282 i****t and the virgin round 6

22 Haziran 2020 0 Yazar: admin

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282 i****t and the virgin round 6282 i****t and the virgin round 6It was later that day the when battle recommenced, by mutual agreement we had taken the drawing gear outside and they had asked me to pose on the lawn between two trees, we had had to leave the sex part be for a couple of hours to allow me to recuperate. Both girls donning their dressing gowns, well Roses and Reb`s but who`s counting, muggins still naked, Charlotte saying that if we were supposed to be drawing we had best have something to show interested parents. Which in truth was a fair point she not being privy to the secret that our parents not only knew but were part of this i****tuous family!Neither Rose or Charlotte had a lot of will-power and sitting side by side drawing a naked John Thomas, at minimum semi erect in front of them had fingers exploring under dressing gowns in a fairly short order, me being told to “keep the pose” and that “I could watch but not touch!” it was fairly obvious to me that it had happened before and they were quite accomplished at the whole business, to be honest I felt a bit used, and discarded, as I lay on my blanket sort of like an extra to requirements this time!They were approaching their climaxes intent just on one another and I was laying stiff as a board, watching the action when Mother appeared, dad, luckily having dropped her off at the gate to start on tea and gone on to the off licence in Dymchurch for suitable wine. It was fortunate it was only mum or where this may have led for the girls is a question perhaps best imagined!Neither girl was aware of mother`s approach, and lips entwined, fingers deep in opposing pussies they were just on the brink, I saw her quiet approach round the house side, and instinct said to my jumbled brain cover up, but a finger to a lip and a quiet shoe on grass approach had her sat with my tool in her hand on the rug enjoying the moment as much as I was.So much for no outsiders I thought! The instant Charlotte sees mother its all over, were busted. But sex and the stiffee took over transferring my thoughts to the smaller head on the end of my dick end and mothers fantastic ministrations!Within seconds the back up system sent messages to my balls and mothers hand copped for a wetting, the two young ladies so engrossed in kisses and caresses that they were oblivious, of mother rising and quietly heading for the house in fact oblivious of her having been there at all! That would have been ok, but just then the distant phone began to ring and the girls immediately, split apart, k**dies with fingers in a jam pot had nothing to these blushing two! Mother bless her, instantly spun around and called “Hi folks, I am home, OK, I`ll get it” and vanished into the kitchen, it was a masterly cover-up.Rose a little red of face saying, “god did she see us?” but I assured her that she had only just appeared, and they were quick to take up their pencils again, Charlotte, saying “she would have been mortified if Mrs Wabbit had caught them mid kiss!” which had me struggling to not laugh though Rose eyed me with a sterner eye and to cover her suspicious look moaned at me as to why I had moved a bit, to which I said with a wide grin “stiffness” which had her grinning.Dad soon re-appeared, and Charlotte having rapidly dressed türkçe bahis in her own yellow sun dress once more, and me now in Reb`s dressing gown, we helped unload the car, dad asking why I was so attired, and I saying; “that he had better ask Rose I was her model and she had decreed it!” which he found hilarious.We were soon called to tea, nothing un-towards being said, though a secret wink to me said mother had a fair idea of the wonderful day we had had as they went through the girl`s drawings, mother excepting the framed one with a blush that said a lot and had my dad grinning broadly and remarking it had caught my best features!Dad took Charlotte home next day, on his way to work, her, thanking Mr and Mrs Wabbit, for the wonderful “time away” as she left.After she had gone mother asking if Charlotte had left anything behind, and Rose saying she didn’t think so was there anything specific? Mother without batting an eyelid saying, “well, yes, I was thinking of her virginity!”To which I must have coloured up, but not as badly as Rose whose face said it all! Mother, grinning now, said that “she had instantly understood when she came round the house and saw us on the lawn,” adding that “lucky I was alone as your dad would not have been able to resist young Charlotte and the cat would have really been completely out of the bag then, because he still wants you again young Rose, but he is waiting for you to ask him, not wanting to take you as he did with my help when he took your virginity!”Rose coloured up, once more, but said little, Mother unabashed carried on with her blush making comments, saying that “Reb should be back tomorrow, and as she was the only daughter I, as yet, hadn’t tupped, I aught to get things sorted, my sister being what she described as ‘a very different kettle of fish’, and she would be interested to see how I coped with her!” That sounded like a challenge, but all I did was nod, wondering what I was letting myself in for! She then turned to Rose and said that “what you were doing with Charlotte seemed like fun, young Rose, so perhaps you and I…” they both looked at me, like I had two heads, and I can take a hint especially one so broad as this!Even I know when I am an extra, so it was on my bike literally. Luckily, there being no school this week I had arranged to meet a couple of my friends at the military canal and do a spot of fishing. So, a tactical with-drawl was in order, and with bait and rod strapped firmly to the cross-bar, pop and sandwiches, in my satchel off I set, leaving my mother and her daughter Rose to what I can only describe as the beginnings of an intimate moment!It was late afternoon when I returnedDeliberately clattering my bike against the back-door and making as tactful an entrance as I could, to cover embarrassment. Mum was in the kitchen and of rose there was no sign, though I took it she was upstairs, mother having the good grace to blush when I asked if it had been a satisfying day and muttering with a grin that “she had just come down and my sister was having a sleep as she had found the day tiring!”Before we could speak further Ros appeared, shortly followed by dad, me being sent to ‘raise Rose,’ who looked like she had had a long day, she whispered that mum was an incredible lover, güvenilir bahis siteleri went and washed, then combed her hair before coming to