Shanika at the plantation club chapter 2

15 Temmuz 2020 0 Yazar: admin

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Shanika at the plantation club chapter 2Chapter 2 – The JourneyShanika arrived the next morning with plenty of time to spare. Not having been instructed as to what to wear, she just wore jeans and a tee shirt. She was very nervous, but excited. The van parked in front of the door to the office looked like a delivery truck, not a passenger van. A white man who appeared to be about Shanika’s age was behind the wheel reading a newspaper.”Excuse me, sir,” she said, “I’m supposed be meeting someone here for a ride”The driver looked up from the newspaper, slowly looking Shanika up and down. “I see. And what are you supposed to be?” he asked, continuing to let his eyes rove over Shanika’s form.It took a momement for her to understand the question properly. She glanced around to see who might be listening. There were people about, walking down the sidewalk, just going about their business. No one seemed to be paying her any attention other than the occasional glance. Like yesterday, she was the only black.Looking down, she replied quietly, “A nigger, sir.””Hmmm,” he smiled, “A nigger, eh? Any special kind of nigger?”Remembering her exchange with Debbie the day before, Shanika had a pretty good idea what the right answer was. But saying it to some stranger while she stood in the street wasn’t easy.Barely audible, she spoke the words she thought he wanted to hear. “A nigger slut, sir.”The driver was clearly enjoying Shanika’s discomfort. “What was that? You’ll have to speak up, girl.””A nigger slut, sir,” she spoke clearly and looked up into his grinning face.”Well,” he said, “you ain’t the only nigger slut today and they ain’t all here yet,” he said as he opened the door and stepped out. “You might as well make yourself comfortable.” He led Shanika around to the back of the van which had double doors with no windows. The bumper served as a step. He opened one of the doors. There was a black curtain just inside the door that she couldn’t see past.”Get in,” he instructed.The driver watched as she did as she was told and climbed into the back. It was dark, and after the bright daylight outside she couldn’t see very well.”Strip,” the driver ordered her. “Niggers don’t need no clothes. Put ’em in one of them boxes. You’ll get ’em back afterwards.”She looked around the back of the van. A couple of empty cardboard boxes were on the floor along with a few closed ones. Then she looked back out the door where the driver stood with his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to disrobe. Even though it was so much darker inside the van than outside, she wasn’t sure passersby couldn’t see her.Resigned to this latest humiliation, she pulled her tee shirt up over her head and dropped it into the box as the driver watched. She slipped off her sandals, unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them down, and stepped out of them. As she straightened back up and began to unclasp her bra, she looked back at the driver. His eyes were fixed on her breasts.”That’s fine, girl,” he said, still staring at her chest. “Take your time, I’m enjoying the show. Don’t be too embarrassed. It ain’t like I ain’t never seen no nigger’s tits before.”She removed her bra, revealing her ample brown breasts to the leering white man. Finally she slipped her panties off and stood in the back of the van. Anyone on the sidewalk could see her naked black body if they looked carefully enough.”My, but you look good from here, girl! I may just have to get with you later!” He paused as he continued to appraise the colored girl’s body. “Go ahead and pack those clothes up.”Shanika bent to pick adapazarı escort up the clothes on the floor of the van and placed them in the box under the watchful eye of the driver.”You know, girl, I ain’t never seen no nigger didn’t have a fine big black ass. And you ain’t no exception!” he said. “Go on through the curtain and find a seat. We’ll be on our way soon. One more nigger to go.” He closed the door.She stepped through the curtain and discovered benches on each side of the van’s dimly lit cargo area, with maybe enough room for six on each bench. Presently there were three women on one bench and one on the other. Like Shanika, all four were completely nude. They all watched but none spoke as Shanika sat down next to the lone woman facing the other three.Her neighbor was young, no older than twenty, slender with long hair. She looked away rather than meet Shanika’s gaze.Looking across at the three women on the other bench she was surprised to see such a resemblance between them. All three were fairly heavy, lighter skinned women. The older of the three looked to be almost forty and had very short cut hair. The other two were just teenagers, eighteen or nineteen