Walk in the Woods

29 Mayıs 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Finally, time away from my hectic schedule to explore the deep woods. Wanting nothing more than to wander and think of the woman glimpsed for a brief instant walking down the beach. The thought of her stirring uneasy feelings in my body, imagining the flesh of her body pressed against mine.

As if awakening from a dream I look around, realizing I do not know exactly where I am. My watch tells me I have been walking for more than an hour, time unimportant with visions of her crowding my mind.

The sound of running water reaches me from behind a stand of towering oaks. Working my way thru the trees, I begin to see the glimmer of water reflecting in the sunlight. Following the flow of water upstream, I am surprised to come across a pond surrounded by tall, concealing palm leaves. As I begin to step towards the cover, a low moan reaches my ears. Quietly parting the leaves, my breath catches in my lungs. In the shallow water before me is the woman of my recent wandering fantasies. Her body glistens with beads of water, the sun causing bright flashes to appear to jump from her body. She is caressing herself with both hands, enjoying the illegal bahis feel of her body. One hand slides lower, moving beneath the water, not allowing me to know it’s final destination. Small ripples begin to surround her arm, caused by the steady rhythm of her movements.

Her mouth slightly open, her lips wet from her tongue slowly moving across them. She reaches for her nipple, pressing it between her fingers. A high, fantastically erotic, squeal rips into the air as her orgasm causes the water around her to dance with the quivers of her body. She leans her head back, exposing her neck, allowing the water to cool the heat created by her explosion.

Her body floating on the water, turning so that her feet are now aimed towards me. She raises her head, a smile forming on her mouth. “Are you going to join me, or do I have to come and get you”, she whispers seductively.

I rise from my hiding place, stepping thru the palms towards the waters edge. Her eyes never leaving mine, pulling me towards her. I stop at the waters edge, unsteadily sitting down in the smooth sand, removing my boots even before I have settled to the ground.

She illegal bahis siteleri glides towards me, keeping herself almost hidden beneath the water. Her hands reach out, sliding across the bulge in my crotch before slowly unbuttoning my fly. Moving the pieces aside, her eyes drift down to my erection now freed from its confinement. She touches the underside of my cock head, smiling as it presses against her fingers as if it were a purring feline. She slides backward in the water, gripping the cuffs of my pants, pulling them free of my legs. Standing, I pull my shirt over my head, not bothering with the buttons.

Seeing me standing nude, her eyes begin to take on a ravenous glint. She rolls to her back, slightly spreading her legs, inviting me to have her. Stepping into the water, barely causing a ripple, the chill is offset by the rising heat of my desire. I continue towards her, as the water reaches my knees I lower myself, now sliding across the surface. She spreads her legs farther, allowing my body to slide between them as if entering a harbor. My mouth finds her belly. Nibbling, but never stopping its upward canlı bahis siteleri climb.

Avoiding the temptation to suckle on her nipples, my mouth covers hers. Parting her lips with my tongue, hers willingly comes forward to dance. Entwining in a passion usually reserved for theatrical love scenes. My erection presses into her, smoothly entering what was so recently vacated by her own fingers. Our passion rises quickly, our bodies slapping against each other. Water being forced from us in violent waves. As her orgasm nears she grips my shoulders, sinking her nails. The pain does nothing but add to my nearing climax. Pressing her lips to mine, I feel her body begin to convulse beneath me. Her pussy tightening around my cock, spasming as her juices begin to flow around my shaft. Feeling the warmth of her cum, I can hold back no longer. My wad shooting inside her, jerking with each load. Finally our mutual orgasms subside and I guide her to the narrow beach. We step from the water, laying in the warm sand. Pressed against each other, not wanting to break the contact. We drift into sleep, still holding each other tightly.

I awake with a start, looking around frantically, and find myself still lying on the beach where the vision of her began. “How could this all have been a dream?” my mind screams. And off in the distance a beautiful woman glides away, just beyond my line of sight.

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