Master is going to Cum now

15 Temmuz 2020 0 Yazar: admin

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Master is going to Cum nowI had searched online for months to find a friendly like-minded group of people that I could communicate with & share my special desires. I really thought I had found them & signed up to several dating type agencies that offered me the perfect match. They then sent me non-stop emails from people that matched me only to find they were not interested or simply didn’t reply. But this web site that I had found seemed to be different, according to the information it was run by two real girls who seemed to understand my specific desires. I was really cautious but the joining fee to cover admin was only £20 for 3 months membership. It offered lots of features like advice on dealing with crossdressing, dating like-minded people. It had some really sexy stories to read & they were free to members plus some photo galleries of other members. The main front page was full of pictures of the two girls that supposedly ran the site with lots of encouraging information about how they really understood about special guys that needed to cross-dress & be themselves. I had been a member of the site for 3 weeks. It had free email facilities so members could contact each other & talk, the first 5 emails I got were all admin related talking about rules of the site & how I was not to download pictures of the girls & use them for something else. In fairness, it was actually very well run. The site encouraged members to download discreet pictures onto their profile & to write about themselves & explain what they were looking for. I filled my profile in, submitted it, but got it back 3 times due to lack of information. I finally had enough information on the system & was then invited to view the various advantages of my new membership. When I started to view other girl’s profiles I realised how inferior my profile was… I really wished I had spent more time creating my profile, not having any photos of myself certainly didn’t help.I decided I needed to be brave and take some photos for my profile, I plucked up the courage to take some photos of myself ensuring my head was edited out the picture enough that you couldn’t see my face & submitted them to my profile. The first picture was a very slutty pose in black stockings, high heels, black leather skirt & a red satin blouse, it was a side profile & I had to admit to myself it was really very sexy, The next photo was a white satin nightdress, very figure-hugging my new false breasts that I absolutely loved really showed off the nightdress & my figure in the picture was really horny! The third was a simple white satin dress with blue roses & green leaves on it, it really looked & felt amazing… It was a summer dress, it had long sleeves that simply clung to my arms, the dress was very girly & shined in the picture that was posed in a very natural pose.As I clicked on the gallery photos I realised that about 90% of the girls on the site fitted into every desire most girls wanted to look like. The problem with me was I did not want male admirers. I can’t explain why I am like this when I dress but for some reason my desire was for a sexy TV lesbian partner or like most girls dreams a real woman who would understand why I dressed as a woman. If the woman could be a really Dominant Mistress, then I would be in simple heaven. Three days passed & my normal boring life continued with work & mundane life things. I checked my email that had arrived from admin on my mobile phone, it looked like more rules to adhere to so I didn’t open it up straight away when I was at work. I saw it in in the inbox & basically ignored it. Three days later a second email from admin appeared. I opened up the first email & started to read it, the email went on about wanting to help me reach my personal desires & how lovely my pictures were that I had downloaded on to my profile. The email went on to ask a number of personal questions about my sexuality & weather I was in a relationship or not? The email went on to say that the owners of the site would love to meet me & that sometimes when they saw such great photos, they sometimes would invite special members to meet them personally. The email went on about how excited the two women were to see my new profile & had identified that I actually lived close to where the head office of the site. I suddenly realised that the writer of the email was actually asking me to meet the owners who ran the site, they were called Ivana & Shema. The photos on the website were really horny, both the girls spoke about their desires sexually & how they loved seeing guys dressed as women. They talked about how difficult it was to find guys in Poland like this. I assumed they were referring to where they afyon escort came from. The email really threw me, I was really taken aback with the invite & didn’t know what to do. I sat back in my chair at my computer desk & stared at some pictures of the two girls. I looked back at my messages where I saw another message, this was from the same person but the email now was more direct- the invite from the girls was to meet on Friday night. I was to dress in the leather skirt & satin blouse that I had on in my profile pictures & they would pick me up at the end of my road where I lived at 10pm. The message was very forceful, but somehow I just felt compelled to not argue with the instruction in the email.Although my dressing & make-up hand become really good over the years, it had remained very private all this time. I had viewed hundreds of YouTube videos but I had still not stepped out dressed as a woman for over 20 years & really didn’t quite know how I felt about it. I was clearly excited about the idea. I sat staring at the PC, my mind was whirring around in circles, my cock was really hard in my pink satin panties, today was Wednesday & the email made it clear that they wanted to know if I would meet them. I really wanted to have a wank. What happened next was weird normally my logical business head would stop to consider the risks but for some reason I was suddenly writing back to the admin person in the email agreeing to meet them as instructed.Just after 10pm my phone pinged, I could see that I had a email message, I jumped up from the sofa in excitement & walked