years old. Both in long thin braids. They could easily be related. The older woman looked at the floor while the two younger ones watched Shanika.A few minutes later Shanika heard the rear door open and someone climbed in. “Get those clothes off, girl,” she heard the driver say. “You know the drill.” After a minute or so she heard him say, “It’s good to have you back again! I’m definitely going to have me some of that this time!” Then she heard the door close. Apparently the young driver watched all his passengers undress for their journey to the club.The curtain was pulled aside and a woman about the same age as Shanika, though much thinner and darker in complexion, stepped in and sat next to her on the bench. She had close cropped curly hair, very pronounced African features, small breasts, and narrow hips.”Hi,” said Shanika nervously. She wasn’t sure if speaking to the other girls was allowed. “My name is Shanika. This is my first time.””I’m Nydia,” the recent arrival replied quietly. “Keep it down, girl. We ain’t s’posed to be talkin’.” She paused. “First trip, eh? Why you here?””Mainly I need the money,” Shanika replied. “A friend of mine had a friend who knew a girl that spent a summer at the club. She made as much in three months as I made in a year even when I had a job. This girl told my friend’s friend that it wasn’t so bad and it wasn’t like being some kind of street whore or nothin’.The van proceeded slowly, stopping and starting frequently. They were still in traffic.”No, you ain’t gonna get robbed or beat up by a pimp,” said Nydia. “But you will be spreadin’ those legs for the white men. Spreadin’ those lips and that ass, too. It’s a lot safer than bein’ some ‘ho, and you get to keep yo’ money, but you got to be a slave to those white men. They do what they like and you do like they say. They like to fuck and they like you to suck.””They all different. Some just want to stick they dicks in you. Some like to make you crawl around like a dog. Some like to slap you around some. The club don’t let ’em beat you bad, but you will get yo’ face slapped and yo’ ass whipped.”Once, one of ’em whupped my ass with a switch, turn me ’round, whupped my tits, then my thighs, an’ between my legs. Girl, it hurt bad! They was welts all over me! I was cryin’ an’ beggin’ him to stop an’ he pushed me on the ground, shoved his dick in me and started fuckin’ escort adapazarı the shit out of my poor whupped pussy!”So I kept beggin’ him, ‘Please, Massa, don’t hurt yo’ nigger no mo’! You hurtin’ yo’ nigger’s pussy so bad, Massa! Please, have mercy on yo’ nigger!’ Well, that got him so hot he ’bout ‘sploded in me right away. Then he pulled out of me and stood up. I couldn’t believe it when he stood there and started pissin’ on me!”He peed on you?” Shanika was incredulous.”Shit, yeah,” replied Nydia. “And it burned like hell where he’d been whuppin’ me with that switch. He had another girl take me and hose me off. That was the worst I ever got while I was there. The club wouldn’t let ’em do much more than that.”Now the van picked up speed. They must be on the interstate now, thought Shanika.”How come you’re going back, then?” she asked.”Well, you ain’t gonna believe this, girl,” Nydia said, “the money’s good and all that, but sometimes at night I be thinkin’ about that time that white man whupped me and fucked me and I’s just some nigger bitch to him. I think about that and my coochie starts to tingle and I gets to playin’ with it… I can’t explain it, but I want to go back and feel that way again. I can’t tell nobody, but I got off on bein’ a nigger for the white man.”Shanika felt a wetness between her legs. Nydia’s story was getting her excited. She was surprised at herself, but then she remembered how she felt yesterday, presenting herself to Mr. Richards. That got her hot. And Debbie! That white bitch! But she liked the way it felt when Debbie’s hand was between her legs, her finger probing her black pussy as she stood naked and vulnerable in front of the younger, professionally attired white girl.Shanika noticed that the other women were listening to Nydia. Even the girl on the other side of Shanika on the bench had turned to hear her. The older light skinned woman sitting across from her didn’t seem to be paying attention, but the two younger girls were hanging on every word.Finally, one of the younger girls broke the silence. “Did you really like it?” she asked. “How could you like it when that man hurt you like that?””Like I say, I can’t explain it,” Nydia looked her in the eye. “Maybe you’ll find out for yo’self.”The younger girl looked around. “My name is Traleen, and this is my sister, Shonelle,” she said, indicating the other young girl. “And this is my Aunt Geraldine.” The older woman quickly glanced around at the others as she was introduced.”We live with Geraldine now,” continued