The Pimp, The Whore And Her Mother Pt. 03

1 Haziran 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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During the course of this episode it is necessary to refer to Tina as Tania and Tania as Tina. Please bear with me on this and understand that they are both the same person but with different mindsets.


A surprise for Tina.

As before Hugo met Tina outside The Plaza and escorted her inside, the receptionist glared at Tina when Hugo asked for the key to room 559 and muttered darkly “I hope there’s not going to be any repetition of last night.”

Hugo just shrugged and replied condescendingly, “If you did your job properly you’d have known it was just a mistake, don’t worry it won’t happen again, will it Tania?” Using Tina’s escort name.

Tina shook her head and looked at the floor. She hoped she looked the part tonight, her hair and makeup were immaculate, she had spent an absolute fortune on a makeover at a high class salon and splashed out another small fortune on shoes and lingerie and a more revealing but classy dress in Dove Grey silk that clung to every curve and whispered and rustled seductively against her skin.

They took a seat in the cocktail lounge again and as Tina (or Tania as she was now) looked around she recognised several of the patrons who had ogled her the previous night and she blushed, guessing at what they would be thinking of her. Hugo also recognised the signs and told her in hushed tones, “Ignore them Tania, most of them wouldn’t be able to afford you, not at the prices I charge. Now to business, your client is an oil man through and through and used to getting value for money, if he doesn’t think he’s had it he won’t pay and that means I don’t get paid and you’ve fucked a guy for nothing so you show him the best time ever, got it?”

Hearing it put like that made Tania nervous and she clenched her fists into tight little balls but nodded her head in understanding.

“Okay he’s waiting for you, you’ve got a three hour session with him so I’ll see you back here at midnight. Off you go.” slipping the key card into Tania’s clutch bag. With that Hugo snapped his fingers at the bartender and ordered another cocktail.

Tania threaded her way through the crowded cocktail lounge feeling several men deliberately brushing against her, one or two bold enough to stroke her cute ass with the silk dress stretched tight emphasising the shape of her butt. On reaching the elevator Tania took a deep breath and pressed the button for the fifth floor. The elevator seemed to take for ever and Tania kept going over in her mind how she was going to entertain this total stranger who was paying for her body.

Tania (as she now was) slid the key card through the slot and breathed a sigh of relief as the light glowed green and the door swung silently open.

The room was in semi darkness lit only by a lamp in the far corner of the room,

“Come in, stand by the bed let me get a look at you.” The voice was deep and resonating but almost friendly. Tania couldn’t make out the form of the voice as it was in the shadows and silhouetted against the lamp. Slowly and calmly Tania swayed over to stand by the bed and as she had been instructed by Hugo she reached behind her to begin unzipping her dress.

“No, not yet, turn around and cup your tits.”

The voice was huskier now with an undertone that made Tania shiver slightly but she cupped both magnificent tits in her tiny hands, the soft flesh of her cleavage spilling over and she turned around, instinctively taking in a breath and pushing her butt out.

“Hugo tells me that this is your first time as an escort, is that correct?”

Tania was surprised by the question but managed to squeak out,

“Yes but I have worked as a pros…”

She was cut off in mid sentence,

“I don’t wish to know about your sordid little life prior to tonight. For the next two and three quarter hours you belong to me, you will be whatever I want you to be, is that clear? “

“Yes Sir.”

She replied respectfully, still unsure what was actually expected of her. She had expected to walk in, strip, fuck and suck for three hours and leave, only it wasn’t going that way.

“You can undress for me now Tania, nice and slow please, I am going to take some photos of you so let me see what you have to offer after each item.”

The voice was firm but friendly as Tania began to draw down the zipper on the back of her dress. When it was completely down Tanis began to shrug it off her shoulders.

“Stop! You have a wonderful shape to your back Tania, I want to capture that.”

The flash of the camera took Tania by surprise and she started, letting the front of her dress drop and her perfectly shaped tits moulded into the skimpy pale blue shelf bra hung like two sweet pink melons tipped with hard dusky pink nipples. The camera flashed twice more in quick succession.

“Continue Tania, you are doing really well.”