the table, to dads remark that she looked tired! As a family we sat at the outside table to eat together.Next day after Ros left for work, and dad had gone once more Reb appeared dropped off by a sports car, the driver of which we did not see, chores soon completed I went in to find Reb in the living room with mother, and they had been in some sort of argument, being me, I made coffee, in the hope of being oil on troubled waters and delivered it to a room full of ominous silence, short clipped sentences and glowers of near hate, twix the two women.I`m no mug, I crept away to my room! In my room Rose appeared and I asked what it was all about. It appeared that Reb had been found out Melony`s mother having rung, and it had come out that the whole family were in Bournemouth on holiday, Melony included! Mother had taken her daughter to task on the subject of her weekend away, and Reb being Reb had told her to mind her own …which with mother was not the thing to do, belive me.Reb retired to her bed, being told that she would explain to her father at tea, and it had best be good! Rose and I keeping a low profile all afternoon in my room, playing a game brother and sister should not really have been playing belive me.At 6.30 we all assembled for rea, both Dad and Ros being home, and Reb, looking crestfallen silently sat till the meal was over, it was not a happy meal!Rose and I took the plates away and over an empty table family court was opened by my father, who had obviously been briefed by mother. I don’t remember anyone ever having argued with father, his quiet forceful manner defying any argument.“WELL?” the question hung in the air like the sword of Damocles, my sister gulped, then haltingly began to say that “certain young men at the tennis club had bribed her to be mistress or executioner to one of their number who needed dominating, and the money had been too tempting to miss! She had done as she had been asked, and as the young man was the one that had ****d her some months ago she had leapt at the chance of revenge. I could see dads face changing, blackening with rage as he heard that his daughter had been ****d, and had not spoken to him about it, also that she had lied to mother, which to him was a heinous crime!. Father saying that he hoped whatever she had taken choked her, it being tantamount to prostitution, and that if she had just spoken to him he would have sorted the young man, without fuss! The next question was one I fully expected, “HOW MUCH DID THEY PAY YOU THEN?”Her reply of was said in a near whisper “£40 But she would have done it for free!!!,” His sentence of a month of grounding just school and her room, no guides, no drama, no nothing outside! which to Reb it was like removing a limb, but she knew not to argue!Ever in favour of balanced and safe discipline Fathers voice cut the silence again telling her he would consider his verdict, only if she stood and told us all of the **** and the weekend. And With a face like a tomato, my sister stood, and slowly began to recite the details of how the young man, who she named (though I wont as it may cause still more güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri trouble so I shall call him Alan) he had slid her from the dance, taken her to the net store, and after kissing her a bit, had trussed her in a net and screwed her unmercifully, she felt after that as his folks ran the club, she would not have been believed, so she had kept quiet. Ros confirmed the story, saying she was as guilty as Reb, she knew about it and had promised to say nothing, it had happened to her too, but she had felt herself sat between a rock and a hard place. Though now she knew it was wrong, but it was a decision she felt was probably one of those 50/50 thingsI knew of some of dad`s less legal friends mostly ones he had defended so I was less than surprised to see him taking notes! She then apologised to our mother saying some of her better friends had set this up and though it meant lying to her, she had though it better not to share the i*****l deceit, thinking the less knew the better.I could see mother weakening, but we all waited for Reb to continue, which with a hung head she did.“on Friday I was collected, at Melony`s gate, as you obviously know she`s away, I left my bike there, in their woodshed.”“You obviously know that since you Dad removed my virginity, and ‘Alan’ ****d me though you didn’t know that, I, have ,shall we say enjoyed sex, and have a dominating streak, well these two lads decided they wanted to be my slaves for the weekend, they, lulled Alan into a joining them “Anyway, we went to Bailies place, its remote and now his mum has died, his dad had long gone so it is quiet, either way the two lads were there, and that Alan.”“Anyway, after I had tied them all up in a bondage situation, I then released the first two and with them filming, I whipped the little bastard till he admitted he had ****d me and Ros in the hope I would release him, gave the details on film in, some hope! I screwed him, Then I hooded him, with a notice round his neck saying r****t, before we dropped him naked, at midnight, in Folkestone high street, in handcuffs, and you know how many drunks are about at that time of a Saturday night there. He won`t say or do anything as we have his admitting the **** on disk and he knows it! Oh, and this is the handcuff keys!” She threw the key to dad. Then added; “And yes, before you ask I spent the rest of the weekend with those two lads, at Bailies, that’s what the £40 was for and I did sleep with them both though I would have done it for free just to thank them for setting it up!There was a stunned silence, then dad threw his head back and roared with laughter,” now that my girl is poetic justice!” then looking at mother, he asked “well?” mother said “look girl this family just won’t take money for services rendered, that’s whoreing and we don’t do that got it. We all know what goes on in this family even if we don’t talk about it, so for that your guilty, and I want to make it clear now if any of you k**s are ever having a problem, “she glanced around the table, then shouted, YOU COME TO US GOT IT! We got it, all of us nodding like a row of daffodils in a breeze! Father reduced the grounding to a week for her having taken money, and life moved on. each of us a little wiser!Sadly, the tennis club owner`s son was found some weeks after having been beaten up and left for dead, no-one ever found out who did it, but after the humiliation of nakedness dealt out by my sister and the beating by persons unknown, (though I have my own theory) has meant the lad is a lot less arrogant now.

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