to my bedroom to my PC. I sat down & opened the email. The message was short it said that Shema & Ivana were happy that I had agreed to meet them & that the vehicle picking me up would be a black Honda people carrier. It listed again what they expected me to wear & said that I was to be on the corner of my road at exactly 10pm. I can’t explain my submissive actions, I should have been spooked & more cautious by the firm way it was written. But I felt that after nearly one month of membership & the really professional way the site was run that it would be ok. When Friday came, I went to work & tried to concentrate, I normally sat quietly & worked in silence, I could stop thinking about the meeting, my cock was so hard in my panties. I had been wearing panties to work for over 5 years & it helped me remind myself that I really was very submissive. The woman who ran the department where I worked was really nice we didn’t really talk socially to each other but when we did, she was just a nice person. She was quite a big lady probably a size 20, she was very fair in her Management style & was really easy to work for. In fairness she was a very good Manager & I really liked her. I didn’t notice her standing over my desk but when I did, she made me jump, “Sam are you ok dear? You look like you’re in a different world? Do you need to go home early? I think you might be coming down with something, I tell you what, finish what you’re doing & have an early day.” Wow I couldn’t believe it an early day would be fantastic. I looked up smiled at Tracy & said “thank you Trace I didn’t like to say anything but I don’t feel that great”, five minutes later I was leaving the office & rushing home to prepare for my night out.My legs & chest were always shaved but I jumped in the shower & gave them the once over to ensure I looked good, then I had an intense shave on my face to ensure my facial stubble was at its least possible shadow. I had some really sexy easy-going jazz playing in the background as I started to prepare for the evening, I prepared a quick lasagne in the microwave & eat it really quickly, I didn’t enjoy one mouthful, but I was thinking if I was going out I would probably need to line my stomach with food, I was sure that there would be alcohol. The late afternoon soon changed to evening & before I knew it was 9pm, one hour to go, oh my God my heart was racing, what the fuck am I doing meeting two Polish girls that say they like guys who dress up in women’s clothes, I was normally so cautious in my day to day life, but some reason the submissive slut within me ignored all my usual sensible judgments that I usually made, I didn’t know anything about them & I couldn’t tell anyone about them because I was going out as Gina, my other self, the girl I desired to be when I was horny, Oh My God I was actually going to meet people who hopefully would understand who Gina was in my life & that Gina was me & that I was not a freak. I checked in the long mirror in the hallway, wow I actually looked really hot, I was lucky my dress size was a 14, my shoes were a 9 but quite often if I was escort afyon lucky, I usually fit into an 8, the internet had changed so much for me, buying clothes was so easy nowadays. I checked my watch 9:55. I looked at the watch I can’t wear this it’s a guy’s watch, I put it on the side put my three-quarter black leather jacket on & opened the door, I checked I had the door keys & some money in a leather purse, stepped out & pulled the door shut, I felt truly amazing I took my first steps away from the door & suddenly heard my 4 inch heels on the street as I walked, for some reason the night was silent, a slow mist seemed to be in the air with a slight chill, I loved the feeling of the cold air on my legs, as I walked the leather skirt which was really expensive clung to every part of my body, it felt amazing & looked like shiny PVC, it had an amazing smell that was simply addictive when I wore it, the smell made me very horny, my cock was so hard under the skirt pressing against my satin panties. As I got to the end of the road, I couldn’t see anything or hear anything, my heart started to sink this was not going to happen, was it? This was a massive wind up & I was dressed like a horny woman thinking two absolutely beautiful woman were going to want to meet Gina, I must be losing it, how sad am I to believe this would happen to me.For some reason I didn’t notice the car right behind me parked with the door open, I suddenly had a feeling in my gut, I turned around as a nervous reaction as I realised it was the car they said they would send for me in the mail, as I walked towards the car I could see that the windows were blacked out & for some reason I couldn’t see the driver, I walked to the back door & sat down on a chair, I don’t know why I closed the door & did my safety belt up in silence & waited, shit I heard the car engine start-up, the car began to move & we drove off, I was a prisoner inside sitting in silence but I felt so excited, then common sense & my usual reasoning started to take place, Oh my God what was I doing? This really was dangerous & really stupid what was I thinking? Trusting complete strangers, my heart was racing but I couldn’t decide if it was excitement or fear. The journey took about 15 minutes, I wasn’t sure how long I sat in silence because I didn’t have my watch, then I started to panic, Oh fuck no, I hadn’t bought my mobile, oh Shit I banged on the window where the driver was, the glass divided us both from each other, I was now shouting & banging on the glass to get his attention but he didn’t react at all, the car just drove along, it didn’t seem to go fast or slow, it never stopped once. It was now too late we seemed to be where ever we were going, the car slowed down, oh my God I had no mobile phone and no way of telling the time & I certainly didn’t know where I was.The door opened on my side of the car, as I looked out from inside, I could see a large house, in fact it was more like a mansion, it must have been a lodge or something years before, bright lights flooded the house showing it off at its best. I stepped out the car & walked towards the large double doors in front of me. As I got to the doors, I leaned forward to press the doorbell when it suddenly opened. The woman in the doorway was breathtakingly beautiful “Gina your finally here, such good timing, I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone”, she opened the door fully & my eyes took on a massive hallway with expensive antiques “come in over the threshold darling you are most welcome” the door seemed to slam behind us, I instantly recognised her it was Ivana from the website “ let me get you a drink darling, you look so cute & horny, darling those pictures don’t do you justice nobody would know your sissy secrets would they?” she burst out laughing & held my hand as I walked into a large room with expensive white leather furniture, there were people standing around talking in the large room, they were all drinking red wine, Ivana was wearing a black PVC catsuit she looked amazing she was extremely pretty, my cock was so hard. “darling I can’t wait to introduce you to Stefan, his going to simply love you, darling, oh look there’s Shema? We are so excited you came tonight darling we are going to have so much fun with you”, the woman that seemed to suddenly appear by my side was stunning, I recognised her to be Shema from the pictures on the website, she looked incredible in a white tight fitting satin dress, she had large breasts that filled the dress perfectly, her hard round nipples looked like they were screaming to escape the tight satin dress & made her look like a sex kitten, “Darling we can’t wait for you to meet Stefan, his very afyon escort bayan excited your coming tonight, please follow me darling, come this way” I followed the two women down a corridor to another door, Shema leaned over & whispered in my ear “enjoy what is going to happen to you darling, you have been chosen by Master Stefan we all serve our Master as you will learn too” I don’t quite know how it happened but before I could take in what Shema was saying I found myself in a large hall, it had rows of chairs lined up like a church, where we were standing I could see two leather chairs, they looked like they were from a dentist, Ivana grabbed my arms she was very strong, she pulled me towards her & before I could do anything I was sitting in the chair, everything happened at lightning speed it was very hazy but what was now clear was I was sitting in a Dentist type chair with my legs wide apart & I couldn’t move, both my wrists and ankles were strapped to the chair. Strange music suddenly started to play & the lights went down in the hall, what seemed so strange was the room now seemed to be full of people as well sitting on the chairs. None of it made sense because it seemed to happen so fast, Ivana & Shema were now standing almost to attention one of them either side of me. Slow drum beats started to sound & the audience seemed to be signing strange wording in a non-stop rhythm, it was like a mystical trance.I suddenly heard the scream of a young blonde girl as I looked centre to the room, she was being walked in from the door where I had just entered, she was quickly strapped in to the other chair next to me, her screams were haunting, she was screaming so loud as if it was for her life, she was wearing a short red PVC mini skirt, black stockings & a shiny black PVC top, she was dressed in club clothes that young girls wear on a weekend when they go out to a night club. The chanting suddenly got louder, as I stared at the girl screaming in fear her eyes suddenly seemed to lock on to mine, I could see the fear in her face as she screamed, the chanting & the drums got louder, this was just too much for me I must be dreaming or having some kind of d**g overdose. I simply couldn’t take in what was happening, my heart was racing as fast as a cheetah. I wanted to scream but my voice seemed to be silent, what had I got involved in, why was I so stupid. Suddenly everything went silent, you could have heard a pin drop except for the young girl who was now crying silently out of control, I didn’t realise that someone was now standing behind me, I could now feel them breathing like a rabid dog behind my head, the sound was in my ears & it was haunting.Ivana & Shema walked over to the young girl, Shema lowered her head down to the girl’s head, the young girl suddenly went quiet as Shema kissed her, I saw her eyes but the fight had left them she just stared into the ceiling. Ivana fell to her knees between the girl’s legs, she pulled up her skirt & started to suck the girl’s cock off, the young tranny girl seemed to moan in a sexual way as Ivana’s head appeared to be licking her cock & fingering her arse with several fingers, Shema stood over the tranny girl & started to stroke & grope her breasts, slowly she bent down & started to kiss the young tranny, I could see the young tranny start to convulse in the chair in a fucking type motion, the audience started to chant again in the mystical trance it seemed to last a long time, I heard the young tranny crying out in what seemed to be an orgasm cry. As she screamed out loudly the audience stopped, I could hear the heavy breathing of the girl, the figure by my side suddenly brushed past me, it was a tall figure taller than most people that you see. It was now clear that it was a man wearing leather trousers & he was bare-chested, he appeared in front of the young tranny, he leaned forward to her head, she suddenly screamed in ecstasy, then went silent as she convulsed & came as he wanked her off over Ivana’s face, Shema had stepped away. The male bent down gripped the tranny’s cock in his hand, he then placed it in his mouth & pumped his head up & down on her cock, she seemed to now go limp & lifeless, I could hear her heavy breathing, the male stood up & Ivana jumped on the girl’s hard cock moving her own penis up on her dress as she inserted the young tranny’s cock slowly up her arse. The young tranny was clearly gasping for breath as Ivana grinded up & down on her cock, her eyes were wide open. Shema stood up from the young tranny girl, her face now looked crazy, she was smiling directly at me, her eyes were piercing she locked them on to me & started to walk over towards me, I could now see she had a large hard cock between her legs poking out from her PVC catsuit, she started to play with her massive cock in her hand as she leaned down to my ear & whispered: “Prepare yourself Gina, now it’s your turn, Master is going to cum now”.

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