted him to do . That do me wondering what escort konak they were walking about and before I had the chance to ask some more about the guy when we came to a bar , it looked like a small place from the outside . A small doorway and a narow window , but when we gut inside the bar was long and widened the more up walk inside . We all walked into the back of the pub and two of the guys went to the bar and got us some larger , it was a light larger unlike the larger I had back in europe . The larger was bland to me but they told me that was the case of larger in the usa , the stronger larger one abled if you drank some of the larger from europe .We drank the larger and and I told them I would buy the next round , the guy I had been in touch with from the net sade we would help bring the largers back . The bar was heaving and I looked at some of the guys at the bar , they were all sorts of guys ranging from the gys that had just arived from work to the guys out for the night . Some of the guys were easily dressed and then they were guys in leather and uniforms . When we got to the front of the bar we talked to each other and I got a lot of worndering hads grabbing my ass . I didn’t realy think much of if until a hand grabbed one of my ass cheecks and heavily queezed it in a tight grip . I slowly looked around and saw a heavily set man with a pair of very baggy paints and a ground leather jacket . He winked at me and I gave him a small grim and then ordered the drinks and then I slowlt took the drinks to the other guys with the guys from the studio . We drank the larger more slowly and the guy that braught the largers from the bar told me that there was a guy watching me . He told me that the guys had his eye on me from having been to the bar , he told be that he thought he was hot and I would very lucky .Some of the guys asked if I wanted to leak this bar or try anotherbar . I told them that I would like to try some other bars . we drank up our drinks and then walked out of the bar and they lead me to another bar , if was a louder bar with louder club music but I told them that I would try that bar another night I just wanted to try some local bar that we could talf to eath othet with out having to scream and each other . I had just spent a long time in the air . They then took me to the bar were I had met them earlear on that night . The guy on the door greated us all he said it was greatful to see me again , and then me graeted the guy and he gave some of the guys a bear hug . As we walked into the bar the guys told be that I was very lucky that I had been looked up by some of the guys that they had wanted to look them up . The knew bar was aloso very crouded and a lot of the guys in the bar knew them and they came up to talk to them . They asked about me and when I greated them all and shooked there hands they asked were I was from and that they hadn’t heard a voice like mine . Apart from the voices from the film and tv from my country . I asked were the toilets were and they they told me to go to the bar and then turn at the end of the bar and to head towards the dark door . I headed toward the bar then turn towards the bark doorway , there were a couple of guy along the dark doorway looking at all the guys going to and leaving the enterance .

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