Tania let the dress fall to the floor and pool at her feet leaving her in black shelf bra and skimpy black thong, her pale legs encased in sheer black hold ups halfway canlı bahis up her milky thighs. Feeling exposed, Tania’s excitement mounted, she had never been in a situation like this before and her nipples showed her excitement, swelling to hard peaks on her breasts and resting on the top of her bra. The flash went off again and the deep voice commanded her.

“Strike a pose Tania, something seductive if you please, maybe a pull with your forefinger on your bottom lip and your hips pushed forward temptingly.”

Tania need no second bidding, she was in familiar territory now, posing seductively for a man prior to letting him fuck her was second nature to her. Without even thinking about it she placed one shapely leg in front of the other slightly bent at the knee and and pulled her bottom ruby red lip down with her manicured forefinger and gazed into the darkened room through seductively half closed eyes. Once more the camera flashed.

“Excellent Tania , excellent, continue undressing and when you are finished lay on the bed with your knees bent and wide open.”

Tania relaxed more now, she was used to this and felt the excitement bubbling inside her. How would he take her? Slow and steady as he had been from the start or would he be like an animal and just ram her?

She lay on the bed, relaxed in the position she had been told and waited, and waited. The silence was deafening and Tania was almost afraid to breathe and break the silence, then it began, the wet tip of his tongue licking and sucking the insides of her parted knees moving slowly, inexorably up her thighs, the wet flat of his tongue feeling slightly rough on her delicate milky skin as he slid upwards between her legs. Suddenly Tania realised that she was panting, her tits heaving as she gasped for breath, each sensuous lick drawing the breath from her body.

Gasping, her hips lifted to his sensuous probing tongue and she grasped her tits in both hands, twisting and tugging at her quivering, grape sized engorged nipples.

“Oh God, please, I want you inside me Sir, I’m gonna cum, please!”

Her voice sounded distant and high pitched until she realised that she was screaming at the top of her voice and thrashing about on the bed, thinking only of her need to be filled with a hard thick cock.

Suddenly she felt alone as the assault on her clit and pussy ceased and silence fell in the darkened room, the only sound was her panting and Tania gradually relaxed, the fire between her legs slowly ebbing. She almost dropped off to sleep in the darkened silence until her left nipple was seized and yanked between a set of strong white teeth, her wrists pushed above her head and quickly bound to the headboard.

Tania felt rather than saw the hard lean but muscular body hovering over her and squealed with unashamed delight as the tip of his cockhead slid along the wet slippery furrow of her slit.

“Yes, please, yes, fuck me honey.”

She begged as he teased her, his hot breath washing over her aching nipples and she thrust her hips to him, arching her back like a bow, needing his meat inside her but he anticipated her move and pulled away leaving her frustrated and more eager to entice him into her hot tight cunt that was beginning to burn again.

Tania bucked and twisted, rolling her hips, doing her best to get what she wanted. Despite her efforts and pleading he teased her until she was exhausted and lay hopefully, waiting for the torment to end. Never before in her young life had Tina wanted a cock inside her as she did now. it wasn’t a want, a desire, it was a fierce need that was gnawing at her, lighting a bonfire between her legs and burning a trail through her body.

Then a firebrand was thrust into her hot molten core, a long, hard, thick monster of a firebrand that ignited her inner cavern and made her scream and convulse with such pleasurable excitement. Tina the Whore became Tania the Escort and flipped back again until she didn’t know or care, all that mattered was the relentless thrusting inside of her and his hands on her body. Hands and fingers that found parts of her that she never dreamt could feel so erotic. Her body was used to the very limit and she loved every moment and when her climax smashed through her she shuddered and juddered to a standstill the only sound once again was her panting.

Tania felt him get off the bed and only then did she realise that she had no idea what he looked like or his name.

“Who are you Sir? I am sure that my er, manager would be happy for you to have a discount if this were to be a regular appointment.”

Tania was completely unprepared for the deep throaty chuckle in response to her offer and even more unprepared for what or rather ‘who’ she saw when the light was snapped on. Standing naked in front of her was none other than Hugo.

“So, Tina, or shall I call you Tania while I still own you? You rather enjoyed yourself didn’t you? I must admit that I was rather dubious about renting you as your first client when bahis siteleri you were offered to me but it has proved to be an exhilarating experience.”

