Porn Shoot with My Sister

31 Mart 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Author’s note: Well been awhile since I put something up and far, far longer since I delved into some good old brother sister fun. Now as my long time fans know I enjoy trying to come up with a way to “justify” my taboo encounters. A month or so ago a friend asked me if I thought I could make any scenario somewhat credible. I told him I was pretty sure I could and his challenge was a brother and sister filming a porn shoot together. The result of that challenge is the story you are about to read. Before we get to the fun, my usual disclaimer. I take my time building up the taboo encounter so if you are a fan of short stroke pieces, this may not be the story for you. Now onto the fun! Lovecraft68

I sat there staring at the framed photo of dad and I at my high school graduation and with a sigh, picked up a piece of bubble wrap and carefully folded it over the picture. Placing it gently in the box that contained the rest of the pictures I had on shelf over my TV, I noticed it was just after midnight. My eyes were burning and admittedly it was from more than being tired. Several times since mom had come home and broken the news to us that her uncle was unable to help her with enough money to save the house, I had broke down and cried.

Not so much for me and my sister Alicia, but for mom. True this was the only home my big sister and I had ever known, but Mom and Dad had moved into the house, which had belonged to his parents when they had gotten married over fifty years ago. Dad had always spoken of how when Alicia and I got older he would love one of us to take it over and keep it in the family.

Most likely the house would fall to me as Alicia constantly spoke of leaving Rhode Island and heading to New York when she finished school to pursue a career in Mom’s field of advertising. Mom and Dad had hated the idea of their daughter leaving the state and she had promised when she graduated she would spend a year trying to find a job at home before venturing out. But to me, her little brother she confided everything to, she said she was just humoring them. She wanted to try life in the big city and if it didn’t work out she could always come back.

But everything changed a year ago when Dad suffered a brain aneurism while golfing and died right there on the course at the way too young age of forty seven. Initially I thought we would be okay as he had a fair amount of life insurance; enough to cover his funeral as well as pay off the house which is what he had intended. Mom, however, had decided to put us first and paid off Alicia’s last two years of school and my three.

The good thing was we would be able to graduate college and with Mom working and Alicia and I pitching in with part time jobs we would be okay. That seemed the case for the first three months, but then Mom’s long time job went out of business and she lost her job. Mom’s job was partly commission based and the amount unemployment paid her was less than half of her former income.

Alicia picked up an extra shift waitressing and I managed to get a few more hours at Pizza Hut, but things were tough. At one point I offered to take a semester off and work full time, but Mom was so upset I had suggested it I thought she was going to hit me. The good news was last month Mom had gotten hired at another advertising firm-she had already been telling Alicia she could get her a job with her-and was making decent money again.

The bad news was that we were more than seven months behind on the mortgage and hadn’t paid the last two quarters of property taxes. The total Mom was in hock for was over twelve thousand dollars. All her credit cards had been maxed out and even with the new job, the bank wouldn’t help her. Mom owed too much to get a loan anywhere else and she was too new at work to try to ask for any help there.

My grandparents on dad’s side had passed away and Mom’s folks were retired in Florida and had only their pensions and security to live on. Mom’s last chance of saving the house had been her brother Roger and she had driven to Boston to see him today. Alicia and I had wanted to go with her, but Mom hadn’t wanted to look as if she were trying to make our uncle feel guilty and left us home.

The two of us had worked, but when we came home had sat on the couch pretending we were paying attention to the movies Alicia had rented. We kept looking at each other and I knew she wanted to talk about it and so did I, but we avoided it probably figuring it was bad luck. Once when she had come back from the kitchen with some popcorn Alicia had handed me the bowl and simply said, “It’ll be okay little brother, you’ll see.”

She hadn’t sounded convinced and as she always had while we were growing up and there was a problem just seemed to be trying to make me feel better. I had nodded and said, “Absolutely, Uncle Roger’s going to find a way!” but I felt about as confident as she sounded. As it turned out we may have well discussed it openly as when Mom came home and sat on the couch to talk to us she had burst into ataşehir escort bayan tears; Uncle Roger couldn’t help us.

Well, not entirely true, he gave mom two thousand dollars saying it was all he could spare. Alicia had asked mom if she was going to go to the bank and ask if they would take that as a down payment on the debt, but she said it was not enough. The money would be for moving and she was going to start looking at apartments this weekend.

