Second Time with Mom

3 Nisan 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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I’m the first one to admit that getting one’s mother in bed is sweet and erotic, but I’m here to tell you that there is something even better.

There had been hints and innuendos over a two-year period that my 63-year-old mother was possibly interested in a more intimate relationship with me. Nevertheless, it’s a touchy situation. As I was not entirely satisfied with my sex life at home, I could have been very easily misreading mom’s intention.

With my wife and kids away for the weekend, being invited over for dinner to my mom’s apartment, I did the unthinkable.

I was hugging her goodbye as usual. No big deal! I did it all the time. I would learn later that she was very much aware of the bulge in my pants, as I certainly was. I found that I could not let her go and I hugged her for long moments before sliding my face along side of hers, afraid to make eye contact, until our lips met. She kissed me back, wrapping her arms around me passionately and the rest is history.

We stumbled from the kitchen, through the living room, through the short hall to her bedroom. I stripped her and myself as we went.

Tumbling into the bed, she grabbed my cock, placed it to her hole and we coupled. We fucked by crazed, sex-starved animals. After long minutes, she came and I followed her moments later.

Afterwards, there was embarrassment for us both and apologies by me that were quietly and tenderly shooed away. She remained in the bed, grabbing the bedspread to cover herself, in the darkened bedroom while I dressed. I said my goodbyes and told her I’d see her in a few days.

I spent the weekend alone in my house jerking off repeatedly and wondering what the future held.

I think for those incestuous bastards that get to wet their cock in their mother’s pussy this is how it often happens, just pure incestuous, unbridled lust begun in some fashion or other.

The embarrassment, wondering what the other person is thinking afterwards and the fear of the next meeting is mind numbing.

But Wednesday arrived and I arrived at her apartment at 8:30am as usual to take her to breakfast and grocery shopping.

The embarrassment was still there for both of us and we both found it hard to carry on a conversation. There was a lot of silence.

My usual practice after grocery shopping was to pull up at the front door of the apartment building and go in to get a shopping cart to put mom’s groceries into. I would then see her into the lobby, saying my goodbyes, giving her the usual hug and then leave. She usually followed me into the lobby on the first trip, waiting for me to bring in the groceries. This day she stood by the back of the car.

“You don’t have to rush off today, do you?” She inquired, as I loaded the groceries into the cart.

“I have some errands to run, but no, I’ve got all afternoon to do that.” I answered. “I can come up for a while, if you want?”

“I do!” She answered. “I’ll wait in the lobby for you while you park.”

Her demeanor told me nothing. Naturally, I feared the worst.

She was probably going to tell me what we did was a mistake and that it could never happen again.

Entering the apartment, I stood at the bags on the counter handing her each item to put away. It took only minutes and I studied her in her dark blue, cotton pants with an elastic waist much like the ones I had stripped off her three days earlier. She wore a flowered buttoned up cotton shirt and flats.

I will admit that I had found my mother’s 5’6″ frame quite attractive since I had joined her in my 20s. The five or six years we’d spent together in a small apartment were a lot of fun and there were very few secrets between us. Matter-of-factly, catching me fucking my girlfriend in the apartment, she told me to be careful and not get her pregnant.

Around the apartment I had seen mom in all matters of undress but never completely nude.

She had a variety of boyfriends and undoubtedly an active sex life.

We were 400 miles apart after I left home and settled down, getting married and starting a family.

Mom retired at 62 and moved south to be closer to me and family. We fell into a schedule and all was going well.

“I think we were a bit rushed the other night and didn’t get to know each other very well.” She said, closing the icebox and turning to me. “I’m taking for granted, of course, that you are interested in screwing me again?”

“I was not sure you would want me to? “I queried more than stated.

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure until we got back to the apartment today.” She replied. “I am very much interested if you’re comfortable with it.”

I answered her by moving close to her and kissing her again on the lips.

“I desire to learn every nook and cranny of grup porno your body.” I said. “I hope you will not be embarrassed by being naked in front of me and letting me see and study your womanly attributes?”