Tina was confused, she worked for Hugo and he had already, for the want of a better word, sampled her. How could she be offered to him? It just didn’t make sense.

“I can see that you still haven’t worked it out, I am not Hugo, I am Casper, Hugo’s identical twin, younger by five minutes.”

Tina’s mind whirled, she couldn’t process this at all. Then her baser instincts took over,

“If you’re Hugo’s brother do I get paid for, erm, you know, entertaining you?”

Casper laughed out loud, “Of course you get paid, Hugo isn’t the sort to give out freebies but on this occasion I think he has severely underestimated your worth, I would have gladly paid another grand for you.”

Tina positively glowed at the praise she received from Casper for her performance but graciously she conceded that a great part of that performance was due to the way that Casper had teased and tormented her.

“So what now? Do you want a blow job and clean up?” She asked tentatively, unsure how to proceed from here.

Holding his thick erect meat in one hand he caressed it with the other, stroking along the length, squeezing the last drops of cum from the cock slit. He saw Tina eying it and licking her lips, Casper chuckled and moved towards her and rubbed the shiny dome over her lips, “Put your tongue out honey, you can have what’s left.”

Tina needed no second bidding and her little wet pink tongue darted around the shiny dome cleaning it as she went and swallowing his cum, smiling inside, savouring the salty taste. “MMMMM, that’s good.” she muttered as she sat back on her heels having lost all her feelings of nervousness and just thinking if she would be needed again.

“Let’s have a little break and a drink and you can tell me all about your Momma, from what Hugo tells me she’s quite a performer herself, certainly one that I’d love to try.”

Once again Tina was on the back foot, she had no idea that Casper could be interested in her staid, and up until a few days ago, straight laced Mother. For the life of her she couldn’t imagine her Mother letting Casper fuck her as he had just fucked her, she had Hugo for a start and seemed to be besotted with him, why on earth would she allow Hugo’s brother to bed her?

“There’s not much to tell really, she was married to my dad for a long time and when they divorced she didn’t date seriously until Hugo came along. She had a dry spell of almost two years but Hugo seems to have found the slut in her and she’s happy with him but I personally can’t stand him.” Tina smiled wanly at Casper and continued, “Unlike you Casper, I think you’re wonderful, I’d do anything for you.”

Casper loved having his ego stroked and even though the praise came from a whore he had just fucked stupid he was rather proud of his prowess between the sheets. “So your Mom, you think she’s a looker? Hugo seems to and he’s got a good eye for a good screw, he’s had you hasn’t he?”

Once again Tina blushed and tight lipped she admitted that Hugo had indeed had her “But he made me, blackmailed me saying he’d tell my Mom.” She protested.

Casper chuckled throatily “Sounds just like Hugo.”

Casper looked at his watch, “What a shame, times up, can’t outstay my welcome, you be a good girl and get dressed, I’m sure Hugo has coached you how to put on a show at the end as well as the beginning.”

Casper reclined on the bed watching intently every sensual move that Tania made as she dressed ensuring that Caper saw as much as possible until she finally shrugged the dress into place and adjusted her cleavage.

“Before I go Casper, I’m curious, what are you going to do with those photographs?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll pick out the best ones and they’ll be put on your password protected website, all very tasteful”

“My, my website? I’m not sure about that, anyway I don’t have one.”

“You will have, very shortly, I’ll let you have a peek at our next meeting.”

Tina wondered how deep she was in this escort business and felt she had no control over the situation although she felt a little thrill of pleasure that she would be seeing Casper again soon.

Hugo was waiting for her as she entered the cocktail lounge. She was acutely aware of all the looks she was getting and the mutterings behind the hands covering mouths. Did they know or merely guessing that she’d been screaming her lungs out while being fucked for the best part of the last three hours?

Hugo gave a smug smile as Tina sat down next to him attempting to modestly cover her legs “So you’ve met Casper, how was he? Performance wise I mean, is he better than me?”

“He was superb and such a gentleman, unlike his brother.”

Tina retorted, pleased that she had the opportunity to belittle Hugo and his performance of the night before.

Hugo smiled and chuckled, “That is precisely what I expected to hear, Casper is bahis şirketleri so much a gentleman with his ‘ladies’ he doesn’t always get the very best from them. You know as well as I do the truth of the saying ‘treat ’em mean keep ’em keen.’ “

Hugo hadn’t offered Tina a drink and she was parched, her mouth dry and more than a little sore from having Casper’s manhood fucking her throat. “May I have drink please Hugo? A glass of iced water?”