I looked up at the sound of something hitting the floor in Alicia’s room. Our soon to be former home was close to a hundred years old and featured a Jack and Jill bathroom that connected our bedrooms. Currently the door on my side of the bathroom was open and after the bang I could hear Alicia swearing. Like me, Alicia normally would be in bed by now, but I’m sure was as upset as I was and couldn’t sleep.

I returned my attention to packing and grabbing the tape gun sealed the box containing the pictures. I picked up the black sharpie next to me and had just finished writing “Andrew’s room” when I heard a soft knock coming from the bathroom.

“Hey Andy, you up for some company?”

“Yeah sure.” I answered while getting up and placing the box against the wall where I planned on stacking my stuff as I packed it.

“What are you doing?” she asked behind me.

“What’s it look like, sis? I’m packing.”

“Well stop, I want to talk to you about something.”

“Okay.” I sighed and turning around almost choked at the sight of my sister.

Alicia was standing there in front of my bed dressed only in a pair of black panties and a lace black tank top thing that barely went down past her tits. My surprise must have shown on my face because she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Where the hell’s the rest of your clothes?” I said, dropping my gaze to the floor.

“My rooms hot and I’m comfortable.” She told me, “Why, do I look bad?”

“I…you should at least be wearing a t-shirt.” Without looking up, I pointed to my bureau, “Grab one of mine out of the top drawer.”

“Oh, please, I’m your sister for Christ’s sake. We used to go swimming naked together when the folks took us camping.”

“We were ten and eight.” I reminded her. “When we got older we would swim separate.”

“And you would peek through the bushes at me wouldn’t you?”

I felt my face flush and she laughed, “In fact last time was only about three years ago. Which made you were peeping on your eighteen year old sister.”

“I….it was longer ago than that!” I said indignantly.

“Point is you were perving on me or do I need to remind you of all the times you accidently walked in on me in the shower?”

When I didn’t answer she laughed again, “What? It’s no fun if I know you’re looking?”

“I don’t check you out.” I insisted.

“Then put your head up and don’t check me out, just look at me. I’m too hot to put a real shirt on.”

I sensed her moving and looking up saw she had turned her back to me and was looking at the pictures on my desk I hadn’t packed yet. I saw she was holding a rolled up newspaper in her hand and put it down to lift one of the pictures. Alicia wasn’t kidding when she had said she was too hot. Ever since I was old enough to know what sexy was, my big sister had been the sexiest girl I knew. She was tall for a woman; close to five nine and her long tan legs seemed to go on forever.

Those legs made her a ton of tips at her waitressing job, sometimes more than three hundred a night. While mom was out of work it was my sister that paid all the utilities and bought groceries. I’d felt like an ass with my pay barely being enough to cover my own car insurance and help mom out with gas in the cars. Speaking of asses, Alicia bent over my desk to fiddle with the old fan I had in the window behind it and not for the first time I thought how unfair this was.

A guy should not be checking out his sister, but with her, it was impossible not to. Alicia’s ass was as perfect as the rest of her and the skimpy panties left both her well rounded cheeks fully visible to me. Unable to help it I stared at the thin strip of material between her legs, wondering what her pussy looked like. Alicia remained leaning over the table as she started flipping through some of the drawings I’d done for art class and had begun swaying side to side.

I swallowed hard at the sight of her sweet ass moving back and forth and with an effort, lifted my gaze higher. I stared at the large colorful dragon she had tattooed on the small of her back, her tramp stamp as she called it. Staring at it, I remember her ex boyfriend Jack calling it a bull’s eye. Couldn’t say I blamed him. I had no doubt Jack had also made use of Alicia’s long blonde hair that went more than halfway down her back. I could just imagine pulling on it then whipping my cock out and adding some white to the red and green tattoo.

Okay, that was enough. It was one thing to think Alicia was hot, another to start thinking like a pig. My escort kadıköy eyes wandered dropped, but were now confronted with the shape and length of those amazing legs. I gave in and took them in from her firm thighs down to her bare feet with their purple toe nails. Christ, even her feet looked good.

“Having fun looking?” she asked.

“What are you….”