“I don’t suspect there will be much embarrassment. We have both have our experiences. But if there is, as long as we end up screwing, I’ll get used to any embarrassment.”

“Can we start by you taking off your shirt and bra?” I queried. “And come over here by the sofa.”

As I sat on the sofa viewing my mother’s breasts in the midmorning brightness of the living room, I’m here to tell you that this was much sweeter than fucking mom for the first time.

Her breasts were much more than a handful and they sagged only slightly. Her nipples appeared to be in the early stages of hardening and I reached to grab her buttocks, setting myself up straight, and draw her closer to me so I could suckle each nipple at my leisure.

I toyed, squeezed and explored mom’s broad ass as I suckled her breasts for long minutes and her soft moans and her hands coursing through my hair told me she was enjoying both. Her nipples were now fully erect now and they were like sweet raisins in my mouth.

I withdrew from her only long enough to pull my cotton T-shirt over my head.

I pulled her cotton pants down, leaving her bloomer styled panties in place. She stepped out of them. I ran my hands up under the elastic of the panties and began to play and explore her ass anew.

“Do you like my body?” She queried.

“Very much!” I assured her.

Mom’s legs were not smooth and shapely but they were strong because she walked for great distances every day. It was 4 miles to downtown and she walked it regularly, only occasionally catching a bus back home.

Her ass was bubbled nicely in proportion with her body and it was tight with little flab. Her belly protruded a little but I found it extremely sexy.

I’d always been a fan of older women and now that I was closing on 40 years it was only natural that the women that I preferred get older.

“Can I see it?” She asked.

She backed up a bit as I stood and began to remove my loafers and jeans. I seldom wore socks during the summer. I pushed my briefs down, stepping out of. I stood straight my cock sticking out firm and hard.

Mom reached to toyed with my cock with her fingers, ranging over the shaft and the domed head, causing it to firm up a little more.

“Your cock really felt good in me the other night!” Mom said. “It’s a good cock, Bobby!”

I let her play with it for long minutes as I stood watching her hand.

I then sat back down on the edge of the couch and began to pull her panties down. I had noticed the hair trying to escape around the edges of her panties, but I was not prepared for the amount of hair she had between her legs. I was awed and pleased by the sight of it. Her bush would have been cold black light her hair and she colored it also. Instead, it was mixed with gray.

“That’s beautiful, mom!” I sighed.

“Does Alice have a good bush?” Mom inquired “

“Not nearly as thick as yours!” I replied.

“You should have seen it when I was a lot younger.” She added. “Damn cocks would pull hair getting in me every time I screwed.”

I pushed at her hips, turning her around. I backed her up a bit and began to kiss and nibble at her ass, running my tongue up the crack of her ass.

“Bend over for me.” I instructed.

Mom walked away from me to pull a rather heavy, leather chair over towards the couch. She guesstimated the distance to use the back of the chair for support, bending over and widening her stance. Her head hung free and she seemed to stare at the floor.

I was awed once more! Mom’s pussy was not a thin, small-lipped crack like Alice’s, but puffy, big-lipped and surrounded by a thin fur.

“I’m going to touch it, mom.” I told her, not wanting her to be surprised at my touch.

I covered her pussy entirely with my hand, palming it lightly and putting pressure against it. Mom moaned appreciatively. Then, I began to stroke it with my forefinger and middle finger. I reached up with my middle finger searching for her clit. The tensing of her body and her long moan told me I had found it and I spent a few moments rubbing it.

“You like that?” I queried lovingly.

“I do!” She replied. “You’ll make me come if you keep that up!”

“Do you want to come?” I asked.

“Very much!” She assured me.

I was a little apprehensive about having mom come so early in our sex play but I continued to rub her clit with my middle finger. I could see her pussy glistening with lubricating wetness. Her moans and heavy breathing were music to my ears.

I concentrated hd porno on bringing her to orgasm for long minutes.

“Your finger feels so good!” She moaned. “Aahhhhhhh! Don’t stop! Right there. Right there! Yessssssssss! I’M COMING!” She moaned loudly. “AAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Her body quaked with the orgasm and it seemed to last for long, long moments, as did her labored breathing. She reached with her left hand to still my finger, then, replaced her hand on the chair.