“Of course Tania, you need to have your throat functioning correctly for your next client. He will be arriving in less than thirty minutes but has only booked you for an introductory hour as he has a flight to catch but impress him and I’m sure you will both be seeing quite a lot of each other.”

Tina looked at Hugo aghast, “But Hugo I’m still wet and have a pussy full of Casper’s cum, how can I let him fuck me like that and,” She almost grinned as she said it “I’m still pretty sore.”

Hugo smiled back, enjoying the consternation on Tina’s face “Don’t worry about it, he has other things on his mind besides fucking you.”

“Well, if I have to I suppose I had better do as I’m told.”

“That’s a good girl, Dominic likes a girl who does just what she’s told, a word of warning though, make sure you obey his instructions to the letter, because I want you ready for tomorrow night and unmarked.”

Tina wasn’t sure what to make of Hugo’s remark about being unmarked and it was with some trepidation she made her way back to room 559 and knocked on the door and waited for an answer.


Just the one word and tone of voice sent shivers down Tania’s spine as she pushed the door open and walked into she didn’t know what. Her fears seemed well founded as she saw her new client, standing at least six foot six and clad in tight black leather pants a black string vest and knee length boots. He looked Tania up and down a wolfish smile appearing on his face.”I’m Tania, Sir.” she ventured in a small voice. “What can I do to please you Sir?” Keeping her eyes down and trying to appear deferential as that seemed the best option.

“Just keep quiet and do as your told.” Was the unexpected reply in an accent she couldn’t place.

“Hitch your dress up and kneel on the bed, hands in front of you.”

Thinking it would be best to obey rather than question the abrupt command she hitched the hem of her dress up to her waist showing her nylon clad legs and thighs and climbed onto the bed supporting herself on her elbows with her hands clasped in front of her.

The stinging slap on her partially exposed ass didn’t really hurt but it took Tania by surprise and she lurched forward burying her head in the soft pillows but her ass raised up and pulled her tiny panties tight across her ass. She heard him hiss through clenched teeth, “OH YESSS!” Another sharp slap on her ass, harder this time and her butt began to burn.

The slaps continued, each one harder than the one before and Tania felt that her butt was on fire but she found herself moaning and her pussy was leaking. The slaps suddenly stopped and she felt large strong hands almost encircling her waist and something soft and wet was nuzzling her small brown hole, circling the perimeter as though seeking the entrance to her bowels. “Hold your ass open, slut.” The husky command in her ear brooked no argument and Tania slid her hands to her fiery red rear and she pulled her cheeks apart only half aware of his intentions and what was insistently circling and probing her tiny star.

The pain was intense as her sensitive, delicate hole was penetrated, stretching it beyond imagination but Tania didn’t cry out as it felt so good, the strange mix of pain and pleasure seemed odd but she needed more and spread her legs wider as the husky commanding voice coaxed her to accept his thick meaty cock.

Tania became accustomed to the thrill of her clients gigantic organ pumping inside her and gave it everything she had to take every inch of him, adjusting her position so her ass was at the perfect height for him to ream her hole. After what felt like a lifetime of being used she heard him grunt and he pulled out of her and her head was roughly pulled back by her hair making her back arch like a bow and it seemed that hot hailstones were raining down on her back and his gruff voice rasped in her ear.

“What a shame , times up but same time next week and I’ll be making sure you scream your heart out, now get out.”

Throwing her away from him and disappearing into the bathroom, Tania hastily adjusted her dress after cleaning herself up as best she could thinking better of it to disturbing her client in the bathroom.

Tania (As she now thought of herself) made her way back to Hugo who was still in the same chair and sat down gingerly on her sore tender ass still burning from her spanking. On her way down she’d had to endure disapproving looks and sniffs from the four women in a party of eight in the elevator and admiring smirks from the men before she realised that she reeked of cum and arousal.

“Interesting time Tania? I trust he hasn’t marked you in a way that will leave any scars?” Hugo questioned in his laconic way. Tania wriggled uncomfortably on her still stinging, crimson rear.

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