My words tailed off when she straightened and turning around held up the small mirror she’s had hidden in her hand.

“Get a nice view or should I bend over some more?”

“I…what’s up with you tonight?” I asked.

“Me?” she gave me a sly smile, “Nothing, I’m not the one gawking at my sister.”

Putting the mirror down on the desk she gave me another odd smile and raising her arms over her head, made a show of stretching. I started to look away when she said, “Go on, get a look at my tits, you know you want to.”

There was something strange in the way she said it, as if she really were trying to encourage me to do it. Even though I knew I shouldn’t she had already caught me gawking so why worry now? I stared directly at her chest and tried to keep my mouth from opening. The shirt was short as it was and had risen when she stretched. I could just make out the curve of the bottom of her tits and could feel my cock starting to twitch in the shorts I was wearing.

Alicia’s tits weren’t big, but weren’t that small either. But on her long slender frame they looked just right. I could see her nipples poking through the thin material of the shirt and at this point hoped to hell she didn’t look down at my crotch. I dropped my eyes and took in her flat stomach with the small diamond stud in her naval, then decided to actually look at her face.

Alicia responded with a big smile and batting her long lashes at me pushed her full lips into the pout that had let her get away with murder with my father and most of the time with me as well.

“Like what you see, little brother.” She asked, dropping her arms and walking over to me.

“Are you drunk?” I took a nervous step back from her.

“No, I just want to know what you think.”

“I think your drunk or you’re fucking with me.” I told her sitting on the bed and casually putting my hands in my lap to cover my semi hard cock.

“Funny you should say that.”

She gave me a laugh that sounded nervous and going back to my desk, grabbed the rolled up newspaper she had brought in with her. She walked slowly over to me and I carefully kept my eyes on the floor as she sat next to me.

“What’s with the paper?” I asked, still looking down at my bare feet and avoiding looking at hers.

“Well before I get to that, let me ask you a question.”


“Andy, do you think I’m hot?”

“Apparently, seeing you’re walking around next to naked.” I said dryly.

“You know what I mean; do you think I’m sexy?”

“You’re my sister.”

“I’m also a girl only two years older than you.” She sighed, “Look at me, will you?”

I rolled my eyes and looked over at her, careful to keep my eyes on her face.

“Just answer the question,” she pointed at herself, “If I wasn’t your sister and you saw me in that under twenty one club you go to all the time would you think I was hot?”

“Why?” I asked cautiously wondering what she was trying to lead me into.

“Jesus, Andy!” Alicia snapped, “Stop being such a dumb little brother and just answer the question!”

I stared at her for a moment, and then shrugged. “I think you can tell by the tips you get and the guys always coming around that you’re hot sis.”

“I know.” She laughed, “But I need to know what you think.” Before I could speak she raised my hand, “If you answer me, I promise I’ll get to what I want to talk about.”

“Fine,” I said in a resigned tone, “You’re pretty damn hot, sis.”

“Why thank you!” she made a show of tossing her blonde hair around. “Now, am I hot enough to fuck?”


“What?” I exclaimed, “Are you nuts?”

“Shhh!” she put her finger to my lips, “Mom’s right under us and she might be awake too.”

“Maybe she needs to come up here and smack you.” I shook my head, “What is up with you?”

“Okay look.” She put her hands up, “Maybe I’m not doing this right, but trust me Andrew, I’m really worried about the house and mom and I’m trying to help.”

I frowned as she spoke. Alicia only called me Andrew when she was either mad at me or was talking about shit she really felt was important.

“I’m upset and scared for mom too.” I nodded, “But you’re saying some weird shit Alicia.” I pointed out. “And you come in here strutting around and posing for me and then ask if I’d screw you, that’s pretty out there.”

“Would you?”

I looked into her big baby blue eyes and said quietly, “Sis, go in your room and get some sleep. I’m your brother and this isn’t some whack job sick ass porn video where relatives get it on.”

“Funny you should say that.” She said turning serious.

“What’s maltepe escort that supposed to mean?”

“Andrew what would you do to save this house for Mom?”

“Anything.” I said, “This house means the world to mom and if I could save it I would.”

“Me too, so keep that in mind when you read this.”

Alicia unrolled the paper and I rolled my eyes when I saw it was a copy of this week’s Phoenix Newspaper.