She shifted her wide stance only slightly to rest her forehead on the back of the chair.

As her body relaxed, I slid my middle finger to probed for her hole. I felt my finger sink into her opening and, turning my hand, palm down, I pushed my finger slowly into her. I began to finger-fuck her slowly and tenderly.

“That feels good!” She cooed. “I didn’t think I would ever get screwed again. It was good the other night but it is so much better today having you play with me like you do. I love to have my pussy played with.”

“We were overcome with our lust and desire. I crave this kind of play. Alice never lets me see her pussy close-up and personal like this. Your pussy is gorgeous.” I told her.

“My pussy is not like that skinny-ass wife’s of yours.” She queried. “Do you like mine better?”

“It’s much better! More like a pussy should be.” I assured her. “And that it belongs to you, my mother, is icing on the cake.”

Moans and the wet clicking sound of my finger moving in and out of her pussy was intoxicated.

“I’m glad it doesn’t bother you being a mother-fucker.” She panted. “Mother-fucker! You like that name?”

“Music to my ears!” I replied.

My erotic exploration, mom’s orgasm, studying her pussy as I finger-fucked her and our banter all combined to give me an urgent need to get my cock wet inside her pussy.

I stood, rotating my hand slowly, keeping my finger in her. Standing behind her, I continued to finger-fuck her for a brief moment before withdrawing my finger.

“Forgive me mom but I need to get inside of you!” I said.

“Nothing to forgive, Bobby.” She assured me. “Do what you want with me.”

Positioning myself against her buttocks, I gripped my cock, placed the

domed head where I figured her clit would be, pulled it back between the thick lips until it sank slightly into her hole. I pushed my cock into mom’s pussy and pushed deep. Her deep-throated moan slowly dissipated as I began thrusting into her slowly.

“Your pussy is so good, mom!” I said with conviction. “I feel very privileged to have my cock in you.”

“I wished we had gotten together a lot sooner.” She said. “We were just so far apart and when I would visit there never seemed to be any privacy. I wanted you badly for a lot of years, especially after my operation. I fingered my pussy for a long time after you left the other night, wetting my finger in your cum. I just couldn’t make myself come. I wanted you back so badly.

I did not want to come into her anytime soon as it would certainly be an end to my erection for a brief period. We were already an hour into the three I figured I could spend with her. I really did have errands I had to accomplish before heading home. As I slowly doggy-fucked her, I concentrated on the sensation my cock was feeling. I studied her ass along with the occasional traffic passing in front of the apartment complex three stories down.

“Bobby, I hate to say this but my back is getting a little tired.” Mom informed me. “Can we go to the bed?”

“Certainly.” I answered. “But go to the bathtub and wash your pussy for me. I want to give you a little treat.”

“If you are thinking what I am, I am a lucky lady indeed.” She exclaimed. “I’ve got some new soap. It smells real pretty.”

“So, you’ve had your pussy eaten before?” I inquired.

“Any man who would not eat me, I promptly dumped. “I’ve been known to suck cock if I really like you. And needless to say, I more than like you, Bobby!”

I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her and followed her to the bathroom.

As she squatted in the tub washing her pussy, I washed my cock in the sink.

“You are making me very happy.” She said, as she slapped water between her legs. “I feel like I’m a alive again.”

“I’m not getting a lot of action at home.” I informed her. “I’ve never had the inclination to fool around, not to mention the money or time. So, you’re making me very happy too.”

As she stood, I tossed her a towel off the rack and grabbed another one to try my cock.

On a whim, I spread my towel on the toilet seat and sat down. Mom stepped out of the tub, dropped her towel into the sink and instinctively, with a smile on her face, straddled my legs. Taking my cock, holding it up, she latin porno eased herself onto it. We began to fuck slowly.

“Damn! It just keeps getting better and better!” She sighed.

I did not answer her as I was sucking on her nipples, alternately, trying to figure out which one I liked best!

I suppose I had sat down on the toilet seat to see if mom was game for whatever I proposed.