Traleen. “She told us about the club and how we could be set for a year if we just stayed there a month! She’s been there a few times and said it wasn’t too bad, but I never heard ’bout nothin’ like you was just sayin'””How old are you, girl?” asked Nydia.”I’m eighteen,” said Traleen. Shonelle nodded in agreement.Shonelle asked the long haired girl, “What’s your name?””Leesha,” she said without looking at her. Leesha was alone in her thoughts.They rode on in silence. Finally she could tell they were off the interstate. It must be a rural road, she thought, since they didn’t seem to slow down. Fifteen minutes later the van slowed and turned off the road. This new road was rough, perhaps unpaved. They stopped and they heard the rear door open.The driver pulled the curtain aside, and stepped between the benches. Bright daylight streamed in the open door making it difficult for Shanika to see. “We’re at the club now,” he announced. “Until you are sold, you will be chained.” He opened a foot locker that was on the floor adapazarı escort of the van. It contained steel collars, cuffs, and chains.”Take a collar and put it on. Cuffs go on your wrists and ankles,” he said. “I’ll take care of chainin’ y’all up.”Shanika stepped to the foot locker and removed a collar. It was cold and heavy. It had a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other. Several eye bolts were attached to the outside of it. She opened it and closed it around her neck, fastening the clasp. The cuffs were similar, though of course smaller. She attached one to each of her ankles and wrists. The other women did the same while the driver supervised them.”Ok. You first,” he indicated Nydia, “come here.”Nydia stood and stepped forward. The driver took a short chain about two feet long and connected each end to one of Nydia’s ankle cuffs. Next he fastened the two wrist cuffs together in front of her with a short chain only a few inches long. Finally he clipped a chain on the front of her collar.Shanika watched in fascinated horror as Nydia was placed in chains, realizing that the same fate awaited her. “You’re next,” he said to Shanika. She stood quietly as he attached the chain between her ankles. He had Shanika hold her hands outstretched and fastened them together as he had Nydia. Finally he attached a longer length of chain to her collar.”Now you,” he said.Leesha stood up. The pretty black girl stood passively as he attached the chain between her ankle cuffs and fastened the wrist cuffs together with a short chain in front of her. The chains jingled as the young woman shifted on her feet while he attached the chain that connected to her collar.The women waited quietly and patiently as the driver repeated the procedure on each one.When he was finished, he turned back to Leesha. “On you knees, nigger,” he ordered. The girl had a puzzled look on her face.Whap! He gave her an open handed slap across the face. “Get on your fuckin’ knees!” The other women all watched as the long haired girl got on her knees on the floor.”They don’t like me using the niggers’ pussies,” he explained as he unzipped his fly and dropped his pants to his knees revealing his fully erect white cock. “Chaining you bitches up always gets me hard and I’m gonna bust a nut in your mouth.” He put the tip of his cock at Leesha’s lips. “Suck it, nigger!”Her lips parted and the driver’s dick slipped into her mouth. The other captive women watched as Leesha’s head bobbed up and down on his stiff white cock. Her sucking made slurping sounds as he grunted and began thrusting into her mouth. Her chains jingled to the rhythm as he fucked the black girl’s face. He quickened the pace of his thrusts and the girl made gagging sounds. “Oh, yeah!” he cried, “that’s the way. Suck it good, bitch. Ah! Here it comes!”He grabbed her head by the hair and his whole body stiffened momentarily before he started ejaculating in the girl’s throat. She tried to swallow, but started choking on the white cock in her mouth. He pulled out and semen dripped from her lips and onto her breasts.”You better learn to do what the fuck you’re told, you dumb nigger. When you’re told to suck, you’ll fuckin’ do it or get the shit slapped out of you,” he said as he pulled up his pants.He then turned to Geraldine and attached the end of her collar chain to the back of Shonelle’s collar. Next he connected Shonelle’s chain to the back of Traleen’s. Traleen’s to Nydia’s and Nydia’s to Shanika’s and finally Shanika’s chain to the back of Leesha’s collar as she continued to cough and sputter, his cum all over her face and breasts.The driver led the slave girls, now daisy chained together, through the door to the outside. Shanika was scared by the scene she’d just witnessed, though part of her wondered why he hadn’t chosen her for his use.

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