“What are you doing with that rag?” I waved my hand disgustedly, “That things full of out there politics and sick personal ads.”

At that thought my eyes widened, “hey sis, there’s all kinds of girls selling themselves in those ads! Tell me you’re not thinking of…”

“In a way.” She said softly.

Folding the paper in half she handed it to me. “Read the ad I circled.”

Taking the paper from her I looked down and began to read where she had indicated.

“Hello, we are a professional well to do couple with a very specific and not entirely acceptable fetish. What we are looking for, what we are willing to pay a significant amount of money to see is a brother and sister who are willing to have sex in front of us.”

“What the fuck…?” I whispered,

“Keep reading.” Alicia tapped the paper.

Although I had no real desire too I returned my eyes to the ad.

“Obviously this is a taboo request and trust that we will practice discretion and you will need to as well. The interested siblings must be at least 18-we have no desire to be involved in under age sex-be able to legally prove they are siblings, and above all must be very attractive. Whether you have previously engaged in sex or it will be your first time together we will be more than happy watching you indulge in the breaking of the last truly taboo sexual act left in today’s society. Because this is an admittedly bizarre request we are offering significant compensation to qualifying applicants. Please, serious inquiries only.”

“Sick mother fuckers.” I muttered handing the paper back to her.

“So what do you think?”

“I think….” I stopped and stared at her as it hit me why she had been acting the way she had. “Alicia, are you thinking of…”

“Yes.” She said quickly. “Andy I talked to the woman and…”

“You talked to her?”

“I…I’ve had this paper for a week,” she admitted, “I found it by accident. Another waitress who knew what was going on at home suggested I….I run an ad. She said I could make thousands in a few months.”

“Oh my god!” I shook my head, “You weren’t really thinking of whoring yourself were you?”

“I…I was.” She put her head down. “Some of those ads, the girls were charging a thousand a night and hooking up with sugar daddy types. But when I read the other ads, the guys looking for women I got scared. I mean, I want to have a career and who knows if I would ever run into a guy I…well you know.”

“But you…you’d fuck me?” I asked shocked.

“I went to toss the paper away,” she continued, “but I was on break and figured I’d look at the other ads and get a laugh and I saw this. I thought it was sick, but…” she shrugged, “I kept the paper and when mom said Uncle Roger was her last chance, I…I responded and they replied with a phone number.”

“I can’t believe you would do that!” I told her, “Sis, this is disgusting! Its…”

“She said they’ll pay us twenty thousand dollars.”

“I….how much?”

“You heard me and in cash.” She said. “Andy that’s enough to catch up on the mortgage, pay the taxes, bank a couple of payments and even pay on mom’s credit cards.”

“But we…we’d have to have sex!” I pointed out, “And in front of someone!”

“I know it’s out there, but there’s no other way.”

“Then we move.” I pointed at the paper, “I’m sorry sis, that’s gross and you’re nuts for even thinking about it.”

“Andy, Mom’s a wreck, this house means everything to her, you said that yourself. You also said you would do anything to help.

“I did, but I meant anything within reason.”

“Andy, please!” she began to pout.

“Oh, knock it off.” I told her. “Besides, even if we did where would you tell mom we got that kind of money.”

“I told her I was going to take my tips this weekend and go to the casino. We’ll say we went and hit big.”

“Alicia….” I put my hands out, “This is crazy not to mention disgusting.”

“You think I’m disgusting?”

“Sex with you would be.”

“Thanks.” She rolled her eyes. “You didn’t seem to mind staring at my ass a few minutes ago.” She gave me a nasty smile, “How’d you like to see all of me? How would you like to see my pretty little pout around your…”

“Stop that!” I snapped. “Christ sis, you said you wouldn’t fuck guys for money, but you’d fuck me? That’s even worse.”

“Not…not really.” She said.

“How the hell do you figure that?”

“Look Andy, I’m a good looking girl and I know I have a damn fine body.”

“Modest aren’t we?” I gave a nervous laugh.

“You said it yourself my tips tell the tale I don’t get them for my pretty smile.” Leaning over she lowered her voice. “Remember when I came home with five hundred dollars that paid the overdue gas bill a few months ago?”

“Yeah, you said you won it playing keno.” I said, “Don’t tell me you…”

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