“Come on, sweet cheeks!” I said, slapping her buttocks. “Let’s go to the bed. I’m desperate to taste your pussy.”

We uncoupled and I followed her to the bed. She kneed herself onto the bed and rolled to the middle. I maneuvered between her legs as she lifted them and pulled them back. Without much ado, I slid my hands under her ass and put my face to her pussy and began to explore it with my tongue, much to her elation.

“Uhggggggggggggg!” She exclaimed. “You sweet, warm tongued, thing, you!!”

Mom’s pussy, compared to Alice’s, was like eating a lemon meringue compared to a dry pecan pie. My chin was soon dripping with her juices. I was truly awed by her thick pussy lips. Her clit was teasing me more difficult to get to. I found it smaller but just as rigid as her nipples.

Each pass over her clit caused her to gasp and her ass to jerk.

“Make me come again, Bobby!” She exclaimed. “Make me come again and you can screw me to your heart’s content!”

I lifted her ass and shoved my tongue into her pussy.

“AAggggggggggggggg!” Mom cried, pulling her legs back further and pushing her ass up, in an effort to get my tongue as deep as possible into her pussy. “You sweet mother-fucker!”

The word caused me to aggressively fuck her pussy with my tongue for a long minute before returning to torment her clit.

“AGAIN, DAMN YOU, AGAIN!!” Mom demanded.

I lifted her ass again and shoved my tongue home. I pushed the juices from my mouth only to have them drip off by chin and run down the crack of her ass. I had never experienced such a wet pussy.

I tongue fucked her another long minute, then, returned to her clit. She did not beg for more indicating she was ready to reach orgasm. I obliged.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” She cried, her body tensing moments later before quaking uncontrollably.

Her orgasms must’ve been close to pain as she again pushed me away from her clit. I suppose, a finger or a tongue creates a more concentrated orgasm. I scrubbed my mouth across the bedding to dry it a bit.

“Come up here!” She directed, motioning with her hands. “I want to suck your cock!”

Her legs dropped and I straddled her body and maneuvered myself over her breasts and head. Her right hand gripped my shaft and she took much of my cock into her mouth and began to suck vigorously on it. I supported my torso on the headboard and watched, mesmerized, mom suck my cock.

I lost track of time but I was not put off in the least when she pushed at my hips to indicate she wanted me to fuck her.

I quickly moved downward, keeping my legs close as hers widened. Mom then lifted her legs again and I poked my rock-hard cock at her pussy. It entered her without any guidance. I supported myself above her on locked arms and long stroked my cock into her. Mom lifted her head to watch our coupling.

“Look at your cock, Bobby!” She whispered. “Look at your cock fucking me. Fucking your mother. Your sweet mother-fucking cock!”

After long minutes, I shifted my position to gather her ass up in my hands, locking her in tight, smashing her breast against my chest. I was overcome with the incestuous desire to fill my mother’s pussy with my come and I fucked her with intense determination.

“Yes baby! Give it to mama!” Mom encouraged. “Give me your cum, baby! Fill your mother’s pussy with your cum!”

I tried to hold myself back as long as I could to give my cock more energy to shoot my cum deep inside of her belly.

“MY GGooooooooooooooodd!!” I cried loudly. “YOUR PUSSY IS GOOOOOD!!”

“Yes! I feel it!” She whispered. “It’s so warm. I felt it splash up against my womb.

It was an effort not to collapse on top of her, but I managed to shift my arms to cradle her and support my weight. I kept my cock in her but I could tell it was losing its firmness quickly. Had it been 15 years earlier I could have stayed hard and fucked her all day.

“I could not imagine anything could be so good!” She whispered. “I need you more than once a week. I’ve never been much good at satisfying myself.”

“We’ll have to figure something out.” I assured her.

When I had showered with mom and dressed, I found we had killed 2 hours and 55 minutes. I had gotten to know mom’s womanly attributes quite well.

One leaving, I kissed her on the lips for a long moment, hugging her lovingly and tenderly.

I assured her she would see me over the weekend, if only for me to quickly eat her pussy.

The first time would be a sweet memory but the second time was much more satisfying and set the atmosphere for things to come.

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